Friday 10 October 2014

Important News Concerning the Cartels

All journalistic credit is attributed to the Associated Press

Vicente Carrillo Fuentes - Head of Juarez Cartel Captured

Mexico arrests alleged head of Juarez cartel

Associated Press
9 October 2014                            

Brutal Cartel Chief 'The Viceroy' Nabbed In Mexico
....surrenders meekly
MEXICO CITY (AP) — Federal police arrested alleged Juarez drug cartel leader Vicente Carrillo Fuentes in the northern city of Torreon on Thursday, Mexican officials announced.
After investigators narrowed Carrillo Fuentes' whereabouts to a neighborhood of Torreon, he was taken into custody at a traffic checkpoint without a shot being fired, National Security Commissioner Monte Alejandro Rubido said.
Attorney General Jesus Murillo Karam called the arrest "a capture of great importance."
Carrillo Fuentes, 51, purportedly heads the cartel founded by his late brother, Amado Carrillo Fuentes, and both the U.S. and Mexico had million-dollar rewards for his arrest.
Better known as "The Viceroy" or "The General," he took over control of the Juarez drug cartel after his brother Amado, nicknamed "The Lord of the Skies," died in 1997 in a botched cosmetic surgery. Amado got his nickname by flying planeloads of drugs into the United States.
It was the second capture of a major drug lord in as many weeks. Mexican authorities nabbed Hector Beltran Leyva as he ate fish tacos in a seafood restaurant in central Mexico on Oct. 1.

Drug boss Vicente Carrillo Fuentes sits after his arrest, …
Vicente Carrillo Fuentes

The back-to-back arrests come as Mexico's federal government is under international pressure over the forced disappearance of 43 students by police and a possible massacre of 22 suspected gang members by soldiers. Everyone from outraged Mexicans to the United Nations is demanding justice and accountability in the two cases.
"I think it's a little bit because of the pressure," Samuel Gonzalez, Mexico's former top anti-drug prosecutor, said of the sudden demise of long-time capos. "This is to say they're doing a lot of work."
The Pena Nieto administration has captured a string of high-profile capos since taking office nearly two years ago, the biggest of them being the arrest last February of Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, the elusive boss of the Sinaloa cartel.
Carrillo Fuentes, who like many top drug lords was from Sinaloa state, had a $5 million reward on his head from U.S. authorities and $2.2 million in Mexico. He faces a forty-six count indictment in Texas, charging him with, among other things, trafficking in cocaine and marijuana, money laundering and murder in furtherance of a continuing criminal enterprise, according to the U.S. State Department.
Rubido said Carrillo Fuentes presented a false ID when stopped by police at the checkpoint, but then acknowledged his true name. He was taken into custody along with a suspected bodyguard, and two firearms and two vehicles were seized.

Drug boss Vicente Carrillo Fuentes is led towards a …
Drug boss Vicente Carrillo Fuentes is
led towards a helicopter after his arrest.

     Both men were flown to Mexico city and shown being escorted across the wet tarmac to a waiting helicopter.
Carrillo Fuentes carried on trafficking on a more modest scale than his brother, but in a much more violent era for the cartel. Based in the border city of Ciudad Juarez across from El Paso, Texas, he led the gang in a battle for control of the area's trafficking routes with interlopers from the Sinaloa Cartel, engaging in a multi-year war that cost at least 8,000 lives. The area is estimated to be the route of passage for as much as 70 percent of the cocaine entering the United States.
Immediately after his brother's death, there were doubts among cartel members about Carrillo Fuentes' ability to lead, according to a profile provided to The Associated Press by the Mexican Attorney General's Office.
"He was not believed to possess the leadership and decision-making skills," according to the document, noting this created internal tensions in the group.
In the end, he was able to consolidate what the profile called "an iron grip" on the cartel, while leading it in new directions. As demand for cocaine declined in the United States, the gang took to selling more of it in Mexico.
"He overcame the initial perceptions about his personality," the document said.
Carrillo Fuentes initially allied his cartel with the Sinaloa Cartel, Mexico's most powerful drug gang. But the alliance fell apart following the 2004 killing of another brother, Rodolfo Carrillo Fuentes, in Sinaloa. That killing was reportedly ordered by Guzman. In revenge, Carrillo Fuentes allegedly ordered the killing of Guzman's brother in a prison a few months later.
From that point on, the Sinaloa and Juarez cartels became locked in Mexico's bloodiest turf battle.
In recent years the violence in Juarez has dropped dramatically. The Mexican government cites better police work and more social programs, while some say it was because of a truce between the Juarez and Sinaloa cartels.
Gustavo de la Rosa, a long-time Ciudad Juarez human rights activist, said it will be difficult to tell the impact of the arrest on the city. The Juarez Cartel has controlled two local gangs, La Linea and Los Aztecas, which could unite to form a stronger gang, or fight each other for leadership.
"It could drop the violence or increase it," he said.
     This is as significant an event as the previous capture of of Hector Beltran Leyva in September.   Nay-sayers are always quick to point out that these events are of little value because the outlaw groups simply fight it out over the newly openned-up territory, have a two-month "turf war", and then settle back into business as usual.
     Several points here.   Evil must be fought.   We can say, "Why bother? Nothing will really change."   But that is like saying, "Don't worry about washing the dishes....".   Or mowing the yard, pruning the tree, checking on Granny, picking up litter and garbage, working at the Salvation Army, and the like.
    The sophisticated, Obama Fund Raiser attendee, whose children are sneaking into the clubs with fake IDs, smoking their dope and doing their lines...are so sophisticated....and besides the bail money is only 10% of the face value...and the judge will just add on another 20 hours to the community service thing....I found someone to sign her in (don't tell anybody) ....the people there just look the other way, and wink....after all it's a victimless crime....and we really aren't the kind of people who should be bothered with these little distractions.... after all, we've been invited to 6 of Obama's fundraisers.  One time we sat at the same table as Jane Fonda and Barbra Streisand both.   It's not like anyone is being hurt..."

     We feel like with the beer, spirits, wines, whiskeys, and other substances, along with tobacco, legalised gambling, and the lottery there is enough of the vices to entertain anyone.    The drugs really do not lead to any good solutions to anything.  The reefer madness devotees can fool themselves, but anything that is 20 times more abrasive to the pulmonary system than a common tobacco cigarette cannot be all good.   That is not to mention the peculiar degradation to intellectual capacity of a regular marihuana user....who always assures the listener that "It has not slowed me down mentally or physically one bit! Turst me,  Eye no whatt he's talking from, or whatever!"

     But, I diverge.   The degradation of these cartel leaders has had a profound effect on the operational extent and tonnage of 'estupefecantes" as they are called in Mexican legalese.  The lower elements of their organisations are never quite capable of sewing together something of equivalence to the previous order.   The various factions of the same cartel will begin to fight and then wind up killing off about 30 to 50 per cent of their numbers.  It is rather much like the rule of the circular firing squad....not a good tactic or strategy either one.  During the confrontations the Mexican Army will come up, and with their armoured pick-ups mounted with 50 - cal. belt-fed's and Berrett Rifles with engine block penetration ability as well as explosive rounds, they put in all the finishing touches, dotting the "I's" and crossing the "T's".  They almost always add a few volunteers to the body count...and few, if any, weep.
And the citizenry takes more charge, drops more dimes (does anyone under 25 years of age know what 'dropping a dime' means, anymore?) and the Army , and Naval Infantry, and yes....the newly formed Federal Civilian Police (very militarised) put into place by Felipe Calderon Hinojosa will invade safe houses full of illegal aliens being held hostage for more shakedown money from Honduras or El Salvador, or three tonnes of cocaine will be captured along with ten or twelve dolts who thought that, since the boss was killed, we might as well sell all this powder.
      There are always those who will look at a take-down like this Carrillo Fuentes thing, and say...."So what? No big deal."
     But, yes Virginia, it is a very big deal.  As imperfect people it is still incumbent upon us to fight against people who are even more imperfect and who revel in untimely death, who care nothing about limiting collateral damage during their confrontations, and who profit by purposefully causing pain, addictions and  poisonings or by destroying the good order.

    As we depart, we give thanks to an OROG contributor who lives way over in East some place called South Carolina....I think it's a coastal county over there somewhere.   He sent us a 'heads up' on this article.   I had dallied, waiting for affirmation of the identification because there have been three or four times when big name captures were  announced and then it turned out that it was not the DNA match.
     What is true, however, is that there was considerable excitement in Torreon, Coahuila last night due to this take-down.   Torreon is an important farming (cotton, fine vegetables), and mineral refining (gold, silver, trace metals) and is mid-way between Chihuahua City to the north and the Saltillo / Monterrey complex to the east.  COLD in the Winter.  Nice clean city.  Great food.
       By the time he sent the article over, I had failed to check on the verification for about 5 hours....and that is my fault.  But our readers keep our wheels on the track, and I charge all of you to keep me oiling the gears of the water-mill.  It is a complement and we really appreciate the OROGs investment in this blog.
El Gringo Viejo
This is a small diversion.  Remember that Hidalgo County is about 90% Latin now, and KURV - AM Radio - 710 is the Rush and Hannity and Levine station, 24 hour programming, George Noory for overnight.  The listenership I would estimate would be about 60% Latin during these times.   The OROGs might be interested in what present day Latins think about "Hispanic Issues" and "immigration".   Among GOP leaning Latins in Texas, it is not what Jeb Bush thinks.
 KURV People Poll

Possibly Silly, but it is important to us....and You are part of us

The Hacienda de La Vega has
its sign, about 30 feet away
also outside the gate.  So
perhaps the children can
resist the temptation  to
practice their slingshot
proweress, aftere all.
Alvaro has already installed
the sign, although I wanted
it inside the gates.  But, it
looks fine there.  If need
we can change it later.
    We hate to belabour the signage and so forth, but it has been one of those things that lurked around in the back of our minds for a good long while.  Now that it is done, it causes a sensation similar to that a child feels late on the night of the 24th of December.  I have not had the opportunity to see it "in person", and that will have to wait until  after my absentee ballot is cast on the 20th of October....straight Republican.  This will make over forty-two years of having never cast a vote in a partisan election that was not Republican.  It becomes increasingly difficult, due to the fact that so much of our party is made up of people who want to be "reasonable" and who want to work in a "bi-partisan manner", and who want to "fix" the Obama Socialised Medicine Initiative (OSMI).   That lemming-like "reasonability" has all but destroyed the Republic.
   One cannot compromise with liars and prevaricators.   It is impossible  to deal honestly with people who can even fathom saying in public, something like, "We have to vote for it in order to find out what's inside of it." or one of the best of all time, "....and if you want to keep your can keep your doctor....and if you want to keep your can keep your plan.....period."

     And how, pray thee, can someone fathom the utter moral depravity of a president who values his people based upon the following formula:   one deserter who is pro-Islamic jihad, a collaborator, a traitor in the truest sense, for five battle-hardened, murderous, religious psychotics.   And he even lied about that...saying that the trade was a matter of urgency because the "soldier" was "critically ill".  A complete examination at the Army hospital in Germany showed no serious injuries or maladies.
   Or a president who trades Mubarak for the Muslim Brotherhood?   Or who can say, "....there is not one smidgen of corruption...." concerning what is obviously one of the very worst cases of corruption involving collusion for arbitrary and illegal political harassment in the history of the Internal Revenue Service? 

     More later.  We just wanted to show off the sign's placement.  We have been advised that the Sargento Mayor did plumb it up straight before he anchored the sign-post.  That is in keeping with Alvaro's normal work habits.
 El Gringo Viejo

Thursday 9 October 2014

To Riot and Loot or Not to Riot and Loot....that is the question for Valerie Jarrett

     The National Socialist Democrat Labour Party has a well-established hegemony on shrewery ....what with (Sir Edmund) Hillary, Nancy Pelosi, Michelle Robinson de Obama Soetoro Onyando, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee and several hundred other Margaret Sanger look-alikes on their team.   Almost all have competed successfully in the 125 metre 5 pound crystal ashtray throw, and each has been awarded the coveted Planned Parenthood Golden Coathanger Award.   So now we watch inside the White House at the comings and goings of Puppeteer No. I .

     Valerie Jarrett, said to be hobnobbing with Ahmad Rashad, is weighing the pro's and con's about whether to beat the jungle drums and sound the dog-whistles to Missouri during the final two weeks of this campaign cycle.  Mrs. Jarrett, who is only once divorced, and Mr. Rashad (aka: Robert {Bobby} Earl Moore) who is only four times divorced are both mega-millionaires by their own efforts and positioning.   These snide observations have no real bearing on anything save to point out that the "gated community" Negroes of the Left seem to love to attend the 50th Birthday Bash of Michelle Robinson while they figure the angles on how, when, and where to make cannon-fodder happen for other hapless members of the Black race.

Valerie Jarrett Gunny

To the workaday American, Devil
To the standard-issue marxist, Angel


     It is our opinion that Marse Valerie is debating in her own mind and consulting closely with that great philanthropic communications think-tank, The Annenberg Foundation, about whether or not to unleash the riots, killing, burning, and flash-mobs full-scale in Saint Louis and Ferguson.  They are trying to answer this question:   Is it possible to gain one vote more for a drooling Democrat Senator's election on November 4th, attempting to unleash a 109% black voter turnout nationwide by ordering riots and chaos....or would such an order lose votes among the insipid and hated white cohort of the electorate to such an extent as to be counterproductive?
     Eric Holder has 20 "civil rights attorneys" in the Ferguson area at this time who have almost certainly made all the necessary contacts with the thug element that arrived from Chicago.  These various gangs and unions from Chicago and gaggles of Occupy Wall Street nihilist / marxists are awaiting their marching orders as the hours go by.   Last night, another attack upon a police officer, with three shots fired at said officer, resulted in the shooter's sudden demise.
     The police officer involved in the Saint Louis shooting returned fire and killed a young, black male who was fleeing from apprehension, but who then turned and began to scuffle.  Three shots.  Bang, bang, bang.  In the preceding scuffle, the boy lost his ''uniform" hoodie that had been covering up the pistol in his waistband.   The youngster withdrew from the scuffle and drew and fired.

The crowd became very unruly.  There were firearms discharges in the near distance, and police vans and cruisers were kicked and stoned.   However, there were black witnesses who volunteered to
 authorities that the officer fired a lot of shots,
 but he was shot at first.

    The officer was outnumbered three to one, once again in the dark, and almost immediately there descended upon the scene several hundred unreasonable threateners, the likes of which have repeatedly shown that they are capable of all forms of illegal excesses when offended by real or imagined grievance.

     The days shall transpire that the truth shall be delivered.  If the losses in the Senate are unavoidable, Marse Valerie will deign to order Barry to simply rule by throne and sceptre.   The reasoning?   The wheels of justice are so slow that at the very least Barry can gum up immigration, grind the military into the dirt by degrading existing assets, and establish a labyrinth around the Obama Socialised Medicine Initiative  (OSMI) so muddled that Democrats and lawyers will be able to collapse both the OSMI and the standard medical system it was designed to replace.   The medical system will take 10 years to recover from this hideous attempt to enslave America into a Soylent Green, Cuban veterinarian scheme.
     Valerie's Wikipedia states that her family "moved" from Iran to London, and then later to Chicago.   The reason that her family moved when Valerie was 5 years old is because the Shah of Iran expelled her communist parents.  Her parents, the Bowmans, had been in Iran for some time, as communist missionaries, trying to show the Persians the wonders of community agriculture (collective Bolshevik farming aka:  Look at rusty tractor with 200 vodka bottles under it).   The Bowmans worked  their way through leftist contacts to Chicago where they were taken under the wing of Valerie's soon to be father-in-law, a noted pinko multi-millionaire.
     Valerie took advantage of a brief moment when she might have been attractive (something a lot of women named (Sir Edmund) never enjoyed) and married the marxist son of said multi-millionaire, and from thence began her round of appointments to major commissions, boards, and agencies in the rarefied socio-political airs of the Daley Chicago Theatre.  All she knows is Marxism, crookedness, elitism, and impunity.  Typical Bolshevik cum National Socialist.

Hey! Barry...Hey! Valerie....Hey! Obsolete Media

The Cost of Losing a War That Was Already Won
Thanks, Barry.  Explain to these fellows about
Hope and Change.

     We are stunned that people so vile, so anti-American, so mendacious, Machiavellian, so easy-to-read as poseurs and pretenders....can strut around with their three-block long convoys of  SUVs from fund-raiser to entertain and hob-nob with those who can actually see the fine raiment of the Royal deceiver.  We are stunned when it can be done while Syria, Iraq, and all manner of order is being consumed by Satanic forces.
    The one obvious question is, "How can anyone look at a scene like this and still believe in the notion of central government involvement in the solution to poverty?   How can anyone with any synapses firing at all inside of what passes for a brain not see that AFDC, Section 8, food stamps, Head Start, Unemployment compensation, WIC, lotteries, SSI, Medicaid and the hundreds of other of "safety nets" established by the vote buyers kills the human spirit....and re-imposes slavery among all those who participate.

Captured: The Ruins of Detroit
United Artists Theatre -  Detroit
 Taken care of by "equality"and shovel-
ready whatever

 America's young...after singing
 "Obama, My Mama"
the New National Anthem


     And now, ladies and gentlemen OROGs, we leave you with a celestial wish, not a prayer, because I genuinely do not wish to bother the Great Orderer of the Cosmos with curing the sins and omissions  we have brought upon ourselves.  I will plead that said Superior Force in and of the Universe take note of our misery, lamentations, and confession of iniquity.

   Thank all OROGs, both newcomers and the faithful,  for the time and interest invested from your lives into mine.  We shall be in touch again later to-day.
El Gringo Viejo