Tuesday 15 March 2011

Jury Duty Done...Heading North, then South

     It seems like my exposure to jury duty is solved by the defendants and litigants all taking pleas and settling out of court.    Tomorrow (Wednesday, the 16th of March) will find us riding the southerly winds to Central Texas to meet up briefly with Christian, and then come back on Thursday with Priscilla and our granddaughters.....so that the girls can visit with their great-grandparents.

     Christian agreed to put us up, but we are only going to charge him 250 dollars for that service.     We are going to ask him for another 100 dollars or so for our trip to Whataburger.....and if he complains at all....we have our attorney on speed dial.    After all, we didn't ask to be born.

All who are reading this now are officially members of the Orbit of Readers of the Old Gringo....OROG...a secret society dedicated fervently to nothing in particular.