Tuesday 20 January 2015

Quick statistical statement


KURV People Poll

Is Ted Cruz right when he says a more conservative candidate has a better chance at being elected President?
  • YES (91%, 104 Votes)
  • NO (9%, 10 Votes)
Total Voters: 114

Please remember that this radio station is a Rush / Hannity / Beck / Levine / Fox
Site.   About 60% of the audience is Latin, about 92% are conservatives.

We never say "We told you so...." but......


   As all OROGs know, we never say, "I told you so." on this particular blog.  The only time we can recollect having done so is almost every time El Gringo Viejo has had the opportunity.   But, feareth naught.  We shall be brief.

(1)     Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner has come out of the shadows of her various infirmities (a la Hillary) which have called into question not only her general health but her sanity.    Her presidency has paralleled that of Barry Soetoro in that she has been equally incompetent, equally driven by red-marxist principles, and as accompanies all leftist regimes, the hypocritical sacking of the public purse for personal benefit and enjoyment.
Several fire-damaged cars located in front of a partially destroyed multi-story building.
Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building
 two days after the bombing
     The economic situation in Argentina is well beyond critical.  Cristina and her merry band of marxist thugs have gone so far as to propose the confiscation of pension funds and "un-used" savings accounts.   You all know, those silly savings accounts that are just laying around, not being used by anyone, just being held by rich people so that they can "be rich".
     Industry, commerce, agriculture, finance, and the cultural condition have all hit the skids in an alarming way.   The Argentine peso has lost 40% of its value during Cristina's regimen.

   Now, however there is another problem.  This problem has been dogging all of Argentina for 20 years now.   It is rather much like the issue of the Murrah Building bombing in Oklahoma City, where Islamic terrorist methods were used to destroy a building in the middle of a major American city, killing 168 and seriously injuring over 680 men, women, and children.   No reasonable person believes that those accused and convicted were lone actors, and truckloads of evidence include the reality that the same type people who attempted to blow up one of the New York Twin Towers were integrally involved in the Oklahoma affair.

     The same year, Hezbollah and Iran destroyed a Jewish cultural centre in Buenos Aires.   Cristina and her minions, like all good marxists, hates Jews and Israel.   Her husband, also having been a president of Argentina before Cristina, hated Jews and Israel.  The desire to surreptitiously import large quantities of Iranian oil at discount prices during the several and frequent economic crises endured by the Argentines, caused the authorities to cover up the involvement of Iran in the destruction of the building with the loss of over 80 lives and the wounding of over 200 innocents.




Hate Negroes?  Want to kill
homosexuals for being homosexual?
Like to shoot 13 years olds for not
"joining the revolucion"? Hate
Gringos, or anyone else you are
told to hate?  Hate critical thought?
     Suffice to say, the fact that the door of government prosecutor Alberto Nisman's,  apartment was locked from the inside means absolutely nothing, because any well-trained locksmith can lock a door from the inside from the outside, so to speak.  The fact that the present Argentine Pink House spokesman pointed out the fact that the door was locked from the inside is almost a point that begs the question, "How did you know about a forensic detail of evidence that should have been kept secret?   Did you call the Vince Foster Forensic Team for assistance?"
     We'll see how this plays out for the "(Sir Edmund)Hillary of South A merica" during her last days in office.  These women....Frida, Hillary, Cristina, Pocahontas Warren, are all so predictable...."helping the poor" and "doing so much for women's issues" and wearing their Che T-shirts....just so long as they don't have to have any real physical contact with the favela people.   EEEEUUUuuuuuu.


     We were distressed, once again, with a Republican Congresswoman, this time from Tennessee was actually decrying the fact that "The President does not understand that raising taxes on the wealthy will not help anyone". 

EARTH TO Congresspersonlady - Obama is stupid and mean.  He is a cutthroat community organiser with little intelligence and much hatred of white people, conservative blacks and Latinos, and a total commitment to the destruction of the moneyed class and the middle-class as he constructs them in his mind.   He is programmed to use what little, repetitive intelligence he has to convince the stupid, the lethargic, and the Miss Flukie sloths of the world that someone else must pay their way, needs, wants, and  comforts.
     In other words, he understands exactly what he is trying to do.  He is trying to destroy the American Union by making all the "little people" proles who do the bidding of their superiors, the Commissars and the directors of the State Collective.
    Stop talking bilge, and speaking in trite, meaningless phrases.

Thank you, Congresspersonlady.


     This submission could also be named..... "And we are absolutely, positively, without doubt about 38% sure about this data, even after recognising that our computer programmes are experimental, have always failed, and have nothing to do with reality."

     The Nasa climate scientists who claimed 2014 set a new record for global warmth last night admitted they were only 38 per cent sure this was true.
     In a press release on Friday, Nasa’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) claimed its analysis of world temperatures showed ‘2014 was the warmest year on record’.
The claim made headlines around the world, but yesterday it emerged that GISS’s analysis – based on readings from more than 3,000 measuring stations worldwide – is subject to a margin of error. Nasa admits this means it is far from certain that 2014 set a record at all.
    Yet the Nasa press release failed to mention this, as well as the fact that the alleged ‘record’ amounted to an increase over 2010, the previous ‘warmest year’, of just two-hundredths of a degree – or 0.02C. The margin of error is said by scientists to be approximately 0.1C – several times as much.
    As a result, GISS’s director Gavin Schmidt has now admitted Nasa thinks the likelihood that 2014 was the warmest year since 1880 is just 38 per cent. However, when asked by this newspaper whether he regretted that the news release did not mention this, he did not respond. Another analysis, from the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature (BEST) project, drawn from ten times as many measuring stations as GISS, concluded that if 2014 was a record year, it was by an even tinier amount. 
Nasa’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) claimed its analysis of world temperatures showed ‘2014 was the warmest year on record’ 
      Nasa’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) claimed its analysis of world temperatures showed ‘2014 was the warmest year on record’.
Its report said: ‘Numerically, our best estimate for the global temperature of 2014 puts it slightly above (by 0.01C) that of the next warmest year (2010) but by much less than the margin of uncertainty.

     What amazes this observer is that we spend fortunes for this information.   The material is filtered, diluted, hammered, manipulated, and steam-rolled to fit their narrative, and even when they can't really, really justify it....the publish it anyway.

More later.   Thank one and all in the OROG community for your continued patronage.
El Gringo Viejo

Monday 19 January 2015

A Blast from the past....A suicide, demagoguery, real life, and Texian experiences from the 1940s - 1950s through the present.

Sunday, 4 December 2011  (ORIGINAL PUBLICATION DATE)


Guess What? (It's Fairly Predictable)

      About the news about the boy who committed suicide because he was concerned about not being able to go to engineering school after leaving high school;   It turns out that his family says that there was nothing left in any notes that would indicate such a thing.   One brother said that in his good-bye note, one of several left to various family members, the only concern his now departed younger brother evidenced was about being drafted into the ever diminishing ranks of the cartels.
    He feared and loathed the idea of being forced to be a mule.   Several of his classmates have been menaced by gang thugs in the area.   The gang thugs are always recruiting because their ranks are diminished by shootings, incarcerations, and flight from the area on a daily basis.    They recruit, at times, by telling the potential conscript that if they refuse service to the gang, their family will be shot....their house will be burned down....their FFA project animals will be shot....their sisters will be raped.....etc.
      That is the only reference made by anybody at the first level of relationship to the young man now departed.   The Hidalgo County Sheriff's Department has taken possession of all notes and related items and is not commenting, due to the fact that, in Texas, this is a homicide.   It is against the law to murder someone with clear intent and malice aforethought.  So, since that is the quintessential characteristic of a suicide, such matters are always investigated between closely and extremely closely.
      We commend this to the attention of interested OROGs.

     We  assert  that Congressman Ruben Hinojosa is the perfect example of a "feed the children for free".   Tax, Tax, Spend, Spend, Elect, Elect is his motto.   "I will put their money where my mouth is!" is another motto.   "We have been denied too long," is another of his mottoes, although he comes from one of the oldest, colonial families in South Texas, a family that until recent times was very wealthy.  He bases his call for passage of the "Dreamers' Act" on this sad event.
     He is a mendacious, hypocritical slug.   The idea of a person born of blue blood, and to the upper-class reducing himself to the level of  carnival-huckster demagogue in one short generation is stunning.   He began his political career as a puppet for big business and the United Farm Workers, a (such a confusing form of political convenience) and has steadily become worse.
     The idea of walking on the grave of this fine young man....is disgusting.   This tragedy should never have been taken into the public domain.   With the most minimal intervention of class, dignity, social training, and deference it should have been obvious to anyone that this was a very private family matter. 

       Finally,  El Gringo Viejo was having a bit of lunch a couple of days ago, talking with a friend...an old competitor from our touring business days....and we were comparing notes and topics of interest.    We have very similar backgrounds...Texas...university studies....Mexico,  very conservative political and cultural notions....Anglicanism, etc.    As we review this issue of the terrible suicide of this fine boy my friend brought up something that is known, but stored back into the recesses of the brain that pertain to school days back in the 1950s and 1960s. 
       Texas....which walks on the edge of having an independent foreign policy to that of the occupying authority.... enacted various reciprocal agreements years ago, back in the 1930s and 1940s,  that permitted Mexican States to send citizens of their States to Texas public school and universities and pay in-State tuition so long as they reciprocated.    In return, Texans were permitted to attend their schools under the same considerations.
     This meant, for instance, that in the summertime, years back there would be a hoard of Texans staying in private homes in Saltillo, Coahuila and studying Spanish at the University of Coahuila during the summer-school period.   The credits were transferrable on a university transcript  and the experience for many was life-changing.  It was better than Spring Break, and much less degenerate and/or expensive.    The campus of the University of Coahuila in Saltillo looks like what Greece was trying to look like.
      The States were, if the Gringo Viejo remembers correctly, Sonora, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, Jalisco, Guanajuato, Puebla,  San Luis Potosi', Yucatan, and perhaps Oaxaca.   There might be others.   The program may still be extant. 
       Of interest, of course, is that various of these public universities had famously fine programs in archaeology, anthropology, Spanish language, Indian languages, and other liberal arts themes such as history and geography.    Also of extreme importance, of course, were the medical schools, especially Nuevo Leon (Monterrey) and Jalisco (Guadalajara) and Yucatan (Merida) that were always between triple-A minor league and major league.    With an MD degree from those schools (and some others in Mexico) and budding doctor, surgeon, dentist, or orthodontic surgeon would be ready for his qualifications on the International Doctors' Examination.....especially after one or two years of federal social field service in Mexico....especially in those years.   Texans paid no out-of-country tuition, just the regular tuition like the Mexicans, and of course they paid the "laboratory fees" and "building use fees" etc. like the Mexicans.   It was very inexpensive, in relative terms....and one normally stayed with a family or a "respectable private rooming arrangement"  (usually two or three rooms w/ bath in some old mansion with a couple of ancient servants and a widow trying to preside over what had gone with the wind).

        El Gringo Viejo's wife worked for one of those doctors here in Texas (a classical Anglo-type Texian)....he graduated from the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon.    He would recount how "...the Mexicans were dumb enough to let me into medical school with my BA grades, and they were smart enough to make me the best doctor I could be.   I can't let them down by doing a crummy job, ever".  Then he would trundle off down the corridor to the next patient.   He would laugh in his famously inimitable way after telling details of his adventures in Mexico in the early 1950s.   He was a highly recognized and esteemed surgeon in matters of the throat and larynx.   He also did other general surgeries and caught babies.     He would always say that the time he spent in Mexico made him a much better person and the two years (he volunteered for one extra year) he spent in federal field service were the most rewarding time he had spent in his life to that point.    He worked in some small towns around Monterrey and in some really outback places.   His Spanish was excellent.

       El Gringo Viejo also remembers Perla, the girl from Reynosa across from McAllen, who would arrive at Mirabeau Bonapart Lamar Junior High School in near-north central McAllen every morning.  Her father was the Director of the new PEMEX refinery recently completed in Reynosa, across the Rio Grande.   She had a big black auto, and a chauffeur who would get down and go around to open the door for her.....At the end of the day, he would return and pick her up.   She paid the same out-of-district tuition as if she was from a neighbouring town in Texas.....around 42 dollars per semester.
    She caused quite a stir because she dressed in near semi-formal...wore a hat and gloves normally....had "real lady's make-up"....and usually wore heels.    At first she was something of an oddity...like a movie star or something...but gradually she was taken in by a cliq of girls and joined a couple of clubs and even served on the Student Council in the 9th grade.    She came to study and to learn a good variety of common American English spoken by people of her own class, according to her father.    Most of the guys remember her just as a knock-out with black eyes,  milk coloured skin, a Jackie bouffant, and a wardrobe like Audrey Hepburn's.    She was very down to earth, civilised, attractive, and...in a way...friendly.

     So, yes that's the way it was.   Rick Perry could have mentioned that, but he is probably unaware of it.   He could have won the Republican nomination if he had only explained how cumbersome Texas government is....how little power the Governor has....how constrained the Congress of the Republic of Texas is due to our experiences with the Reconstruction and the unbridled tyranny that was brought by the Union Occupation.
   And so....now people might understand how and why Texans are a little conflicted in all directions about some of the looser ends of the immigration issue.    The Old Gringo is adamant, however about sealing the border, first and foremost.  It is one of the few areas where the central government should not just do something...it should do an Israeli quest for perfect, hermitic penetration by unauthorized visitors.   Liberal for those who comply with the rules, and hard on those who do not.

Feeling a bit restored, and grateful for your time and attention.
El Gringo Viejo

Sunday 18 January 2015

Returning from wedding and attendent pleasant madness.....

     Our family is a bit larger now.   Our daughter married some years back and now has, along with her husband, two beautiful girls, an idyllic living situation with a perfect husband, in a perfect place in Central Texas.  They are Dell People, as are many in that area of the Republic of Texas.
     Now comes our son, and he has married a remarkable young lady from that area of the Republic that carries both the traditions of the Frontier Southwest and the Old South.   She is a belle of the Tyler (Smith County) area....known as the Rose Capital of the World.   Her town of reference is named Alto (Cherokee County) in Spanish, but long after the dominance of the area by Spain and Mexico.  Alto in the Spanish   means "high" (and also HALT!) in the English.
      And such is the placement of the community in 1849.   First named Branchtown and finally named Alto some years later,  it was placed on high ground between the Rio Neches and the Rio Angelina, each of whom flow through the dark and mysterious forests and thickets of East Texas.  You all can see that Corin did not need much help with her height, but when the floods come, high ground is always good to have nearby, just in case.

Corin Newton's photo.
This is the crew, minus a very few important figures.  As Texians,
it seemed very appropriate to begin the post-wedding activities
by visiting the extremely handsome and august precincts of the
Capitol Building of the Republic of Texas.
The Couple is at centre, of course....Corin and Christian.  Each
has a mother at elbow.   The two fathers are the tall guys at the
second-from-the-end on each appropriate side.
These people all have literally scores of folks buried in the  Lone Star
 Republic's sacred soil, and networks of scores of descendants,
and hopefully, more to come.


     The meshing of the two families was without any difficulty.   We are very similar;  deferential, and, save for this writer, strong on civility and intelligence.

We appreciate all comments and positive observations from the OROG community.   It was a pleasant episode in the Extreme Centre of Central Texas, we think enjoyed by all.

El Gringo Viejo

Wednesday 14 January 2015

A Bit of Evidence to Back Up Our View of the Border, Trafficking, Reality, and the Press

     El Gringo Viejo bangs his head against various walls trying to answer questions put forward by people who think they want to know something about Mexico.   For the most part, general information circulating around in Mr. Roger's neighbourhood  from "official" and/or Obsolete Press sources is almost always partially correct.
   The article below comes from AM Radio KURV - 710 here on the border.  It speaks the truth about an occurrence and also leaves much on the table from which one can construct other good conclusions.
GUILTY GAVELThe most recent leader of the Gulf Cartel, who was arrested in the Rio Grande Valley three months ago, has pleaded guilty to federal drug trafficking and money laundering charges. Juan Francisco Saenz Tamez signed off on the plea agreement Tuesday in Beaumont federal court — admitting to trafficking tons of marijuana and cocaine into the U-S, and hiding the illegal profits.  Federal drug investigators, who’d been tracking Saenz Tamez, were able to nab him, peacefully, at the Academy Sports and Outdoors store in Edinburg October 9th.  Investigators say the 23-year-old Saenz Tamez had taken over the leadership of the fractured Gulf Cartel just a few months before his arrest.  He is named in a more than year-old U-S indictment linking him to a large-scale international drug smuggling and trafficking operation.
     This individual really is (was) the Numero Uno for a couple of months....perhaps a bit more....rising up from the ranks quickly due to the losses being suffered by the Gulf syndicate.  Those losses began to become catastrophic during 2012 and 2013 due to confrontations with the Mexican Army and the Naval Infantry, along with almost continuous skirmishing with an equally diminishing ZETA group.
     As we have pointed out on several occasions in this publication, one of the reasons the Central American hordes came pouring up through Tamaulipas and into South Texas at the McAllen last year was because they could move through with little or no need for a "coyote".   The people who had been handling a large minority of illegal aliens from Central America 2 t0 4 years before had been the Gulf Cartel.
     We would like the OROG to consider the age of the "leader" of the Gulf organisation.   He was probably being allowed to cross back and forth from Mexico to Texas by various authorities on both sides of the Rio, all the while being monitored.   Saenz-Tamez's hubris bespeaks of his stupidity, inexperience, self-indulgence and any number of other tactical and strategic failures.
     But, as El Gringo Viejo has been pointing out for the past several months...perhaps a year now...the steady degradation of the old cartel structures by the Mexican Military does have a positive effect upon the culture and the civilisation.   A person of Saenz-Tamez's  age would have been found as a neighbourhood co-ordinator in Matamoros or Tampico.  Even then, he would have been closely supervised.  All the "old men" (28 -  45 years of age) are dead, horribly wounded, or in prison in the Texas or Mexico.  Fewer young men are coming into "the business" to replace them.  It is still not time to lessen the pressure, however.
     One other sign of the times?   As I drove back up last Sunday, about 30 miles south of Reynosa, there was a convoy of very high-end RVs and motorhomes heading south, probably to the Emerald Coast of central Vera Cruz or to a Guadalajara - Ajijic - Jojotepec winter stay.   Possibly, they could have been doing a "grand excursion" staying in ten or twelve different places before returning to the States in early March.   It was looking more like the old days, in that this convoy had about 40 units, all of them upper-middle to high-end.
We'll leave this all with you.  To-morrow we go up to the Austin area to help marry off our son on Friday.  We'll try to bring some pictures and tales of the adventure.
El Gringo Viejo

Tuesday 13 January 2015

They Carve Out Little Areas....and the rot seeps out....and into our children - II


     Continuing in the same vein as yesterday's posting, we look upon the great landfill of human history.....the massive government programming....the Five Year Plans, the collectivisation of Russian agricultural, the ejidofication of Mexican agriculture, the Great Leaps Forward, the Re-education Camps, Free Public Health Service, the Dole, the Unemployment Compensation, the concept of "paid leave", Social Security, "paid vacation", expressions such as, ".....and this is a free service, brought to you by the Ad Council, the American Association of Retired Persons and the Department of Health and Human Services."
     Madness.   Madness and rot.  It continues along the deep channels of the flow of cultural sludge that have carved grand canyons in to the soul of the body politic.

     The New York Times had a recent article that examined the tension between Jeb Bush and  Mitt Romney.   It substantially devolved into an analysis of the metamorphosis of Jeb Bush from a liberal Republican Country Club "regular fella'" into a progressive, more sophisticated thinker who understands now that the proletariat must be controlled every minute, hour, day, week, month, and for all the years of their miserable, stupid little insignificant lives.  For their own good of course.

     More of the rot is the zombie-like group-think hatred the elite, proper, and superior Republicans have for people like Ted Cruz.  They seem to be saying something akin to, "The nerve of any elected Republican to run on a certain platform and body of commitments and then to actually comply with his promises."
     We can and should always expect Democrats to lie.  We know that almost all Democrats are irrational, illogical, and schizophrenic.   But, should there not be a beacon...a lighthouse on the rocky coastline...in the form of a straightforward elected person's compliance with his publicly stated intentions?   Would such deportment serve to reinforce  the notion among the electorate that there is at least some honour and compliance still in existence?

     Rot is the act of proposing to have "tax reform" by adjusting the rate of taxation of productive people and of businesses, and "paying for it" by imposing fees, adjustments, and expense deduction prohibitions that essentially leave the citizen and the business where they were at the beginning of the bargaining session.   What is the point?   Is this kind of compromise what the people are clamouring for?  Pointless wheel-spinning?

     We watch this business about the assault on the French sensibility by the Moslem radical terrorists.   Fox News spends hours damning Obama because Obama will not call Moslem radical terrorists, Moslem radical terrorists.  Almost all other television news operations call them everything from "activists" to "extremists" to "freedom fighters"....depending on the analyst speaking.   The point is, it is all gibberish.  It is all rot.
     The French and the other Europeans invited the Moslems upon themselves.  They knew that the Moslems were an inferior group.  At least that is the way almost all Europeans regarded the Moslems...whether Algerian, Libyan and the other colonials or commonwealth people, or the ghastly Turks.   My opinion of the Mohammedans is not important.   What we describe here is the general opinion that the average European had, has, and will continue to have about the people who are Moslems or who come from Islam-dominant areas. 
     The Mohammedans came into the European area mainly during the period of the recovery and industrial re-establishment of European business shortly after World War II.  Falling birth rates, typical among socialist, previously Christian Europe created labour shortages.  In the Islamic regions there was very little produced beyond oil and babies.   So as water seeks its own level, the populations seek balance, employment, labour, and a place to live and make a living.   We finally arrived at the point where, like in France, Muslims were found to be living in the socialist little boxes housing projects;  isolated, angry, mean, relegated to the lower level that the European expected them to accept.
     Because of their own indolence, rapid adaptation to life on the socialist dole, including "free housing", unemployment compensation, "free" walking around money, and abundant criminal and corruption opportunities, the Muslims prospered in their poverty.    They would  practice a form of recreation and celebration of their holidays by burning up garbage bins and automobiles and rioting occasionally.  They would actively avoid assimilation because of their hatred for their hosts, as would their hosts despise the indolence and filth of their guests.   It was a match made in socialist and Muslim heaven, or hell, depending upon one's point of view.

     Then comes the assaults by the Moslem cold-blooded murderers, extracting a bit of satisfaction for having been subjected to being despised and suspected of being soulless, indolent criminals and murderers.   Part of it is reprisal for the Europeans thinking that Islam is a pseudo-religion that preaches hate, murder, thieving, brutality against women and girls, and that requires its members to steal, murder, and practice sloth and live in filth.   A marriage made in Hell and expressed by gross depictions of the Great Prophet of that religion and the gross deportment of the member of the members of that Great Prophet's religion.
     It is all rot.   The Europeans are rot.   Even after the senseless murders and the Great March of Solidarity in Paris the day before yesterday, Germany's Merkel returns to Germany to lecture the skin-head Nazis and other more reasonable Germans that they are terrible people for thinking that the Muslims are bad people.  She declares that people in her own Conservative Party make her ashamed of her own party...shame, shame, shame.
Roger Ailes, June 2013.jpg
Roger Ailes
President - CEO
FOX News
     Such is the schizophrenia among the pseudo-conservatives....who truly are simply a weaker group of socialists.  But the entire body politic of France, Germany, Poland, Austria, Belgium, Holland, Hungary and most of the European Economic Community are that way....they hate and despise the Muslims and the Jews....it is just what they do....hate Jews...and when they run out of Jews, they hate Muslims....sometimes there are enough of both that they can hate both of them at the same time.   Failing that, they hate Americans.
     It is all rot.

Image result for Image - Herman Munster
Herman Munster
Secretary of State
United States of Whatever
FOX News spends 30 hours per day during the past two days pointing out that Mohamma bin Bama did not go to Paris to "march in solidarity" with the people of Paris and France...not Barry, not Good Ole Joe Biden, not Michelle, not the Great Counsellor Eric (the Red) Holder, who was there, but not really "there", nor even Hermann Munster the Vietnam Veteran who speaks French.
     What did they expect?  Has Roger Ailes ever allowed his news crew to point out anything about Barry's Auntie Zietuni (RIP) and Uncle Omar living on the taxpayers' dime for a total of 40 years in Massachusetts?   Has FOX News ever pointed out that Jeremiah Wright notwithstanding, Barry's best man at his wedding was his half-brother....an Egypto-Kenyan, extreme radical Muslim Imam, essentially a chaplain in service to the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood.  It gets worse...but why try?   The simple point is, expressing solidarity to France about something like a little bit of mass murder by people who had legitimate grievances is not one of Barry's strong suits.
     Now, if there had been a cutie-pie, blond prime-ministress there in the Solidarity March of Pointlessness to play "Let's do Selfies While Michelle Scowls" , then Barry might have foregone the NFL Playoffs being aired right then.  Remember one of Barry's great quotes, "I don't do photo-ops".

It is all rot.   Putrid decay.  The final fruits of Progressive governance and priorities leading us finally to the Brave New World, next door to the Planet of the Apes....over there by the Soylent Green Factory.

Thanks for your time and patience.  It is a bit too much to handle during these times to just sit back and remain sane.   Moderates.....Sheeeesh!
El Gringo Viejo