Saturday 24 February 2018

OKay! OKay! We Want to Hear What El GRINGO VIEJO Wants to Say!!!!!


    This is a multi-facetted response to the new burning issue.   Upon hearing of the notion within the White House that the President is willing to allow the legalisation of up to 1,800,000 "dreamers" who were brought into the United 
States as minors incapable of controlling their supposed parents control.
    El Gringo Viejo's first reaction, as a noted  connoisseur of American political and cultural matters.  was total revulsion and negation.   We must come to a point someday when crossing the border illegally with the intent to remain in the United States and to take advantage of social support programmes is considered a felony, punishable by five years in prison, and many hours of highway litter clean-up.

     These days are not the days of the Nineteen-teens through the 1950s.   Mexico's upheavals, involved with the Revolucion de 1910 and the Cristero War of the 1920s left Mexico with a bone-pile, along with the Spanish Flu, of some 1,300,000 dead (one-fifth was from the Flu).   That number seems like a lot, but when it is considered that the population of Mexico in 1920 was probably less than 20,000,000 people one must recognise that losing over one of every eight people in less than a generation really is a bit much for a human to endure while  psychologically remaining within the realm of sanity.

     Many of you know that I am a landholder in Mexico.  My boss and I own a tract that is the equivalent to very slightly less than 3 English acres, and which essentially fronts upon a spring-fed river that has never been known to go dry since the arrival of white men...around 1539.  No one took up residence at that time, because there were too many peccaries, bears, and other such impediments to a tranquil life...including Comanches, Kiowas, Lipan Apaches, and Kickapoo who raided from places very distant to the North.
     On that tract, we built an adobe home, complete with the required red, split-tile roof that has been so much the vogue during the preceding 700 or 800 years in Tuscany and southeastern Spain.   Our place was made of the same mud that was on the ground we bought.
     Purchasing and qualifying to be a purchaser was fraught with legal, smeagle, beagle eagle.  But, actually, since I am a "foreigner", we received better treatment than the common slob Mexican who just wanted to buy or sell a 2,400 acre ranch.  Better treatment required a payment of 400 USD to the Secretaria de Gobernacion which was paid by  cash, (later payments were payed via credit card) and the certification that the previous owners had no liens against the property.
     Attending these requirements was the need to  obtain (in those days) a permit to be a "residente - no imigrante",  and to up-grade my Mexican passport from Turista-visitante to "Residente - no imigrante".  That was another 150 USD, and it had to be renewed every 360 days...not 365, but 360 days.   Further, once obtaining that Mexican passport, I could not leave the United Mexican States unless I was holding a permit from the dispensing office of the Secretraria de Relaciones Exteriores, whose office is full of posters advising the "migrants" from Central America to not go to the United States without Documents.
     At that time I joked briefly with the female administratrix of the Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores office in Ciudad Victoria, declaring, "These folks coming up from Central America are not migrants nor immigrants, they are people looking for public assistance and to have a baby on Gringo soil."
    She retorted, very dryly," These people coming up from Central America are human beings looking for the last chance they have."
     I did not yield.  It was quickly suggested that Texas stood up to the the largest, best-trained, and most well-armed army in the New World.  I pointed  out that the Texian resistance received significant help from Latins who had lose.   The vast majority of the Latin element stayed in, fighting and supporting Texas and the republican cause against the Centralists.        I suggested to her that the last chance she was talking about could soon pertain to Mexico and Texas, because of the Mara Salvatrucha and other soul-less gangs who greatest desire was and is to kill people with the greatest suffering possible and to take their goods and money.

     She, reasonably, retorted, "We do not send these people to you, you invited them."   I remembered when we had the laundromat in Mission, Texas after the 'normalization' of the illegal aliens took place in the latter 1980s.  Each day, there would be five or six passes by the Border Patrol to make certain that our staff had citizenship or legal status.  In the meantime, while they were checking my credentials and those of our manager, a steady flow of people were entering the neighbouring office...a general practitioner, who was certifying that the previously illegal person had no tuberculosis, venereal disease, leprosy, or other communicable diseases.

     The last amnesty of the latter 1980s was a sham.   No one had any intention of enforcing the constrictive rules.  The only rules that mattered was the requirement to bring literally hundreds upon thousands of previously illegal aliens and two to eight relatives per newly "amnestied" person,  over the Rio Grande.   This is not a joke.

     And here we are again.   The problem is that the Mara Salvatrucha are everywhere.  They own many of the people who declare themselves to be "Dreamers".   They literally own them.  If it is not the Mara Salvatrucha, then it will be the Calle 18 gang from El Salvador.  They are all the same.  Membership is not awarded in most cases until a potential member is beaten to a pulp, and who then gives permission to the rest of the gang to rape his sister and dis-member her.  Other sub-gangs are less sanguine and require only that the gang member murder his mother.

     This business of  "Dreamers" borders upon the psychotic.  Perhaps 30 per cent of those being designated as "Dreamers" might qualify as being poor, innocent children who were forced to accompany their illegal alien parents to the great pool of opportunity where the Statue of Liberty is.  Back in the 1950s and 1960s, that was true. 
     Now however, those who come to stay are after Aid to Families with Dependent Children, Section 8, Food Stamps, Medicaid, free year round school lunch and breakfast...etc.etc.etc.   There is a lady who has a maid, for instance, not far from people whom we have known personally for many, many years....50 years...and this lady is not in the fullest of neither intellectual nor physical alacrity, and she depends upon this "maid" for considerable attention.
      So far, this maid has had 3 babies, all miracle babies...and the maid is soaking the system for several score thousand dollars each year.   After all, the pinches gabachos (damned anglos) arrested him (her illegal alien boyfriend who appears every month when her AFDC allocation comes out) just for driving around after a few beers...for the third time...and it has left her with children who are intellectually "challenged" and physically "challenged".  The Medicaid bill to the taxpayer?  Well over 1,000,000 dollars, per year, for this maid and a couple of others who lurk around the edges of this little old lady's feeding pond.
    And now this "maid" complains that they have suspended "free" transportation to the medical facilities where these "challenges" are being "treated".  This situation is repeated in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, population 1,700,000 in four counties, Hidalgo being the largest with 1,000,000.

     This is what is known as "anchor baby syndrome".  For so long as the babies remain under 21 or 18 years of age (conditions vary) neither they nor their parents, mother, main caretaker, or an extraterrestrial sasquatch can be "exported".  The babies are normally "caught" in a midwifery normally staffed by "trained" midwifes who apparently have some connection with the liberation theology part of the Roman Catholic Church.  It has been going on for many generations.  A baby born upon sacred American or Texian soil is an American or Texian.  It is the law, and that law must be erased. 
     It is absurd.   It is nothing like the 1930s - early 1960s.   I put a 'period' at 1960, because that is truly the time when the feudal, antique, Southern gentleman, Mexican elegance,  etiquette, deference, and traditionalism  ended.    It finally died with acid rock and "relevance" and "equality".  Equality, equality, equality, and marihuana and dope was the answer to all the ancient questions.
     There is no such thing as equality as it is defined to-day.  Had I been running at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, there is no doubt that I would have lost to the German...I would not have been his equal.  Jesse Owens was more than the German's equal. 

Therefore, allow us to proceed:

     To begin, every day, over 1,000,000 Mexicans cross the Southern frontier.  Every day all of them go back.  Some have tourist visas, some have work permits, some are American citizens by their mothers and Mexicans by their fathers.  The range of POE (ports of entry) covers from a bit beyond Tijuana all the way to Brownsville.  The lines, especially during the day, at these crossing points are, at times, endless.   Pedestrian entry for people intending to make a "visita fronteriza" are also nearly endless.   But the lines move.   We have not found piles of bones standing in line or a skeleton sitting behind a steering wheel.

     Some might cry out, "To Hell with them all, I don't care if their mother is the Virgin Mary!!! Throw them out."   Others say,"We need these people over here to do significant temporary odd-jobs on cotton, vegetable, and citrus plantations in the Lower Rio Grande Valley  (these are not 'plantations' such as one might envision during the openning scenes of Gone With the Wind;  the word plantation merely means "...a planted area.").

     Please understand that in Mexico City, at the Embassy of the United States of America, there are "coleros" (persons who form a long line of petitioners) who work, standing in line, with two or three briefcases, moving ahead a few steps per hour, until after three, four, or seven days the lady behind the bullet resistant glass says, "We have to leave early to-day".  The 'coleros' are frequently graduate lawyers who handle immigration matters for several clients, and criminal cases that pertain to something that involves both Mexico and the Republic of Texas, and/or the United States.


    This is a multi-facetted response to the new burning issue.   Upon hearing of the notion within the White House that the President is willing to allow the legalisation of up to 1,800,000 this connoisseur of politics, El Gringo Viejo's first reaction was total revulsion and negation.   We must come to a point someday when crossing the border illegally with the intent to remain in the United States and to take advantage of social support programmes is considered a felony, punishable by five years in prison, and many hours of highway litter clean-up.

     These days are not the days of the Nineteen-teens through the 1950s.   Mexico's upheavals, involved with the Revolucion de 1910 and the Cristero War of the 1920s left Mexico with a bone-pile, along with the Spanish Flu, of some 1,300,000 dead (one-fifth was from the Flu).   That number seems like a lot, but when it is considered that the population of Mexico in 1920 was probably less than 20,000,000 people one must recognise that losing over one of every eight people in less than a generation really is a bit much for a human to endure while  psychologically remaining within the realm of sanity.

     Many of you know that I am a landholder in Mexico.  My boss and I own a tract that is the equivalent to very slightly less than 3 English acres, and which essentially fronts upon a spring-fed river that has never been known to go dry since the arrival of white men...around 1539.  No one took up residence at that time, because there were too many peccaries, bears, and other such impediments to a tranquil life...including Comanches, Kiowas, Lipan Apaches, and Kickapoo who raided from places very distant to the North.
     On that tract, we built an adobe home, complete with the required red, split-tile roof that has been so much the vogue during the preceding 700 or 800 years in Tuscany and southeastern Spain.   Our place was made of the same mud that was on the ground we bought.
     Purchasing and qualifying to be a purchaser was fraught with legal, smeagle, beagle eagle.  But, actually, since I am a "foreigner", we received better treatment than the common slob Mexican who just wanted to buy or sell a 2,400 acre ranch.  Better treatment required a payment of 400 USD to the Secretaria de Gobernacion which was paid by  cash, (later payments were payed via credit card) and the certification that the previous owners had no liens against the property.
     Attending these requirements was the need to  obtain (in those days) a permit to be a "residente - no imigrante",  and to up-grade my Mexican passport from Turista-visitante to "Residente - no imigrante".  That was another 150 USD, and it had to be renewed every 360 days...not 365, but 360 days.   Further, once obtaining that Mexican passport, I could not leave the United Mexican States unless I was holding a permit from the dispensing office of the Secretraria de Relaciones Exteriores, whose office is full of posters advising the "migrants" from Central America to not go to the United States without Documents.
     At that time I joked briefly with the female administratrix of the Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores office in Ciudad Victoria, declaring, "These folks coming up from Central America are not migrants nor immigrants, they are people looking for public assistance and to have a baby on Gringo soil."
    She retorted, very dryly," These people coming up from Central America are human beings looking for the last chance they have."
     I did not yield.  It was quickly suggested that Texas stood up to the the largest, best-trained, and most well-armed army in the New World.  I pointed  out that the Texian resistance received significant help from Latins who had lose.   The vast majority of the Latin element stayed in, fighting and supporting Texas and the republican cause against the Centralists.        I suggested to her that the last chance she was talking about could soon pertain to Mexico and Texas, because of the Mara Salvatrucha and other soul-less gangs who greatest desire was and is to kill people with the greatest suffering possible and to take their goods and money.

     She, reasonably, retorted, "We do not send these people to you, you invited them."   I remembered when we had the laundromat in Mission, Texas after the 'normalization' of the illegal aliens took place in the latter 1980s.  Each day, there would be five or six passes by the Border Patrol to make certain that our staff had citizenship or legal status.  In the meantime, while they were checking my credentials and those of our manager, a steady flow of people were entering the neighbouring office...a general practitioner, who was certifying that the previously illegal person had no tuberculosis, venereal disease, leprosy, or other communicable diseases.

     The last amnesty of the latter 1980s was a sham.   No one had any intention of enforcing the constrictive rules.  The only rules that mattered was the requirement to bring literally hundreds upon thousands of previously illegal aliens and two to eight relatives per newly "amnestied" person,  over the Rio Grande.   This is not a joke.

     And here we are again.   The problem is that the Mara Salvatrucha are everywhere.  They own many of the people who declare themselves to be "Dreamers".   They literally own them.  If it is not the Mara Salvatrucha - 13, then it will be the Calle 18 gang from El Salvador.  They are all the same.  Membership is not awarded in most cases until a potential member is beaten to a pulp, and who then gives permission to the rest of the gang to rape his sister and dismember her.  Other sub-gangs are less sanguine and require only that the gang member murder his mother.

     This business of  "Dreamers" borders upon the psychotic.  Perhaps 30 per cent of those being designated as "Dreamers" might qualify as being poor, innocent children who were forced to accompany their illegal alien parents to the great pool of opportunity where the Statue of Liberty is.  Back in the 1950s and 1960s, that was true. 
     Now however, those who come to stay are after Aid to Families with Dependent Children, Section 8, Food Stamps, Medicaid, free year round school lunch and breakfast...etc.etc.etc.   There is a lady who has a maid, for instance, not far from people whom we have known personally for many, many years....50 years...and this lady is not in the fullest of neither intellectual nor physical alacrity, and she depends upon this "maid" for considerable attention.
      So far, this maid has had 3 babies, all miracle babies...and the maid is soaking the system for several score thousand dollars each year.   After all, the pinches gabachos (damned anglos) arrested him (her illegal alien boyfriend who appears every month when her AFDC allocation comes out) just for driving around after a few beers...for the third time...and it has left her with children who are intellectually "challenged" and physically "challenged".  The Medicaid bill to the taxpayer?  Well over 1,000,000 dollars, per year, for this maid and a couple of others who lurk around the edges of this little old lady's feeding pond.
    And now this "maid" complains that they have suspended "free" transportation to the medical facilities where these "challenges" are being "treated".  This situation is repeated in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, population 1,700,000 in those four, southernmost counties, Hidalgo being the largest with 1,000,000, and Cameron, Starr, and Willacy in descending order of population.

     This is what is known as "anchor baby syndrome".  For so long as the babies remain under 21 or 18 years of age (conditions vary) neither they nor their parents, mother, main caretaker, or an extraterrestrial sasquatch can be "exported".  The babies are normally "caught" in a midwifery normally staffed by "trained" midwifes who apparently have some connection with the liberation theology part of the Roman Catholic Church.  It has been going on for two or three generations.  A baby born upon sacred American or Texian soil is an American or Texian.  It is the law, and that law must be erased. 
     It is absurd.   It is nothing like the 1930s - early 1960s.   I put a 'period' at early 1960s, because that is truly the time when the feudal, antique, Southern gentleman, Mexican elegance,  etiquette, deference, and traditionalism  ended.    It finally died with acid rock and "relevance" and "equality".  Equality, equality, equality, and marihuana and dope was to become the answer to all the ancient questions and gradually corrupted almost all social propriety.

     Only problem is, gee whiz, there is no such thing as equality as it is defined to-day.  Had I been running at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, there is no doubt that I would have lost to the German...I would not have been his equal.  Jesse Owens was more than the German's equal.
     The only equality that we can truly work towards is the employment of the cultural rule that all men / women are to be equal before the processes of the law.  Social democracy and equality is absurd upon the face of it. 

Therefore, allow us to proceed:

     To begin, every day, over 1,000,000 Mexicans cross the Southern frontier at official crossing points, with entry documents in hand.  Every day, all are almost all of them go back.  Some have tourist visas, some have work permits, some are American citizens by their mothers and Mexicans by their fathers.  The range of POE (ports of entry) covers from a bit beyond Tijuana all the way to Brownsville.  The lines, especially during the day, at these crossing points are, at times, endless.   Pedestrian entry for people intending to make a "visita fronteriza" are also nearly endless.   But the lines move.   We have not found piles of bones standing in line or a skeleton sitting behind a steering wheel.

   Some might cry out, "To Hell with them all, I don't care if their mother is the Virgin Mary!!! Throw them out."   Others say,"We need these people over here to do significant temporary odd-jobs on cotton, vegetable, and citrus plantations in the Lower Rio Grande Valley  (these are not 'plantations' such as one might envision during the openning scenes of Gone With the Wind;  the word plantation merely means "...a planted area.").

     Please understand that in Mexico City, at the Embassy of the United States of America, there are "coleros" (persons who form a long line of petitioners) who work, standing in line, with two or three briefcases, moving ahead a few steps per hour, until after three, four, or seven days the lady behind the bullet resistant glass says, "We have to leave early to-day, come back to-morrow" or "Yes, your appointment is for to-morrow at 09:30."
   The 'coleros' are frequently graduate lawyers or trusted runners who handle immigration matters for several clients, and criminal cases that pertain to something that involves both Mexico and the Republic of Texas, and/or the United States.  Whenever the American Embassy is needed it is almost certain that time and money will be required and long wait-lines endured.

     The "immigration issue" is almost totally misunderstood by almost everyone.  It has become even more fuzzy due to the new phenomena, provoked and endorsed by the previous administration, that urges women with young children to come to the Rio Grande and search out border patrol, customs and immigration personnel so as to be arrested and detained and processed, and then allowed to enter with "dependent and at-risk minor children".   They continue on to places where "...they have relatives waiting for them".
     Oddly, during these times, there are actually more Mexicans going back to take up residence than Mexicans coming across illegally to the United States.  The return rate of those Mexicans who enter with temporary work permits is almost 100%.   The mix of Central Americans, Red Chinese, middle-easterners, and others make up a greater portion now of the illegal entry group, with the Mexican group being larger, but outnumbered by the aggregate of the other groups.   This has been the case since about six years ago.
__________________ we are.   The average slob like me, or  1st Lieutenant Jose Garcia who came over from Mexico during the middle of World War II and volunteer for the American Army, who fought long and hard, with only three or four "minor" wounds;  a Bronze Star, and then a Silver Star, two Purple Hearts, a French commendation, and an Honourable Discharge.  All that gained him the opportunity to accept or deny the offer of American citizenship when he was mustered out in 1947, and decided to take the offer of American Citizenship.  He was buried in Reynosa at the public cemetery, because he felt that a person should return to the soil that birthed him.   Or maybe he was buried at McAllen's old staid and still elegant Roselawn Cemetery....or wherever.  The thing is Jose Garcia should never be, and  cannot be refused entry.
  People coming to take advantage of "social safety nets" and income transfer / vote buying schemes should be deported upon arrival.  People coming to drop an "anchor baby" should have the baby removed and placed for adoption, and the mother deported to some very distant corner of her country of origin.

More later...there is so much to many currents in the turbulent waters...

Wednesday 21 February 2018

Potpourri of Current Events and Opinions - Mexican political news, and other worthwhile things


    These are the times that try men's souls.   We touch a bit on the immediate issue of "gun control" and "assault weapons" and firearms that are "fully semi-automatic", and the trundle of the mindless "students" who are going to lecture people whose minds are essentially closed, made-up, and acting as if they are listening.
     We accompany them in their grief, however real it might be.   I was there in the middle of the Tower Sniper episode, 1 August 1966.  It is now an event long-forgotten, when the centre of Austin, Texas was frozen in time, space, and unreality.  Nineteen dead, 40 or so wounded.   My participation in all of that was in being there and involving myself, very peripherally.
     Sears and Roebuck absolved themselves and all America of this horror by discontinuing sales of firearms in their stores.  Little matter that they had a very fine line of pistols and rifles under the tag of Ted Williams  and J.C.Higgins, equivalent say to a good old Ford pick-up or Chevrolet Impala...good, solid pistols, rifles, and shotguns.   Sold at a good price.
     There were calls then to abolish private ownership of firearms, especially guessed it...leftist intellectuals and "social justice" workers.  The answer to that was the equally banal, but more accurate statement of, "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns''.

     Now come the "students" who are most in grieving.  Their task is clear.  They must shame us into the new religion of the World of Perfection Produced by Human Hand.  They are more enlightened, they know more than the "old people with old ways", and they have the permanent solution to "gun violence".
    None of the "students" spoke before or after about the fact that previous to the event in Florida, over 200 mainly black children were killed in the "community" in straight-out gangland insanity since the beginning of this year.


     The Mexican Presidential elections coming up on the 1st day of July of this year will have repercussions throughout the intermingled, industrial world.  They have become complicated by peculiar alliances and already fuzzy proposals.   This is important to us, as reasonable Gringos,  because the Mexicans are our neighbours, and because their Gross National Product is the same as countries such as the Republic of Texas, the Dominion of Canada, and the Dump of Russia.   Mexico, for instance, has States with counties, any one of which produce more value in a quarter than the "peoples' republic of Cuba" produces in a year.   Canada or Texas are in that same category.   Mexico, for instance, with a population of 124,000,000 produces more than sub-Saharan Africa with a population of 1,200,000,000.
    Normally we have the marxist Partido Democratico Revolucionario (PRD - nutcase commie-lite), the Partido de Accion Nacional (PAN - centre right, composted from a mix of right-wing crazies such as your writer and the middle-class and upper-class), and the decrepit, again failing Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI - mossback, thuggish, 'centrist', 'reasonable', 'realistic', slightly to totally corrupt, original government party from the post revolutionary period until the years from 1919 to 2000).
Ricardo Anaya Cortez (PAN)
Coalition candidate for the
Presidency of the United
Mexican States
      Now, we have to mix into this mess the fact that there are very strange arrangements and mixings of philosophies being thrown at the electorate.   
     My party, were El Gringo Viejo a Mexican, would obviously be the National Action Party (PAN) because it is most like the conservative wing of the Republican Party in Texas.  But this time the PAN has made a considered alliance with the Revolutionary Democratic Party (PRD) and promises to fold into the overall PAN plan of governance some of the PRD's platform, such as an allocation of a basic amount of survival money for the most marginalised in the Mexican population.
  The PAN keeps its basic thrust upon improving education and business conditions and protecting the concepts of common law and private ownership of this and that.   It is a fundamentally private-sector type party and believes that the best form of "welfare" is eleemosynary - private generosity given directly by those "who have" to those "who have naught".
An 'arriero' with a column of very apt and noble
donkeys (burros), taking supplies to somewhere
around the Grand Canyon, 1956

    Ricardo Anaya Cortez (PAN) is a "realistic" candidate who will do anything, not to "win" but rather to keep the keys to the Presidential Palace and to Los Pinos Presidential Compound.  He, therefore, has made truck with friends, neighbours, and even enemies in order to keep some form of natural and common law hovering over the Republic of Mexico.   Anaya is generally regarded a s being good for the long run, but "too young" to understand what he is getting into when dealing with the maggots, vermin, and serpents who dwell within the intestines of the "burocracia" (Of course, that word means 'bureaucracy', but it is spelled differently, depending on the occasion.  At times, one might see it spelled 'burrocracia' {governed by Burros} ).


Jose Antonio Meade Kuribrena

    One of Anaya's opposition from the old moss-back Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) is a fellow by the name of José Antonio Meade Kuribreña who is a very talented, multi-party public servant, well-educated, family man.  Señor Meade is respected, thought to be impeccably honest, and as dull as an old pewter knife.
     To his credit, almost everyone who is familiar with the man is certain that he is impeccably honest, but also willing to order the annihilation  of the cartels, MS-13, and other fountains of social depravity and organised crime.

     His problem might be that he is overqualified for the job, and that he might lack the spittle and spat to fight for the "centrist majority".   His family is not of the "Soap Opera (telenovela)" quarter of the elite Mexican society such as the present Mexican Presidente.   They are more mundane, real, self-qualified, unimaginative, educated,  intelligent, etc.   El Gringo Viejo, although he is not my preferred candidate, regards him as a Felipe Calderon Hinojosa type...just a plain, poor-rich, smart, good guy.
     In terms of the coming election, his Anglo / Celtic surname, Meade, will neither help nor hurt him. Why?  Because there are Mexicans who would love to have a long episode of dull and boring English / American Common Law.  There are others, of equal numbers, who absolutely, never, under no condition would never vote for him unless he would sign a Will and Testament that ..." ...the afore-declared, being of sound mind and body, stipulates and directs the entirety of my Estate of nearly 300 years in the family be awarded to my  new wife, Maria Feissima Gordota de Maximiliano y de la Vega, aged nineteen, totally incompetent, but willing to hold a texting device until Death do her part."
     He is known as one who would argue to the floor-mat with Trump but be able to wrest an accord, as would Anaya-Cortez.

     Thence cometh the problem.   The new "PARTIDO MORENO"...the party of the "brown".   It has nothing to do with being "brown", but it appeals to the people who wish to choose that they are downtrodden, and they also want to follow one of  "their own".   It comes from wealthy and upper-middle class urbans who want a reason to hate their parents.  It is founded upon the ire of people who hate other people who have "more".  
   Problem?  Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is another of the typical demagogues, a white man,  who shovels millions of shekels into the Beignk du Ouplatra and then strut around as Saviours of the Poor.  Liberation Theology, anyone?   Millions of dollars channelled through the capillary-like labyrinth and manipulated by people like Marc Rich who embezzled over 200,000,000 USD and was convicted, but then pardoned by Billy Jeff Blyth during the last minutes of Billy Jeff's presence in the horribly contaminated White House.

     For instance, nobody particularly interesting....Yassir Arafat and his bleached-blond, very un-Muslim "wife", Frida and Diego, the Ortega brothers, the Castro-Ruz brothers, Hugo Chavez, Maduro, the Mitterand establishment, Planned Parenthood which specialises in 'free money' from the stupid people who pay taxes...etc.  They all use off-shore banks to hide the money that evaporates.  They all have homes in gated communities in the United States and Europe, where they can escape the Hoi Polloi and rub shoulders with important people like Madonna and  
While El Gringo Viejo is a partisan, he is not a liar.  Andres is not giving a
 "nazi salute".  This is the posture a person takes when he/she is giving
 a pledge in the official Latin world.  It comes from the Roman
 period, and is designed to point a person'ssoul to the
 people he/she is addressing as an assurance that
 his/her commitment is true, certain, and given
 freely, without coercion . 
     Andres mastered the art of demagoguery has since become a travelling salesman for selling  false dreams.   He assures everyone that their problems are brought on by the Gringos, by Trump, by the Rich, by the Church, and of course by the people who raise prices during the early morning hours.
    He is a pitiful little man, waiting for his chance behind the podium, to lecture a crowd of one million, like Nuremberg, and be a dictator, haranguing the gathered about the evils of the Jews, the Church, the Rich, etc.
      The last election he lost for the Presidency of Mexico (his second defeat), for instance, his zomboid followers sealed off the most important Champs Elysee boulevard in the New World...the fabled Paseo de la Reforma in Mexico City.   Traffic count?...perhaps 100,000 per hour (or more).   His sycophants, desperately seeking something for nothing, occupied the main plaza in Mexico City for 18 months after the last election and shut down traffic, as they set up their "puestos"  (small restaurants and garage-sale businesses on top of 5 miles of a 16 lane boulevard; a disaster in the centre of a city of 23,000,000). 

    Known affectionately as AMLO, this is the next Maduro / Chavez / Ortega waiting for the chance to demagogue Mexico back into the 18th Century.  One can simply look at Venezuela  /  Colombia and see the difference that the marxist or nazi system (Venezuela) compares poorly to the imperfect nation next door...and that is because Colombia knows what happens when drug traffricking and marxism mix.    Venezuela is in shambles, and Colombia, next door,  is prospering in its own way.

     AMLO wants to bring Bernie Sanders Economics to Mexico, after Mexico went through the same thing from 1920 through the year 2000, just like the hated "official party" (PRI) prescribed to cure the ills of Mexico.  Mexico improved, in spite of, not because of the prescriptions of the PRI's socialist and national socialists and labour-union strangulation.

      We must hope that AMLO's fortunes and high scores in the "encuestas" (polls) will begin to moderate and finally collapse as they did during the other two times he ran.  To-m0rrow, we shall analyse a bit about the enigmatic Vicente Foxx Quesada, who seems to love to spit in the face of Trump and the Americans who rooted for him when he won the presidency of Mexico in the year 2000...breaking the PRI's hold on power that had lasted 70 years.   Not bad for a ranch boy who had been a Coca Cola delivery truck driver in Guanajuato back in the 1960s.   We wish that he would just keep his mouth shut...especially when talking to people on American television who equated him to Satan not so long ago.

More later.  Thanks for staying in.

Monday 19 February 2018

Painted Bunting invasion...


    This is a bit of fluff...but fluff with substance.

     The above posted picture might be the best of my obviously mediocre talents, but the whole matter was one of extemporaneous reaction by a novice using a good but impertinent type of camera.  This is"Bunty" who seemed to be the "Leader of the Pack".   The females remained a bit removed while the males bravely moved into the thickets and wild-petunia bloque that flanks our entry gates.  The females, dowdy and uninspired like old marxist women seen frequently on un-watched television programmes, removed to other nearby "safe zones" where they could avoid contact with birds who chirped conservative things or thought non-marxist thoughts.

     Bunty would make pass after pass checking out El Gringo Viejo.   He had a posse of five or six other males, all in full colourific display.   They also followed and "backed-up" their leader.

    This is, perhaps, the best of all the pictures we could manage of Bunty.   He and his friends made themselves comfortable for three or four different one-hour visits.  We must have good bugs and larvae.
    The flowers pictured are close-by shrimp plants (flowers coloured yellow, gold, blue, and red), numerous on our property, that serve to attract a minimum of 13 sub-species of hummingbirds.  While the Painted Buntings were present, the "hummingbird community" would arrive at their "feeding grounds" and keep a careful eye on the new visitors.

This is a picture that will prove that we had a plurality of
 this bird on our little finca in Nowhere, Mexico.  It was
 a very pleasant episode.
     We summarise this episode of normalcy with this review and report.  Painted Buntings are a rarity, and in some quarters, especially among the more deranged and radical "environmentalists" who have brought us simultaneous Climate Change, Global Warming, Global Cooling, and Total Destruction of Earth.   This  destruction, according to them, is done by a God (whom they say does not exist) who is punishing humanity (principally only the Republicans and Conservatives)  because He is judging us and our iniquity.

      We are anxious that you all should enjoy this moment of an attack of normalcy in nature.  We also had the visitation of a very large male puma who did not run when El Gringo Viejo came out to find out what was "going on outside" at 02:00 the morning of last  Sunday.   He had come up to eat the dog food we leave for the Rhodesian Lion Hounds of our neighbour when they choose to slumber on our corridor during the early morning hours when the "Hacendado de la Vega" (a term we have restored to the area) is absent from our area.

   We had various adventures during our last run down to your home in Nowhere, Mexico and this was one.   Stay tuned for an assortment of encounters with a different...usually pleasant...reality. It  will be more about experiences and less about political matters.   While saying such, we shall be moving into the very convoluted and volatile Mexican presidential election...campaign beginning on the 1st  of March and ending on Election Day - 1 July 2018...with candidates similar to Bernie and Hillary, and others similar to Biden and Romney.  There is even one who is like Trump and others who are like that Uncle you had who wore the party hat.  Remember?   At your 8th birthday?  The one who fell out of the canoe into the deepest part of the lake?

Thanks for your attention.

Saturday 3 February 2018

Uncut L.A. Riot Footage- Reginald Denny Beating/ Looting


     We have been fairly firm during the past fifteen or twenty years concerning the necessity of gently splicing the Republic of Texas away from the control of the viperous control by Centralist Ironfisting forces of Washington D. C. 's Deep State in the affairs of the common people of Texas.

     By the common people of Texas, it is meant those people who try to comply with some reasonable catechism, be it Judaic or Protestant or Orthodox catechism.   Wealthy, rich, middle-inccome, ascendent aspiring somewhat poor, all the various races and included ethnic groups and their mixtures we have, truly constitute a People Apart.

     We Texians  are an entire motley race, with mainly an antiquated moral code and a legal codex, drawn from (1) the precepts of the Magna Carta, (2) the Declaration of Independence and its child, the Constitution of the United States of America, (3) various and sundry inclusions in the Declaration of the Mexican Republic in the 1824 Constitution, then, (4) the Declaration of Independence by Texas in 1836 written by Lorenzo de Zavala,  against the totalitarian and erratic dictator Antonio de Padua María Severino López de Santa Anna y Pérez de Lebrón, famous sociopath and psychopath, and finally, the Texas Constitution of 1876, as amended (As of 2015 (the 84th Legislature), the Texas Legislature has proposed a total of 673 amendments. Of these, 491 have been adopted, and 179 have been defeated by Texas voters. Thus, the Texas Constitution has been amended 491 times since its adoption in 1876.   In other words, our Constitution is very similar mechanically to the albatross and dinosaur... the Mexican Constitution of 1917.

    We do know that the "world will little note nor long remember" what is written in this missive.   But we do hope that the words that are herein demonstrated will have some small effect upon the sensibility of that strongest of humankind...the common ones, poor ones, and all those in between of any extraction.  They are almost all uncommon people in terms of a certain childish nature of openness and generosity.  They are almost all common people in the sense that they hope for, try to require, and enforce almost always the notion that equality of people means only equality before the law and the administration of that law.

   The worst the Left can do in Texas is, it seems, is Dan Rather's dull-witted, parrot-like daughter and Willie Nelson.  The hard-core Bolshevik and National Socialists lurk around the edges of the culture, looking for Confederate monuments to destroy or burn, or Nativity Scenes to desecrate.   But,  98 per cent of those who can still think coherently also still cleave unto the unseen and unprovable Truths found in the Beatitudes, the Golden Rule, and the Parable of the Samaritan.  Some, lamentably, still think they are Democrats.

    Slowly, but very steadily, the fact that the Progressive movement...that endorsed Prohibition so strongly...made great truck with the Ku Klux Klan and resuscitated that disgusting gaggle of white-trash during the 1920's and 1930's  because of their profound agreement concerning the necessity to eliminate the Negro, Mexican, retarded, crippled, defective, and Hebrew "races".  Methinks that they were willing, probably, to also eliminate the Indians, as well.   Please remember that Margaret Sanger addressed on two occasions the women's  conventions of the Ku Klux Klan.  She also left a proud paper trail, to or three levels beyond her private social orbit.   To wit:

    Progressives today dare not raise the alarming spectre of Sanger’s “Negro Project,” or her correspondence with Dr. Clarence Gamble, one of her Negro Project collaborators. In a remarkable December 10, 1939 letter today held in the Sanger archives at Smith College, Sanger urged Gamble: “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. (Wikipedia)

     Among those in agreement? Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, the single greatest saviour of women since the beginning of the First Rib of Adam...and erstwhile wife of her second cousin, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.  She despised the "inferior races" do most "Progressives"and as did her second cousin.
     But...all is not lost...because this gives the OROG (Official Reader of the Old Gringo) a true and redemptive glance at the difference between a Klanner and the  True Confederate and local control advocate and reasoning Conservative.

     Among those in disagreement with the Klanners?   Strom Thurmond, who in 1928, as the Attorney General of the Sovereign State of South Carolina proposed, caused to be passed, and enforced a law prohibiting the covering of faces, and the painting of horses, vehicles, or any other device meant to mislead legitimate authority the power to determine ownership.

      The use of such deviousness, such as shoe-polishing a brown horse black was a typical manner by which the white-trash Ku Klux Klanners terrorised the Negro population and those Caucasians who did not bear animus against their Black and / or Indian neighbours. 

       Thence, one arrives at the realisation that the racial and ethnic matters are not political, but rather moral and social....the Reverend Benjamin Newton protecting the white boy who had been concrete-blocked-to-the-head seven or eight times (and viciously slugged and kicked and robbed) is an example en pionte.

    The below, un-redacted or modified, is the truth of the Los Angeles situation then...and it is worse now.  The Reverend Mr. Newton should have been beatified by all Protestant and Orthodox orders and denominations; but he is not.  He is hidden in the dust bins of the Obsolete Press...he is never-mentioned, un-mentioned, and ridiculed as either an Uncle Tom or as a figment of the imagination of Confederates and hillbillies.

    The Reverend Mr. Newton (RIP ), who left his home with a bible in hand, was determined to conquer hate. He was a self-rehabilitated ex-sinner who spent the bulk of his life after accepting Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour, complying with the admonitions listed in the Beatitudes.

     "I threw my body across him ("him" is Reginald Denny, a professional trucker who was stupid enough to think that he could drive down a public thoroughfare) to protect him...I said, 'No more, this is enough. You're going to have to kill me, too,'" the pastor shared the danger brought on by the hooligans.

     He said Reginald Denny then stopped breathing, so Newton started praying.

     "It was three to five minutes almost, and he began to groan and then his eyes came back into focus, he began to breathe," Newton recalled.

  In truth, Mr. Benjamin saved his life on two or three different levels, and totally at the risk of his own. It was a miracle by either Protestant or Orthodox standards.

(This writer is not related to the Reverend Mr. Newton...but, we are brothers.)


This attack represents the final

 product of Aid to Families with Dependent Children, food stamps, and
 public housing, and absentee paternity.
   Los Angeles, California is worse off to-day than in 1992, please be aware.
 This was a brutally, incomprehensibly, depraved act of senseless violence
that is worse now than it was then.   And then it was really bad.


    None of this is an inflation.  It was from ABC News, of all sources.  But that was back when they still had a remnant of a soul.   There are motion pictures depicting this madness, and the Reverend Mr. Newton's bravery and sacrifice, and it is the video we are so bold to post above.
   So that some will learn and many already know, the true Confederate is not a Negro-hater...we know "them" better than the Progressives know "them".   Nothing the "Progressives" can do will cure the problems they, themselves, have caused through their social engineering.
   Social graces, deference, self-discipline, deferred gratification, and industry along with a reasonable Catechism are not bound by race, nationality, sex, nor planetary origin.

    Social programmes that are proposed by governmental agencies in order to cure the difficulties that were created by the social programmes proposed ten or twenty years in the past by "progressive" social engineers and social justice warriors, at each cycle, since the 1930s, have led to cultural degeneracy and social disaster.   Of this, there can be no doubt.

Lest we forget.

El Gringo Viejo


The Pre-Professional Period of El Gringo Viejo - Since someone asked

David Christian Newton

     Several 1st jobs...but it was learned that I am not employable. My only way out was through politics and then self-employment. My wife and I operated a very nice excursion company to Mexico for 22 years, among other things....a really nice laundromat in South Mission for 12 years (simultaneously)...a gold, silver, and jewellery collection and sales business...   Perhaps, the four of five things I did during grades 9 through 12, and then the four or five jobs during my collegiate times:     (1) park leader at West Austin Park in near downtown Austin, Texas during the "long, hot summer of 1966" when there were hints and fears of anarchy due to the riots in the North and the shooting of Martin Luther King, Jr. The park served an old Angloid neighbourhood, and had an ancient neighbourhood called Clarksville which was entirely Negro...many tracing their time there back to before the War Between the States...most were middle class, skilled blue-collar people and long-term, very professional maids to homes of the super-duper wealthy, old Blue Bloods over in Tarrytown, almost adjacent to "Clarksville".   And then we had the Latin element, almost totally of Mexican / Spanish origin, many with origins dating from or before the Republican Period of Texas (1836 - 1845)...sprinkled among a few of German, Czech, and Polish descended people. I kept my park open throughout the menaces and rumours and played the fair-man to all. It was a three month stint, including the Charles Whitman - University of Texas Tower Sniper event.      (2) The next Summer (1967) it was my pleasure to drive over almost all the face of the Republic of Texas collecting my photos (polaroid) and notes, and forms, concerning the ethnic and historical elements of the composition of population of Texas ...all of this in preparation of the openning of the HEMISFAIR 68 which would celebrate the 28 ethnic groups that compose the fabric of Texian Culture. They paid all my expenses, 300 USD/month and gave me a fancy badge that I had to turn in at the end of my service with the signature of John Connally, Governor of Texas. I was supposed to show this badge to people when I was asking questions about matters of privacy.      (3)  THEN, there was a nearly year long stint at host, cashier, maitre'd of the finest Mexican restaurant of the "foo - foo" level, El Chico's #10 in Hancock Centre of Austin (about 3 blocks from my parent's home in near north-central Austin. It was a wondrous time (really excellent food and service).     (4)  After that,  I talked myself into another position at the best hamburger joint in San Marcos, Texas, (or perhaps Texas), situated on the first block south from the Campus of Southwest Texas State University...(to-day, lamentably formally known as Texas State University). It had become tiresome to "commute" the 30 miles twixt Austin and San Marcos in order to complete my degree.       I began as a counter worker, and wound up as night and week-end manager during the last 10 months of my university career. I worked at Gil's Broiler for a total of 20 months. Gil Rainocek, a true small business genius and work-a-holic, always seemed to resent that I came from a family that had small but significant resources and that I was a spoiled snot. But he declared that I was a mediocre counter man, a perfect public relations man, and the best manager he had ever had. Your humble servant left there, during the last four months, being paid DOUBLE the minimum wage!   Of note, upon visiting the same place, some 40 years later, to show my daughter, wife, and some friends, the present owner was advised by your humble servant that he had worked at Gil's Broiler in 1968 and 1969. He smiled a bit, and said that there were a lot of people who said that they had worked at Gil's, and he plopped out a metal box-file that could hold 3X5 note cards.  He asked my name, and voila! El Gringo Viejo's name was there - as a weekend and night manager ever, and even my good old personal data et. al. was there for the world to see.    Any offer of gratuities would always be refused, but if the client insisted, that money would be taken and your humble servant would put it into a coffee can beneath the counter. When I left it had 423 dollars in it. I gave it to the employees.    SO NOW YOU KNOW, I had several "first jobs", and we are trying not to leave out the very beginning as a "batter-up" service in South McAllen that had pitching machines.  It was just north from the compound on Toronto and 10th where the Bowling Alley was in those times.   A go-cart track had been put in just behind the Bowling Alley. I worked alone and was 13 at that time, and the owner, a close friend of my eldest brother, thought that I was much older (already 6'2" and scrawny at 158 pounds).  Wage was $0.65/hr. and a couple of Cokes on house from the machine per 8 hour shift.   Summer of 1960   This job preceded the others, Tommy Traylor and I used to engage fellows at the Bowl-a-Rama on South Tenth and soak them playing straight pool. Tommy was the superior player...he had me along to give the other "doubles player" some hope of victory. I have never seen a better player of straight pool than Thomas Dale Traylor, and I have seen many. Biggest night ever? During Whitewing Season one night, Tommy and I picked up 222 USD....which was divided 60 / 40 with Thomas Dale receiving the larger share (justifiably). This was in 1965 So, as you all can see, and not counting the jobs like wiping down new and used cars at Clark Chevrolet, and the Pontiac / Cadillac place next door, so that the window and paint jobs would glisten before the potential buyers arrived....$0.50 USD per Auto. Tommy and I could do about 40 in the pre-dawn....and that we split 50 / 50. WHEW!!!!!! And there is more where that comes from!!!!! Tommy and I both graduated from our university studies at the age of 21. We were young for our age......As usual, thanks for the time and interest.El Gringo Viejo________________

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