Thursday 12 September 2013

"Tell them that's my story and I'm sticking to it."

"But mother, we did not corkscrew down to the landing strip.
We did not wear bullet proof vests or helmets.
The little girls were on the tarmac with flowers"

"Shut Up...
you ungrateful thrippet. If no one were here
I'd slap the goose-**** off your smarty-aleck stupid
mule face.  You look just like Eleanor Roosevelt when
she was 80."

"Mom, try to put everything in its place.  You don't have
anything to hide.  Just go in and answer their questions
and then we can go shopping."


"Does that mean what I think it means?"

"Shut Up!"

"Is this another one of those things like the Vince Foster
briefcase with the suicide note all torn up?"

"Shut Up."

"Mother, why don't you just tell the truth?  It's always
easier.  Aunt Wilhamina always told me to just
tell the truth.  Good medicine tastes bad.
You always told me to say whatever you
can get away with.  But that doesn't
work as well as Aunt Willie's advice."

"Shut Up.
  And don't mention that old n***** woman's
name again.  I despised that old fat black blob."

"Mom, she raised me.  You were gone in the morning and
not there at night.   She  drove me to school and helped me
with my homework and piano, and how to make cookies
and spag...."

"Shut up!"

"Mom, why did you tell all those people that I was jogging at
The Battery by the Twin Towers?   Didn't you understand
that I was shacked....?"

"Shut up.
Why in the **** do I have to sit out here with all these...
these....people.   Don't they know who I am?   Damn, I
wish I had my detail back. I felt so much better when
I had my gun-men...that way no one could bother Huma
and me."

"Mom, people really think that you and Huma are
a little   She follows you around at
three paces like an Indian squaw."

"Shut up!
And Indians don't have squaws.  Native Americans
have squaws."


And now, El Gringo Viejo's response to a story in the
New York Times informing us that folks in New York
City cannot have guests who come to the
apartment or house of an individual who
then prepares those visitors a special meal,
as though he/she is a gourmet serving a command
meal.  This has become a fad morphing into a
custom in Manhattan, but suddenly the
permitting office says....NO!!!!...Not
without a permit!!!
El Gringo Viejo (writing anonymously) says:

     I wholeheartedly endorse Tonyloaf's proposal. Furthermore,
the permit dispensers should be required to have permit-dispensing
permits. How can we be sure that the permits that they are
dispensing are official permits unless they have a permit
from the permit dispensing permit department of permits?
It is just so dangerous.
    What about the Children? What about the
reverse-transgendered, male Eskimo lesbians
who still owe on their college loans?
    What about the people who need free birth
control pills in the women's powder-room
birth-control pill-dispensers for Miss Flukie?
     How many roads must Miss Flukie walk down,
before they call her a man?
The answer my friend is blowing

in the permit office for the dispensing
of permits to permitting authorities.

Please notice that El Gringo Viejo had 17 likes and 0 dislikes.



Fool's Mate.....or, What if Putin played a game of chess with Doper Barry?


This is Saul Linsky's class in Strategic
and Tactical, Diplomatic and Military
       The chess board above has the Russian Putin playing defence, the black pieces, on the top of the board.   On the lower row is the offense, the white pieces, being played by a weasel who has no known aptitudes or accomplishments beyond being a racist, a drug salesman, and a poseur.   He will always perform well when he has a choir of sycophants with access to the major fountains of information used by the ill-informed.   But, when he has to actually practice the actual arts and sciences of diplomacy and warfare, he is woefully unprepared.  Excuse me.  He is totally unaware and unprepared.   He is the perfect fool for the Fool's Mate.
     For a person who says that he is a highly studied Constitutional Authority, he is decidedly ignorant of the American Constitution, or he is decidedly unconcerned about deferring to that document, unless it is by accident.   For a person who has been elected twice to be the Commander of the Marine Corpse who serve all 57 States, he knew little about his duties before election and has learned nothing during the seemingly 5,000 years of his imbecilic incumbency.
    Imagine appointing a useless man, Perez, to a useless Secretariat, Department of Labour who still says that we need to repair the bridge in Minneapolis in order to solve unemployment....again.   And who then tells the breathless CNBC anchor that the unemployment rate has gone down because Obama's economic programme is working.  The same Secretary declares that the increasingly large number of people who have left the labour force is actually a good thing.   This is the quality of intellect that Barry Soetoro attracts.   Barry is really a lot like his Uncle Omar Onyango.   Look at every Secretary of Cabinet level, at the United Nations Ambassador's chair, the Secretaries of State who have served so nobly and selflessly.   Just think of (Sir Edmund)Hillary, like the woman said, flying all those is so impressive.   Like staring at an abandoned Sewer Treatment Plant in Detroit.  Think of all those miles....and all the good it did.
    Barry did nothing in high school, did nothing in prep school, and did nothing at university, twice.  He was given what the white folks used  to reserve for the sons of the important and powerful who were dull, lazy, or distracted by saloons and/or a thin ankle, that being the Gentleman's "C".  
      Of course, not even that arrangement could help poor AlGore, in that he flunked out of law school and divinity school and then, wisely, quit trying.  His grades at the undergraduate level were lower than W's as well.
      In the case of  Barry....he apparently did not even do enough classwork to justify his allowance of the soft bigotry of low expectations "C", an institutional grade  among the "prestigious universities" during the 1970s through to the present.   Since lazy, uninspired or uninspiring white boys could have a "free 'C'". the poobahs  of the Great Universities decided to give a break to the black boys who were being recruited and almost scruffed into the Ivy League.
Cat being scuffed and taken to Harvard.
  Barry has no writings, no studies in anything beyond a few "seminars" involving inculcation in the basics of rabble-rousing, shake-downs, and fomenting demands and unrest among pliable, selfish-interest groups.   His point of pride is that he was named Editor of the Harvard Law Review, but there is no evidence that  he did any more there than he did at the Nobel Peace Factory.

Please read, for instance, the entirety of the below-included article, researched, and written, and published by a real reporter:


Observations from a classmate:

While details from President Barack Obama’s college years are scant, with the exception of a few acquaintances’ recollections, in 2008 one of his Harvard Law classmates offered a few seldom-heard remembrances of the president’s time at Harvard.

     Conservative commentator Carol Platt Liebau, author of “Prude: How the Sex-Obsessed Culture Damages Girls (and America, Too!),” guest hosted Hugh Hewitt’s February 22, 2008 radio show and described her relationship with Obama during her law school years. Despite his liberal slant, she said Obama was respectful of the conservative perspective when he was president of the Harvard Law Review.

     "I knew him reasonably well — as well as most people knew him, if not better — because quite in contrast to this image that Barack tries to project, as someone who is warm and all-embracing and all that kind of stuff,” Liebau said.

     “I mean, I will tell you I’ve written a piece that has praised Barack for certain things and I stand by that piece: He was color-blind in the way he chose, staffed the law review when he was president. He did give both sides a fair hearing. He always went with the far-left side, but he did give both sides a respectful hearing, which was fairly atypical at Harvard Law School at that time.”

     The essay she referred to was published by in 2007. It described President Obama as a listener but “a liberal’s liberal.”

    At the time of Liebau’s radio broadcast, Obama was being portrayed as a great unifier, which inspired bizarre reactions from the likes of MSNBC’s Chris Matthews. But Liebau said that was hardly the way he was viewed at Harvard.
    “Quite in contrast to this all-embracing kind of ‘earth father’ image — this sort of messianic blaze of glory with which he’s deemed to envelope our television screens — he was a pretty cold fish,” she said.

    “He was not a warm person. He was not the type of person that gave you a warm and fuzzy [feeling]. And you got the sense that he even wasn’t even terribly fixated or focused on what he was doing.

    “He said, ‘Look, what do you care who does the work?’” Liebau recalled Obama saying in reference to her management of the law review. “’It is the same amount of work for you to hand out the work no matter who it goes to, so why fight it? Do what’s easiest for you. Give the work to the people who will do the work, and just don’t worry about the people who don’t want to pull their weight.’”

Liebau wasn’t impressed.
      “I guess I was young and naïve: I was like, ‘Ah but that wouldn’t be fair,’” she said.
“And what surprised me is apparently that didn’t bother Barack at all. It was just kind of like — take the easy way out. Why bother yourself with all these silly notions about justice and fairness? Do what works. Revealing? I don’t know. Good advice? I didn’t particularly think so.”


              Vladimir Putin
                   Владимир Путин
Vladimir Putin 12015.jpg

     Vladimir Putin is the new face of American foreign
and domestic policy.    This is the result of having a
lazy, incompetent, arrogant, fool's mate player at the
board, playing for the American team.

Check mate;  game over.   Fool lost and the knave has become the boss.   America is to be directed by the KGB agent, and dictator of a country that celebrates the tractor driver being slumped over the steering wheel of a tractor with a two week old flat tire.  But who cares if the tractor driver knocked off one liter of vodka for breakfast. He has two more for Brunch in his knapsack.

El Gringo Viejo

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Thomas Woodrow Wilson Soetoro


     So, the third in the instalment about Thomas Woodrow Wilson, a bigoted, hyper-utopian progressive who helped get rid of a dictator, and thereby condemned an entire nation to socialist-progressive-utopianism for almost 80 years.  Agrarian reform programs brought Mexico from the list of food exporting nations...number seven in the world in a country that had to import corn...the Mexican dietary staple...and pay for it in silver, gold, and oil.   Burgeoning industry went all but silent, for forty years, while machinery was back-patched,  repaired with reforged parts, and general Rip Van Winkle-ism prevailed until the 1960s.

     By that time, Mexico was truly a nation with a 20th Century understanding of reality, but an 18th Century level of development.   It was not the poorest of third world countries by any means, but it was in the middle of the pack.   The Nation demonstrated the ability to do impossible tasks, such as the Cuernavaca - Mexico City Autobahn, the development of Acapulco as a premier vacation spot in the international scheme of things, the Copper Canyon Rail transit of the Sierra Madre Occidental, the building of the 42 story Torre LatinoAmericano in downtown Mexico City.  These and many other jewels were apparent to anyone who was willing to look, but it was rather much like a V-8 engine always seemingly hitting on 5 cylinders.   Corruption, sloth, "rounded corners and sharp curves", and a typical, national-socialist, monolithic political structure kept Mexico "under control".  In other words, they had painted themselves into the same corner that had provoked the Revolution of 1910 - 1917.

Miguel Alemán Valdés
This is Miquel Aleman 
Valdez, who was the first
post-Revolutionary President
of Mexico who had not been
a veteran and General Officer
in that War.   He served in
office from 1946 - 1952.
 Although he entered politics
 as bit of a liberal,he became
 known as the first
 "conservative" to hold
the office in the opinion
 of many political scientists.
The first non-military veteran
to be president after the
.  It is said that
he looked a lot like
 Walt Disney.   And he did
a lot of big projects, like
     But, by this point the problem was greater than that some old man who had perpetuated himself in office, and then insulated himself to the point that intellectual wags could say, "Presidente Diaz has turned the Presidential Palace into a mausoleum for living Presidentes."  The political party that evolved from the mess of the late nineteen-teens through the 1920s was finally, and ridiculously named the Party of the Institutional Revolution.   It was a name that only a Bolshie could love.
      Mexico found itself in this foggy situation of anti-Americanism intertwined with a certain mixture of respect, affection, and suspicion directed toward the well as a further pleasant bondage of import/export of meats, fruits, vegetables, grains, seafood and shellfish, industrial raw and finished materials, tourism, and so going both ways, with heavy protection by the Mexican government imposing sometimes draconian duties in order to defend Mexican heavy and medium industry.  American built autos for instance, required 300 per cent duty, and more if they had electric windows.
     What brought all this on?  It was the intransigence of the Mexican elites and intellectual leftists who were bound and determined to impose Utopia.  They had been selected by Wilson, Lind, Lane, House, and other social engineers and community organisers to bring Mexico quickly to a happy land full of cheerful middle class people, taking  piano lessons and buying motorcars.   They believed in happiness through nationalism, not patriotism.  They believed that gratification should take the form of having things, and taking things from people who had "too much".
  The social engineers and politicians were grateful that the Democrat politicians and the liberals from the United States were "reasonable' about making sure that the intellectuals and social engineers should certainly be well-compensated, and kept apart from any of the normal restraints imposed by social democracy.   That is why we have Frida and her mommy and daddy as iconsfor no really good reason.
     This is why we are still just emerging from the 200 million ton gorilla called the Confederacion de Trabajadores Mexicanos, and the Sindicato Nacional de Petroleros.   The former is the confederation of Mexican Workers and formed, litrally one third of the Ruling Structure of the Ruling Party, the afore-named Partido Revolucionario Institucional.   It was part of the Ruling Party and everyone in Mexico, by the Constitution of 1917 had to be a member of the Confederacion or one of it octopus-like locals if in fact he was going to work in the skilled trades or service sector of the Economy, public or private.         

    This was the ideal model thought up by....George Bernard Shaw and the Fabians....and also the Bolshies in a place called Moscow....and also, right around the same time another dumboe by the name of Venustiano Carranza.   Obregon believed as did Carranza in the need for a socialist democratic construct to the society.  Both were killed, Carranza after his followers tired of his high-handedness and corruption before he had been in office for two years, and Obregon when he determined to see through his "democratic reforms" by running for a second term which was a violation of one of the main battle cries of the  Revolucion immediately past. "No Re-eleccion!!!" 
Juan de Leon Toral
assassin of Pres. Gen. Cd,
Alvaro Obregon Salido
about five years before
he assassinated Alvaro
Obrgon, President-elect
of Mexico
     Carranza was assassinated because he was an obstreperous ass.   But Obregon was different.   The leftists moaned about losing him, because he was Big Left, exposed to all the wonders of the social democratic model in Europe well-received by Progressives from the United States.  But he was killed by a "religious fanatic".   That religious fanatic bore two beefs with Obregon.  He was angry because Obregon had committed to the idea that the Catholic Church had to be either eliminated or remanded to essentially parlour practice.   The Constitution had already provided for the legal basis for the expropriation of all the Church's property and even their churches and secondary building like rectories, convents, and monasteries.  Certain elements the Army had been busy enforcing the most abusive parts of the Carranzista document, by harassing clerics, nuns, and tertiaries, along with parishioners and  people who wore religious jewellery.   Many clerics and common believers were tortured and murdered by these pseudo-military units.  By the time Obregon decided that Mexico needed more Obregon and fewer priests, his assassin had already decided to solve that problem.
    That was the second reason for having to murder  Obregon.   He was displacing his "political godson"  President Plutarco Elias Calles an even more horrid anti-Catholic and anti-religionist in general.  and had just been re-elected two weeks before, to a leap-frog term split by Plutarco Elias Calles.   He was enjoying a banquet in the plush San Angel district of Mexico City, when young Juan de Leon Toral, showed Obregon a caricature, as though he were the  restaurant's "official" caricaturista. and received Obregon's pleasant approval of the work....turned away, turned again, and put five bullets into Obregon's back.   
Plutarco Elias Calles.jpg
Plutarco Elias Calles
President of Mexico
1924 - 1928
Force behind the throne
from 1929 - 1935
    This resulted in a really weird ascension, little understood by anyone without a serious brain syndrome, but Obregon was elected, but not inaugurated.  His predecessor could not serve a president because he had already served his full term.  The Constitutional provision required that the Secretary of the Interior had to be installed for a period while new candidates and elections could  be put in place.   The Interior Secretariat was a fusion of what Americans would think of the Secretary of Internal Domestic Affairs and Governance, the State Department, and the Executive Office of the President. So it fell to Emilio Portes Gil to serve as President of Mexico from 1928 until 1930.   Portes Gil was advised of this incident while at the Hacienda de Santa Engracia which is located just a few hundred yards from our little adobe hideaway.  He was playing cards with Jose Martinez Gomez, then the very young inheritor and  owner of the Hacienda, and three other gentlemen farmers of the citrus area surrounding the Hacienda.  Portes Gil, it is said rode by mount to the train station about 4 miles away, with a valet, and took the train to Monterrey, then the overnight to Mexico City, and reported for duty at the Presidential Palace that the OROGs have seen in pictures of the Zocalo in Mexico City.
     Plutarco Elisa Calles then ran the government of Mexico from behind the scenes by essentially controlling three almost equally powerful political figures, each of whom served a Congressionally approved two year term.
     As we reviewed this it was moving to realise the truth behind the saying that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.   In tearing down a construct of authoritarian institutions, the Progressives in Mexico, egged on by their half-brothers in the United States and Europe, set about to expropriate the Haciendas, and replace them with....essentially nothing.
     There was a certain perverse joy in savouring the moments of watching rich people have to carry their suitcases and boxes and whatever they could salvage down a dirt road and board a train in the second class because some pseudo soldier in a lieutenant's uniform, glass-eyed drunk on mescal has taken your last peso, and your wife's and daughter's jewellery, and all because of the fact that you were born.  Born to privilege, true, but it was not your call.   It was where the stork stopped.  No real determination about being a good rich guy or a bad rich guy....just loathed, as did the citizens of the Nouveau Republique Francaise loathe their betters and titled people, until they killed Robespierre and waited to be saved by an imitation Emperor in the form of another madman.
     (One remembers Obama telling the crowd, "Get your revenge! ")
     But it is true.   There was lots of fluff and ruffle, many great speeches.  Plans for this and plans for that.   There was blame to go around, always it was the Gringos' fault because of this measure or that law....but the richest country on Planet Earth in terms of known geological and other natural stores of wealth per capita was Mexico, and yet, nothing seemed to happen.  The Haciendas were frequently expropriated but not repartitioned among the peons.   And if the repartition did take place, the peon received a warrant title for so many years...usually until he would be calculated to be too old to farm effectively, and the Reforma Agraria would take back his property and give it to  somebody else.   No patrimony, no estate, no inheritance;  just a rent-a-life.  Schools remained a big towns, cities, and Mexico City affair, because all of the three-grade Catholic primaries had been closed, burned out, and the teachers killed, abused, exiled, terrorised, or told to desist breaking the law or ".....come with me to the license plate factory".
     This is truly the Progressive way.   As with Obama's Socialised Medicine Initiative (OSMI), it really is necessary to hire 20, 000 or 30,000 more IRS agents, specifically for the purpose of terrorising the populace.
         It is like Hillary saying that certain specialty doctors make too much money, so we will solve that problem by prohibiting medical schools from graduating doctors in those specialties.   That is the way socialists think.   Like when the price of milk was too high during the Depression, Harold Ickes (yes, the father of the son) ordered, without authority the round up of purebred Holstein dairy cattle to be slaughtered and burned.  Later when the price of milk was too low, they rounded up calves and slaughtered them, and poured milk out into the gutters around the bottling companies.   This is the way of governments in an increasingly totalitarian state.
Venustiano Carranza de la Garza, portrait.jpg
Venustiano Carranza del la Garza
President of Mexico
1918 - 1920
    And it remains thus to this day.  It was astounding to me to drive up to the entrance to the United States a few years back and find a huge sign at the inspection booths.  It was placed there by the United States Postal Service and announced the issuance of a series of commemorative  stamps honouring the career and life of .....Frida Kahlo?    They never stop.  It is like the night of the Living Dead Zombie  Commies...the sun never comes up.   If Frida had just stayed alive for seventy more years she could have hosted Sesame Street programs, and really have taught the children.
      You, the OROG, piecing together these three penetrations into the period from when Wilson ordered the total destruction of the Port and City of Vera Cruz, simply to disarm a strongman General President named  Victoriano Huerta, and then stab friends of the Gringos in the back.  That action engendered resentment that still has not really completely subsided. Those friends were Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata.
   Then, by essentially appointing the most anti-American, pro-German, pro-marxist individual by almost hand-walking him into the Presidential Palace, the Wilson administration managed to appoint the only truly anti-American among the entire cast of tragi-comedic theatre, Presidente, General, Ciudadano Venustiano Carranza.
     The Utopian Splendours dreamed up by Carranza and piddled and dibbled with by successive decades of politicians caused much of the problem we have in Mexico to this day.   The permanent, always dependent, always marginalised underclass that prefers being in that situation because they know they will be the first to receive the handouts of politicians....that is one of the final huge obstacles to Mexico's finishing the construction of a place among the mighty.  The Progressives make their messes and then they take their blame list out and begin to recite…"…the Gringos made me do it", "The Rich People are the cause of poverty," etc.   Saul Linsky was not the first to figure out the formula.

     We might well be making further additions to this posting.  Several things are going on at once at this end.   Thanks to everyone who has endured this assault upon the Utopian Elitists.

El Gringo Viejo

Tuesday 10 September 2013

The Same Story, but Told Better...less wandering around in the weeds.

The biggest problem with machinery is that it breaks down...with visible and/or inscrutable problems, most frequently right at the very moment it is most needed.   So we move on to our team of Morgans, and we find that both of them have pebbled their rear shoes so bad that I'll have to call Old Jo Larry,  our go-to shoer.   But he won't be able to make it out to our place until Wednesday noon. So, here we are.  Back to the house and wind-up the Emerson and ring Mamie Lou to connect me.
     Then, of course, there in the latchet of the back door entrance to our old house is a fine, formal type envelope, with a carefully scripted note inside.   A quick check reveals the required rubric that cannot be duplicated.  The message is taken as important and valid on the face of it.
     This time it is a distillation of rougher thoughts that have been cured, like taking moonshine and letting it sit for seven or 12 years.  We are moving to the point where we shall be visiting El Zorro, soon. But for right now, we continue in our conspiracy to advance normalcy from our distances.   Our little cell grows, and the quality of our members is excellent.  It gives a person some relief to know that there are still those who will put an hour or a day or a month into the effort to defend Common Law and the Constitution.
    Please note how El Zorro stays on track and avoids wandering into the back alleys of saloon yarning.   You know...all Southern men are compulsive "yarners" and all the women are "darners", and I can prove it to you by my socks.   The socks are worn out and darned up because of my walking down to the saloon so often in my old boots.  And my long-Johns are all darned up, because of all the sittin' around I do at that saloon yarnin', and then I have to walk back to the house.   It keeps a woman busy.
 Gringo Viejo:
    Your blog today was really powerful.  The words of George Bernard Shaw are chilling and should be heard.  The Fabian philosophy should scare the hell out of everybody!
    The Fabian Society brought together concepts from socialist and communist ideologies prior to 1884 into a single influential entity in England.  It is probably the exact root of progressive evil infecting our Federal Republic today.  It has infiltrated our educational institutions by re-education of our university professors and the newer Young Fabians, youths up to age of 30.
    The only real difference between socialism/communism and Fabianism is the manner of implementation.
     There is so much information available to the public about this evil club on the Internet it would be too lengthy and repetitive to try to get into it here; however, to simplify the difference, it is the way  of full utopianism (aka Fabianism)… it is like boiling a frog.  You cannot throw a frog into boiling water because it will jump out but if you put the frog in cold water and bring it gradually to a boil it will boil.  (I think it was Glen Beck that upset the progressives by demonstrating on TV with a rubber frog.)
     The previous and some current socialist ideologies tend to promote revolution as the way to go from democracy to socialism.  It was determined in the early 1900’s that that would not work in the Western democracies so mostly with Woodrow Wilson “liberals” they actually became “progressives”.  In other words, the conversion from democracy to socialism would be a progression rather than a revolution.
     We can see the events of the last 100 years where America has been gradually dragged toward a socialist society.  The Constitution is the law that the progressives hate because it promotes personal liberty and individual property ownership.  Progressivism cannot achieve utopianism with either personal liberty or individual property ownership.  That is why Obama and the Fabians since Woodrow Wilson despise the Constitution and take every opportunity to circumvent it.  See the progressives today who are members of the Fabian Society or Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).
     El Gringo has explained the devious four freedoms expressed in Norman Rockwell’s famous paintings and the first inaugural speech of Franklin Roosevelt.  The ideas seem innocuous and even ideal on the surface but with critical inspection and interpretation, one can see where the considerable harm to a society  really lies.
     It is the opinion of this writer, hopefully, Obama’s grasp has exceeded his reach.  His “Hope and Change” and specifically Obamacare have come much too fast.  He has had too many “slips and falls” i.e. NSA, IRS, Benghazi, Egypt, Libya, Fast and Furious, etc.  The people are seeing the problems that are due to the magnitude of the change and elitist mistakes in the time period in which they have come.  It is our hope that this can be undone between now and the next election cycle.  Even then, the fight will have just begun.  Fabianism and socialism are not going away.  It is truly a struggle between good and evil.
    It is hoped that the low information, low interest, and low will for freebies public can become more educated so as to make the right decisions on Election Day.
     The infiltration of the Fabians and their ideology are already so deeply embedded and complex it is difficult to make the seriousness attending them apparent to many of the population.  It is probably that most Americans have not heard of Fabianism.  This note is an attempt to make a statement that can be assimilated by our brethren who, heretofore, have not had the facility to make educated, informed and moral decisions.
