Saturday 3 February 2018

Uncut L.A. Riot Footage- Reginald Denny Beating/ Looting


     We have been fairly firm during the past fifteen or twenty years concerning the necessity of gently splicing the Republic of Texas away from the control of the viperous control by Centralist Ironfisting forces of Washington D. C. 's Deep State in the affairs of the common people of Texas.

     By the common people of Texas, it is meant those people who try to comply with some reasonable catechism, be it Judaic or Protestant or Orthodox catechism.   Wealthy, rich, middle-inccome, ascendent aspiring somewhat poor, all the various races and included ethnic groups and their mixtures we have, truly constitute a People Apart.

     We Texians  are an entire motley race, with mainly an antiquated moral code and a legal codex, drawn from (1) the precepts of the Magna Carta, (2) the Declaration of Independence and its child, the Constitution of the United States of America, (3) various and sundry inclusions in the Declaration of the Mexican Republic in the 1824 Constitution, then, (4) the Declaration of Independence by Texas in 1836 written by Lorenzo de Zavala,  against the totalitarian and erratic dictator Antonio de Padua María Severino López de Santa Anna y Pérez de Lebrón, famous sociopath and psychopath, and finally, the Texas Constitution of 1876, as amended (As of 2015 (the 84th Legislature), the Texas Legislature has proposed a total of 673 amendments. Of these, 491 have been adopted, and 179 have been defeated by Texas voters. Thus, the Texas Constitution has been amended 491 times since its adoption in 1876.   In other words, our Constitution is very similar mechanically to the albatross and dinosaur... the Mexican Constitution of 1917.

    We do know that the "world will little note nor long remember" what is written in this missive.   But we do hope that the words that are herein demonstrated will have some small effect upon the sensibility of that strongest of humankind...the common ones, poor ones, and all those in between of any extraction.  They are almost all uncommon people in terms of a certain childish nature of openness and generosity.  They are almost all common people in the sense that they hope for, try to require, and enforce almost always the notion that equality of people means only equality before the law and the administration of that law.

   The worst the Left can do in Texas is, it seems, is Dan Rather's dull-witted, parrot-like daughter and Willie Nelson.  The hard-core Bolshevik and National Socialists lurk around the edges of the culture, looking for Confederate monuments to destroy or burn, or Nativity Scenes to desecrate.   But,  98 per cent of those who can still think coherently also still cleave unto the unseen and unprovable Truths found in the Beatitudes, the Golden Rule, and the Parable of the Samaritan.  Some, lamentably, still think they are Democrats.

    Slowly, but very steadily, the fact that the Progressive movement...that endorsed Prohibition so strongly...made great truck with the Ku Klux Klan and resuscitated that disgusting gaggle of white-trash during the 1920's and 1930's  because of their profound agreement concerning the necessity to eliminate the Negro, Mexican, retarded, crippled, defective, and Hebrew "races".  Methinks that they were willing, probably, to also eliminate the Indians, as well.   Please remember that Margaret Sanger addressed on two occasions the women's  conventions of the Ku Klux Klan.  She also left a proud paper trail, to or three levels beyond her private social orbit.   To wit:

    Progressives today dare not raise the alarming spectre of Sanger’s “Negro Project,” or her correspondence with Dr. Clarence Gamble, one of her Negro Project collaborators. In a remarkable December 10, 1939 letter today held in the Sanger archives at Smith College, Sanger urged Gamble: “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. (Wikipedia)

     Among those in agreement? Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, the single greatest saviour of women since the beginning of the First Rib of Adam...and erstwhile wife of her second cousin, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.  She despised the "inferior races" do most "Progressives"and as did her second cousin.
     But...all is not lost...because this gives the OROG (Official Reader of the Old Gringo) a true and redemptive glance at the difference between a Klanner and the  True Confederate and local control advocate and reasoning Conservative.

     Among those in disagreement with the Klanners?   Strom Thurmond, who in 1928, as the Attorney General of the Sovereign State of South Carolina proposed, caused to be passed, and enforced a law prohibiting the covering of faces, and the painting of horses, vehicles, or any other device meant to mislead legitimate authority the power to determine ownership.

      The use of such deviousness, such as shoe-polishing a brown horse black was a typical manner by which the white-trash Ku Klux Klanners terrorised the Negro population and those Caucasians who did not bear animus against their Black and / or Indian neighbours. 

       Thence, one arrives at the realisation that the racial and ethnic matters are not political, but rather moral and social....the Reverend Benjamin Newton protecting the white boy who had been concrete-blocked-to-the-head seven or eight times (and viciously slugged and kicked and robbed) is an example en pionte.

    The below, un-redacted or modified, is the truth of the Los Angeles situation then...and it is worse now.  The Reverend Mr. Newton should have been beatified by all Protestant and Orthodox orders and denominations; but he is not.  He is hidden in the dust bins of the Obsolete Press...he is never-mentioned, un-mentioned, and ridiculed as either an Uncle Tom or as a figment of the imagination of Confederates and hillbillies.

    The Reverend Mr. Newton (RIP ), who left his home with a bible in hand, was determined to conquer hate. He was a self-rehabilitated ex-sinner who spent the bulk of his life after accepting Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour, complying with the admonitions listed in the Beatitudes.

     "I threw my body across him ("him" is Reginald Denny, a professional trucker who was stupid enough to think that he could drive down a public thoroughfare) to protect him...I said, 'No more, this is enough. You're going to have to kill me, too,'" the pastor shared the danger brought on by the hooligans.

     He said Reginald Denny then stopped breathing, so Newton started praying.

     "It was three to five minutes almost, and he began to groan and then his eyes came back into focus, he began to breathe," Newton recalled.

  In truth, Mr. Benjamin saved his life on two or three different levels, and totally at the risk of his own. It was a miracle by either Protestant or Orthodox standards.

(This writer is not related to the Reverend Mr. Newton...but, we are brothers.)


This attack represents the final

 product of Aid to Families with Dependent Children, food stamps, and
 public housing, and absentee paternity.
   Los Angeles, California is worse off to-day than in 1992, please be aware.
 This was a brutally, incomprehensibly, depraved act of senseless violence
that is worse now than it was then.   And then it was really bad.


    None of this is an inflation.  It was from ABC News, of all sources.  But that was back when they still had a remnant of a soul.   There are motion pictures depicting this madness, and the Reverend Mr. Newton's bravery and sacrifice, and it is the video we are so bold to post above.
   So that some will learn and many already know, the true Confederate is not a Negro-hater...we know "them" better than the Progressives know "them".   Nothing the "Progressives" can do will cure the problems they, themselves, have caused through their social engineering.
   Social graces, deference, self-discipline, deferred gratification, and industry along with a reasonable Catechism are not bound by race, nationality, sex, nor planetary origin.

    Social programmes that are proposed by governmental agencies in order to cure the difficulties that were created by the social programmes proposed ten or twenty years in the past by "progressive" social engineers and social justice warriors, at each cycle, since the 1930s, have led to cultural degeneracy and social disaster.   Of this, there can be no doubt.

Lest we forget.

El Gringo Viejo