Thursday 1 September 2016

Dilma Rousseff is gone: We hardly knew ye' at all.....

Dilma Rousseff, unemployed ex-commandante affiliated with the Mao-Communist Sendero Luminous  and of late an erstwhile President of Brazil.   The leftist world press is, predictably, bemoaning her recent impeachment and conviction by the Brazilian Senate  (62 - 19).

As in the case with her now-deceased homologue, Hugo Chavez, and her still-alive homologue Cristina Fernandez Vd. de Kirchner, Poor Dilma is another of the "nuts-and-bolts, non-ideological  leftist democrats" who float up to the surface of seemingly every nation in the New World from time to time....or perhaps, all the time.
   The picture of poor Dilma, looking forlorn, makes one think that she is pondering how it was that George Bush managed to destroy her approach to establishing the  Brave New World.   She seems to be saying to herself, "Self, you had every detail planned, every single citizen's life mapped out, every method of soaking the wealthy and the established middle class sector of Brazilian life (2nd largest middle class by numbers in Latin America), all my friends paid off with Petrobras graft and was all so perfect."   She seems to be waiting for the strains of the theme song from "Evita" to strike up.

     To put it mildly, the previous administration of Mr. Lula, her mentor, practiced tax-and-spend to perfection, setting poor Dilma up for a possible fall when the inevitable "Latin-American Inflation" would set in.  The solution, for leftists in Latin America (and elsewhere) to the problem of the poor people not having a lot of money is  to put more zeros on the bank notes that constitute a given leftist-rule country.   Of course, a month goes by and a person cannot purchase a box of matches for 50,000 pesos.  But, he has a ''lot'' of "money" (monopoly, anyone?). The system, similar to what we describe in our preceding  submission concerning the true cost of helping people become dependent on income-transfer payments, public assistance, subsidised or free housing and the like, never works.
Luis Ignacio Lula da Silva
President of Brazil, 2002 - 2010
  The Little Red Hens become exhausted and fewer in numbers and the rest of the barnyard animals become more sullen, less industrious, and more disposed to have babies that have no fathers.   

Michel Temer
President of Brazil
     People might point out that during Lula's two terms, things seemed to be gaining traction, finally, in Brazil.  Heck, more and more students were receiving essentially free money to attend the universities, where they could major in Vegetarian Perspectives through a Socially Democratic Lens.   Or, courses in "How to Combat Climate-Change Deniers".  Lula could afford to provide such lofty academic fare because the price of oil back then was running between 100 and 140 Yankee Dollars per barrel.  Or at least he thought he could provide such niceties and other vote buying schemes as well.

 Finally,  we leave the OROG community with this photograph of the ex-Vice President of  Brazil, who is decidedly more conservative, and who was just approved by the Brazilian Senate to serve the unexpired term of Madame Rousseff, by a vote of 61 to 20.   He faces high seas and strong counter winds, but he is an old and wily fox, relatively popular throughout the  Brazilian populace.   At the very least, a non-marxist at the helm might help stabilise the jittery nerves in the Brazilian economy.  The people look nervously at the Venezuelan situation and they must be praying to any god that might listen that such anarchy does not spill into Brazil.

El Gringo Viejo

Wednesday 31 August 2016

(Sir Edmund) Hillary plays to another (not so) sell-out crowd








Heads, we all lose; Tails, we all lose


     There is a lot of counter-current and cross-current in the political/cultural theatre at this time.   Deviousness abounds.  It would be nice to try to overlook and not remember blowhards such as FOXNews's O'Reilly talking about how the Big Oil Companies needed to be punished for profiteering during the last episode when one gallon of gasoline finally rose to the same cost as one gallon of milk.
     O'Reilly howled about how there should be investigations and a punitive tax of some sort, because it just wasn't fair that a company should make a profit on the backs of people who needed their cars to go to work.
      Possibly he was referring to the 51st Amendment to the Constitution which reads, "Therefore, by the hand of those who care for the welfare of others, we order and require that all gasoline and any other product deemed to be necessary for the conduct of what anyone decides is necessary for the conduct of a comfortable and rewarding life, that product or service can be received at no cost.
    This includes, but is not limited to, a basic supply of 5,000 packets of prophylactics, and in order to assure inclusiveness, these condoms will only be provided to girls or those self-identifying as girls between the ages of 12 and 39  (39...get it?  39....funny, right?) who will attend, do attend, or have attended prohibitively expensive private Marx0centric Universities.  The Un-Founding Parents proudly name and dedicate this Amendment for Mzrsrq. Santa Fluke.

    To be fair, O'Reilly is what is known as a "rationalist".  It is good to be rational, right?   Somebody is informed by another, "All horses have four legs." it might be discerned down the road that the observer would see a cow, and then turn to tell his son, "That's a really handsome cow."
     The meaning, of course, is that Rationalism is fraught with many exits that lead to blind alleys, or at times to intellectual cliffs.

     Speaking of intellectual cliffs, we now have various and sundry important people speaking about "doing something" concerning the "Negro Problem", or the "Inner City Problem", or the "Black Lives Matter" problem, or "The Racial Divide", etc.    We are brought immediately to some of the most profound words ever spoken on the topic.  To wit:

     “There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”

Booker Tecumseh Washington

     As many OROGs (Order of the Readers of the Old Gringo) know, El Gringo Viejo frequently states that he is a Confederate and not a Klanner.  This above observation is not only salient, but also indicative of the mind of a man who has gone far beyond the limitations brought on by "Rationalism".    I, your humble servant, would not have given a second thought to voting for him as President of the Confederated States of America.
     Booker T. Washington was rational, but more importantly he was deductive, inductive, reasonable, and inspired by Greater Power.   He was, in short, at least one of the top ten most important social - cultural thinkers of all times in the  case of the American experiment.   I shan't even think about mentioning the names of Sacred Cows and Bulls of the "Civil Rights Movement".  It would probably result in some kind of vendetta by Lois Lerner or Loretta Lynch.

     Dr. Washington, however, bears an audience.  For all times.

  This humble servant (El Gringo Viejo) does clearly remember the times when his Godmother, as a member of the McAllen Independent School District (McISDP) Board of Trustees, repeatedly declared that participation in the Department of Agriculture's programme to feed children at and in school would be the ruin of local control of socially democratic schools that served as an extension of the culture, the religions, and the family needs of a locale.   
     My mother, Auntie Marty, and several other well-placed ladies of the area in their circle agreed wholeheartedly.   They all likened the programme as "...the camel's nose under the tent flap".    "Should we yield on this, then the Government will choose the rabbi, preacher, or priest who says grace over the school's Easter Vacation assembly."   Liberals, (almost all anti-Mexican in their make-up, roared with laughter about this.)   said very frequently, things along the order of ,"If we don't feed them, then who will?"  and other idiotic things such as, "After all, it's good for money from the government....for the ladies in the cafeteria.  And the farmers will benefit, too!"
     The joke is, and almost nobody will believe it now, that the Mexican-descended people who lived among us, and us among them, fed themselves and frequently delivered specialty holiday Mexican specialties late at night....such as on Christmas Eve, or during Christmas-tide....things like incredible tamales and/or chiles rellenos (stuffed peppers).  It was a different time, and Hollywood and the Hamptons could never understand.
     It was one of the greatest complements that "Anglo" families had....and they would strut around at Church the next Sunday, dropping, "...the Lopez's brought us 4 dozen tamales of chicken last night".....and then "Well, the Garcias came by at sundown and they had 'our choice'....picadillo, or picadillo with venison or chicken with chili or know...we are very important to they are to us...." .   It was very much like an Angloid variation of hens clucking around in the scratch-yard....each clucking her importance.   The Left will never, and cannot ever, understand.   And further they wish not to understand.  They want the "minorities" as political cannon-fodder.
To wit:

     For the past 50 years, the Washington Establishment has been telling us that they had to help the Negro component of the population.  According to them, and certain bigots, almost all of whom were socially lower-case Democrats, the Negro needed to be cared for and the proof of it was that Negro leaders said that that was the case.
     Oddly, the Progressives, the Klan, and certain of the Negro "leadership" in the South as well as places especially in the urban north developed that mentality in union, in unison, simultaneously, and with positive conviviality.   Remember, as we have previously  posted, Margaret Sanger addressed the Women's Auxiliary of the Ku Klux Klan, twice during the National Convention. They were listening to harangues about  euthanasia, selective breeding, and the need to eliminate the races of Jews, Negroes, and Mexicans.  Shades of (Sir Edmund) Hillary and her outreach to children,.
     The words Margaret spoke were almost identical to what was being said at the same time in a place called Germany by another fellow, who was decidedly un-Arian in appearance and ancestry.   However, the Progressives wanted to be "ahead of the curve" in the matter of "improving the race".

     The scenes of thousand of Jews being bulldozed into common graves by the Nazis, forced them to change their tactics.   They considered spaying and neutering the 'undesirable elements" of society.  Others had a better idea.  Why don't we just give them "public assistance".  Everywhere it had been tried, the recipients had devolved into an almost sub-human, lethargic, violent group that would consume itself with murder and disease.  It worked for a long while in England....and in France they decided to kill each other after they ran out of aristocrats.

   Ergo....massive public assistance begins to set in, especially accelerating during and after the time of the establishment the Great Society.  Paternity is replaced almost entirely by AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children).   Thereby...State welfare systems, heavily subsidised by Uncle Sam forced fed literally trillions of dollars into the digestive and reproductive tracts of people who gradually, and then steadily, learned that blobbing was easier than self-support. 

     We return to one of our favourite statistics....that being that the level of American babies born without known paternity among the Negro cohort in 1950 was 7 per cent.  To-day it is well over 70 per cent.   In the 1950s, people of Black African ancestry had well-established themselves in the skilled labour, the arts, sciences, and the field of professional athletics.  They were very much a part of the patchwork quilt that made America whole.
     After just thirty years, they were in serious jeopardy of social disintegration.  After fifty years, as it is now obvious, the situation has gone well beyond social psychosis.  The idea that a major party candidate can make truck with any group that can declare that Black Lives Matter and underscore that other lives are not significant, speaks to the hideous union made by the givers and takers of the largesse of the Exchequer of the Republic and its federated units.

    Therefore, we are with regret driven back to the point:   If we pay for more of the same just to keep the growing mass at bay a little longer, we lose, but if we cease to pay for even some form of marginal peace, we lose.   This is the brilliance of the social engineering brought to us by the Fabian Socialists, the Klan, the effete Northeastern liberal thinkers, the rapacious Democrat vote engineers, and those who were identified by Booker Tecumseh Washington....that there is a class, made of numerous charlatans who meet this description below-reposted.

“There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”

    Lord, please take the Sharptons and the Klanners and the vote-buyers and enslavers to the public dole and deliver them up to some greater purpose.  I advise Dr. Washington that there are numerous of the Caucasians who also benefit from the plight. real and imagined of the Negro race, and they too wish for that plight to continue so as to justify their inflated sense of self and their inflated sense of purse.

El Gringo Viejo

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Paul Harvey - 1965 Warning to America Speech


     Pardon the paranoia, but we have typed this up three times before this time, and  each time, upon return, the writings have been sent to the Planet Zenox.  Only (Sir Edmund) Hillary's server could have been wiped clean enough to have done that. Therefore our commentary will be short. 

     We begin this brief set of commentaries over several points, simply looking for a reset button to put order to the scrambling eggs that now serve as a replacement for what was left of my brain.   The admonitions of Paul Harvey concerning what would happen if we were ever so stupid so as to follow the path that we have followed.....have all come to roost  (I'm sorry.  We meant to say 'to chick'.  Or is that anti-PC as well?)

     We have come to the conclusion that there is a worst-case scenario.  It is not quite a tie for last place.   The worst case is to have a certifiably psychotic, anti-American, narcissistic, pathologically mendacious,  national socialist, presumptuous dilapidated old hag at the helm of the Ship of State.   The Ghost of Paul Harvey Aurandt compels us to this conclusion.  We are out of last chances.

El Gringo Viejo

Friday 26 August 2016

A bit about the Battle of Mier - Christmastide of 1842

David Christian Newton submitted the material below onto a Facebook screed that pertains to people who are interested in their Spanish Colonial Period ancestral roots and who seriously study and develop their genealogies. The events centre around a city named Mier, a present-day county-seat in the long, northern panhandle of Tamaulipas State of Mexico.  It has seen and felt the effects of much wild weather, military engagements, and recently the effects of the drug-trafficking and human smuggling activity plaguing the Mexico - Texas frontier.  

 It is well that this event be covered and studied deeply.

      It is of interest to some Texians that General Adrian Woll entered into the centre of the Republic of Texas in 1842 in command of a punitive expedition and also to remind the Texians that Mexico could bring serious force against the outnumbered and less productive and less powerful Texas. Both Mexico and Texas at that time were boiling over with their own internal political warring and arguing.

    Woll's army arrived in good order outside of San Antonio and promptly took control of the city in the late Summer of 1843.  His approach consisted of essentially of five major columns coming up from Laredo, Matamoros, Rio Grande (aka - San Pedro / (to-day) Miguel Aleman), and Reynosa.    The combined rosters suggest that the total force was 2,600 effectives.

   The whole event was terribly humiliating to the Texians who had been impotent in the face of overpowering and more professional military force....and then forced to pay for their own failure to prepare, to be aware, or even lift a finger in terms of maintaining a ready defense posture.  As the Mexican forces deployed near the edge of the city and then gave demonstrations  that they were going to enter, a delegation came forward to request that the application of force be avoided because many people who were innocent of any wrongdoing would be subject to injury or death.
         There was an engagement where about 150 citizens of San Antonio had taken a defensive position, in a building owned by a leading rancher and businessman, Samuel A. Maverick.   Civil Authority was brought forward, along with good numbers of the business class, and were informed that the General was imposing a Punitive Charge against the Texians and he exacted, if I recall, about 3,000 dollars and supplies, a couple of cannons, various weapons, powder, medicines, and forage enough for his retirement back to Laredo.

     A useless cavalry charge of about 67 or so Texian regulars and momentary volunteers made a rearguard harassment of Woll's main body, in spite of Woll's written notice to them to not engage, due to the fact that their lack of familiarity with warfare would lead to devastating losses, referred to at times by the Texians as the Salado Creek massacre.   There were several engagements in and around San Antonio, to the east Sequin,  Hondo to the west, each of which the Mexicans said they won, and the Texian declared themselves the victors.  Woll was a respected enemy, as had been Urrea, Castrillon, and even Perfecto de Cos, and General Filisola after a fashion during the 1836 War.   

    Woll returned in good order to Laredo with his punitive rewards and called it a day.  His Expedition was widely applauded and lauded, perhaps with considerable justification.   They had gone up in pretty fair order, and come back the same way with all their standards and minimal casualties.  Further service awaited in a matter of weeks.

  The Texian Congress demanded that an Army be equipped and sent to Laredo to punish the Mexican's embarrassment of the San Antonio population. Sam Houston was not in favour of such an action but the Congress and other powerful political figures were in favour of it. General Somerville, the actual winning general in charge at San Jacinto, was chosen to the lead the reverse punitive expedition.

     It left in earliest December with about 760 effectives along with about 300 from local militia units and some artillery. At about the time of arrival near staging places north of Laredo, messengers arrived from Washington on the Brazos with orders stating that the Act of War against Mexico and commissioning of hostilities had been withdrawn by the Congress of the Republic of Texas. This was something for which Sam Houston took credit and considerable heat both then and during later years.
    Somervell had been left on the line to dry, so to speak. He informed his Army, and then requested a parley with the Mexican military and civil authority in Laredo. There was meeting and all agreed to call it a day, let the Texians regress to their homes....according to some accounts there was quite a pachanga (barbecue and celebration) to celebrate the new Pax Texana - Mexicana.   It is noted here that Laredo in those days was entirely on the left side (north) of the Rio Grande.  All the remaining organised cities downstream in this region were established on the right side (south) of that watercourse.

     The problem was that "Colonels" Fisher and Green and their contingent of "soldiers" essentially declared that they were not gong to abide by the agreements. There were 303 who broke with the main body, and began, somewhat stupidly, to head downriver going through Palafox, San Ygnacio, Ramiren~o, Ureben~o, Revilla, Chapen~o, and Salinen~o, exacting payments, forage, and other things. The film suggests that at around Christmas-time the Texians were in Chapen~o, but my understanding is that they were in Salinen~o and they were preparing to attack Mier.  These above named hamlets were small affairs, almost all entirely located on the north side of the Rio Grande, a small but difficult distance from their controlling urban centres, like Camargo, Mier, and Reynosa.

     By that point general Ampudia and various elements of the Mexican regular army and the various Guadias Nacionales between Matamoros, San Felipe de China, Reynosa, Camrgo, and Mier itself had been made aware of the approach of this Army-without-commission.
      One thing that most Texians....and well as descendants of the Spanish settlers in the area of Mier.....are not aware of is that the man put in command of significant elements of Mexican cavalry at the Battle of Mier was Juan Sequin, one of the great Texian heroes of the Battle of San Jacinto. The outcome of that Battle is pretty well known.   Sequin's story after that 1836 engagement is complex, and he did return to his homeland in later live to resume ownership of lands his family had, and he died in Texas.

     It was a pointless military function and the slaughter was immense. It is probable that about 120 men died on both sides.   Each side badly overestimated the size of its opposition.  General  Ampudia was certain that there were almost 1,000 Texian effectives.  Texians at first thought Mier would be a cake walk like the tiny hamlets through which they had passed during preceding days.  Only after engagement did it become clear that they were dealing with real military resistance.  Their estimates of 1,600 Mexican  Army soldiers was also inflated, there having been about 760 or so.   Another quirky thing was the proclivity for the Mexican formal military reports to refer to Green, and Fisher, and a couple of other ranking Texians as "Generales" which was probably less a courtesy than an attempt to imply that the Texian force was larger than than it truly was.

 It should also be pointed out that the people of Mier treated the Texian prisoners with considerable kindness.  Ampudia arranged with the remaining officers to allow for their repatriation with the agreement to not bear arms against Mexico again, but that agreement was rescinded personally by a messenger bearing orders from Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, declaring the prisoners to be war criminals.

     They were to be interned in deep into the interior of Mexico. Another small correction to the presentation might be that the escape of prisoners did not include all of them. But a significant number ran off into horribly unsupportable territory. There was even some dispute that the "Black Bean" matter was overplayed because few if any of the Texans who returned (at the demand of Lopez de Santa Anna's wife's deathbed request) mentioned the event in their writings.

    Bigfoot Wallace was one of the few who talked about it. It was one heck of a Christmas. There are many, many others stories related to the Battle of Mier, but there is neither time nor space here to delve into it. One last thing, the Texians did comment on the incredible and elegant and massive buildings of Mier in writings.

Thanks for the time.  There should be more commentary about this and other related matters of Texian History and how that relates to Mexico of yesterday, to-day, and to-morrow.

Thursday 25 August 2016

We lose our dog, Bibi....and other lamentations and observations


     News was received to-day, after our return from our little hideaway in rural Mexico, that our main dog, Bibi the Labrador, had died after a brief illness.  He was about six years old, and had been active until recently.  Our majordomo advised us this morning as I had dialed down some business orders and objectives.
     This came as a bit of a surprise due to the fact that he had seemed to improve over the past two or three days.

     He was an exceptionally good canine.   He will be missed


     We move on to the issues of the day.   There is an election on the horizon;   certainly several of our readers have noticed that.   It has become something like choosing between having an extreme attack of nausea and vomiting or a migraine  headache.

      Both of the major party candidates speak and act as if, once elected, they would be autocratic dictators.....deigning, ordering, mandating, and implementing policy

     One will order a wall to be built (maybe) and another says there will be free college and amplified Obama Socialised Medicine Initiative (OSMI) at all public universities.

      In each of the examples the acts would normally require considerable Congressional and State participation, funding, approval, and modification.  But neither of these two seem to have much use for these apparently outdated institutional imperatives.
     Each appears to be disposed to rule by Executive Order.   It sounds good to the bulk of the electorate who think in two dimensions, or in hopes of receiving special favors, or who can say things like, ".....but we need change."

     It is difficult for this observer to understand the reasoning of pundits and people who want more and greater change, ostensibly because of how bad things have become, even though during the last election cycle almost all of them voted for "Hope and Change".

     It makes indelibly clear, however, that the "Progressive Movement" and all its ghoulish acolytes never wish for solutions to the social and economic problems....even international relations problems...because people of that movement rely on the short memories of the hoi polloi.  And the "Progressives" propose more programmes to solve the problems that were caused by the programmes that have brought us the nightmares of hundreds and hundreds of medium-sized and large urban areas in the United States of America.

We shall try to speak to other issues to-morrow.   There are observations about Mexico and Texas of interest, and other matters.
El Gringo Viejo