Tuesday 19 May 2015

Susan Sarandon proves that all progressives are liars

     We happened to see Susannah Sarandon for a few seconds before being able to find the channel selector.   She was carefully explaining to the show host, another  progresso-drooler, how Ronald Reagan caused homelessness to arrive on American Shores by emphasising the notion of rugged individualism.   Along with that emphasis, Reagan let it be known that if a person were to hit a rough patch it was because of his own moral and psychological inadequacy.  This policy on the part of Ronald Reagan began in 1981 or 1982, she was not clear which year.

     Therefore, to set the record straight, and as part of my own self-inflated notion of importance, El Gringo Viejo forwards this message to the very loopy diva of illogic and cluelessness.

        Dear Miss Susannah Sarandon -  During the latter half of the 1970s, in keeping with the American Progressive Movement's  overall objective to tear down the communitarian, traditionalist American landscape and force it into third-world conditions found in 93% of the remainder of Planet Earth, repeated efforts were made to release all the kooky-bongos from the asylums.
     This is not a joke.  It was true that there were a few people who had been railroaded into the psychiatric clinics and hospitals.  It was also true that very few of those places were what might be considered a Sandals on the Beach somewhere in the Bahamas, or at least South Padre Island of Texas.

     The problem was that many of the people who were interned  at psychiatric facilities, frequently under judicial order, actually needed to be where they wound up....under supervision, without any guns, sharp instruments, glass bottles, or access to drugs and/or alcohol.
Some women age well and
 some hags age like
 (Sir Edmund)
     After repeated assaults against this reprehensible condition affecting the kooky-bongo  community there were finally enough dullard, anti-American judges who decided that kooky-bongo people needed love too, and that the Constitution has it clearly printed in Article XXXVII of the 43rd Amendment that ".....no kooky-bongo, notwithstanding his level of kooky-bongoness, shall be forced to remain apart from the general community unless it can be demonstrably demonstrated that the kooky-bongo of the first part presents a clear and present danger to himself or another kooky-bongo(s), or to a member of the general community, except in the States of New York and California where everyone is kooky bongo, and therefore, under the intermutual exclusionary clause of 1848, can neither be excluded nor included in any or all of the foregoing."    WHEW!
     (We would like to point out that these are the same type of ACLU allied judges who somehow find that the Ku Klux Klan has the "right" to demonstrate without first officially repudiating any mention in their charter about the elimination of Jews, Negroes, Catholics, and atheists.   So long as anyone swears allegiance to these objectives, their presence constitutes a continuing shouting of "fire!" in the crowded, darkened theatre.  The Constitution requires that Congrefs shall make no law restricting free speech....it does not prohibit locales from doing so, nor does it restrict States in their wisdom to do so.)

     And the gates were opened.   Marginally competent people who did not know what century it was or what planet they were riding, were allowed to leave the "facility".  After all, what could go wrong?  It was something similar, and simultaneous,  to homosexuals learning that they could take over the bathhouses, and the heroine addicts learned that they could share needles.   Heck, after 1,200 sexual contacts in a year or shooting up with 30 different needles who were shared with what's-his-name (or was it her name?) what could possibly go wrong?    The cultural junkyard cum Hiroshima soon followed.

     And....according to Sarandon, it was all Reagan's fault.   In truth, El Gringo Viejo never saw Ronald Reagan walking around in front of a "bathhouse" in San Francisco with a sandwich board saying "Welcome, free steamers, towels, friends".  We never saw  Nancy Reagan who was supposedly seen frequently in male-drag, offering heroin addicts hypodermics that she had recovered from Dempster Dumpsters.   We know it must have happened because Susannah Sarandon said so, and she is, after all, an actress.   I mean, if she doesn't know things, who does?

    We have to leave, because we have been giving all of our loose change to the Sandra Fluke Birth Control Pill Charity so that she can avoid having to spend 3,500 dollars a year for her birth control pills. It's the time we normally send our loose change to her.  We also sent her a map showing various CVCs, Wal-Marts, Walgreens, and other popular and accessible places that sell the same pills for what would amount to less that 360 dollars per year....but we never heard back from her.

More later.   We are humbled by the back-count on our circulation.  We are expecting the Men in Black to arrive at any time.
El Gringo Viejo

Monday 18 May 2015

The Beatles - Nowhere Man

Vile Hubris - Portrait of perfect hatred for good and beauty

     Anyone long-associated with the Rodham - Clinton Axis from Hell must be ugly outside, ugly inside, or preferably, ugly inside and out.   The perfect model, of course, would be the craggy, frumpy, hideous black-hearted, murderous, marxist, mendacious hag known as (Sir Edmund) Hillary Rodham Clinton.
     While the press goes into the feeding frenzy of sparrows finding a box of oatmeal over whether or not Jeb Bush knew the middle name of Crazy Harold Horse of if Ted Cruz can sing La Cucaracha whether it pertains to Cuba or America or not there are other matters of particular weight.   Life and Death weight.   Who did it weight?
   Read what follows and ask, "It could not possibly be that someone would arrange for the deaths of an entire plane-load of people just to keep from going to prison for four or five years?"   But consider that you are Sir Arthur Conan Doyle or Earl Stanley Gardner or  Agatha Christi....could you write the book with the ingredients to be listed below?   To wit:

Hillary’s closest adviser is hiding the truth of her emails

     If Congress really wants to get to the bottom of Hillary Clinton’s missing Benghazi and pay-to-play emails, it should call her consigliere Cheryl D. Mills to testify — under oath, and under the klieg lights.
A hearing featuring Clinton will be a wasted show trial with a lot of political grandstanding.
Hillary Clinton  But Mills, who served as the former secretary of state’s chief of staff and counselor, knows where the bodies are buried. After all, Hillary tasked her with “identifying and preserving all emails that could potentially be federal records.”
And, presumably, deleting.
Mills has a long track record of hiding Clinton documents.
Since the 1990s, Mills has been at Hillary’s side — first as a White House lawyer, then as her closest and most loyal adviser at the State Department, and now as a key member of the Clinton Foundation board, which is under fire for raking in hundreds of millions of dollars from dubious foreign sources in alleged influence-peddling deals.
      The job of damage control has fallen to Mills through a parade of scandals. Her lack of cooperation is legendary. In fact, she’s been officially accused of both perjury and obstruction of justice.
Sworn affidavits, depositions and court rulings, as well as congressional reports and testimony, paint a picture of, to put it charitably, a brazenly dishonest cover-up specialist.
Among her shenanigans:

  • As White House deputy counsel, Mills ordered Commerce Department officials to “withhold” from investigators emails and other documents detailing then-President Bill Clinton’s and first lady Hillary Clinton’s allegedly illegal selling of seats on foreign trade junkets for campaign cash, according to sworn statements by Commerce’s former FOIA chief. “Ms. Mills, in her position as deputy counsel to the president, advised Commerce officials to withhold certain documents,” testified Sonya Stewart Gilliam in a July 2000 sworn affidavit taken by Judicial Watch, a government watchdog group in Washington. “The Commerce Department’s collaboration with White House Deputy Counsel Mills on these matters was, in my experience, highly irregular and at variance with normal procedures.

    • At the same time, a federal judge ruled that Mills “failed miserably” to take proper steps to search for and recover 1.8 million Executive Office of the President and Office of the First Lady emails under subpoena in the Monica Lewinsky and Filegate scandal investigations, after computer contractors discovered them mysteriously missing from the automated White House archiving system. Mills, who was in charge of finding the lost email, conveniently made “the most critical error” in recovering them, US District Judge Royce Lamberth concluded in a 63-page opinion, adding that he found her actions “loathsome.” In fact, Judicial Watch accused Mills of orchestrating a “cover-up” in what became known as “Email-gate.” Her court testimony in the case, during which she repeatedly answered “I don’t have a recollection,” sounds like an interview with an amnesia patient. (In the end, the emails were never recovered.)

    • In another scandal, Mills “concealed” so many subpoenaed emails and other documents detailing allegedly illegal fundraising activity between the White House and the Democratic National Committee — specifically, Hillary’s illegal integration of White House and DNC computer databases — that staff lawyers for the House Government Oversight Committee in 1998 sent a criminal referral to the Justice Department demanding federal prosecutors charge Mills with obstruction of justice and perjury. “Ms. Mills knowingly and willfully obstructed the investigative authority of this committee by withholding documents,” the panel concluded in a 647-page investigative report. “Moreover, when this obstruction was brought to light in a hearing before the committee, Ms. Mills lied under oath about the documents and the circumstances surrounding their nonproduction.”

    • In October 2012, Mills sorted through key Benghazi documents and decided which ones to withhold from an independent review board. She also leaned on witnessses. Deputy ambassador to Libya Gregory Hicks testified before Congress in 2013 that Mills told him in an angry phone call to stop cooperating with investigators.

    • On behalf of the Clintons, Mills negotiated the weak conflict-of-interest rules for disclosing foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation with the Obama administration. She also reportedly helped broker international payments to the group.
         In short, Mills “is in the middle of it,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said.   An investigator with the House Select Committee on Benghazi said if the panel calls Mills as a witness, her testimony will most likely be taken behind closed doors in a “transcribed interview.” That would be a mistake.   Mills should be sworn in and grilled in a public hearing in front of TV cameras.    Sweating Mills could crack the case wide open.
  •  Otherwise, Hillary could walk away unscathed, waltz right back into the White House — and Mills could end up running it as chief of staff.

  • Paul Sperry is author of “The Great American Bank Robbery” and co-producer of the forthcoming documentary “Subprime 2.0,” which exposes the Clintons’ role in the mortgage crisis.  All credit in the above post has been noted, overall credit is given to the New York Post.

David carradine sondra locke kung fu 1974.JPG
Here, AlGore tries to comfort another girl
who has been assaulted by Bill and then
threatened by (Sir Edmund) Hillary in the
White House Rose Garden.  The barrel
upon which the girl is sitting has over two
million dollars in checks and cash, marked
'made in China'  Those were the days.
     It is further known that Billy Jeff and AlGore used their physical offices and accoutrements to raise money and conduct affairs for various personal and political purposes.   There was the famous clip of Billy Jeff hustling some big-wig business people who were in training for their crony-capitalist badges in the Hitlerkinderorganisirien IN THE WEST WING OF THE WHITE HOUSE!
    And, of course, internationally famous snow-producer and shamster AlGore did not know that the Buddhist Monks in Los Angeles were not really Monks but rather Red Chinese operatives co-opting the President and Vice-President with gifts of cash and checks.

     Like good ole' Al said, he is just a country boy who grew up a'plowin' on the steep sides of them there rocky Tennessee hills, plantin', and a'plowin' them there tabakki plants behind a pair o' big ole Missouri mules.
   So he weren't no ways tired when it came time to take them there grocery bags back to the White House.  Why hecks fire....he'd a'done it a milyun times before when he was workin' for Old Man Jake Raskin at his genral store.   You all know...don-cha?   Them there brown paper bags that you can fold back up if yer reel careful.

     And the beat went on.  As the number of stupid, low-information voters (Grubers words, not mine) and ignorant, low information voters  (Geitner's word's, not mine) and habitual drooler-Democrat voters (prima facia evidence abounds) continued to be placated, and the Republicans became increasingly afraid of their own shadows.
    Things such as a plane-load of crony capitalists who had paid their Dane-geld-way onto a junket arranged by Ron Brown, Secretary of Commerce....who had just agreed to "go state" like his mentor, some power woman lobbyist in D.C., against the Clintons....well that plane just happened to make a one-point landing on a mountainside in the Balkans, just after take-off.   On a clear day....when everything was shrouded in fog, and when later two different air traffic controllers committed suicide not long afterwards.   ????? 

     Maggie Thompson, Cheryl Mills, Susan Elizabeth Rice...expert in videography pertaining to Mohammed-themed treatises, Bernie Nausbaum, Sydney Blumenthal, of course Sir Edmund's body man Huma Weiner.....(tee-hee), and all the strangely shaped and wired wierdos, flakes, crooks, bums, and narcissistic know-nothings who consider themselves to be the enlightened intelligencia of all epochs.....they are all just like (Sir Edmund)Hillary's brothers and "hubbie".....nowhere men and nowhere women, using the term men and women loosely.
El Gringo Viejo

This would serve to impeach and convict anyone....but people are aftaid of the Clintons....scared to death.....probably even Trey Gowdy

    The flap over the continuing sleaze and corruption for which anything Clinton, Rodham, or Democrat Party must be credited presents new and exciting opportunities for people who like to put septic and bubonic material under the focus of their microscopes.   Gorgeous Georgie Stephanopoulos swishes forth with an endearing commentary about what kind of saint his is.   Just think of all that money he gave in the fight against Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.
     Little difference does it make, Stephie, that you could have given money directly to the Docteurs Sans Frontieres and the money would have been used at a 96 to 99 per cent level of efficiency and a 100 per cent level of effectiveness.   Those percentages are a little better than 10 - 12 per cent chalked up by the Clinton Criminal Conspiracy Programme (CCCP).
     There is a bit of an override expense in trying to keep (Sir Edmund) Hillary's large.....uh....interest in her brother's well-being up to standards.  The CCCP's "assistance" to Haiti did include a sweetheart gold mining concession to (Sir Edmund) Hillary's whitetrash, vagabond, bag-man brother prompting this assessment....one of several long, long summaries of rousing failures and legal spider-webs covered somewhat accurately even by Wikipedia....To wit:
"Following the 2010 Haiti earthquake and with Bill Clinton co-chair of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission, Rodham and some partners proposed a $22 million deal to rebuild homes in the devastated nation, with funding to come from the Clinton Foundation.[5] The deal never went forward and the Clinton Foundation said it was unaware of the proposal.[5] In October 2013, Rodham joined the advisory board of VCS Mining, a Delaware-based company that was planning a gold mine in the Cap-Haïtien Arrondissement area of Haiti.[28] By 2015 the project had become controversial due to possible environmental effects and the level of foreign ownership; for his part Rodham objected to any inference that he had gotten this position due to his family: 'I'm a very accomplished person in my own right. I raise money for a lot of people. That's what I basically do.'"[28]
     And yes, El Gringo Viejo knows that the Rodham brothers are guilty of scores of other crimes and misdemeanours, some much more egregious, such as assisting and facilitating the sale of Presidential Pardons....for money of all things!!  Can you imagine?  But, what possible difference can any of this make at this point? 

George Stephanopoulos Did More Than Just Give Money To The Clinton Foundation

Matt Vespa | May 17, 2015
     Earlier this week, Guy wrote about ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos giving $75,000 to the Clinton Foundation, a fact he failed to disclose when reporting on the former First Family and their non-profit organization. He has since apologized for his lack of transparency (via Ed Morrissey):

I want to address some news you may have seen about me. Over the last several years, I’ve made substantial donations to dozens of charities, including the Clinton Global Foundation. Those donations were a matter of public record, but I should have made additional disclosures on air when we covered the foundation. And I now believe that directing personal donations to that foundation was a mistake. Even though I made them strictly to support work done to stop the spread of AIDS, help children, and protect the environment in poor countries, I should have gone the extra mile to avoid even the appearance of a conflict. I apologize to all of you for failing to do that.

Yet, as Ed noted, Stephanopoulos’ donations were public insofar as they’re listed on the Clinton Foundation’s tax returns; returns that have transparency problems of its own. Regardless, this revelation makes it all the more delicious given that Stephanopoulos accused Peter Schweizer, the author of Clinton Cash, of having a conflict of interest due to his political leanings when he interviewed him on This Week in April.
Well, Schweizer recently reported that Stephanopoulos hasn’t been fully forthcoming about his ties to the Clinton Foundation, which goes beyond paychecks. He’s been a featured attendee and a panel moderator at past annual meetings for the Clinton Global Initiative (via USA Today):

…his [Stephanopulos] on air apology for this ethical mess, Stephanopoulos did not disclose that in 2006 he was a featured attendee and panel moderator at the annual meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI).
He did not disclose that in 2007, he was a featured attendee at the CGI annual meeting, a gathering also attended by several individuals I report on in Clinton Cash, including mega Clinton Foundation donors Lucas Lundin, Frank Giustra, Frank Holmes, and Carlos Slim — individuals whose involvement with the Clintons I assumed he had invited me on his program to discuss.
Stephanopoulos did not disclose that he was a 2008 panelist at the CGI annual meeting which, once again, featured individuals I report on in the book, such as billionaire Clinton Foundation foreign donor Denis O'Brien.
ABC's most visible news employee did not disclose that in 2009, he served as a panel moderator at CGI's annual meeting, nor did he disclose that in 2010 and 2011, he was an official CGI member.
Stephanopoulos did not disclose that in 2013 and 2014, he and Chelsea Clinton served as CGI contest judges for awards, in part, underwritten by Laureate International Universities — a for-profit education company I report on in the book. Bill Clinton was on its payroll until his recent resignation.
Schweizer wrote that ABC News virtually ignored his inquiries into why this information has yet to be made public to ABC viewers.  Instead, they told him, "Yes, George made us aware that he was moderating these panels and that is absolutely within our guidelines. We know that he would be listed as a member — as all moderators are. He is in good company of scores of other journalists that have moderated these panels."
Oh, and how ABC News handled the Stephanopoulos donation revelation is another story by itself. Apparently, the Washington Free Beacon discovered the donation, contacted ABC, who then went to Politico’s Dylan Byers–all after they promised to get back to them with a comment (via WaPo):

[Matthew] Continetti is the editor-in-chief of the Washington Free Beacon, a conservative website that launched in February 2012. Stiles is the digital managing editor for the Washington Free Beacon. The Stephanopoulos story surfaced on Wednesday just before 3:30 p.m., when Stiles found his name on the Clinton Foundation’s donor lists. He e-mailed Continetti, who told him to move on the story and also directed a researcher to check whether Stephanopoulos had seeded any of his on-air work with disclosures about the donations.

The research turned up no evidence of Stephanopoulos having told viewers of his largesse to the Clinton Foundation, clinching the need for a story. “I think you have to write this one straight,” Continetti wrote to Stiles, who sometimes takes attitudinal approaches to the news. The editor-in-chief also cited the need for a comment from Stephanopoulos’s office. “I knew immediately that this was a news story,” says Continetti.
Despite Stiles’ best efforts, ABC News didn’t cough up a response on the spot. Heather Riley, a spokeswoman for ABC News, e-mailed Stiles just after 9 p.m., promising him “something.” “What time are you posting? Want to make sure I get it to you in time,” she wrote.
Hear this, knee-jerk detractors of modern web journalism: Absent a comment from ABC News, Continetti & Co. decided to let the matter sit overnight. They just waited.
When the Washington Free Beaconers put their heads together Thursday morning, there was still no comment from ABC News. “I say, ‘Let’s begin to move this story,'” recalls Continetti. The piece wasn’t complicated: A network news anchor had contributed to a charity run by the first family of the Democratic party and hadn’t told viewers when that charity emerged in news coverage. What was complicated was its landing. “Literally as we were about to hit ‘post,’ we are alerted to the Dylan Byers piece that just went up,” says Continetti, who moved to publish their piece without the ABC News statements. Those arrived later.
The Post’s Erik Wemple said it is possible that Byers found out about the donations at the same time, though we can only speculate since he told them he couldn’t comment on sourcing. Wemple wrote that ABC News has to explain the torpor that overcame them when responding to the Free Beacon’s request for a comment.

If indeed ABC News “ran” to Byers after getting an inquiry from the Washington Free Beacon, shame on them. PR shops, after all, exist to handle just the scenario that the Washington Free Beacon presented. It’s a very linear transaction: Reporter asks, PR responds. Should it turn out that ABC News betrayed this very simplicity, the network will have forfeited its expectation that journalists check with them before publishing their goods on ABC News. “I’m trying to instill the value of reporting to a new generation of conservative reporters,” says Continetti. “What lesson do they draw when they do their due diligence and some hack PR agent goes to another outlet in order to control the story?”

That’s such a good question that the Erik Wemple Blog just dropped it into an e-mail and passed it along to ABC News along with the other questions that they won’t answer.
Silence is unacceptable here. ABC News has to do one of two things: Either apologize to the Washington Free Beacon for whatever precisely it did or explain how its actions meet the commonly acknowledged standards of the industry.
(article source:  Townhall Newsletter)

    We must point out that Stephie Stephanopoulos grilled the author of Clinton Cash....the book that recounts (Sir Edmund) Hillary's and Billy Jeff Blyth's Sharpton-style pre-paid blackmail, self-enrichment programme, the Clinton Criminal Conspiracy Programme.  Said programme is a shakedown, protected by narcissistic fools who can pose questions such as "But how can anyone believe any of this when everybody knows that you are a Republican who simply wants to hatchet-job any prominent Democrat?"  Classical question posed by a fool, who is an arrogant fool, and an arrogant fool who has no sense of pride or shame.   And ye shall know them by their good works.

    Their good works?   A complete Democrat Slave Houseboy asking Romney why he wanted to take away birth control medicines and devices from women.   Accusing the Pot of being black when the Kettle is blacker.  It's nice to be a leftist, because it means...even at Chappaquiddick Bridge, never having to say, "I'm sorry."   After all, George Bush did nothing to repair that old bridge. 
     The reason El Gringo Viejo is bald is because he has almost 100 year's-worth of head scratching trying to make sense of almost anything Democrats, liberals, progressives, marxists, anti-traditionalists, socialists, and communists say.   It all seems to go into the ever overflowing Dempster Dumpster in the Sky where one finds things like, "....we'll just have to vote for it to find out what's inside of it."
More later.  We have many arrows filling many quivers.  My house is made of adobe and not glass.  Read the comments of El Zorro, check out the Anglican Curmudgeon, review the submissions of our contributors, check out TownHall and other reviews....and keep an eye on Politico...the only remotely sane pinko news-source.
El Gringo Viejo

Saturday 16 May 2015

This becomes more serious by the hour.....

     The elite observers and the sophisticated scoff at us, the lowly ones, because they know us as conservatives and traditionalists.  Therefore, they are certain that we are bigots, xenophobes, and all the other convenient things they wish to call us.   It makes them feel better about themselves.
     But the fact is, we who count ourselves among the intellectual, pseudo-intellectual, anti-intellectual and rural/traditionalist thinkers who eschew socialism in favour of liberty.  We  certainly are not what the progressive elites would like to think us to be, or like to pigeon-hole us as.
    We have all long since concluded that the entire leftist and progressive cohort of the political class in the American Republic is consciously committed to the task of reducing this Republic to a septically-challenged, graffitied, hell-hole.   It is their quest to achieve this goal so as to "teach America a lesson".
     Most of us fervently believe and know that Obama, Valerie, and Company...along with all their foundation  backers and straight-thinking celebrities such as Barbra Streisand and Al Gore....know full well the result of the establishment of a socialist, welfare state system, increasingly overrun by people from outside the country who have no hope of ever being self-supporting.   They know it  will lead to the ruin of the nation.    This accomplishment would bring them joy and trembling anticipation, when they consider how many American flags they could trample upon, dancing in glee.
     Michelle Obama's cynical commencement address the other day showed the eternal, vitriolic, snarling of a hypocrite who has everything and still complains because she got a raw deal out of life.  She did not inspire the student body of Tuskegee to do much beyond feel sorry for Michelle first, and then feel sorry for themselves.....although they were graduating from an Institution and walking the grounds of a place that had been venerated in life by none other than Booker Tecumseh Washington who was also famous from speaking, but coherently.  To wit:
     “There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”
     Some Negroes, like some Whites, love to wallow in self-pity and remember every offense, real or imagined suffered during a difficult, unfair life, even while others of both groups prefer to assume the role of Jonathon Livingston Seagull, spreading their wings and flying to new heights of fulfilment and excellence.  Yous pays yer dime and yous takes yer choice!
     Barry and Michelle, fighting tooth and nail to prevent other Negroes from accessing private or better quality schools, still send their children to be educated where they will not be sullied and defiled by contact with the hoi polloi.   And even as they do that, Barry and his government move to continue the flooding of America with the kind of people who are unlike the colonial types and the immigrant types of times past.   The fomenting of police - community conflict, the establishment of socialised medicine, the constant harping about racial unfairness and imbalance, the asinine fixation on something called "income inequality", all feed into something purposefully designed to fundamentally transform America into something worse....much worse.  And one of the crowning examples is this State Department refugee prioritisation.  To wit:

     [Also inappropriate, it seems, is the resettling of the most vulnerable Assyrian Christians in the United States. Donors in the private sector have offered complete funding for the airfare and the resettlement in the United States of these Iraqi Christians that are sleeping in public buildings, on school floors, or worse. But the State Department – while admitting 4,425 Somalis to the United States in just the first six months of FY2015, and possibly even accepting members of ISIS through the Syrian and Iraqi refugee program, all paid for by tax dollars, told Dobbs that they “would not support a special category to bring Assyrian Christians into the United States.”

    The United States government has made it clear that there is no way that Christians will be supported because of their religious affiliation, even though it is exactly that – their religious affiliation – that makes them candidates for asylum based on a credible fear of persecution from ISIS. The State Department, the wider administration, some in Congress and much of the media and other liberal elites insist that Christians cannot be given preferential treatment. Even within the churches, some Christians are so afraid of appearing to give preferential treatment to their fellow Christians that they are reluctant to plead the case of their Iraqi and Syrian brothers and sisters.]

     This above being a summary borrowed from the very fine commentary of Alex Haley's blog THE ANGLICAN CURMUDGEON ( http://accurmudgeon.blogspot.com/ ) whose latest posting disassembles the posturing of both the United States government under Obama and various of the Church denominations thought of as "mainstream", including our own Episcopal Church  of the United States.
    It is, by their determination an excellent idea to allow Muslims to crowd in, then send for their relatives, while establishing themselves in sub-cities, showing little or no interest in American communitarianism.   A few years go by, and then honour murders, pressure cooker bombs, Army-post mass shootings, and addiction to facebook manifestos and calls to jihad against the Sons of Satan begin in earnest, as we have already seen, repeatedly.
  We are already approaching that point where Europe now is....hostage to socialism and Muslim social-psychosis....and it could only be a purposeful thing on the part of the progressives.

     Please visit the entire article by the Anglican Curmudgeon.  His disassembly of the this madness, while depressing, is crisp, succinct, and devastating to any argument about "fairness" or "human rights".
     Now, the ancient yeoman's prayer must be invoked, for I have railed forth for far too long.   So I close with, "Lord fill my mouth with worthwhile stuff, and shut it when I have said enough."

El Gringo Viejo

Friday 15 May 2015

Convenient, condensed basic introduction to Islam - Complements of El Zorro

There are several precepts for the basis of Islam.  They are:
·       The Trilogy - The Koran, the biography of Mohammad (Sira), and the traditions of Mohammad (Hadith): 
The Koran is devoted primarily to the religious side of Islam.  The Sira is the life of Mohammad.  The Hadith (all the hadiths – small "h") are the traditions of Mohamad.  The Sira and the Hadith are the Sunna.  The political Islam is predominant in the Sunna at about 67% which is to convert the entire world population to Islam.  Muslims are bound to imitate the Sunna e.g. the life and traditions of Mohammad.  Mohammad is Islam!
·       Dualism - Everything is either right or wrong and both are correct.
Islam was an invention of Mohammad.  It is divided into two parts.  The first part is religious Islam where Mohammad received his first revelation from the angel Gabriel in Mecca in 610 AD.  When he started preaching in Mecca he was weak and could not gain a large following, about 150 followers in 13 years until 623 AD when he was cast out of Mecca by primarily the Jews but also the other religions there which did not agree with is religious views.  That was the first and religious part of Islam.
In 623 AD Mohammad took his few followers to Medina where he became a political leader and a warrior.  For the rest of his life Islam grew to billions as there are today through politics and war.  Mohammad took revenge on the Jews and Christians whom he named "People of the Book" and the rest of the non-Muslims for his treatment while in Mecca.  This was and is the totality of Islam, and the second part, which is an aggressive total life system for Muslims consisting of religion and politics.
Both of the above are the basis for the duality of Islam.
            (a) Religious Islam defines the peaceful Muslim

Political Islam defines the fundamental (fanatic) Muslim.
    Likewise, there are only two types of people in Islam, Muslims and Kafirs.  Again duality.
    There is no right or wrong in Islam.  Contradictions in Islam in any of the Trilogy are called abrogations.  That means that what is written is true even though one Sura (a chapter in the Qur'an) appears to contradict a preceding one.  In Islamic law, the Shar'ia, a newer law may abrogate an older one.  In any event, the newer text takes precedence over an older one; however, the older one may be used if it advances the cause of Islam.  As far is Islam is concerned, Allah and his Messenger cannot be wrong.  Duality.
     There is weak Islam and strong Islam.  In weak Islam a Muslim may defer to a Kafir socially, even though it be a lie, if it advances Islam and they cannot prevail otherwise in whatever effort they may engage.  In strong Islam, the Muslims are allowed to subdue the Kafir in the most expeditious manner available including torture and murder of the Kafir if he/she cannot be converted to Islam.  Duality.
     The goal of Islam is to cause the complete submission of the Kafir until every person on the earth is a true Muslim.
·       Allah is the only god - Polytheism, paganism, atheism, and agnosticism (in other words any religion other than Islam) are unacceptable.
     In Mecca Mohammad tolerated other religions and, in fact took much of his beliefs and structure of Islam came from the other religions, primarily the Torah and the Old Testament.  Some of his theology even came from paganism.  The evidence is that the name "Allah" came from a pagan idol, the moon. As he took his followers to Medina and gained strength and the ability to subdue his enemies he changed from his recognition of other religions.  He made Allah the only God and everyone else became the Kafirs, those who are all people other than true Muslims.
·       All people are slaves - Muslims are slaves to Allah, all others are slaves to Muslims.
    This is one of the basic precepts of Islam.  The word "slave" came from Mohammad's conquest of Slavic tribes, a derivative of the word Slav.  Islam teaches that Muslims are slaves and all others (Kafirs) are slaves to Muslims.  The belief is that Allah demands that Muslims convert or kill Kafirs with some inventions of Mohammad.  There is the "Dhimmi" who is a Kafir who does not convert to Islam but abides by a treaty which is an agreement between Muslims and Kafirs whereby the Kafirs agree to give up rights as free people so they may live (See Treaty of Umar).  The Dhimmi becomes a protected class of non-Muslim… a Kafir under the protection of Islam.  Slavery was not invented by Americans and the Western World.  It was and is a major enterprise of Islam.  The slaves were sold to Americans and western traders by Muslims in Africa and other European states.  Slavery is illegal in America but not in Islam today.
     It is the responsibility of every Muslim to fight jihad (jihad was invented by Mohammad) in whatever way possible to convert or enslave the Kafir.  The strongest will fight by war.  The old, women and children will support the warriors by providing shelter, food, money, etc.  Islam invades Kafir lands and confiscates everything of value. It kills or enslaves the strongest enemy and enslaves the rest if the Kafirs do not submit (Islam means submission).
A very disturbing thing about Islam and jihad is a section of the Healthcare law relating to Dhimmitude on page 107 that exempts Muslims from complying with the mandate to purchase insurance.  (See Muslims Exempted)
Islam is here in America.  This short summary highlights some of the basics of Islam.  There is nothing in this theology that is good for America.