Tuesday 26 April 2011

Update - Please return to Then What Do You Propose

Esteemed OROGs:

   There has been some editting and refinement of the Manifesto for Liberty two postings down.   It is a bit more reasonable and a little easier to understand, and a bit funnier....perhaps.
The Old Gringo....

Monday 25 April 2011

Here we don't go again

     We were just notified by a pre-recorded telephone call that I have been dismissed from jury service requirements.    That means that all the excitement and everything around San Fernando....well, I missed it for nothing.   
      Hung around for 10 days for nothing.     But, my commitment to this issue remains, and to-morrow we shall see if this is a "final" dismissal or if it is another "indeterminate" dismissal.

More later, pardon the bother...

On line 16 is my great-aunt Rebecca...aged 7 and living with her great-aunt, and then on line 33 is my grandfather Norman aged 9...and then line 34 my great uncle Arbie who was 8 during the Census of 1870.    The three children were living
 with their mother's  (Mary Ann Bolles) parents and aunt, after the death
 of their father, Hubbard (Banty) Newton, in 1867.  This was in
 Montrose, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania.
    Hubbard died, it is said, of a broken spirit, having lost two sons shortly before and after
the encounter at Gettysburg, which took place during July 1- 5 of 1863.

The Old Gringo, having been born in 1947, never had the opportunity to
have met or known any of those folks.

El Gringo Viejo 

Then what do you propose, Old Gringo? (This will go viral)

People and institutions who will not like what I am going to impose on Texas and then the United States of  America when I am correctly and finally installed as Emperor of the aforementioned political sub-divisions.

Big Business, especially most banks, grocery chains, and other institutions that depend upon the recycling of taxpayers' money through the digestive tracts and reproductive systems of  those presently "entitled" to other peoples' money and property.

Big Labour, especially the unions and union members who think that a person is "entitled" to be paid 80 dollars an hour for bolting bumpers onto motorcars, whether the company has any money or not...or has any sales or not.

Public Sector pensioners,   almost exclusively those whose pensions are not self funded  (Texas public workers' pensions are funded from the workers' salaries),....but rather are funded from the general treasury of the city, county, or State where the employees were pretending to work, usually in heavily Union controlled places in the northeastern territories and the territories on the Pacific Coast known as Calimar Ihuana.

"Immigration Rights Advocates"  will be deigned to be non-uniformed enemy combatants directing the flood of people who are purposely helped because they have been determined to be incapable of self-support, of being incorporated into a communitarian society, and who insist upon imposing their demands on their new home.     Instead of changing our homeland into a stinking sewer filled with garbage, litter, and pampers....and grocery carts, it would be much kinder to let the people go back to where, apparently, they are more comfortable.

 People who think that this or that ethnic or racial minority cannot, by definition, commit a racist or bigotted act.      Anyone who ever nodded knowingly in agreement to any such blisteringly stupid person who ever said  '' Minorities cannot commit racist acts"  will be sent to a re-education camp in downtown Detroit....at night.

      Four of the Five women who are hostettes of The View.    Since nobody who reads this screed has ever heard of "The View", do not worry about it.    We have already taken active measures to secure the person and safety of the "Fifth Person".

      Since it will be no great loss....this list might as well include the Ku Klux Klan and every White, Green, Grey, Blue, Red, Yellow, Aqua, Peppermint, and/or non-White racist group.    You all bore me....I dispise white trash no matter what colour or race they are.   My mother had to laugh at a fellow one time when he was explaining his attitudes about race.   He had said.."If'n I ain't no better than no N........, then who am I better'n than?"   Try as we could, neither she nor I could figure out exactly who'n he'd be'n
 better'n than what'n if'n he'd  done be'n better'n, no-how? knowhadaimene?


Beginning on the 1st of January, 2012 the Internal Revenue System will cease to function.   Each employee of any rank will receive severance in the following manner:
       GS -3  through 7             15,000
       GS -8  through 15          20,000
       Supergrade through
       Treasury Secretary       -0-

       All citizens with any income of any kind....dividends, wages, interest payments, royalties, annuities, social security payments, winnings, gratuities, etc.   will calculate said earnings, and multiply that amount by the factor of 0.10   .     That amount for the first year of this program will be sent to the Treasury of the United States of America, unless the withholding for this last year of IRS rule is in excess of that amount.    The payer can elect to leave the balance as a payment against next year's levy or the balance can be forwarded to the payer.

     At the beginning of the year, that being the 1st of January 2012 there will immediately begin a collection of 1% on all terminal sales of anything in the Republic of Texas and the lesser States of the American Union.    No wholesale or pre-fabrication or pre-final presentation costs will bear a sales tax obligation.    The final user of the product....the one who will eat it, use it, or wear it out,  pays.
      With each subsequent year, the percentage of income tax voluntarily paid will be reduced by 1% and the sales tax will be increased by 1% and such adjustments will continue for the ensuing 9 years.

        Payments being made to Social Security will change immediately.   All pre-geezers aged 50 and higher who are not receiving SS benefits will continue paying into the illegal ponzi scheme without fear of prosecution.   The retirement ages are moved on the 1st of January, 2012 to 64 (reduced benefit early retirement) and 70 (standard retirement).     The program will close its doors to new participants in 2033.
       All others will be given a set of seven choices for their retirement fund.   Each payer will deduct 5% of his previous year's income and forward that amount to the Private Untouchable at Pain of Perpetual Imprisonment Retirement Plan.    After the 1st of January, 2012 the individual's plan will have the title MY Real Retirement Fund Account.   The payer will be given a new number that not even Hillary Rodham can hide in plain view on top of her desk for 2 years.     There will be no demagogic "employer's share".   The account will be private, pertaining only to the payer.    Businessmen, professionals, shop keepers, and all self-employed will pay the same 5%.
      The 5% check will be paid directly to the private retirement fund  which will be overseen by the Texas Retirement System governing committee or the Texas State Teachers' Retirement System board of governors.     Eligible providers of fund repositories will be investment institutions that did not participate in TARP, TRIP, Cash for Clunkers, STD's, BARF, STEAL, LIE, HOPE, or CHANGE.
       The new retirement funds...each individually owned by each participant, will be transferable by last will and testament probate.   It will be accessible according to the terms of agreement with each investment repository, with certain limitations concerning total liquidation and age of access.   (The Old Gringo is disposed to suggest no access before age 57 years and 6 months and no withdrawals of 10% or more in any given year save for one, with a standard withdrawal not to exceed 5% for any given year.)
       All money paid into Social Security by the participants aged 49 years and 364 days or less on the 1st of January 2012 will have such funds transferred into their My Real Retirement Fund Account instantly and automatically, never again to be reviewed, acknowledged, seen, or meddled with by any government body, whether legislative, executive, or judicial.
       On any of the money withdrawn from My Real Retirement Account, no payments will be made in terms of income tax because  income tax will have totally ceased to exist by the year 2023.


        All subsidies for Ethanol, any farming, silvicultural,  or ranching,    food purchases, rent, electricity, illegimate children, special programs for left-handed lesbian Eskimo vegetarians, etc. will be terminated on or before the 31st of December 2016.    Grocery stores will have to make money by charging people money in return for products instead of having a third party pay for  food for leaches and slobs....who frequently are purchasing things that "upper-income" people cannot afford....and frequently are holding three, four, or even five active Lone Star We Breed Them, You Feed Them cards.

       All "Revenue Sharing" programs will be immediately abolished.   This program will be transferred to the dust bin of history and labeled  "Why are we sending this money back??? Why wasn't just left where it was to begin with???".

         Any person taking a subsidy or tax-paid public support in Texas will be removed from the voters' rolls.
       Any person who wishes to vote, hold office, or hold a position of public trust, must present proof of citizenship and legal residency in Texas ...as well as the other lesser States in the American Union.
       Anybody who tries to equivilate an anchor-baby mother on six different forms of welfare to a Mexican or other foreigner who has been honorably discharged from American military service or who has gone through the entire citizenship protocol in order to qualify for citizenship....will be flown to Zimbabwe, along with all appropriate anchors, babies, and other important possessions.    There will be no need to return the parachute.
        There will be no classical labour unions.    Companies and businesses are encouraged to establish independent company employee associations who can have collective bargaining prerogatives.   Labour Union organizers and community organizers will be arrested and sentenced to  4o,000 hours of community service ....no smoking, lunch, coffee, saloon, rest-room, or any other breaks.     Our enforcement thugs will be trained gorillas with rabies.
        School meal programs will be immediately suspended.    Any parents failing to provide an adequate meal for their children while at school will be loaded into the nearest BFI or WM truck for removal to some appropriate place for refuse.

      The Department of Energy, the Department of Education, the Department of Labour, the Department of Health and "Human" Services,  and FEMA will cease to exist on  31 December 2012.    Other Departments will be phased out as the various territories of the American Union establish their own systems to address their own local issues....preferably with private sector solutions.

      At no particular time, but when it pleases us, all troops will be ordered out of Iraq and  Afghanistan,  If Baghdad and Kabul can't fly the kite by this point...then it's pretty obvious that they are probably best left to find their happiness in their misery, death, filth, and stupidity.    They will be advised that the American Eagle holds lightning bolts and olive branches.....each nation of the world can choose which it wishes.     After this plan goes into effect, however, there will no longer be anything known a "assymetrical warfare" or "restrained response" or "limited engagement".    Nagasaki and Hiroshima killed 400,000 Japanese and saved 10,000,000 Japanese......and an estimated 1,000,000 American servicemen.

       The Congress of the Central Government in Washington will be allowed to go into session for three days each year and no more.    It will be illegal to pass more than 3 bills and no legislation will ever be allowed to  affect  more than 1o,000,000 Americans .    Eighty-five percent of the budget of the United States will be spent directly on the newly re-established War Department.

     No riders, no earmarks.  No Act or Bill in excess of 3 pages, legal size, double spaced......90 day waiting period between submission and committee action.  On-floor comments by any elected representative or senator will be limited to 55 seconds.    Running over the allotted time will result in a fine of the entirey of the elected member's $10,000/year salary and his 50%  discount card for Greyhound.   There will also be a cancellation of  the authority to hire the one part-time secretary/administrative aide allowed elected representatives, with an authorized salary cap of $5,000 per year. 

Thank you for having read this Manifesto for Liberty
El Gringo Viejo 

Sunday 24 April 2011

Trouble Everywhere, Problems Everywhere....But It Will All Be Better Soon

     This is not some facetious or humourous set of pointless observations.   Even while my attention has been forced to return to this matter of being recalled to federal court jury duty (after having been dismissed earlier...??) and even while this fire thing has been a plague to us both here on the border and at our beautiful little hideaway in Tamaulipas....as well as where my children and grandchildren are situated in Central Texas....the 'little grey cells' that kept Hercule Poirot in business....the ones I have....have been working.

     It is a source of some humour to note that our President....who so bitterly condemned his predecessor for not caring about "the people" when he allowed the gasoline prices to increase so much....now tells us that the problem is too difficult to be solved by "politicians rushing to the microphone with three point programs for two dollar gas(sic)."

       (1)    It behooves a person who desires the total destruction of America to hope for gasoline and deisel fuel prices to rise to the 6,7, & 8 dollar level as one finds in  Europe so as to collapse the economic engine of America.  

      (2)     It is the desire of this President to push the entire nation onto pedicabs and mass transportation.   It is also his desire and the desire of his entire marxist team to control all transportation matter from a central point, under the control of "qualified experts".     This is his and his associates' solution for every aspect of American life.    Medical systems,  industrial production, agricultural activity, education, economic policy must all be controlled by  "people who know better" ,  like Bernacke, Geitner, Soros, etc. 

      (3)      It having been known for years that there is no anthrocausative global warming....aka now  "climate change" when it became apparent that all global warming data was being willfully and arrogantly falsified in order to forward a socialist political agenda....this President continues to use the false and repudiated argument to force the building of autos people will not buy.....and implementation of transportation systems that people will not use.      THE ONLY WAY THE PEOPLE WILL USE THESE VEHICLES AND TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS IS IF THEY ARE FORCED TO.

      (4)      Finally, and thank you for staying in with me on this, I will demonstrate a concrete fact of life.    Four years ago....the American Dollar would buy 13.00 Mexican pesos.    Things were relatively reasonably priced in Mexico although gasoline was an intolerable $2.45 am.cur. per gallon.    People in America were grumbling about Bush setting up a silly prescription drug program for the poor "seniors", who are, in fact, the wealthiest of any population sector in America.   People were also grumpy because after the Twin Towers disaster, Bush called Sens. Schumer and Clinton and assured them..."Anything you need, anything you want...you have a blank check".
        After Hillary had gotten over having to worry about Chelsea because she was in the middle of the disaster zone....(which of course was a lie because she knew where Chelsea had been, but said she was somewhere else).....Hillary showed her appreciation three weeks after the incident by shrieking on the Senate floor while she rattled a newspaper at the solons....She shrieked four times at the top of her leathered lungs..."BUSH KNEW!  Bush knew!  Bush knew!  Bush knew!"   It must have been true...it was a headline in a newspaper.    Bush had known all about the coming attack....Hell...he probably had ordered it....according to this reliable newspaper...(???)
        But it was true that Bush was turning a blind eye on spending in order to pump prime the economy that had been put into a free fall due to the attacks on the Twin Tower.    This was done in spite of the fact that Keynesian pump priming has never worked.....it has always failed....the best example was the ruin such measures caused by extending and deepening the Great Depression in the 1930s.
       Bush also had proposed reforms to Social Security....and was promptly laughed at with gusto by the Democrats because they knew they could buy votes with other peoples' money for at least another 30 years before it would be necessary to totally expropriate all pensions, annuities, and savings accounts in order to keep the pitchfork and ax wielding mobs away from their gated compounds in the Hamptons.
       Bush suggested that the re-financing practices of FmHA, FHA, etc. through the employment of something called "hedge funds" (where Chelsea was working .....as part of her concern for the poor) were injurious to the interests of lender and borrower and would cause a house of cards to begin to fall within two or three years....
        The Democrats....the great paragon of virtue Sen. Dodd and the great moral thinker....Barney Frank....and all their minions laughed at Bush and the few Republicans who still had enough testosterone to tell  a variation of the truth.

         Then came Geitner...who says that he can't do TurboTax...(I did my computer taxes this year....had my refund in mid-February).....and Bernacke who is the exception to the rule that bald guys are intelligent....and various personages who look like something out of a saloon scene from Star Wars....to assure us that we needed to do what??????     PUMP PRIME......which, of course, gave us an additional $4,000,000,000,000 in national debt.

        Mexico, in turmoil, but with a booming economy....a more or less in balance national budget and a declining debt....now has a peso that is valued at one American dollar for 11.30 pesos.    The peso has gained 1.70 pesos against the dollar since O'bama came to the helm.   THE AMERICAN DOLLAR HAS LOST 13% AGAINST THE MEXICAN PESO SINCE O'BAMA HAS BEEN IN OFFICE.!!!!

There, that was my point.   Thank you...more OROG material later.
The Old Gringo

Saturday 23 April 2011

Just a thought or two

     The world changes and we pass through it quickly.    I remember the ladies getting on the McAllen spur of the Texas Eagle train....to then connect in Harlingen, Texas...on to Houston, Saint Louis, and Chicago.....then to change trains for another overnight to New York City and then "SHOPPING!!!!".   Anyway, the ladies would board, with hats, heels,  and gloves in place....seams straight, usually in wool suits, and "bunkum!" to anyone who said... "The wise traveller travels light".     The ladies would frequently send an empty, large steamer trunk to the baggage car....to carry back prizes gleaned from Macy's, Tiffany's, and Bloomingdale's. 

     This picture of Mr. Ebbet's daughter throwing out the first ball at the openning of her father's new stadium speaks to a day when things were not quite as simple as we might like to think.   One is forced to notice that no one was dressed for "comfort" and everyone had his or her head covered.
      Those of the Orbit of Readers of the Old Gringo never really know what the old fool is going to tack up on his screed.    Back with more later.
El Gringo Viejo

Thursday 21 April 2011

Time to Whine

Then Gargle.com told me that they had all kinds of improvements to improve the previous improvements to my website.      So, being of low-voltage intellectually, the Old Gringo trundled down to the Old Keyboard Saloon and began to follow the instructions that would eventually up-grade my website to something like post-Appomattox Courthouse functionality.
      In mere moments everything had taken that trip we all saw in 2001 - A Space Odyssey, there was smoke coming out of every electrical device in the house, the police were knocking on the front door, and three helicopters were hovering ....flummppity flumpity flummmmpp...  I could hardly hear or think what to do next.  (the next paragraph is a little closer to the truth, please bear with me)
      Everything was lost.    Diana tells me to use the Carbonite...I inform her that Carbonite is for total system collapse...like Fukushima....or the thought processes of anyone who votes Democrat.     Later, when all is hopeless and Diana is not around, I check out the Carbonite...early this morning.   Step by step...gradually....copying and pasting....click...click....engaging the "improvements" that Gargle.com says were a "must have" to up-grade into the Harding Administration.....and (this is true) after 10 hours of whacking away at the keyboard, a glimmer of light began to appear at the end of the tunnel....AND IT WASN'T A LOCOMOTIVE  !!!


     You will know my true feelings by turning on your sound system and clicking the link above.   Our website has been up-dated and I have also done a considerable amount of reduction and editting.   It is not quite so serious a matter anymore now that O'bama is going to take care of me from now on.   It really doesn't matter anymore what the Kool-Aid tastes like as long as we have lots of Kool-aid.

      We are, in all seriousness, watching an incredible doubling down of massive force by the Mexican military....driven by re-enforcements and by the trickle of "tips" having turned into a flood....mainly due to the certainty that the military force seems to be hanging around.   President Calderon indicated that more units from the Naval Infantry and Army were to be sent into Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas States.     It was not known that the number of increased troops would be 30,000, mainly drawn from areas that have had an improvement in the "social situation".
      Where there has been success, the military is leaving the newly developed Federal Police in place....now that they have proven to be competent and trustworthy.     Yesterday the city of Cadereyta de Jimenez just to the east of the Monterrey metroplex was essentially taken over by the Federal Police, with a large escort of 6th Military Zone Army personnel, and all 40 of the local municipal police were carted off to the pokey.   It looked like a scene from an old Ronald Reagan movie.    People lining the streets and throwing tomatoes and eggs at the "police" .... Their ire was due not so much to the corruption of the police...but that most of them did nothing or "looked the other way".  
      In Villa de Garcia to the near-north of the Monterrey metroplex the much reformed local police department  has stood up to the cockroaches and driven them down thereby gaining all nature of respect and affection from the citizens and observers of this situation.    Likewise San Nicolas de los Garza, Santa Catarina, San Pedro de Garza Garcia and various other places where the police have "self-policed" and where valour and duty have finally surfaced .      Yesterday, in our Reynosa, across from McAllen, Texas the Federal Police working on a "tip" swooped into a place on the south side of this important municipality of almost 1,000,000 people and captured various "evil doers" and liberated 68 people who had been kidnapped and held for ransom.    They were all out-of-towners, many were Central Americans, and they were rescued because various people dropped a dime and because there were reliable civil and military sources of order. 

      The stain of the Serpent's temptation is forever on the soul of all men.   But, the restoration of something like predictable civil society can now be thought to be within reach.

This is not the actual scene, but it is a reasonable facsimili of the
Mexican Army's equipment.   The American contractors have Cobras
and Apache surplus helicopters.
        With reference to the fires in and around our magical little place at the end of the road, the story is also a bit more positive.    Rains have come to areas that were on the edge of the various conflagrations, and the active measures .....helicopters, civil defense squads....Army specialists....have managed to get the upper hand on those fires nearest to the Hacienda de La Vega and the Quinta Tesoro de la Sierra Madre.

We shall send more information and news and observations on ahead while the Old Gringo attempts to come down from his adrenaline high.    All fellow OROGs can be sure in the knowledge that the Old Gringo will take his fish oil, vitamin D, and aspirin tablet and return to "normal".

Thanks again for your continued patience and interest.
EL Grinog Viejo