Sunday 20 March 2011

Heading South....

     "The time has come", said the spider, "to fly."     So it's off to the south again to check on my charges and re-establish the presence of a pleasantly deranged Gringo in his enjoyable self-made asylum where he can hurt no one.   At least he will be able to feed his animals and count hummingbirds.  Of course, the Comision Federal de Electricidad will appreciate my paying the bill....which will be a little higher this time.    I am anticipating something around 800 pesos which will be around 64 dollars for two months' service.   it would have been 56 dollars back in September, but the firm of Bernacke,  Obama, Geitner, Frank, and Dodd - Economics Experts Extraordinaire have managed to devalue the American dollar by 12.5% against the Mexican peso in that length of time.
      Still-in-all, 32 dollars a month amounts to about one dollar per day to have cold milk,  Fox News,  indoor plumbing with water under pressure, a bit of home-made ice, and other such necessary luxuries.     While last year's gross income for the CFE  was a bit in excess of 20 billion dollars (bumped up a bit with the take-over of the Mexico City albatross Luz y Fuerza de Mexico), I am certain that they are anxiously awaiting my critical capital infusion.

      In reviewing my ranting and raving about Japan, methinks that my observations were pretty much 'right on'.    As an American, I am glad and dismayed simultaneously.    Glad, because there is still a group of people under one flag who can calmly "do the next thing" even when everything has been destroyed.     In Nashville, Tennessee where the hicks and hillbillies live it seems that they do well without FEMA intervention or visits from Obama or even a mention that said city had been completely inundated by the worst floods in its history a few months ago.
    But in much of the rest of America, politicians seem to hope for a disaster....earthquake, flood, fire, or that they can unleash the next disaster, a disaster which consists of a cascade of money, empty, lost, and or un-accounted-for double-wide trailers, officials with briefcases & laptops, and forms to fill out.   The politicians' disaster is complemented by slothful, stupid slugs trundling out to begin the "Queen for a Day" show and to complain about how badly FEMA has treated them.    WHAT DID WE DO BEFORE THERE WAS FEMA?

      Japan is a bit different....of perhaps substantially different.    They prosper from their lack of "diversity".    They are wonderfully communitarian.   First they take care of their own problems, then they move on to their neighbours.  This self-reliance spills over into a pride of self-sufficiency.
      Conversely, they really do not like to have too many heads sticking up above the rest of the group.   When somebody says "We are all on this ship together".....judging by the size of the country and the number of people on the limited number of square miles that they have....everybody had better use the oar that they were given to either row or beat tuna over the head and haul them aboard.
      The mostly ceremonial Emperor spoke to his people.    The rail line on the western side of Honshu Island was restored within 7 days.     The press reports have been alarmist....authoritative....and frequently either wrong in part or wrong in parcel.    It was all totally predictable.    At this writing we are hearing finally some what less alarmist, yellow "journalists" mumbling about the possibility of "re-starting" the entire nuclear operation at Fukushira     and I cite this link....                                                                                                      

        Please, everyone all....view all press reports about anything with suspicion.    And....I really do not think that any of my readers or my family need to run out and buy iodide tablets.....unless you like the taste of iodide.

      We continue to take advantage of damaged trees and shrubs to begin a new discipline and "look" for the upper and middle parts of the property.   More will be done in the future to make geometric topiary presentations, and to provide better views of the mountains.   We might even be considering a "portal" (a free standing open structure designed exclusively for providing shade).    This  will be helpful for our summertime visitors and might even have a bit of additional daytime cooling effect for the Quinta itself. 

       Finally, several questions and observations have come forward.   They are all appreciated.    Hopefully, my responses and answers were helpful.   The gist of my answers was ..... "There are many places where a person can travel in Mexico without intense concern.    It is like the U.S.A. in that sense.   There are places where even I would not go....specific locales and certain general areas....once again, like the U.S.A.      You will not see me practicing for a 25 K - Marathon at night in downtown Detroit or New Orleans or Baltimore......You will also not find me drinking beer at any saloon within 500 yards of the far outer-perimeter loop thoroughfare on the edge of Acapulco.     Be reasonable."
     If you send me specific destinations in Mexico, I will research them for you....going beyond my previous knowledge of the place....and attempt to gain a "real-time" status report......and either publish my impressions here, or send you a personal, private note.    In  no case will your name/address/ or personal data be divulged.

Thanks for your time and patience.   Another fresh entry tomorrow!
(The Lord willing and the Devil not objecting.)
El Gringo Viejo