Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Bigot? Racist? Many have recently arrived in Charlotte, North Carolina

     There is one certain group that hates Negroes and Mexicans more than anybody in the world.   They deign to relegate both groups to live on a grey, dull plantation that produces nothing, plants nothing, harvests nothing, and which must be taken care of in every facet of life....from the womb to the tomb...as it is said.
     They will hate this, but El Gringo Viejo knows all their strategic secrets and most of their tactical secrets (which actually never change).   Their strategy and accompanying tactics include terrorising a locale, or a region, or a country to the point that....as in the case of Viet Nam....peasants would flood into the large cities hoping to avoid the terror.   Once this occurred, sapper units and saboteurs could infiltrate and establish cells designed to damage major infrastructure and kill as many innocents as possible.
      The variation in this part of the world is to have "democratic, popular elected governments" promulgate social services that produce toilet paper for currency, rampant bastardy, destruction of the concept of a moral code, be it religious, philosophical, or a combination of the two.   They also attempt to denigrate private property, private enterprise, small business, and any form of self-sufficiency.
       This inevitably results in masses of indisciplinate children who seek identity and connection with something on this earth that lasts for more than 36 hours.   Enter the Mara Salvatrucha XIII, a gang of 200,000 soul-less zombies who require that new inductees cut their mother's throats.   This gang is plenteously represented in its native Honduras, and then in El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and finally in the big bananas of the stalk, which is Mexico and the United States.   In the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas....four counties....1,000,000 people there are 16 to 20 gangs, the number changes because of "C and C" (casualties and confinement).
        The Mara Salvatrucha play off the issues in Mexico, recruit, establish, and operate principally (but not totally) among the AFDC spawn in these four counties....representing about half the population.   These gangs have membership of at least 15,000 in these counties alone.   The fight among themselves and ally themselves in various floating connections with the Mexican cartels...who are also degraded and ever-floating in numbers and organisation due to C and C.     The entire business is  Death, of course.    The profit for the cartel and gang people is money that is briefly enjoyed.   Please understand that the MSXIII operates in almost every State of the Union and throughout Canada as of this printing.    The grand overall plan of these "control groups" is to flood into the United States and cause crime waves and welfare dependency so as to deteriorate the financial, social, and cultural fabric of the United States of America.   It is not a Tsunami.   It is more like a slow and increasinly violent earthquake...one that spans two, three, or four generations.
        They are being used by these "control groups", each of whom thinks that it is is control.  There are two loosely organised groups of marxists....the larger a Stalinist-oriented group.  The smaller is a really kooky underground that is composed of sometimes shadowy, sometimes open hostiles....Muslim Brotherhood....and like groups.   Then there are the business people who are typified by John Corzine and his ilk...which are divided into a mainly "legitimate" big business group who task, oddly, is to defame Wall Street and financial institutions by taking active measures from the inside of the institutions.
      The objective of all this mess is to destroy the concept that is presented by the existence of the United States of America.   This, oddly, leads to a bit of humour.   Not very funny humour, but  humour nonetheless.    The useful idiots and fellow travellers who are certain they are all going to be named Mayor of Boise by the Politburo of the Supreme Soviet repeat illogical, banal bilge that makes sense to people like Nancy Pelosi.   It also makes sense to about 3o percent of the electorate in the United States.   The useful idiots and fellow travellers will all be sent to the gulag...if they are lucky.
      One of the main things that they rely upon to scare the heeby jeebies out of the Negroes and the Mexicans, who they think are stupider than a dead rock, by saying "The Negroes and the Mexicans are too stupid to figure out how to register to vote.   Requiring a voter ID to vote is unfair because they are not smart enough to comply with a rule that any vegetarian tapeworm can figure out."    Then the Grand Agents of Hope and Change sit around the table giving each other "high-fours" and slapping each other on the back.   "We have them trapped this time.   They know if they try to do this voter ID thing, we'll call them racists, and the press will come out with article 115 - A, and 327 - DD,  and 295 - C, and that will bark them down."

      BUT HERE IS THE TRUTH OF THE ISSUE.....ONE MORE TIME.   NOT THE LAST TIME, BUT ONE MORE TIME......:     There is a big Mexican factory just south and west of where El Gringo Viejo is writing at this moment.   Right now, living over there , are about 110,000,000 Mexican-type models of the human race.   About 70,000,000 Mexicans are qualified by age and civil record to vote in any and all elections.
    Read what one Republican testified concerning the Mexican voting system...with almost 20 years of proven reliable results and increased participation that is, in sociological terms, almost impossible to comprehend.

David Arredondo is Vice-Chairman of the Lorain County Republican Party in Ohio, and is himself the son of Mexican immigrants. In May, he testified before a committee held in Cleveland that included Senator Sherrod Brown. The following is an excerpt of his testimony to the panel.
The electoral system created by IFE is open and transparent. Every eligible Mexican citizen has a tamper-proof photo-ID card with a thumbprint and an embossed hologram. All voters are required to vote in their neighborhoods and in 2005, the law was amended to allow for ”external,” or out of country absentee voting. There is no such thing as a provisional ballot. All elections are held on Sundays. Mexico is a relatively poor country yet does not lower standards to allow for the poor to register and vote as is done in America. No excuses are made while setting a high standard for all with no discernible drop in voter participation.

The registration process requires all citizens to personally enroll. Proof of birth or citizenship is step one. Applicants are photographed and fingerprinted and then required to personally return to collect their voting credential. [emphasis added]
There is a bit of....inaccuracy....in this clip in black above.   It is essentially correct,   but the people are not required to vote or even register.   BUT, even more than a passport, the Credencial Federal Electoral is the  best and most used and most trusted identification document held by a Mexican.   It has 13 different filters, blocks, particulates, and other cyber-hoops to jump through.   Fakes are readily detected by scanners both common and advanced.   Then, with the fingerprint and the picture and the signature.....A MEXICAN GOES TO VOTE, AND AT HIS/HER PRECINCT THE ELECTION"S WORKERS....REPRESENTING EVERY REGISTERED POLITICAL PARTY....HAVE A COMPLETE CATALOGUE OF THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE OF QUALIFIED, REGISTERED VOTERS INCLUDING THAT ELECTOR'S PICTURE....WHO RELATE TO THAT PRECINCT.

     All Mexican technology, all Mexican initiative, all Mexican supervised, counted, and recounted.

So, sorry to the  folks who run the Obsolete Media and the National Socialist Democratic Workers Party.    You know inside of your heart and soul that Mexicans are stupid and need you to spoon feed them and "take care" of them.
      Tea Party People and Rightwing-crazy Republicans know that Mexicans and people with Mexican and other Latin ancestry are actually pretty smart...most of the time...like anyone else.   The Mexican voting process is enviably far more advanced than our own, and more accurate.   Ergo, people of Mexican ancestry, who come from a group of people with the most difficult to qualify for, have to stand in line for...for hours sometimes....and pay to replace if lost or stolen....350 pesos....and who can have a COMPLETE CATALOGUE WITH THE PICTURE OF EACH ELECTOR IN THE PRECINCT....THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRETY OF THE NATION certainly can  obtain a picture ID in the United States of America.    And remember, in Mexico, with the very tough standards, people have increased, hugely, their participation in the electoral process, both as a gross number and as a percentage of the population.

     So, as we started, so shall we end with this set of observations.   Your notion of flooding the country with the unqualified and unwashed will not work in the long term.   Your positions on advancing your "client groups" are truly racially driven...and show your own low opinion of the "huddled masses".   You see them as digestive tracts, and reproductive systems that can be used to destroy the American Exchequer.  We, on the other hand, remember the words of Ronald Wilson Reagan... "The Mexican Americans?   I know a lot of them vote Democrat, but they are actually pretty much all Republicans, it's just that not all of them know it yet."
     For those OROGs who might doubt this, consider that even among those who were thrown into the peonage of the American welfare system....many have slithered out, and become things like successful soldiers, blue and white collar professionals, and business owners.   Of the colonial batch, they tend to vote up to 65 - 75 %  Republican.    So, spare the innuendo, and spare me.....Democrat campaign people....the "taking care" of the poor "Hispanics".

El Gringo Viejo  

Monday, 3 September 2012

An admonition

     Once this election is over, and assuming that the Republicans can actually avoid shooting themselves in various body parts, there are other issues to quickly address.   The left will immediately begin a "moderation" and "bi-partisan co-operation" offensive.  The left never quits, the left never tells the truth, and the left will use every measure to forward the effort to put everyone in a shabby Mao suit, except important people like Hillary.
      We must remember to stand vigilant concerning the probable, almost immediate, effort of the Romney White House to "reach across the aisle" by proposing a National Socialised Medicine Initiative Light....so as to "replace" the "bad" socialised medical services legislation with a "good" socialised medicine initiative.    After all, it is good for the parents to pay for their children's insurance until the child is 83 years old.   Old people, like parents, don't need money anyway, and besides there's a sale at the mall.
      Somebody has to pay for Miss Flukie's birth control pills, and it might as well be my daughter, and your daughter, because Miss Flukie wants somebody to pay for them besides herself.   And...of course....if we give the Democrat National Socialist Party just this one little pair of points, they will love us and laud and magnify our names and make sure that we are on the Kwanzaa Card mailing list forever.   And, of course, we can have a group hug and figure out how much more of  the Obama Nationalised Health Initiative we can give them next week.   It will only cost a trillion here and a trillion there, and then they will let us come to the parties at all the right places in Georgetown and Manhattan and the Hamptons and at Martha's Vineyard.   Nancy Pelosi might even give us the address of that wind tunnel where she does her facial exercises.
     It is necessary to keep all the powder, wadding, flint, and ball dry because the galleries of the House and the Senate Chambers will be crawling with Occupy people, Grey Panthers, Cafeteria School Lunch and Starving Children's Dremes-R-Us Peoples' Coalition, and so forth.  The demonstrations will be shrill and the socialist Obsolete Press will be airing article after article about how Republicans are starving granny and her 436 grandchildren.   "You just can't feed them all with one can of dog-food like we used to."
     NARAL will renew calls for requiring all doctors and hospitals to provide mandatory post-partem abortions for children up to the age of 3, so as to take pressure off of the existing feeding stations.   Some of the cafeteria workers, it will be shown, have to serve 40 children a day their allotment of Soylent Green....and the staff of 666 cafeteria workers is exhausted at the end of their  3 hour day.   The 20.6 Richter earthquake is going to be massive.
     And!  The first thing the country club, moderate, reasonable Republicans will want to do is be moderate and reasonable.    And the day will be lost at that point unless we stand tough.    They will threaten us with the idea that they can make a ruling coalition with "moderate" Democrats and push through President Romney's agenda for "reasonable, kinder, gentler,  and nicer change" and we shall have to stand our ground.
     Our worst enemy will not be the Lamumba-Jefferson-Guevara-W.E.B.DuBois Peoples' Alliance for Peace Through Justice.    It will be HEB Grocery Store and the banks and the Society for Protection of Nice Kitties that Purr When We Scratch Their Chinny-Winnies.   Then, of course, we'll have to save Head Start...because so many children rely on it and die without it.    Just a little for college tuition because, otherwise, the universities won't have an excuse to raise their tuition....and a little extra here for Medicaid.....and crop supports....and there's a really good idea some boys have to make  wind-powered solar panels....it's a sure fire deal....
      Okay, you give me 30 billion for my magic underwear solar powered wiring warmer factory in Hawai'i, and I'll vote for your Eskimo Seal Hunters' Poetry Museum and Room of Contemplation....it's only another 30 billion dollars....Eskimoes need poetry too.
       After all, they sent us up here to do things for people.
AND THEREIN LIES THE PROBLEM.     We need to begin talking and resolving now to start thinking what are battles should be and taking the offensive.     It would be good to start with the Departments of Energy and  Education.   WHY DO WE HAVE A NATIONAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT?  It is the source of inertia, confusion, pointlessness, and for ETERNAL TEACHING TO THE TESTS, instead of teaching the souls and brains of the "students".    National education policies are a ruination of the concept of pedagogy on many levels.     Presently, no nation spends more on its public education in gross or per "student".    And, because of the other cultural rot....unfathered children....teachers' and education unions.....degenerated disciplinary patterns....and a thousand other reasons, all sponsored by the central government....we have to teach remedial courses to people who have a high school diploma because they cannot reason, read, cipher, or keep from picking their noses when they're talking to the Pope.    The Department of Energy should be reduced by 99.9% and transferred to the War Department, and housed in a three room suite at the Pentagon.   There they could keep a status report current on where the oil, gas, gasoline, other distillates and derivatives are, and what is going on at the refineries in terms of productions. 

     We really need to close ranks on this or we are doomed to follow the script of Gibbons.


As always, our sincerest appreciation for your highly esteemed time and attention.
El Gringo Viejo


Friday, 31 August 2012

Here's to you, Neil Armstrong....

To-morrow morning, very early, around 04:00 hours, this will be the scene when the Blue Moon begins to set on the Sierra Madres Orientales to the west of our little mud hut.



The first one is the Marcels and the second one is the man from Hobokin, New Jersey.   It is really noteworthy that Richard Rogers wrote this song....in 1934.   Can we imagine?
Thanks for your time.
El Gringo Viejo

Yes, Rush, O'bama has stories of people he helped

     Rush Limbaugh always fails to consult with El Gringo Viejo.   He declared,"Obama hasn't gone around helping people.   Has he?   No!  You can't point out anybody he's helped, can you?"
     Yes, Rush.   O'bama has helped other people who were disadvantaged.   People right here in this hell-hole called America.





ouncle.jpgView full sizeThis Aug. 24, 2011
 booking photo provided Aug. 30, 2011 by the Framingham Police Department shows Onyango Obama, arrested in Framingham, Mass., for several infractions, including operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol. He is the uncle of President Barack Obama.

This is a cautionary tale about three of President Obama's family members—the president, his uncle Omar Onyango and his Aunt Zeituni Onyango. To follow the story completely, readers should be current on President Obama's administrative amnesty which he sprung on an unsuspecting and incredulous public just before he departed for Martha's Vineyard.
Obama and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano define his new policy, now in effect, as an ICE evaluation of 300,000 cases involving aliens in deportation proceedings to determine whether they are hardened criminals and therefore a risk to public safety or "low priority" offenders. The latter are released.
At a speech she delivered at the William Jefferson Clinton Foundation and the University of Arkansas' Clinton School of Public Service, Napolitano brazenly summarized the revised immigration guidelines as "common sense" and ones wherein "nobody is getting a free pass."
Actually, the policy is idiotic, hurtful and defies Obama's sworn Constitutional obligation to uphold the nation's laws.
Furthermore, for Obama to release illegal aliens just weeks before 9/11's tenth anniversary is a callous display of indifference to the victims' families. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, 12 of 48 terrorists involved in the plotting and carrying out of the murderous attacks were illegal aliens. Because of the discreet profile they maintained during the days leading up to 9/11, using the current Obama-Napolitano standards they would have been described as "low priority".
Ditto for Auntie Zeituni. While Zeituni didn't pose a criminal threat, she fraudulently tapped into a social services pool that drained scarce public resources.
First ordered deported in 2004 after overstaying a visa issued in 2000, Zeituni lived in public housing, supposedly available only to citizens and collected $700 in monthly disability checks. But an unidentified benefactor interceded and hired famous immigration lawyer Margaret Wong to represent Zeituni in her efforts to remain. The unsurprising result—a Boston federal judge stayed Zeituni's deportation order. In 2010, Zeituni was granted political asylum and is now a legal U.S. resident.
Only the most optimistic expect a different result from Uncle Omar's case. Like his sister, Omar ignored a previously issued federal deportation order and has been living in the country illegally for several years. Wong will represent Omar.
But getting Omar off may be tough. On August 24 Omar, who had an outstanding warrant, was arrested on for driving his SUV through a stop sign and barely missing a police cruiser. Omar's sobriety test indicated a 0.14 level, nearly twice the maximum. The police charged Omar with driving under the influence, driving to endanger and failing to use his turn signal. Because of his immigration violations, ICE detained Omar.
Under the new immigration rules, into what category will Omar fall: hardened or low priority? Don't forget that the ICE language includes allowances for protecting aliens "with family ties".
Most would argue that Omar, an illegal immigrant, should be deported immediately. While he's not a convicted axe murderer, Omar is a hazard behind the wheel that may kill someone with his car.
Obama, with his eyes on the polls, can be sure the nation will be watching his uncle's case. If Omar is still hanging around in November 2012, there's a good chance Obama may be gone by January 2013.

     As of yet President Obama has not helped his brother George.   Others have, but Barry has not.   George lives on th4e edge of Nairobi, Kenya.   In a 180 square foot "squatter's cabin".

Just a hint, Rush.
El Gringo Viejo

Thursday, 30 August 2012

El Gringo Viejo's Favourite Clint Eastwood Movie

     Since everyone is asking, El Gringo Viejo's favourite Clint Eastwood work, besides Rowdy Yates during the Rawhide days, is "Bronco Billy"....It is a farce, a comedy, an allegorical treatise, and a big slice of Americana.   As comedies go, it is a serious peice of work, not a lot of pie in the face.   We recommend it as a justifiable waste of time.  Cliq below for YouTube trailer.    Mr. Faver sent me this picture from Faver Ranch in Presidio County, Texas.   In fact, Presidio  County is almost all Faver Ranch.   He and Rowdy worked together one time, but Rowdy went to California after the last big drive up the Chisholm Trail.
Thanks for your time and interest, as usual!
El Gringo Viejo

Anglican Curmudgeon Alert

A simple admonition.  The Anglican Curmudgeon has jumped into some of Chesterton's analytics from the 1930s....and while telling us to turn our eyes for a moment from to-day's putrid presidency and the fallout therefrom....slyly shows us that we are truly doomed to repeat history because we know it not.   It is his current article, Signs and Portents, now open to the public.   The drinking light is lit.

El Gringo Viejo