Friday 15 May 2015

Convenient, condensed basic introduction to Islam - Complements of El Zorro

There are several precepts for the basis of Islam.  They are:
·       The Trilogy - The Koran, the biography of Mohammad (Sira), and the traditions of Mohammad (Hadith): 
The Koran is devoted primarily to the religious side of Islam.  The Sira is the life of Mohammad.  The Hadith (all the hadiths – small "h") are the traditions of Mohamad.  The Sira and the Hadith are the Sunna.  The political Islam is predominant in the Sunna at about 67% which is to convert the entire world population to Islam.  Muslims are bound to imitate the Sunna e.g. the life and traditions of Mohammad.  Mohammad is Islam!
·       Dualism - Everything is either right or wrong and both are correct.
Islam was an invention of Mohammad.  It is divided into two parts.  The first part is religious Islam where Mohammad received his first revelation from the angel Gabriel in Mecca in 610 AD.  When he started preaching in Mecca he was weak and could not gain a large following, about 150 followers in 13 years until 623 AD when he was cast out of Mecca by primarily the Jews but also the other religions there which did not agree with is religious views.  That was the first and religious part of Islam.
In 623 AD Mohammad took his few followers to Medina where he became a political leader and a warrior.  For the rest of his life Islam grew to billions as there are today through politics and war.  Mohammad took revenge on the Jews and Christians whom he named "People of the Book" and the rest of the non-Muslims for his treatment while in Mecca.  This was and is the totality of Islam, and the second part, which is an aggressive total life system for Muslims consisting of religion and politics.
Both of the above are the basis for the duality of Islam.
            (a) Religious Islam defines the peaceful Muslim

Political Islam defines the fundamental (fanatic) Muslim.
    Likewise, there are only two types of people in Islam, Muslims and Kafirs.  Again duality.
    There is no right or wrong in Islam.  Contradictions in Islam in any of the Trilogy are called abrogations.  That means that what is written is true even though one Sura (a chapter in the Qur'an) appears to contradict a preceding one.  In Islamic law, the Shar'ia, a newer law may abrogate an older one.  In any event, the newer text takes precedence over an older one; however, the older one may be used if it advances the cause of Islam.  As far is Islam is concerned, Allah and his Messenger cannot be wrong.  Duality.
     There is weak Islam and strong Islam.  In weak Islam a Muslim may defer to a Kafir socially, even though it be a lie, if it advances Islam and they cannot prevail otherwise in whatever effort they may engage.  In strong Islam, the Muslims are allowed to subdue the Kafir in the most expeditious manner available including torture and murder of the Kafir if he/she cannot be converted to Islam.  Duality.
     The goal of Islam is to cause the complete submission of the Kafir until every person on the earth is a true Muslim.
·       Allah is the only god - Polytheism, paganism, atheism, and agnosticism (in other words any religion other than Islam) are unacceptable.
     In Mecca Mohammad tolerated other religions and, in fact took much of his beliefs and structure of Islam came from the other religions, primarily the Torah and the Old Testament.  Some of his theology even came from paganism.  The evidence is that the name "Allah" came from a pagan idol, the moon. As he took his followers to Medina and gained strength and the ability to subdue his enemies he changed from his recognition of other religions.  He made Allah the only God and everyone else became the Kafirs, those who are all people other than true Muslims.
·       All people are slaves - Muslims are slaves to Allah, all others are slaves to Muslims.
    This is one of the basic precepts of Islam.  The word "slave" came from Mohammad's conquest of Slavic tribes, a derivative of the word Slav.  Islam teaches that Muslims are slaves and all others (Kafirs) are slaves to Muslims.  The belief is that Allah demands that Muslims convert or kill Kafirs with some inventions of Mohammad.  There is the "Dhimmi" who is a Kafir who does not convert to Islam but abides by a treaty which is an agreement between Muslims and Kafirs whereby the Kafirs agree to give up rights as free people so they may live (See Treaty of Umar).  The Dhimmi becomes a protected class of non-Muslim… a Kafir under the protection of Islam.  Slavery was not invented by Americans and the Western World.  It was and is a major enterprise of Islam.  The slaves were sold to Americans and western traders by Muslims in Africa and other European states.  Slavery is illegal in America but not in Islam today.
     It is the responsibility of every Muslim to fight jihad (jihad was invented by Mohammad) in whatever way possible to convert or enslave the Kafir.  The strongest will fight by war.  The old, women and children will support the warriors by providing shelter, food, money, etc.  Islam invades Kafir lands and confiscates everything of value. It kills or enslaves the strongest enemy and enslaves the rest if the Kafirs do not submit (Islam means submission).
A very disturbing thing about Islam and jihad is a section of the Healthcare law relating to Dhimmitude on page 107 that exempts Muslims from complying with the mandate to purchase insurance.  (See Muslims Exempted)
Islam is here in America.  This short summary highlights some of the basics of Islam.  There is nothing in this theology that is good for America.