Tuesday 27 January 2015

So True.....in three generations our babies will be index fingers with small thumbs (this reconnaisance sent from Extreme Central Texas)


Surely it isn't really this bad......is it?(Pssssssssst.....Yes, and worse)


El Gringo Viejo

Monday 26 January 2015

To Continue to the Point - We must start thinking in this vein.

      El Zorro enunciates in better words than I, and shares the following.   This passage is perhaps the best statement about the ethos of a Texian, a Confederate, and/or an American that I have ever studied.  It comes from one of us...El Zorro. 

El Zorro informs:

Here is the comment I would have shared:
“It is a sad thing that we should worry about our neighbor and who he might be with some hatred for us hidden in his ethos wrought by such an evil theology.  After all, this is America where Americans used to help their neighbors and were sure of thier reciprocity.  But, here we are.  Unfortunately we have to take care of ourselves first.  We cannot depend on a government to ensure our wellbeing, especially not this one.  So we have to profile our neighbors, acquaintances, and fellows with whom we share our earth.  The hatred against us does not go away because we say we will not participate.  Jan Morgan chooses to risk some of her business to keep it and her clients safe.  As the saying goes, ‘We have to be right always, they only have to be right once’.  I don't like it but I understand it.  To those of ethnicities who are suffering from the hate and ignorance of the few among them we would offer apology; however, that is a small recompense.”


In keeping with the will to stand and resist...and to stand and defeat the enemies of Truth and the American Way!

     We are blessed to have various OROGs who critique and contribute.  It is truly a blessing.   This is one of those times especially.   Remember that El Zorro sent the centre-piece around which we had to finally point out with no political correctness the utter vileness of Islamic inspired terrorism.  If some girl from Arkansas, and an old warrior out of Viet Nam with a War Record easily one million times more impressive than mine could ever be spun....then El Gringo Viejo has to stick his neck out at least a little.
     That was a contribution from the other side of the mountain, in the recesses and mixed with the hamlets of extreme northern parts of the Republic of Texas.  Now comes our  espionage specialists and agents we have inserted into the extreme centre of the Republic, to keep an eye on Reconstruction Occupation troops and carpetbaggers and the Democrats.
Carmen Miranda
1909  -  1955

   Frankly, El Zorro's contribution is humiliating....but I am up to it.  This next one is pretty much the same, but from way out in centre-field.  This is something that is very, very familiar, but there is that Paul Harvey moment....you know...."...the rest of the story."  We shall put it up without much further ado, and with as little commentary as possible.  Performing artists are a weird, strange, and interesting bunch.   My respect goes out to Carmen Miranda, for instance, who knew she had a condition, and she knew that condition had brought the Angel of Death onto the very stage where she was performing one night.  But, even though she felt the pangs, pains, and anguish of what she knew would be her final moments on this earth....she went back on stage and completed her routine....to a standing ovation....her last.

     This following submission is in the same vein, but in an entirely different direction.  You will know you are an American....(or a Texian)...when you go through this next entry on this blog.


Have you heard this before?
You can't get tired of this....
"Frank Sinatra considered Kate Smith the best singer of her time, and said that when he and a million other guys first heard her sing "God Bless America" on the radio, they all pretended to have dust in their eyes as they wiped away a tear or two.
Here are the facts... The link at the bottom will take you to a video showing the very first public singing of "GOD BLESS AMERICA". But before you watch it, you should also know the story behind the first public showing of the song.
The time was 1940. America was still in a terrible economic depression.Hitler was taking over Europe and Americans were afraid we'd have to go to war. It was a time of hardship and worry for most Americans.This was the era just before TV, when radio shows were HUGE, and American families sat around their radios in the evenings, listening to their favourite entertainers, and no entertainer of that era was bigger than Kate Smith.
Kate was also large; plus size, as we now say, and the popular phrase still used today is in deference to her, "It ain't over till the fat lady sings".   Kate Smith might not have made it big in the age of TV, but with her voice coming over the radio, she was the biggest star of her time.
Kate was also patriotic. It hurt her to see Americans so depressed and afraid of what the next day would bring . She had hope for America , and faith in her fellow Americans. She wanted to do something to cheer them up, so she went to the famous American song-writer, Irving Berlin (who also wrote "White Christmas") and asked him to write a song that would make Americans feel good again about their country. When she described what she was looking for, he said he had just the song for her.
He went to his files and found a song that he had written, but never published, 22 years before - way back in 1917. He gave it to her and she worked on it with her studio orchestra. She and Irving Berlin were not sure how the song would be received by the public, but both agreed they would not take any profits from God Bless America . Any profits would go to the Boy Scouts of America. Over the years, the Boy Scouts have received millions of dollars in royalties from this song.
This video starts out with Kate Smith coming into the radio studio with the orchestra and an audience. She introduces the new song for the very first time, and starts singing. After the first couple verses, with her voice in the background still singing, scenes are shown from the 1940 movie, "You're In The Army Now." At the 4:20 mark of the video you see a young actor in the movie, sitting in an office, reading a paper; it's Ronald Reagan.
To this day, God Bless America stirs our patriotic feelings and pride in our country. Back in 1940, when Kate Smith went looking for a song to raise the spirits of her fellow Americans, I doubt whether she realized just how successful the results would be for her fellow Americans during those years of hardship and worry.....
And for many generations of Americans to follow.
Many people don't know there's a lead in to the song since it usually starts with "God Bless America ....." So here's the entire song as originally sung.....
Let us pray He still does, and it's still not too late.
 El Gringo Viejo


Sunday 25 January 2015

And now for the "What if?"

Somewhat in keeping with the previous post, one stands in the shower thinking about stuff, and every now and then there arrives a real live thought.   This time it came from the Holy Land.  It had to do with the whole Gaza thing.  Perhaps it was provoked by a mailing from El Zorro.  The mailing had to do with the Jan Morgan girl who has quite a nice firing range over in Arkansas.  Not long ago, she decided that for her own sensibility and for the safety of her clients, she was going to prohibit the access to her facility to Muslims.   She felt that the because of the proclivity to kill infidels, apostates, and heretics on a "self-starter" basis by a certain percentage of Muslims, she could not in good conscience allow them into her place of business.
     We were familiar with her story from when she first made the announcement.   What El Zorro sent was her totally fleshed out, and a bit repetitive, rationale and justification in well-stated detail.   It seemed obvious that she was not happy about coming to her conclusion.  Turning away business is not a good way to do business.   And there was the matter of the school shootings by Euro-ethnic post adolescent males (and one Korean - VTU), and the killing of America's number one sniper by a fellow serviceman who was under treatment for PTSD.   Ironically that fellow was being treated by said-same sniper to "rifle-therapy" when the afflicted Marine turn on our essentially un-armed sniper and killed him.   So we have to be a bit realistic about from whence the danger emanated.
     But, we also have to be realistic to the point of being almost un-Texian about the issue.  Texians will do almost anything to solve a neighbour's, a visitor's, a foreigner's, or almost anyone's problem.   We are childish to a fault about "helpin' hand" imperatives.   Although, as all Southerners are, we are maligned as being primordial, definitional racists and bigots, it is simply not true in the overwhelming majority of our population.  Arkansas is not much different.
    We diverge briefly to point out that Billy Jeff did go out of the way to appoint one of his white bimbettes to a very high position in the Child Protective Services, while passing over a highly qualified "coloured woman" who was anticipated to be named, overwhelmingly, by almost all observers.
     So, it is difficult.  This matter of saying "All you Muslims cannot shoot in here, because I cannot tell who is tame and who is wild." is a hard row to hoe.  We know the true tales of how many Muslims have stood in with the Gringos in the issues of Afghanistan and Iraq....under fire and under threat.   We do not say..."All Muslims are...or All Mexicans are....or all Frenchmen are"....especially when it comes to business.
     We have thought through it and decided however, that in order to further secure the precincts of my business, especially if it dealt with the operations required in target shooting with very advanced weaponry, I would do the same.
     We go on to the real point of this missive.  Not long ago there was a movie titled something to the effect of "A Day in California without Mexicans", and it was a big hit with the arts and croissants crowd over there on the left side of the ballroom.   El Gringo Viejo had a brief conversation with a lady who brought up the topic and thought it was "....cute, and thought provoking."
     Of course, your humble servant, being ever courteous and deferential suggested that the impact might be more severe if one were to considered "...a day in California with no Gringos...".  At that point, everything would collapse.   This takes nothing away from the Latin element, which is integral and needed.   But the fact is, if all Angloid investment and activity and presence in California were dispersed to other quarters of the Earth, California would be in ruins before the end of the decade.
     La Inundacion of Gringos in Baja California has aided in bringing the general standard of living in the two States of the Peninsula to a median level higher than the middle classes of Argentina and Costa Rica....to a par level with southern Italy...in less than 15 years since the privatisation of ejido lands and their eligibility for foreign ownership.  The investments and eleemosynary activities of the Gringos has been legendary.
      As I lecture the Gringos about judgementalism with reference to the Mexicans, I advise the same discretion for the Latin element as well. 
     The moment all OROGs wait for...the ending.  The entire Muslim thing is built upon a monstrous fallacy.   Not about the 12th Imam jumping out of a well or any of that.   It is about the fact that the Arabs and  their neighbours, once vanquishing their hated Jew and Gentile enemies, should that happen, will immediate set about blowing up each other's mosques and primary schools and busses and planes and trains and taxis and wedding parties...primarily because Ahab's mother's great-great aunt walked under the bung-bung tree on Tuesday and should have been beheaded and stoned.
     The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, fresh off of the murder of the Japanese reporter, and the beheading of 13 who were barely teenagers found guilty of watching a soccer game on television on the Sabbath last week, is what will befall all of Arabia.  The floods of refugees will be phenomenal.  And nobody will want them.
     That is where we are right now with the so-called Palestinians.  It is readily known and understood that there is no Palestinian ethnic tribe or grouping.   They are not the "Philistines" of the Bible or Torah or the Koran.   They are an amalgam of various Arabic groups, clans, and ethnicities that were essentially left over after the ridiculous boundary drawing in the Middle East following World War I.   That is why, after all these years, the second name for the Palestinians is "refugees".   Why still refugees?   Because no one wants them.
     They have been under the control of the Ottoman Turks, Russian communists, then the secular revolutionaries, then the Muslim Brotherhood - Palestine Liberation Organisation farce, and then the twin mafias of Hezbollah and Hamas.  The local population of "Palestine" is made up of frightened little birds who fear the knock on the door.  Will it be a Hezbollah soldier coming to take out a child to serve as a martyr with a suicide vest?  Are they coming to take a daughter to sell to the human traffickers?   Are they coming to take their portion of lucre of what little was sold to-day in the little shop with rebuilt auto-parts?  Are they coming to take the eldest son because Fatima told them that she had seen him talking to a man suspected of being a spy paid by the Israelis.  If they take him, they might bring his head back in a bag, to-morrow morning.
A place governed by the rule of
the Palestinian Authority, Hezbollah,
 and Hamas
       And they guard and enforce the rules around the Dome of the Rock, making certain that no descendants of any pig or monkey set filthy foot upon the sacred floor of Mohammed.  Little matter that the place is sacred to three religions.
  Little does it matter to the functionally psychotic mullahs and imams that the Koran identifies clearly the Nazarene as a true prophet...nay...the second most important prophet of Islam.

     So then, we move on to the point at hand.  Let us imagine a day, a week, a month, a year in the life of Gaza and the Lands of Adam, Noah, Abraham, David, Solomon, and the Nazarene.....without Hebrews.   It would be a desolate, blood-stained place, full of graffiti and filth, overwhelming violence and corruption, and misery so severe that within two generations no one would be able to recall what fine things were to be seen in Tel Aviv and the Jewish parts of Jerusalem.
And now a bit of interlude from the Judio-Arabe (Jew-Arabs from the
time of the Saracen Invasion in the late 7th Century) people who
that populate even to this day much of Morocco and the Asturias
the southeastern one-third of Spain, and much of northcentral
 Mexico, historically. Most "Arabic music" comes from the Jews
and that same music forms the basis of much of what we think
of as Spanish, and it even fathered the Musica Huasteca and the
ubiquitous Mariachi music, that to many people, means
Mexican Music.

And then we have Jan Morgan's explanation and rationale behind her rule about Muslims patronising her firing range and firearms and ammunition
business.   This is her writing and you can take your own positions.
To wit: 
The owner of Gun Cave Indoor Shooting Range in Hot Springs, Ark. has drawn a line in the sand, and while critics will get angry they should read her reasons why.
After the recent influx of violence perpetuated by self-proclaimed Islamists, Morgan began to study the religion and discovered “109 verses commanding hate, murder and terror against all human beings who refuse to submit or convert to Islam.”
On her website, Jan Morgan Media, Morgan, an investigative journalist and certified NRA gun instructor, explained that her decision was made based on facts.
Read her ten-point reasoning that has already provoked controversy:
I officially declare my business, The Gun Cave Indoor Shooting Range, a MUSLIM FREE ZONE . . .
1)     The Koran, which I have read and studied thoroughly and (which all Muslims align themselves with), contains 109 verses commanding hate, murder and terror against all human beings who refuse to submit or convert to Islam.
·         Read those verses of violence.
2) My life has been threatened repeatedly by Muslims who are angry that I have studied their Koran and have, over the past two years, been exposing the vileness of the Koran and its murderous directives.
3) * The barbaric act of beheading an innocent American in Oklahoma by a Muslim
* the Boston bombings (by Muslims)
* the Fort Hood mass shooting (by a Muslim) that killed 13 people and injured over 30 people
* and the murder of 3000 innocent people (by Muslims) on 9/11
This is more than enough loss of life on my home soil at the hands of Muslims to substantiate my position that Muslims can and will follow the directives in their Koran and kill here at home.
4) Because the nature of my business involves firearms and shooting firearms in an enclosed environment, my patrons are not comfortable being around Muslims who align themselves with a religion that clearly commands hate, murder, and violence against all non muslims. Therefore many of my patrons are uncomfortable around Muslims with guns. (can you blame them?)
5) My range rents and sells guns to my patrons. Why would I want to rent or sell a gun and hand ammunition to someone who aligns himself with a religion that commands him to kill me?
6) * Muslims, who belong to and, or, support ISIS, are threatening to kill innocent Americans.
* Muslims, who belong to or support AL Qaeda, are threatening to kill innocent Americans.
* Muslims who belong to or support HAMAS are threatening to kill innocent Americans.
See a common thread here?
7) I not only have the right to refuse service but a RESPONSIBILITY to provide a safe environment for people to shoot and train on firearms. I can and have turned people away if I sense they are under the influence of alcohol or mind altering drugs. I have a federal firearms license…
The ATF informed us when we received the license that if we feel any reason for concern about selling someone a firearm, even sense that something is not right about an individual, or we are concerned about that persons mental state, even if they pass a background check, we do not have to sell that person a gun.
In other words, a federal agency has given us this kind of discretion for service based on the nature of the business. I can and have turned people away if I sense an issue with their mental state. So… its difficult to imagine how the DOJ could have issues with this when ATF gave us this discretion.
8) I have no way of looking at Islam other than as a theocracy, not a religion. Islam is undoubtedly the union of political, legal, and religious ideologies. In other words law, religion and state are forged together to form what Muslims refer to as “The Nation of Islam.” Once again it is given the sovereign qualities of a nation with clerics in the governing body and Sharia law all in one. This is a Theocracy, not a religion.
The US Constitution does not protect a theocracy. The 1st Amendment is very specific about protecting the rights of individuals from the government, as it concerns the practice of religions, not theocracies. It clearly differentiates between government and religion. Again protecting the individual’s religious beliefs and practices from (the state) government. In Islam, religion and state are one.
We are a Nation governed by laws, or the law of the land the U.S. Constitution. We are not a Nation that is governed by religion, politicians or clerics.
How then, can anyone say that, the practice of Islam is protected by the U.S. Constitution?
The Muslim brotherhood has a documented plan for the destruction of America from within, discovered by our own government during a raid of MB operatives in America. In addition, I am very cognizant of the civilization jihad under way in my country by American Muslims. In a number of states Muslims, through our legal system, are trying to force us to accept Sharia Law over Constitutional law. I do not wish to do business with people who stand against the Constitution and are fighting to replace it.
9) Islam allows Muslims to kill their own children, (honor killing) if the behavior of those children embarrasses or dishonors the family name. (did you know that dating outside of the faith is justification for murdering their daughters and this has already occurred on American soil?) Why would I want people (who believe it’s okay to murder their own children), be in the presence of other children? My patrons often bring their kids to the range to teach them to shoot. I am responsible for providing a safe environment for those children to learn gun safety and shooting sports.
10) In the 14 hundred year history of Islam, Muslims have murdered over 270 million people. Not all Muslims are terrorists, but almost all terrorists in the world right now are Muslim. Since you can’t determine by visual assessment, which ones will kill you and which ones will not, I am going to go with the line of thought that ANY HUMAN BEING who would either knowingly or unknowingly support a “religion” that commands the murder of all people who refuse to submit or convert to that religion, is not someone I want to know or do business with. I hold adults accountable for the religion they align themselves with.
In summary, I not only have the right, but a responsibility to provide a safe environment for my customers. I do not believe my decision is religious discrimination because I do not classify Islam as a religion.. It is a theocracy/terrorist organization that hides behind the mask of religion in order to achieve its mission of world domination.
People who shoot at my range come from all religious backgrounds… some are atheists… I do not care about their religious beliefs. I care about the safety of my customers who come to shoot here. The government allows businesses to ban me from entering their business with my gun because the property owner feels uncomfortable or wants to provide a “safe” environment for their patrons which is in clear violation of my 2nd Amendment right to bear arms, so…
I should be able to deny service to people on the same premise. Can my government really force me to invite someone who had threatened to kill me, into my home or business?
I will do whatever is necessary to provide a safe environment for my customers, even at the cost of the increased threats and legal problems this decision will likely provoke.
Jan Morgan- owner / The Gun Cave Indoor Shooting Range
So we now beg your leave, and apologise for having taken up too much of your time.  These are wondrous but treacherous times.  We hope that we have helped arm one and all with understanding of self and with resolve and with resilience.
El Gringo Viejo

Bang, bang and What if?

Above, we have pictured Cristina Fernandez Vda. de Kirchner when like all of us, she was much younger.   She was even closer to her marxist, machine-gun toting, jungle-dwelling, camouflaged persona then.  But, commie guerrilla babes, like men, have their life-epic characteristics.  A man is once a man but twice a child.
     A deranged commie guerrilla babe is once a caring socialist democrat and twice a deranged commie guerrilla babe....only in the third lap she becomes a Helen Thomas Award Winning deranged commie guerrilla old battle-ax hag; like (Sir Edmund)Hillary.  In fairness, she has been quite ill during the last few months.  That is not a joking matter, and we dislike pointing it out.
     She, as in the case of many Ladies Macbeth, have the compounding element to their physical conditions of those haunting memories of all the little people who have been damaged...terribly damaged....by unbridled, pointless ambition.   Women who believe in nothing but that which is based upon the hatred of men....and children.....never age well.   Like bad wine, they turn into horrible vinegar.
      This revolucionaria izquierdista  zeal causes females to do really strange things, such as to put on the uniforms of conformity...as in the case of the Mary Knoll nuns, or the upper administration of the Girl Scouts of America, in the vestments and mitres of what used to be Orthodox churches....and then demand that those institutions do everything possible to destroy the societies and cultures they once nurtured.  Imperfectly, certainly,  but in most cases those institutions served well, we might point out.

     Of greatest import, besides destroying traditionalism in all of its forms, is to destroy the House of David, the Tribe of Israel, The Hebrew, any thing remotely pertinent to just being any kind of passive or active Hebe.   The Jew and the Jews are an arrogant bunch of cusses, that is true.  But they are in the main rational and generous people.  They are orderly.  They are clean. They are somewhat deferential. And they even say Merry Christmas and accept such wishes, and they even smile a bit when one of the Goyim mails him/her a Happy Hanukkah card during the Christmastide.
     No nation, no peoples can long survive once  serious attempts are made to destroy the Jew, Judaism, Israel as a land, or Israel as a concept.   It is because, for all their corruption, their mafia, their pettiness....the Jew is a great peoples and full of a goodness, productivity, and generosity that far outweighs whatever liabilities they present to mankind.

     So now come la Presidente Cristina Fernandez Widow of Kirchner (her formal name), and after much flurry, ducking, diving, and obfuscation during the past 96 hours, she has decided that lead investigator Alberto Nisman's "suicide" , as she had previously style the event, is now probably a "murder" by some of her detractors who are trying to frame and  defame her.  Even she now points to the improbability that a man would shoot himself in the middle of the forehead, and leave a burn diameter of about 4 1/2 inches.  It is a terribly clumsy shot to try to make.   Something similar to Vince Foster's blowing his brains out without back splatter onto his freshly cleaned, starched white shirt. 
    The lead investigator now is suggesting that, after the discovery of a clandestine entrance and exit point, that had been used recently, and the nature of the wound, "forced suicide" or "execution-style murder" is very much a possibility.

Zionists Responsible for Bombing Argentinian Jewish Centre
Purpose of these Mahyudi monsters: to lay the blame on Hezbollah and the Islamic Republic on Iran to gain internationals support to attack and destroy them.
Note: to gain sympathy for the Zionist cause as well as to gain a greater grip of control over the South American continent, Carlos Vladmir Corach, orchestrated the bombing of a Jewish Center through a bribe. It was no minor fee. Rather, it was $400,000 dollars in the year 1994, which is a massive amount of money for that time, equivalent to well over $2 million today.
The bribe was paid, the bomb probably pre-made by the Zionist cabal of which it is expert, and then the hit man drove it to the area and blew the facility up. It is the same pattern always taken by these wretched ones, just as they did in the King David Hotel, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, and far more. They blow innocents up for malicous aims of gaining support for the Zionist strip. Killing innocents, including fellow Jews, is their specialty.
What a huge find it is to pin-down the connection, to determine the modus operandi of Zionist moles and how they will slaughter their own and countless others in the attempt to achieve their wicked aims. One major goal: to blame the bombing on Islamic Iran to gain international support for their criminal intentions against this country. Thus, the attack was planned and organized through Mahyudi monsters in Tel Aviv.  
Now it is known exactly how the Zionists butcher people and then cover their tracks. For certain they are behind the so-called Syrian conflict. Yet, in this case, too, they use hit-man, tens of thousands of them, that is so that the ultimate perpetrators, Israeli moles, cannot be discovered. In Syria, too, countless Christians have perished, their religious institutions destroyed.
Now it is known exactly how the Zionists butcher people and then cover their tracks. For certain they are behind the so-called Syrian conflict. Yet, in this case, too, they use hit-man, tens of thousands of them, that is so that the ultimate perpetrators, Israeli moles, cannot be discovered. In Syria, too, countless Christians have perished, their religious institutions destroyed.     How dare the Churches support these Zionists. Surely, numerous Argentinian Christians also perished. Thus, America’s Churches are supporting the mass murder of the people of Christianity, including clergymen.



The AMIA bombing was an attack on the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA; Argentine Israelite Mutual Association) building. It occurred in Buenos Aires on July 18, 1994, killing 85 people and injuring hundreds. It was Argentina‘s deadliest bombing ever. Argentina is home to a Jewish community of 200,000, among the largest in Latin America. On October 25, 2006, Argentine prosecutors Alberto Nisman and Marcelo Martínez Burgos formally accused the government of Iran of directing the bombing, and the Hezbollah militia of carrying it out.
On July 18, 1994, a Renault Trafic van bomb loaded with about 275 kilograms (610 lb) of ammonium nitrate fertilizer and fuel oil explosive mixture,[11] was detonated in front of the Jewish Community Center located in a densely constructed commercial area of Buenos Aires. The explosive is thought to have been arranged to focus the blast on the building 3 to 5 metres (9.8 to 16 ft) away, exhibiting a shaped charge or explosively formed penetrator effect.[citation needed] The exterior walls of this five story building were of brick masonry construction, which supported the floor slabs. The air blast from the bomb totally destroyed the exposed load-bearing walls which, in turn, led to progressive failure of the floor slabs and virtually total collapse of the building.[citation needed] Such bearing-wall buildings are notable for their tendency to be brought down in this manner by localized damage.[12]
Eighty-five people died, the majority of whom were Jewish (although many non-Jews were also killed). More than 300 others were wounded.
File photo shows bombed AMIA building in Buenos Aires.In the days following the bombing, Israel sent Mossad agents to Argentina to investigate. The Israeli Police also sent a team of four forensic scientists to assist with the building of ante mortem files and victim identification; the IDF sent personnel to help the Argentines with body extrication. Argentina closed its borders after the attack, fearing more terrorists could enter.
End of Wikipedia info.

     To be sure, there are specific Iranians who have been concretely identified as having been directly involve in this act of mass murder.   Truth be known, two of them were under the microscope in the case of the Murrah Building disaster in Oklahoma at around the same time.  Same M.O. and same named and physically identical personalities.   But, tsk, tsk, it was all actually Rush Limbaugh's fault, according to Billy Jeff and Janet Reno.

     This is the Post Office Bulletin Boards' wall of shame, below.
Even stupid, infidel Americans will recognise
two, three, or four of these beasts.  According
 to Interpol and other reliable sources, it is a
certainty that these men were involved in the
Argentine bombing in 1994.
    So now we have the tight spot for Madam Cristina.   Her husband was involved in the cover-up of the Iranian involvement up to the time of his death.   Cristina maintained that the explosion was part of a criminal enterprise internal to the Jewish Centre.  Later it was exposed that Argentina had extracted very favourable terms on a trade of wheat for oil from the Iranians.   It was widely presumed and later proven that such was the case, and it was definitely linked to an "appreciation tax" levied by the Argentine leftist government.  After all, they had a common enemy...America.

     And Cristina has been caught with her false eyelashes in the wringer.   We await developments, and we are somewhat surprised by the willingness of the Argentine judiciary to stand tough on this matter.   Surprised and cautiously pleased.
El Gringo Viejo
