Thursday 9 February 2012

Required Viewing for OROGs

We commend to the attention of all OROGs  the very brief film-clip that can be joined at the below-included linkage.   This was to have run during the SuperBowl commercial madness in the past, (2004).   The production and direction of the little blurb was paid for and sponsored by our friends at and the estimable financial genius George Soros.
    We have borrowed this link from the ANGLICAN CURMUDGEON which is also found as one of our constant recommended reading alternatives on the list to the right of our screeds.   The Rev. Mr. Haley is that joyful combination of perfect literacy, subdued eloquence, and inspired work-a-day genius that one fears may be soon absent from the American and English-speaking world's scene.
We include the entire article.


Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Superbowl Commercial No One Saw Today

This commercial (H/T: Powerline) was originally made by
George Soros' lapdog, MoveOn, to run during the Superbowl
in 2004, but for various reasons (including its then very political
slant), it did not make the cut. My, my -- how times change.
For some unfathomable reason, George Soros and MoveOn
did not even consider submitting this commercial for the
Superbowl ad competition this year. Please watch it, and
along with me, wonder why -- are their particular bones of
contention becoming increasingly irrelevant to what the rest
of us can see is happening? Here is the 30-second commercial
that -- despite Soros's billions -- did not run in either 2004 or in 2012

Meanwhile, here is a commercial (with Clint Eastwood) that did run this year.
It implies that, under the Obama administration, Detroit and its automobile
industry are about to launch a new "second half" initiative that will
put the (Democratic) team on the scoreboard once again:

Who else but the Democrats under President Obama can claim to have turned
GM and Chrysler around in these trying times? (Of course, the commercial
does not mention Ford, which managed to survive the recession with its own
capital and negotiated union contracts, no thanks to the President.)
And who else but the Democrats under Obama would choose
to make this commercial the one they decided was best to run,
instead of the one George Soros handed them in 2004?
I tell you Republicans out there : you've got to get up
early to gain a march on these Democrats.
RalphM said...
Perhaps I'm unperceptive, but the Clint Eastwood Chrysler commercial does
not seem to be about a second term for Obama. I don't know Eastwood's
political views and I doubt that most viewers would know either.
To me, the ad seemed to be an inspirational message to have hope
and work for a comeback.
(Obama is not the person that is going to inspire that comeback IMHO.)

A. S. Haley said...
RalphM, Clint Eastwood himself agrees with you.
President Obama's campaign,
on the other hand, does not.
My juxtaposing of the two ads was intended to poke
fun at the Democrats--
that they could not re-run the first ad because it
would embarrass Mr. Obama, but that they could
identify with the second ad because it could be
taken as an endorsement of the results of Mr. Obama's
bailouts of both GM and Chrysler. In doing that
however, they would end up emphasizing
how the bailouts have served mainly to keep
GM and Chrysler alive, so that they could
continue to pay union workers according to their
elaborate contracts. But neither of those companies
nor Mr. Obama has yet devised a means of going
forward profitably in these recession/depression times
while still adhering to those contracts.

You, seeing Clint Eastwood for what he meant to say,
didn't fall for it. But Obama's campaign managers,
wanting to hitch their candidate to an icon like Eastwood, did.

Links to this post

Ad Orientem: Truth in Advertising

Addenda:   Posted during the mid-afternoon of 9 February 2012

The Old Gringo said...
There is no place to hide. No one can reasonably say that the Clint Eastwood clip was not a campaign advertisement for BHO. The dastardly take-over of the two companies, Fiat-Chrysler and Government Motors resulted in the cancellation of all preferred shares of stock, thereby punishing those who had the least to do with the companies' failures. Preferred stock is that which is most frequently found in the "widows' and orphans'" portions of long-term, "ultra-secure" stocks designed to produce modest but sure dividends. One can check how many mutual funds are still in existence since the expropriation and subsequent cancellation of these shares of stock. The number of Mutual Funds have been reduced by almost 40% since the expropriation. The most innocent of the financial instruments were the ones most punished by this marxist administration.
Clint Eastwood, as have I, perhaps has become a bit unclear in his thinking now, at this stage in his life. During the expropriations and subsequent delivery of the two corporations into the hands of extremely corrupt labour unions and the central government, Rowdy Yates knew that these were bad moves, and he said as much, frequently.

Forgive my long-windedness and abrasiveness. Thank you for your kind attention and time.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Quick, Cap & Trade

                                                                    Extreme Winter Weather Hits Europe
These images always seem to be shielded from the tender eyes of the American audience.  After all, since the United States was three times hotter this past year than the year before, many more minority children and elderly and minorities and handicapped and people who have different levels of intellectual understanding and everything, you know.   After all the Occupy Wall Street people are the only ones doing anything about any of the problems left behind by George Bush and all the military and everything, you know.  That's why I can't find any work at a living wage.   Free America From Zionism Now.  Free Palestine, Now.   Solidarity With the Pastors for Peace and Union with Fidel.    Unemployed Liberal-Arts Graduates and Unemployment Compensation Recipients - Local 2294 - AFL-CIO -   Union Pruod! You kmow?
Al Gore hair
"Good weed, man.  Like wher'd you score it dude?   Gotta light, dude?   Have you seen that girl I had in the tent a minute ago man?   Bad hag, dude...bummer.    Nah...not a dime, man, but I jacked some stamps off an old black woman in the store.   Where do we knock out the windows tomorrow? Who's that ugly dude with the mouth problems?"

 I'm Sgt. Davis, NYPD,  There is some question about the identity of the person we apprehended here in Fort Lee Park.  He appears to have a mouthful of Marbles or a severely impacted tooth infection.    He does not seem coherent, because we cannot make any sense out of anything he says except the word, "masseuse".   He doesn't appear to know his name, in fact, he doesn't appear to know anything.
Okay, thanks.  But if anything comes to mind, call the number on this card, anytime.


(1)   It is time for the Republicans to talk about nothing beyond the basic issues of governance.  The battle of the Nine Year Old Girls Saying "You are" "No, You are!" "No, You are!" tired everyone to death.   No depth....supposedly people who are able to see into the distant galaxies are unable to pass up playing the roles of pre-adolescent ninnies having a back seat quarrel.   "Mommy, tell him to stop!" "He did it first!" "Did Not!" "Did So!"  "Mommmeeeiieee". Spare me.
      If the Democrats had paid actors to play the roles, they could not have done it better with Clint Eastwood doing the directing.    As for the Gringo Viejo, he will do like the truckers, and pull over where he sees a large number of trucks parked outside so he can go in an have a comfortable break and a good chance at a decent meal.  
      It is well to consider that the primaries with no intense television advertising  was won by the nobody who speaks in lows tones.  About time.
 (2)     Please be aware, all OROGs, and please think about this.  Various leftist governments are performing a bit of magic right now in order to keep cake flowing to the slugs and thugs who compose various public employee unions.   Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Greece, Portugal, and others are either finishing the act or beginning to move quickly to implement the act.   What is it? 
     Those private bank accounts and all other privately held pension, annuity, 401-type retirement funds are now in the crosshairs of the marxists who presently amble freely in the halls of the Secretariats of the United States government.   Plans are being studied now in the White House that will be implemented after the election, perhaps by executive order, that will freeze and then subject to confiscation all such monies presently held in the above-described accounts.
Two peas in a pod.   Kirchner
and Obama yuck it up about how
stupid the little people are.
       While the OROG knows that El Gringo Viejo is also totalmente loco,  El Gringo Viejo y Loco must caution the OROG community that not only is it being planned, but it has already been successfully tested.    In Argentina, the communist bar-maid Kirchner (pictured above-left with one of her closest admirers) has completed the confiscation of many private pension funds, leaving Argentina in a dither of fury.   The reason for her new-found bellicosity concerning the Falklands Issue is her desire to distract the ire of the populace away from her grab of sacrosanct, private assets.   She decided to go after that money because it belongs to the rich and the rich needed to pay their fair share, besides they have too much money anyway....sound familiar?     She then digs up the Falklands Issue although, in days closer to her time as a communist guerrilla "moral support agent" with the Communist guerrilla group Montoneros, she opposed the last Great War of Liberation of the Malvinas, because it was simply a dodge put up by the Generals to distract people from their own fascist brutality.   She recently used a throat cancer operation to gain back some of her Fantasyland celebrity lustre ....soap operatics....until it became clear that she would not be able to play the Evita card...and the doctors willingly confessed that the thyroid growth had never been suspected to be cancerous.   So they might have to dig up poor Evita and conduct a traffic snarling march through the streets with that rusty casket.

     "But, Gringo Viejo, those are funny, stupid little brown people who do stupid things all the time and never amount to anything because they are dark skinned and bad."

      OROGS!   Please heed my words.   In 1950, Cuba was the 4th ranking American Nation in terms of per capita income.   The order was USA, Canada, Argentina, and then Cuba.   Now Argentina is continuing its slide into the middle of a fairly miserable pack.  Now it is USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Panama'.....etc.    The last two countries in terms of per capital income are Cuba and Haiti.  Argentina may be the ante-penultimate above Cuba soon.    Having a perfect workers' paradise involves a little bit of sacrifice on the part of the people who don't matter.
      But, in a way,  Obama beat Kirchner to the punch.   Please remember that it was Obama who ordered the total cancellation of the preferred stock of  the General Motors and Chrysler companies.  It was a massive amount of wealth simply flushed down the toilet.   The oddity is that the majority of that money was held by elderly ladies and others with mutual fund type investments.   Those individuals had money harboured in such preferred stock because those stocks receive dividends PREFERENTIALLY before any other stocks or holdings.   They are dull and boring stocks that pay a fairly good dividend, and because of that great security the offer they are referred to in the industry as "Widows' and Orphans' stocks.   They were flushed.   No reclamation, no compensation, no "gee, I'm so sorry"....just flushed.
     When Obama pulled that off and he was not impeached and convicted immediately, nor even overturned by the Supreme Court, he knew he could force socialised medicine down the throats of a populace that would believe they could have something for free.
     With the deficits piling up....and even the remotest chance that this pretender could possibly be re-elected and rule by "the stroke of a pen, law of the land" is inevitable that he will opt to employ this has already been has already been put into effect in countries during these days.   Brazil has done a bit of it, Venezuela has been doing it on a piecemeal basis.   The stupid little dark people way down there are not stupid.    They are not even brown nor little.   The leftists among them are stalking vampire demons who hate privately held wealth or private money of any kind.   They demand total dependence upon and total obeisance to the elite, superior class, which of course is them.

(3)    The Roman Catholic hierarchy in the United States will learn....perhaps when all the clergy and important communicants are in the gulag making license plates for United Socialist States of Whatever.    The Catholic hierarchy fails itself and its communicants by promoting the notion that they can tell people to remember to take advantage of the food stamp program and this program and that program, and still preach a Christian message.  What they have produced is a large body of pamper throwing, food stamping, lottery ticket "investing" slugs.   Those parishioners will abandon ....or have abandoned... the Church for a bag of Doritos and a 48 ounce Mountain Dew, and perhaps a couple of scratch-offs.
      The Church will be kicked in the teeth, as the Church is kicked in the teeth in all marxist countries until it complies with the wishes of the State.   If it persists in allowing any dogma that is not Liberation Theology, materialist based....(right now it is 85% marxist, liberation theology)....the Secretary of Health and Human Services in the next administration will close down the Catholic Hospitals and the Seventh Day Adventist Hospitals, and any medical service facility that does not promote abortion and forced contraception.....and whatever new "medical practise alternatives" will be necessary under the socialised medical regimen to be fully put in place in the next two years.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

It has been going on for years;

—A Caller-Times report last week about beach litter contained this interesting nugget:
Discarded disposable diapers have become such a growing concern that a beach debris summit in Galveston sponsored by the Texas General Land Office included a panel dedicated exclusively to that problem.
Not the kind of nugget one should encounter on the beach or anywhere else. Unfortunately, these joyless little bundles also litter our parks, shopping center parking lots and roadways.
Corpus Christi has a litter problem. Mayor Joe Adame and others have made admirable efforts to address it by organizing cleanups, making a point to show up and work hard at those cleanups long beyond the photo-opportune moment, increasing awareness and urging people to take pride in their surroundings.
But the problem persists and disposable diapers are its most disgusting emblem. We're not aware of a less forgivable littering transgression.
Changing a diaper isn't a welcome task but it's surprisingly easy, thanks to sanitary wipes and the way diapers are made these days. Anyone who must change diapers learns quickly how to wrap up and seal the mess efficiently into a small, portable package with a surprisingly clean outer surface. The diaper's adhesive seals the package so thoroughly that the only real objection to handling it until it can be disposed of properly is the knowledge of what's inside.
That said, there's no acceptable excuse for anyone to share this experience with others by leaving the diaper where it doesn't belong. Too many parents, grandparents, guardians and older siblings have guided children through the diaper stage successfully without once leaving a used diaper where it didn't belong.
Youthful parents' immaturity is not an excuse. The pressures on a single parent supervising several scurrying small children are no excuse. A grandparent's arthritic pain is not an excuse. If a trash can is too far or not immediately available, the diaper-changer can store the unwanted package on the floorboard or the trunk for the time being.
They don't even smell all that bad. We might expect some disagreement on that point. Anyone who does disagree has all the more moral obligation not to share used diapers with the rest of us.
But share they do. The result is that the neatly wrapped package bursts under the tire of the next car to park in the parking space, or under the foot that stepped on it.
The South Texas sun hastens this bursting process but, as the panelists in Galveston noted, the decomposition process is slow and vexing from an environmental standpoint. The plastic takes 400 to 500 years to decompose and, needless to say, fecal contamination is a concern.
The panelists discussed remedies such as assigning jail inmates and those sentenced to community service to diaper patrol, and enlisting churches that teach the concept of Creation Care, the name given our moral imperative to take care of this Earth.
Those are good ideas but we also urge special, enhanced fines and no-tolerance enforcement targeting this specific type of litter.
Why single out diapers? Because we can't help but suspect that even the most well-meaning, least squeamish, hardest-working litter cleanup volunteers also find ways to single them out, as in "I'll pick up anything BUT that." Who can blame them? And why else would there be a need to assign jail inmates specifically to the task?
Please, diaper changers, treat proper disposal as the responsibility that it is. And please, Powers That Be, enhance the penalties for the crime that this is. Motivate those responsible to act responsibly.

     This has been the Gringo Viejo's  nuclear grump-out thunder-whine for about 412 years now.   It can be explained, understood, studied, and instructed....but it will continue.   The problem is basic, simple, and irremediable.    The marxists and social justice and equalitarians in the central government have convinced the world that poor is better than well to do.   Being a taker is better than being a giver.   Being taken care of is better than being self-sufficient.   Being a narcissist is better than being a practicioner of the Golden Rule and a servant to humanity.   The people who throw pampers are gutter slime without souls whose job it is to be slobs and concerned only about eating, procreating, and avoiding work or communitarian obligations.    They are "The Democrat Base" who are better than producers.
     Carry this through to the Occupy movement....they gather, they befoul everything, and leave the mess to the pain and cost of others.
      The dumboe Tea Party people gather and the place where they gather is cleaner when they leave than when they arrived.
       The Democrats and the Mainstream Media call the Occupy movement "People who are doing God's work".    The Democrats and the Mainstream Media call the Tea Party People "racists and extremists."    Makes a guy proud to be an American.

Anglican Back to the Future

The events of Life lead to Death.    And yesterday El Gringo Viejo was required by an inner voice to make a quiet presence at the funeral and burial of a lady who was one of the shining jewels of the crown of McAllen, nay, unto the crown of South Texas.   She was a person who had an impact on this life and on many others.
      She was a teacher when teachers served a calling, and were not professionals.    She was a brilliant linguist.   She was a well-studied and truly learned person.   She always walked straight, sat straight, and talked straight.   Her physical posture, professional posture, and spiritual posture were always straight.
      She came from the colonial stock of Spanish settlers who entered into the area this part of Texas was known as Nuevo Santander during the latter third of the 1700s.   Some of her people came out of established places in Queretaro, others were relative late arrivals to the Spanish Colonial empire in the New World.    They were productive people.   They were tested by fire, drought, Indian raids, wars, freezes, hurricanes, and the common challenges of living in a thorny wilderness.
      It was known among the Anglos that she was one of the "Royal Land Grant People".    About fifty percent of the people in and around the Brownsville, McAllen, Rio Grande City, and Roma area who were Spanish surnamed had either total or partial ancestry into that group in those days.   To this day, there are many of such people who still maintain most or at least significant portions of the land grants that came out of Madrid during the Spanish Colonial period.
     Although she had this blue-blood background, she was also humble person who always sought to assist others or contribute to various causes, such as the anti-polio efforts of the late 1940s - early 1950s.   Many other causes were helped by her efforts.  She was also a dutiful and competent wife, mother, and neighbour.

     She had been born into the Roman Catholic Church, and during the latter half of her life she had drifted into the Episcopal environs, teaching at St. Alban's (Episcopal) School in Harlingen and Saint John's (Episcopal) School in McAllen.  It is not known if she became an Episcopalian, or ceased being a Roman communicant because among Anglicans that is not really important.   Any person baptised in Christ can come to the communion rail.   It is perhaps better to, at some time or another , seek confirmation into the Anglican Communion, but for many Orthodox, Romans, and traditionalists, the Episcopal Church offered a refuge of constancy until about 30 years ago.

     We were not surprised recently, for instance, when a prominent Roman Catholic family whose children had attended Saint John's School decided to have a large, formal wedding at Saint John's.   It was quite a shindig.   The flowers alone were stunning and represented a minor fortune, which they left for Mass for the following Sunday.   The vases were crystal and huge, set at the aisle edge of each pew.  They left those to the Church, as well. There was all the typical falderah of a fancy Mexican wedding; the lasso, the aras, Ave Maria, the godfather of this and the godfather of that, the something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and a silver sixpence for her shoe.   The celebrant was the same priest who is rector of Saint John's Episcopal.   It was a complete clash and fusion of English Anglicism and Spanish Romanism.   All very, very pleasant and unforced.

     In any regard, the funeral was typically Episcopal.   Short...about 25 minutes.   Certain prayers, the collect, the Epistle, a sermon of quiet words and recognitions.   There is no happy joking or rocking anthems....just the organist and a soloist who did a pleasant rendition of Ave Maria....the organist plays a recessional,  Ode to Joy, as the crucifrix and the casket leave the sanctuary.    The casket was never opened.  It was covered by a beautiful, luxurious tapestry, it was quiet.   The funeral home was august, correct, professional, and absolutely dignified in its administration of its events and responsibilities.   About 100 people waited for about 20 family members and closest friends to followed the priest out.....all boarded up, and drove slowly to the very elegant and presentable Roselawn Cemetery in McAllen.
      But herein is the purpose of the Gringo Viejo's observation.   All of this prologue is written with a bit of trepidation.   This event was for the family of the one who was being buried from Saint John's, not for me.   But what made it perfect for what is necessarily a sad event  was that the service had reverted to the ancient book, the Old English as it is found in the now demised 1928 Book of Common Prayer (which was little changed from the original as published and authorised in America in 1790, and in England in 1662).   Much of that Book was based upon the first formations of the Prayer Book in English that was developed during the turmoil of the 1550s.    It's good to know that the Holy Spirit is actually the wine that is consecrated for the Eucharist, and that there is still a Holy Ghost who is in charge of mysteriously causing Holy Mysteries and the suspension of normal natural law.

     The losing of a nearly 100 year old secular saint is not pleasant, but the service also allowed it to not be an unpleasant thing by invoking the eloquence of the ancient words.

The New York Times Outdoes FOX News?

Every now and then a person has to recognise the truth for the sake of recognising the truth.  In yesterday's New York Times, a good article came to the surface about corruption touching the O'bamaham campaign funding process.   The activities are concentrated around a place called Chicago.   The issue involves people of the infamous Cardona family, well known in a place called Chicago and in the semi-legal gambling casino business in Mexico.
     As in the old movies, the family members are very good about saying, "I'm just a regular businessman.   My business and my life are an open book, Mr. Ness.   I've been clean ever since I got out, Mr. Ness."    They are not good people however.    The article attached to this linkage provided below shows some of the ins and outs, and some of the interlocularity that this horrid family has twixt the underworld, the overworld, and the politicalworld.   Next, the Gringo Viejo surmises, the New York Times will be obliged to run a less accurate article trying to implicate the Mexican National Action Party, Sarah Palin, Herman Cain, All Republican Presidential candidates, and the Bishop of Rome in dealings with this horrid family of mafiosi.   The entirety of their activities in Mexico, in terms of politics, has been with the Partido Revolucionario Democratico (weird left) and the Partido Revolucionario Institutional (old, dull, centre-left).
     It should suffice to point out that  when the Cardona sister-in-law says that "the family is really nice people....that I know this really looks bad....Pepe is really good people"....that the reader of the article is at liberty to draw his own conclusions.    Pepe was a marxist radical student organiser at the University of Iowa during the 1990s and also managed to get in some training for his later life by embezzling funds from the student government accounts over which he managed to gain authourity during his time as president of the student body.   Before long this will spill into all aspects of the family's life and into the methods of operation of the President who declared that everything would be on C-Span, there would be no special interest funding, that there would be .....blah,blah,blah.

Special Note to OROGs:    Immediately upon posting this message, the linkage went dead.  We urge OROGs to access the New York Times directly in their own manner and exercise their own ample intelligence to track this article down.   It is probable that the human beings flooded the linkage after the article was posted on Drudge, and after various news outlets in Mexico began citing the article.   Therefore it would probably serve well to just go to the regular front door and search from there.

Onward through the Fog.
El Gringo Viejo