Sunday 18 May 2014

Many Major and Minor Topics: GNPs, segregation, un-used wealth, VA and Obamacare, Settled Law and Science

      During the past couple of days, we were engaged with a group of screeders who come from the Fabian School of Utopian Planning.   It was a London area university club blog...official or not El Gringo Viejo knew not.  We made the mistake of saying that Mexico's GNP is now greater than each of the following three countries: Canada, Russia, and Spain.
    It was "War On".   Ridiculous, preposterous!!  Do not engage on this website if you are not prepared with correct and reliable figures and research!! the "wise  ones" shouted.
    After a bit of back and forth, El Gringo Viejo won his point, as usual, because he is better looking than people who celebrate communal snaggle-tooth disorder.  Canada's and Russia's Gross Domestic Product is even lower than the rating of the Gross National Product due to a slight falloff of the Canadian Dollar against the America Dollar and the Mexican Peso.   Russia's position is essentially, in currency exchange evaluation terms, nearly catastrophic:

This graph shows that the Russian Ruble has
lost over 7 rubles to the dollar, or over 25%
 of its value in terms of the dollar, since the
beginning of 2013.   This coupled with the
slowdown in Russian industry and commerce
 and the fact that Putin has demanded to be
paid in rubles or euros  for his exports (vodka
and natural gas/oil), has moved Russia down
in the list of Nations by GNP, substantially.

     Spain's position is similar to Russia's, with unemployment hovering around 20% and industrial activity going down during the last two years.   Once again, a dollar that is less weak than the Spain's economy is weak for many reasons, and the Mexican peso is less weak than the dollar.   Up-shot?  From the statistics that El Gringo Viejo's detractors were using, they were essentially using guns with no cartridges.  After their admonitions against you humble servant, one of the miscreants admitted that he had been using data from the 2005 period, showing Mexico with a Gross Domestic Product of a little less than 600 billion dollars.   Even that figure was incorrect, far too low,  but at least my detractor apologised to my one ally and me. We await both the GNP and GDP figures that will be posted next year, and we shan't be overly surprised if Mexico moves ahead of Brazil, a nation 70% larger in population and 4.5 times larger in land area.
     The adjusted figures coming out in 2015 should reflect Mexico with a GDP and GNP on either side of  2.2 trillion dollars, the GDP a little less and the GNP a little more.  Texas will be just shy of that, and Canada should be just shy of Texas.   That is our best analysis at this time....and yes we are floating fresh statistics, numbers, and trends.


And now we have the beginning of the new attack on the sensibilities of the Republic.   Valerie Jarrett has issued the new secret talking points to be flopped in front of the lap-dogs with press passes and the low information and low intelligence "community".  Eric the Red, Michelle, and (Sir Edmund) Hillary have all waddled, stumbled, and man-walked to the podiums of higher learning and august forums to decry their new discovery.    The One Per cent, in league with The Tea Party have dog-whistled to their mind-numbed robots that all the coloured folks need to be put back into segregated schools.
The fearless three-some discovered this New Segregation Order given out "one frosty morn" not only in Dixieland, but throughout the fruited plains and from sea to polluted and rising sea.   All is lost, unless the Democrat base turns out just this one last time before Father Obamaham can finally, once and for all, establish the perfect society where everyone is equal and a kind ruler can issue hundreds of edicts every day to keep making a perfect situation even better.
This Dog-Whistle Plan Number IV of the radical right wealthy Republicans to return black children to segregated schools is just the last of many Dog Whistles and Night Rides that the Tea Party and the Republican National Committee  have started up in order to keep the oppressed peoples from gathering up just a few small crumbs from under the table of the Koch Brothers.   But we caught them, declare Eric, Michelle, and (Sir Edmund) Hillary and they assure their wards that they ain't no ways tired.   It doesn't matter how long the road is....60 years more...600 years more....they are going to make sure that every black child gets to sit beside a stinking white dog, klanner-trash, cracker-redneck.    You gotta love it.
It is doubtful that Michelle's children, nor Eric the Red's children, and certainly not Chelsea would have ever sunk to the level of sending their children to non-public schools while they grazing at the meadow of the  public trough.   Further, in the new rule-by-decree, third-world, organic law ambience that is the Executive Branch of the central government in these days, the Secretary of Education and the Attorney General have made it clear that there can be no denial of attendance at any public school due to some little thing like being in the United States illegally.   If there is any failure to abide by this advisory....we're comin' to git you.   The childish, bossy, and heavy handed notice that went to all public school districts in the United States last week is not worth doing a copy/paste for this blog.   Infuriating.
Along with the Department of Education, Eric Holder’s Justice Department is reminding public schools in no uncertain terms that they are obligated to provide all children with an education regardless of their immigration status.
In an apparent attempt to clarify existing guidelines, the federal government sent a letter to schools indicating the agencies are “aware of student enrollment practices that may chill or discourage the participation, or lead to the exclusion, of students.”

The letter emphasizes how loose the restrictions are regarding what type of documentation schools are required to accept, basically meaning there is no excuse for questioning why a child obviously in the country illegally is receiving taxpayer-funded schooling and/or child care.
“We want to be sure every school leader understand the legal requirements under the Constitution and federal laws,” the letter states, “and it is our hope that this update will address some of the misperceptions out there.”
One is hard pressed, however, to find any mention of the government’s responsibility to provide free education to criminal inhabitants within the structure of the U.S. Constitution. In any case, the letter goes on to spell out requirements in no uncertain terms.
“The message here is clear,” it read, “let all children who live in your district enroll in your public schools.”
Parents of children with only a foreign birth certificate are given ample leeway in providing alternative ‘documentation,’ including an entry in a family Bible, for instance.
Holder and other leftist leaders are determined to integrate illegals completely into society to the extent that actually holding them accountable for their crimes would not only be nearly impossible, but in itself an illegality.
Ensuring the next generation of criminals is indoctrinated within the public school system is one vital step in achieving that goal.
Photo Credit: Facebook/Remove the Idiot Eric Holder from Office!


Along with the Department of Education, Eric Holder’s Justice Department is reminding public schools in no uncertain terms that they are obligated to provide all children with an education regardless of their immigration status.
In an apparent attempt to clarify existing guidelines, the federal government sent a letter to schools indicating the agencies are “aware of student enrollment practices that may chill or discourage the participation, or lead to the exclusion, of students.”

The letter emphasizes how loose the restrictions are regarding what type of documentation schools are required to accept, basically meaning there is no excuse for questioning why a child obviously in the country illegally is receiving taxpayer-funded schooling and/or child care.
“We want to be sure every school leader understand the legal requirements under the Constitution and federal laws,” the letter states, “and it is our hope that this update will address some of the misperceptions out there.”
One is hard pressed, however, to find any mention of the government’s responsibility to provide free education to criminal inhabitants within the structure of the U.S. Constitution. In any case, the letter goes on to spell out requirements in no uncertain terms.
“The message here is clear,” it read, “let all children who live in your district enroll in your public schools.”
Parents of children with only a foreign birth certificate are given ample leeway in providing alternative ‘documentation,’ including an entry in a family Bible, for instance.
Holder and other leftist leaders are determined to integrate illegals completely into society to the extent that actually holding them accountable for their crimes would not only be nearly impossible, but in itself an illegality.
Ensuring the next generation of criminals is indoctrinated within the public school system is one vital step in achieving that goal.
Photo Credit: Facebook/Remove the Idiot Eric Holder from Office!


   Nobody wants to go to a school where the enrollees are drawn from multigenerational public assistance.  Normal people do not like the filth, the animalism, the lewdness, the disease, the trash, garbage, litter and the violence, and so they leave if at all possible.   The schools are not so much segregated by race or ethnicity, but by values.   The cure is to stop all public assistance, obviously.  Some might even starve, but I doubt it.  The next is to segregate the schools by sex, impose a dress code, and a code of clean language.  And to abolish any notion of unions for teachers, janitors, coaches, administrators, or bus drivers or anyone drawing a paycheck or consultancy payment from the school district.  Of course, it would be very nice to go back to the six years of primary and three years of secondary for a High School Diploma.   Twelve years is ridiculous.
     Special notice to Eric and Michelle and (Sir Edmund)Hillary:   While this writer opposes and has always opposed government enf0rced segregation and government enforced integration of schools on any supposed plan of racial and/or ethnic balance,  there might be a reason for the sudden discovery of newly "segregated public schools" now.   Because the National Socialist Democrat Labour Party's insistence, and with the acquiescence of the ''reasonable, willing to cross the aisle Whig party",   we have carved out a body of hellions and essentially abandoned people and totally dependent women and children.   They are those of the multigenerational dependency upon public assistance.

     But, you will do nothing, save demonise "the system" and/or "the white conspiracy" and/or "the scent of magnolia blossoms when the nightriders pass by", etc.   You have to produce your base of consumers to vote again so that you can sit on top of them and give them crumbs, while you damn our base who are producers, and who wish well and good, and the glory derived from self-sufficiency for all people.
    Segregation....puh - leaz?   Go sit in the back of the bus that did not exist in Hope, Arkansas with Billy Jeff, and help him count the burning churches.    What a bunch of demagogues and liars.

We need to call attention to the wonders of the central government's involvement in providing health services to the public.  The Veterans' Administration has become mired in the mess that normally affects public employee enterprises.   Doctoring documents, in this case, instead of doctoring patients.  El Zorro has had a good relationship with the VA.  My son as well.  But we are in Texas.   Texas is a different thing when one is dealing with matters pertaining to the military and/or military personnel.  The VA is going to be better here, warts and all, than almost any other place. Pardon the chauvinism. 
    The VA has only an excellent rating from 37% of its universe of clients and family members of clients.   Quite frankly, it should be 96%.   And perhaps, we should move to a system wherein each branch of the service looks after those who have gone before.   Something haunts at my innards, thinking that it just seems as if the Army people will do well by the Army people, the Coast Guard for the Coast Guard, etc.
But what we have is something that is truly in need of serious if not radical reformation and overhaul.  The pay and benefit rates are relatively low, and one of the big advantages that a person picks up having been honourably discharged is, or should be...yea, must be....that the veteran be given superior medical consideration through his lifetime.

The insult to the American sensibility to have "fired" some old fool that was less than one month away from retirement after a career of being, apparently pretty much a pimple on the side of a cold sore for a few score years of industrial strength minimalism.
El Gringo Viejo was also humoured by the poobahs of the administration declaring at each point, that "....Yes!  I am very angry with this report!"   Such a construct of a stupid sentence is either the most sophomoric attempt at a play on words that sound like one thing and mean another, or it means what it says.  In other words, when some doofus spokesman say that the president is "...angry with the report!",   that is probably more the "true truth". Barry the First would have been just as happy not to have had any report at all.   Things leaked out before he could deep-six any evidence and redact the memos and emails and meeting, of course, he would be ...."angry with the report."


     When some raving jackass sticks his chin out and looks with a gaze that is a mix of exasperation and aloofness, and then declares, "You people are going to have to move on, because the Affordable Care Act is settled law.   There is no going back" one has two certain correct reactions.

These folks might'n to be El Gringo Viejo's
great-uncles and 2nd cousins, but I'm
not a'talk'n.  I don't cotton to their doin's
and I don't know nothin' about they'ah
what-abouts, when-abouts, or where-abouts.
But, theyr'n family.   
     (1)  If that mindset becomes the norm of the ruling class and/or the body politic, the urgency for Texas to remove itself from the American union is beyond imperative.

     (2)  Any person saying such a thing is a braying jackass.   One could gently point out to the braying party that at one time the several United States voted in due Constitutional process to prohibit the production, transport, sale, warehousing, and/0r imbibing of alcohol in any of its many presentations. 

   These folks pictured on your left are most probably in Eastern Tennessee, and very close to our ancestral home-grounds, somewhere between Winchester and the Smokey Mountains, Rocky Top, and all that nice stuff.  The year is about 1922.  These folks are, quite obviously making moonshine: sour-mash, corn likker.  All quite illegal.
     But by 1934, various distilleries and breweries and importers of spirits, saloons, warehousers, exporters of spirits were back at the business of alcohol.  Why?  Because another Amendment to the Consitution, meant to overturn the Prohibition, had been passed .

     So much for settled law.   And with the Constitution and the Amendments still shows that there never really is such a thing as "settled law".


Texas Tea Party steering committee returning
 from a wheel hunting expedition.  They think
 they might have finally killed a wheel, and
will finally find out how they taste.
as reported on Obsolete
Media outlets.
     Then we have the issue of "settled science".  Palaeontologists just uncovered the bones of a brontogigantus.   No such beast had ever been encountered in all the studies of palaeontology.   The discipline knew that there could be nothing bigger on land than the brontosaurus they have to go back and write a correction, and send apologies to PMSNBC, Oprah, and Nancy Pelosi, Hillary and any number of other useless old fossils.

     We are going to begin the count of the 500 days from the time the announcement was made that we only have 500 days left; definitively 500 days before the end of the existence of Planet Earth if we do not adopt the Neanderthal "brave new way". 
      NOW!   Of course, the only ones exempted from this necessary life-style change are people living in the countries that actually do significant polluting.   This means, of course, that the entire Global Climate Change issue is meant to neuter the western democracies and to transfer what little wealth might be left after over-taxation to the advanced countries like Bomboblatflabia and Lower East Southern Kazoobubbuistan where the national pastime is blowing up each other's mosques and/or exporting junk to the United States that breaks the first time it is used.


     Remember!!!  Only 500 days.  The oceans will increase in depth by 1,000 feet, and somebody will have to carry (Sir Edmund) Hillary around piggy-back until the bird flies over with an olive branch, 20,000,000 years later.
It is Written, Let it be Known.
El Gringo Viejo