Monday 6 February 2012

Pants on Fire

Rueters, McClatchy, AP, and almost all news wires and sources:   We see through your deceptions.   We know that you are not stupid, so we must deduce that you think we are.  Sorry, you are out of luck.

(1)    Mexico is dangerous, a failed state, and the population is begging for an end to Calderon's War which is killing innocent people, especially Americans, by the hundreds every day.  No one supports him, and he is the most unpopular President in Mexico's history. The problem is that none of this is true.
      The fact is that a fundamental hard-liner has won the Partido de Accion Nacional nomination for President.    She defeated two other good candidates who were also committed to the successful prosecution of the War.    The present President has a 58% approval rating.  About 21% oppose the War....primarily the leftists and ultra leftists who are composed of the "forever marching and protesting" nihilists, anarchists, and marxists.  The other 21% are dyed-in-the-wool "reasonable" leftists and slugs of the old PRI party.   The latter are the ones who suggested that we should "let boys be boys" and traffick their marihuana and drugs, because, "after all, the use of that stuff is innocuous, it's a victimless crime, and the only ones damaged are a few Americans and a some Negroes."    Because the PRI was based upon marxist precepts and the notion that Man can perfect the condition of the human race, it dealt always in rationalism....let us be reasonable....we can control this thing....we have to accommodate these people and understand their point of view.
      Accomodating a Satanic gorilla as a house-pet usually results in the masters being shredded and eaten, and the house being destroyed.   "But I thought they were vegetarians.  Why did they eat us?"  And the voice responded, "Because they wanted to."
      The "knowledgeable" news sources are immediately going to begin to defame Josefina Vazquez Mota.   She is called "La Borracha"  because everybody knows  she's a drunk.   Everybody knows she's the ugliest woman in Mexico, even children call her '' the girl with the monkey face from the Planet of the Apes''.    And, after all, everybody knows she is corrupt and there are rumours that she stole billions of pesos from the secretariat she ran into the ground....etc. etc. etc.    None of the negatives are true, and the childish name-calling are symptomatic of the typical name-calling the left practices, while accusing the right of being the only ones who are insensitive and snarly.
      Furthermore, although people not want to believe it, and almost everyone knows that it is not true, the number of killings, murders in the first and second degree that take place in the United States of America is much greater in number than in Mexico.

     To continue in this vein, the press points out over and over and over again that there are two Missionaries who were murdered in the cartel plagued Monterrey area.   It's just too dangerous because of the cartel violence and the churches are sending their people over to security least the ones who are still stupid enough to go to Mexico....but everybody knows that misisonaries are being targetted.   Of course it turns out that the murders of that fine couple...actually really nice people who had moved to that beautiful part of Mexico 30 years ago from Amarillo, Texas and raised their family there....was an inside job.    The door was not kicked in, there were no shots fired, it was made to look like a random burglary but a well hidden wall safe was removed from the wall.   Neighbours saw no strange vehicles around the place, and the investigators and even family members suspect someone who is close to the family is guilty of the "intellectual authourship" and/or the actual acts.
     The press is purposefully misleading.   For instance, there have been four other murders in Texas during the time since that murder passed and this writing, and yet there is not the mournful mornings about how dangerous it is to live in .....say....Johnson County, Texas.

      Then there is the story about three scumboes tresspassing on a ranch next to a junior high school in Hidalgo County, Texas.   One scumbo is shooting a rifle at nothing in particular.   There are two brothers hit by errant fire....almost 900 yards distanct....waiting to try out for the junior high basketball team.    FOR ONE WEEK, press demands in the shrillist of terms that something be done about hunting next to schools....AFTER ALL...THE CHILDREN....AND THE MINORITY CHILDREN......
      Schools all over the area that are adjacent to rural settings begin building masonry walls and begging forgiveness.   Legislators rush to the legislature to submite bills demanding rifles with barrels that will select only non-minority students to kill and only students that are older than 55 years of age.  And...prohibiting the shooting of students before or after dark or sunrise.   And demanding that something be done about "all this uncontrolled and irresponsible hunting that is being done in the middle of a school area"....NOW!!!!!
     But, the story comes out that the landowner had been extremely compliant with the hunting procedures at his particular ranch.   There had never been any incident involving a hunter...still has not been.   The thugs who were there had broken into an otherwise inaccessible part of the ranch, tapped one of the pasture water lines, and made up a marihuana plantation under the mesquite and ebony forest.   While tending their "farm"one afternoon, they drank too much beer, smoked too much dope, and one of them fired his rifle at some fertiliser containers (for the marihuana plants), and two errant bullets hit the two boys.   The Sheriff's Department did some good work sorting it all out, detained all three of the dumboes, and charged the guilty party with an especially heavy set of felony charges.   All three remain in custody.   None were hunters.     AND NOT ONE PEEP FROM THE MEDIA ABOUT THE OUTCOME AFTER ONE (1) WRAP UP STORY.   NO IN DEPTH ANYTHNG, NOTHING.    Just another opportunity to disarm the public gone to waste.

(2)    The United States has to join the ranks of the "adult" nations and provide socialised medical services to their populations.   And further, we must continue to adjust disparities in housing options for the "middle class" and the "poor" by means of programs administered by Fannie and Freddie and DHUA.  THOSE NATIONS ARE BROKE, BUSTED, and BANKRUPT.
     Canada, for instance, is gradually moving away from its "free medical services"  where dogs could use the hospital's MRI, while humans had to wait, so as to be "fair".    Canada also provides minimal involvement in the housing industry, leaving their citizens to freeze to death in the cold....because, after all, if the government doesn't give you your free house, who will?
     Mexico's INFONOVIT housing program, while still troubled, solved 90% of its problems when Zedillo, Fox, and Calderon gradually weaned the program from central government control and turned over the accounts to the ones who were paying into the accounts.   Now the "government housing program" originally aimed at the lowest paid workers in the formal economy, now includes everyone, low paid or high....but under his/her own identification number.   And, the workers can use the money when the time comes to rehab an existing house, build a house over here or over there, or participate in a privately built row-house...(lower-middle and upper-middle townhouse type developments)...which used to be insta-slums, but are now better built and almost ideal as a "starter home" or a "moving-on-up" home.
     Mexico still stumbles along with its fully socialised  Instituto Mexicano de Seguro Social and fully private medical sector independent of the IMSS, simultaneously.    The rightwing governments for a little over a decade now, have further instituted a "poor folks and otherwise uninsured" program called Seguro Popular which covers those not in a private plan, or cash pay, or IMSS.   Although subsidised, it provides substantial coverage for a couple, for instance, for only about $180.00 per year.    Much of the subsidy is covered by the draconian 16% national sales tax and the incomes taxes, once again levied entirely on the middle and upper income groups.

(3)     Next, and it grieves me to mention, because it exposes the Old Gringo to reprisals that are not easy for a normal American to believe exist, one must understand certain facts about the dangerous positin in which the nation finds itself.    In previous bloggings El Gringo Viejo pointed out that there had been quite an encounter involving bad guys being trapped between American and Texan law enforcement and the Mexican Army on the Rio Grande near Mission, Texas a few days ago.   It was recounted that the Army had inflicted numerous casualties while the Texas-side authourity had joined in the shooting of those trying to flee the Army while swimming to the Texas side.   Because the malefactors chose to oppose both authourities simultaneously, they were essentially shredded up by both sides.   The American and local Texas authourities took one dead, two wounded, and several others prisoner.   The Army was left with as many as 12 expired criminals.   Only one helicopter was seen and verified by everyone, including civilians, and it was seen backing up the Army over Mexican territory....and it was an Texas helicopter, not DHS, and it crossed into Tamaulipas from Texas...for all to see.   It happens both ways, not too frequently, but not too rarely, either.
     Further, there was an English language transmission from that helicopter to the effect that "....we are taking hits...we're going to back off." 

     Now comes the sad part.   The FBI has been brought in.   Inter-State, International, you know.
       From one day to the next we are given a new account of what happened.  First of all, the Texas and American officers on the Texas side of the Rio Grande did not fire their weapons.   Secondly, the entire affair is part of a well-known exercise of the corrupt Mexican military to "stage" combat-like situations where they overwhelm a superior force and kill them and/or take them prisoner.   Then they burn all the "marihuana packs" that are actually filled with shredded newspapers and make a big press event out of it a few days later.   There was no Texas or American helicopter involved, it was a Mexican Army helicopter that had come from the interior of Mexico.   The supposedly "dead" smugglers were probably released for another operation later.
    The FBI account was so far removed from the actual events, that were witnessed by many and various, that it moves one to believe that no only did Lee Harvey Oswald kill Kennedy, but everybody else did too.     Mayhaps,  all conspiracy theories are possibly right.    The local press is rabidly anti-Mexican, but very pro-food stamps and victims and the "poor", and the right to throw pampers where one might deign.    But, the first couple of reports were closer and moved closer to the truth and then came the FBI.
     The private group that advises the United States government on these affairs states that nobody in Mexico has any faith in the Army and everybody knows it, so that's why they have to keep it a secret.    Once again, do not doubt, that the Army is 99.8% straight and narrow.  It has the complete backing and trust of the overwhelming....overwhelming.... majority of the people.    One reason is because the bad apples in the military are investigated and severely punished by the military.   Another reason is because they almost always can account for almost every centavo in the military budget.   Another reason is, when the average Mexican dumboe calls and makes an 'anonymous denunciation" a fight normally ensues that involves the Mexican Army running into the fight and the malefactors running away....or being seen with various internal body organs and parts lying around on a bloody field of encounter.   And the caller does not receive any reprisal....and people being held for ransom in a filthy safehouse are liberated, meth labs are uncovered, tons of COCAINE and HEROIN and Marihuana and prescription drugs, are found and destroyed.
     THREE HUNDRED PLUS  Army and Naval infantry personnel have been killed.   ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND NINETY honest to somewhat honest cops have been killed in defense of the Flag and the people.
      In "Fast and Furious", the Obama administration's move to "Disarm Americans Now"  passed firearms into Mexico that have been found to be involved in over 400 incidents involving casualties.   Most of those do not concern me and should not concern you.   However, 10 cops, 2 soldiers, 15 children, 10 women is the best count of the innocents and unjustifiable killings that have resulted from this insane effort to close down legal arms sales to American citizens.....directly tied to the guns involved in the stupid program.

      This is not in dispute.   That at least two American officers have been killed as a direct result of this fiasco is not in dispute.    Were it to have been Richard Nixon, he would have been dragged out and hanged like Mussolini....such is the monstrous difference in the measuring of the ill of Republicans versus the good of marxists, Democrats, and other leftists who always leave the woodpile empty, the grounds filthy, and the blame to others.

(4)    And then the wondrous and deft handling  of the issues in the Middle East.   Let us depose this and/or that horrible dictator and put in democratic reforms.  Hooray, hooray  we deposed the horrible dictator.   Now we have democracy and everyone is better off.   Go put on your burkha or you will be stoned to death.  Death to America, Death to the Hebes, Kill, Kill, Kill....kill Shi'ites, Kill, Kill Kill...homicide bombers to the attack...there is another funeral procession....kill, kill, kill....Look there are the pilgrims....Kill, Kill, Kill....Ours is a religion of Peace, not like Christianity and Judaism....KILL, KILL, KILL.
      The only two places where we deposed something and put something more or less in place that looked like some remote kind of sanity, Obama, Hillary, and the marxists in the administration have managed to destroy.   The destruction came when the cowards were certain that the last Gringos were gone from Iraq.   And now that Panetta has let the camel out of the tent in Afghanistan....the murderous cowards will drag their country back into the 7th century and proceed with the female circumcisions and stoning of adultresses as the correct national pastime.
Kill, Kill, Kill....Muslim Brotherhood be praised.   Cornerstone of Father O'bamaham's foreign policy.   Canada and Mexico provide the vast majority of America's imported oil.  If Father O'bamaham is re-elected, neither will sell to us nor will the Muslim Brotherhood.   And Father O'bamaham's policies to reduce America to its proper place of a slum in the ashes and rot of socialism will have been accomplished.

Thanks for your time
El Gringo Viejo 

Sunday 5 February 2012

Good News

Josefina Vazquez Mota
PAN Presidential Candidate

JOSEFINA VAZQUEZ MOTA -  The Sarah Palin of Mexico's Partido de Accion National (Mexico's Conservative Party) has won a resounding victory in gaining the Party's nomination for the Presidency of Mexico.   Early results are showing that she has gained as much as 59 percent of the vote against two other very good candidates.

Pray for continued anti-communist, free enterprise, common-law based government in Mexico, and Victory in the fight against the social disintegration.   The general elections will be the first Sunday in July.

Saturday 4 February 2012

Excuse me, Father O'bamaham

    We are lectured by the person who attends two Ivy League universities, yet has no academic record.   He guides us by the calm waters, yet he has written nothing by his own hand.   We are instructed by his experiences as a beset-upon minority group member, yet his main claim to genealogical fame is that he is fairly closely related to Gen. Robert Edward Lee.
    His elder, paternal-line relatives,  in this country only recently arrived, have been treated to a free ride to the tune of 200,000 dollars per year including court costs and public defenders.   These are two illegal-alien blood relatives he chooses to allow to remain in the United States.   He also demands that we pay for their room, board, bingo cards, drugs, liquor, and legal defense teams.
     Since he says he does not know the person very well.....the one  who wrote his book, "Dreams of My Father", we can refresh his memory quickly by pointing out the fact that his "ghoster" skated on charges of murder due to a technicality.   His "ghoster" is proud of the fact that he helped kill innocent people, and has repeatedly said he wishes that he had "done more" in terms of rendering death, destruction, and mayhem.

     Now comes saying a Mr. Cahill, renowned student of the craft and an expert in the field of tracing and tracking "ghosters".    An OROG can reasonably assume that this man would qualify, if such things exist, as a forensic authourship analyst.   He observes:

     "In my career in advertising and publishing, I have reviewed the portfolios of a thousand professional writers, all of them crowded with writing samples, but only a handful of these writers would have been capable of having a written a book as stylish as Dreams. I have also written a book on intellectual fraud, Hoodwinked, and examined any number of bogus biographies that excited the literary left to the point of complicity, Edward Said's and Rigoberta Menchu's prominent among them, Menchu winning a Nobel Prize for hers. Obama's ascent seems to follow a century-old pattern."

     Mr. Cahill is struck by the fact that Obama has nothing to demonstrate any particular literary talent for his time spent hanging around on the hallowed precincts of  Harvard and Columbia...not a snippit.   He suddenly writes a AA minor-league blurb which, like Rigobert's bilge, is full of communist mendaciousness and hatred of things good and orderly.    Because he can take advantage of the  predisposition of the New York Times and its literary critics to practice the bigotry of low expectations, his book is promptly declared the most important thing put in print since Gutenburg's Press.
      The celebration of his life as a campus cocaine dealer, smoking dope in his dormitory room does not really qualify as great literature.   The "ghoster" is the AA minor leaguer who has pitched a shut-out....a good game .... at that level.     Obama, of course, could not even qualify to be a first base coach on a semi-pro team, to carry the analogy further.    He can barely read a teleprompter.   In order  to impart emotion he must be addressing an audience incapable of critical thinking.   He is a carnival shill, begging for an audience of rubes.   He must address an audience of rubes who want something for nothing, who hate America as a nation of the independent and self-reliant, and who hate anybody who has "more".

     Enter then this man, to the National Prayer Breakfast. 
     The president goes before the Congregation with all the sincerity of William Jefferson Blyth, and after stumbling through his preambulatory remarks to show how much better person he is than the rest of the "millionaires and billionaires" he lunks out the motto of the liberation if he is informing the gathering that he is the first one to comply, understand, and inform others of this sacred justification for marxiism:

                    For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required.

     He beams his moral superiority.  The congregants are respectful, if a little bemused by the sophomoric arrogance and the speaker's lack of true understanding of the admonition.   El Gringo Viejo is not a nice person, so he is not bound to be respectful to a pretender.   So, here, it is pointed out that this is an order from Yahweh, Father of Esua....that we should give freely of ourselves of time, money, blood, attention, favours, or whatever is required to attend to the naked, the homeless, the infirmed, the prisoners, the traveller, even unto the lonely and those who are left behind.
     It is difficult for Obama to understand that we must (as in required by force) render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and that we must render that sum at the point of a spear, or in these days, to thugs with guns and badges who work for the IRS or DOJ and who need the money to pay for inflated salaries of people who do literally nothing, and people who receive money whose duty it is to eat, procreate, and demand more while also holding a gun or a knife on us.
      Many of us give beyond that which is extorted by force and cast into the bottomless well of profligacy by "public servants".    Some have but a farthing, others have great mounds of silver and gold.   They give from what is left behind by the tax collector.   And they do the work that tries to correct, in many cases, the damage done by the failed social and economic policies of Caesar.     Mr. Romney, for instance, was forced to pay 3,ooo,000 dollars to the central government, and he gave 3,000,000 more from his income to projects and organisations with which he has an emotional or intellectual connection.    Senator Kerry and Vice-President Biden, for instance gave little or nothing.   Father O'bamaham also gave next to nothing, along with his wife, whose giving is mainly to herself.
     What would this shallow, small little marxist do if he were to hear some real theology, part of the mystery of the Religion and philosophy of Christianity as expressed by  a person upon whom the Mighty Obama does not believe, nor even believes existed.   What if he were to hear this:

Unto those that hath shall be given, and they shall have abundance: but from those that hath not shall be taken away even that which they have.
The Gospel according to Saint Matthew

       Here the Nazarene points out that those who have generousity, faith, and patience as a gift from His Father or through their own discipline, they will have in abundance.   Those who have not and care not to discipline themselves so as to gain such virtues, they will lose even the small amount they might have had.

        The Nazarene was also short with the fool who did not protect his wealth, or who planted upon the rock, or who built upon the sand, or who did not invest wisely his master's five talents, or four talents, or his one talent.    He commended the vintner who tended his vineyards well.   He instructed the farmer to cast his seeds upon fertile soil.   He urged the builder to construct his home upon the rock, and he praised the servants who doubled the master's wealth, while chastising the "stupid" servant who buried the one talent that he had.

     And finally, he pointed out the obvious,
.....And there were some that had indignation within themselves and said, Why was this waste of the ointment (spikenard) made?

      For it might have been sold for more than three hundred pence  (approximately one-year's salary), and have been given to the poor.   And they murmured against her.

      And Jesus said, Let her alone;  Why trouble ye her?   She hath wrought a good work on me.

     For ye have the poor with you always, and whensoever ye will ye may do them good:   But me ye have not always.

     She hath done what she could:   she is come aforehand to anoint my body to the burying.

     Verily I say unto you, Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached throughout the whole world, this also that she hath done shall be spoken of for a memorial of her.

Mark 14: 3 - 9

     Please spare the instruction about how, when, and why we should do this or that for the poor.   You are the least among us to advise the correct path.   We who are sinners, but  yet have catechism and strive to correct our wicked ways and our shortcomings, have a better teacher than you.   Your catechism comes from "Rules for Radicals", a book that was dedicated to the honour of Lucifer.  Some teacher.

'Nuff said.
El Gringo Viejo

Friday 3 February 2012 impressed. Me want eet zeeba

     The release of the employment data left all people with the remotest notion of what the terms social demographic and/or labour statistics mean.   At the end of the show-line of the top two graphs, please notice that each makes a perpendicular deviation.   One shoots straight up to the moon and the other falls off the cliff.   Such an incident in graphic demonstration of statistics such as those being considered yesterday and to-day is....extremely rare.   Rare enough, in fact, to have occurred only one other time....and that was during the Clinton Adminstration, and which was later confessed to have been a purposeful misrepresentation.    Click here to pick-up on Santelli's take about the jobs numbers.   Very depressing

        All OROGs know that my preference is not to borrow, but rather to serve up fresh writing.  This entry below, however, is the best explanation of creative accounting by the O'bamaham administration.   Those of us who are literate and old enough remember the Clinton Administration doing the same thing back in 1998 in an effort to mollify the electorate before the Congressional elections.   The Tech Bubble was well underway by then, and became apparent to even the dullest Democrat observers by the year 1999.   We forget that the "eight years of Clinton Prosperity were actually three bad years at the beginning and two bad years at the end.   His and the Democrats tax increases in 1993 delayed the recovery that had already begun in 1992, but King George I was dead meat by that time anyway.  Killed by Ross Perot and "Read My Lips".    Clinton did not ever poll above 50.0 percent either in 1992 or 1996.


Record 1.2 Million People Fall Out Of Labor Force In One Month, Labor Force Participation Rate Tumbles To Fresh 30 Year Low

Tyler Durden's picture

A month ago, we joked when we said that for Obama to get the unemployment rate to negative by election time, all he has to do is to crush the labor force participation rate to about 55%. Looks like the good folks at the BLS heard us: it appears that the people not in the labor force exploded by an unprecedented record 1.2 million. No, that's not a typo: 1.2 million people dropped out of the labor force in one month! So as the labor force increased from 153.9 million to 154.4 million, the non institutional population increased by 242.3 million meaning, those not in the labor force surged from 86.7 million to 87.9 million. Which means that the civilian labor force tumbled to a fresh 30 year low of 63.7% as the BLS is seriously planning on eliminating nearly half of the available labor pool from the unemployment calculation. As for the quality of jobs, as withholding taxes roll over Year over year, it can only mean that the US is replacing high paying FIRE jobs with low paying construction and manufacturing. So much for the improvement.
Chart below shows it all - that jump is not a fat finger!
And Labor Force Participation:
This is the largest absolute
 jump in 'Persons Not In
 Labor Force' on record
...and biggest percentage
 jump in 30 years.

All OROGs should know that these graphs are radioactive, so they can be expanded to a readable size.

Hey, ALGore !


It's just not working for us any more.
Do we just back to ozone-hole scare tactic?   Acid rain?   Tell us, Al.  
Al...Al....what do I do with all these #%^^#&  polar bears digging in my garbage?

Hey, Al....would you like to try for a "snow-bath" here?
Al?   Is your house in Tennessee using less carbon footprint material than Buckingham Palace?  Has it been made anywhere near as efficient as George Bush's shack out in Crawford?   You know the one that really was environmentally cognizant and adapted.....

Hey, Al....has Global Warming caused your love-shack to be inundated yet there on the end of Fisherman's Wharf in that Sparkling City by the Sea? 

Hey, Al.....can you tell us yet why McAllen, Texas had White Christmas five years ago?

Some Recent Developments in the War

Tragedy in Paradise:
The lamentable murders of the Texas religious couple that occurred in Villa de Santiago, Nuevo Leon three days ago is very regrettable and tragic.   A bit of clarity needs to be shed on this issue, especially after Greta's analysis yesterday evening.   The couple has been active for the past 29 years in the area in and around Villa de Santiago, a very enchanting and impressive piece of the North American Continent.  The couple had moved to the area from Amarillo, Texas in 1982 and raised their family in what was and what will be again a true paradise.
     They had established four congregations in the county.   They were highly regarded.   He was Latin, she was Anglo.   They embodied the best of what Protestant pastors should be.   They were generous, hard-working, and moderate in their lifestyle.   If anything, they were said to be very non-aggressive in terms of proselyting.   They worked well with other denominations' clerics.   The area is famous as a zone of very light coloured and blue or green eyed people.   Their children, because of their "purebred Texan" parentage, blended in with the "natives".
     The man and his wife were found, bound about the neck with electrical cords, she in the parlour and he about an hour later, in a storage shed towards the back of their property.   Their SUV and their computer and some other electronics were stolen.   This was not, however, any part of the slowly diminishing cartel activity....although Greta's article made it seem as though it was.
     By the very sketchy discription you have recieived in these few paragraphs, the OROG would almost immediately begin to suspect what the El Gringo Viejo surmised early on in this matter.    It would seem that evidence is pointing to a fairly stupidly executed "inside job".   The new State Police investigators and forensicists indicate that they have a group of "persons of interest" that are being detained and that they are fairly certain the case will be resolved within days.
     One other small problem.   A small, well hidden wall safe was apparently the main target of the thugs.  El Gringo Viejo does not know the people or the nature of their home.  But, according to the police, it would have required the knowledge of someone very familiar with the couple to  have known where the safe had been placed, and it is the opinion of the investigators that the couple was killed immediately upon entry.    They were not tortured in order to gain the information concerning the whereabouts of the safe.    Neighbours indicate that some people came and left within two minutes, taking the SUV of the couple with them.
      Some known addicts, one of whom may be an American, may have been involved.    For the benefit of the OROGs who have been in this area, the couple's home was only four or five miles from the famous Horsetail Falls waterfalls that have been visited by millions of people over the past century.    All very sad.

Substantial engagement at Rio Grande's edge:
    The Mexican Army, authourities on the Texas and American side, and civilian accounts now indicate that the drug traffickers from the two contending cartels began an armed contention near Anzadlduas International Bridge south of Mission, Texas.    The conflict moved up Federal Mexican Highway 2, to a point near the community of Diaz Ordaz, about 12 miles upstream.   The Mexican Army, in a fairly common manuever came up from the west and east, expecting to find a small encounter between the two cartel groups, but ran into a big one.

Texas Ranger Flores
Don't Mess with Texas
     They engaged anyway and essentially put the opposing force to flight.   The problem is that the American and Texas civilian police (Border Patrol and Hidalgo County Sheriff's Department, joined from the Texas side, firing on those attempting to escape, after first being fired on by those same persons.   Note was taken of several dead cartel people on the Tamaulipas side, while one of the bad guys was recovered on the Texas side, and two were taken  alive but wounded.    These events occurred during the twilight hours of 2 February 2012.  Two squads of Mexican Infantry (approximately 32 men and officers) and about 20 American and Texas law enforcement were involved. 
This addenda was added at 13:00 hours, Friday, 3 February 2012
 (begin original article)  Next, a very interesting development.     Yesterday, at evening,  a great commotion broke out near the community of Los Ebanos, Texas.   The community is on the Rio Grande, about mid-way between McAllen and Rio Grande City, Texas.   In a rural setting intense gunfire broke out, and local Sheriff's Office deputies along with the Border Patrol entered the area on the banks of the Rio Grande, just downstream from the community of Los Ebanos.
Mexican Army, Special Forces
Actual Combat Photograph

     As details were sorted out, it seems that a Mexican Army patrol had come upon a larger group of cockroaches who were involved in trying to push a load of marihuana over the Rio Grande.  The cockroaches engaged the inferior force with automatic weapons fire.   The Mexican Army squad, about 1o effectives, took down the resistance and pursued 2 of the malcreants to the edge of the Rio Grande, and continued firing on them as they swam to the American side.
    The U.S. and Texas authourity arrived, apparently as one wounded and one un-wounded of the cockroaches came up out of the water.   They were apprehended by the authourity on the Texas side of the Rio.   The Mexican Army personnel and the American and Texas authourities had essentially caught the malefactors in a caliper action.   Two traffickers were taken away.   One went to a hospitial, the other to detention
    While this was going on, a helicopter flew into the area from the side, approaching the area from the east-northeast.   It moved well into Mexican air- space, and then proceeded to the Los Ebanos area.    It seems as though the helicopter pilot might have been trying to determine if any of the bad guys were fleeing by motor vehicle towards Reynosa on Mexican Federal Highway 2, aka La Riberen~a...(the River Road).   None were encountered.   All were, how should we say?  Preparing to push up daisies.
     This is international co-operation.   And it is also saving money and  unclogging the Texas, American, and Mexican courts.    The issue about American or Texas helicopters going into Mexico is something that is not officially recognised but it is seen with some frequency.   This is the second time that the Gringo Viejo has seen it in the past 10 days or so.