Wednesday 14 December 2011

But Scarlet, Sweetie, We've always been Republicans down deep inside, Honeypie.

Democrat  Senator rips Dingey Harry Reid,
 "..... combative and needs to stop with this dead on arrival language."
MSNBC’s Chuck Todd: “Senator, let me ask you this. The basic premise seems to be Republicans say, ‘Okay, Democrats, we'll give you the unemployment extension, we'll give you the extension of the payroll tax holiday. We want Keystone.’ And I understand there's other things, but they want the Keystone pipeline. My guess is if you send them back a bill that got rid of that other stuff you didn't like but gave them Keystone, done, everybody goes home for Christmas.”

Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO): “Well, let's hope we can negotiate something like that. I think if I were going to critique Harry Reid this morning I really wish we would stop with this dead on arrival, not going to go there and begin to have language like, ‘We're going to take a look at it and see if there's anything that we can agree on here and over the next couple of days try to come to an agreement.’ That's what's really going to happen, and I don't know why this place is so set on, you know, looking like we're combative all the time.”
We shall see.
        Such is the language of a Senator from the Democrat Party who has travelled in her State and talked to the people who are dull, boring, normal, and self-reliant.  She has been sobered by the fact that people despise Harry Ried and Nancy Pelosi.   She is scratching her head about the fact that people are smart enough to know that she and her party are intellectual slugs, hopelessly mired in the muck and stench of the swamp mud of socialism.  The ire and total lack of respect the people have for the persons of Obama and his wife has astounded her.
     So now she can tell all who will hear that she has always been a real "conservative Democrat".   Such is not the case.   In every up and down vote she has waddled along with the rest of the caucus, behind the mother duck, like the little ducklings around her...waddling across the street.
DAMAGE, AND EVERYTHNG.  This pipeline alone killed over 60,000,000 Transgendered
Eskimoes, and George Bush flew over and laughed at the people writhing in pain.
all the time.    And the golden cheeked warbler....
     Many who are doing the construction jobs will be able to obtain middle and high skill blue collar positions providing the necessary attention required to keep the pipeline running.  These are career positions.    The Democrat line that it's only 3,000 or 4,000 temporary construction jobs is not only wrong, it is a purposeful lie.    When Obama talks about and jokes about "shovel ready" jobs....those non-existent jobs really are temporary, but little matter because as he confesses, laughingly, "There weren't quite as many as we thought there would be" when he was lying about the need to pass this or that new stimulus package.
     PIPELINES ARE LIVING PEOPLE.  They require constant attention, like children.   These are positions that require people to live in the area, that pay from 30,000 to 60,000 dollars per year.  In non-union areas a guy can work and not have to kiss some union boss's big toe and live in some Podunk place in western Kansas with no pollution, low crime, no traffic and still be in decent range to see major league sports, hear the symphony, go to great parks and museums, and have schools where the students don't have to worry about gang violence. 
     BUT!  HORRORS OF HORRORS!  Middle and high-skill blue-collar people have a disgusting habit of tending to vote Republican and conservative (yes, Virginia, even  including union members....42%).
Your choice, Senator.   Stand up and be counted, or blindly follow these peculiar people whose only known mission is to damn the successful and the self-reliant, and to lump all reasoned thinkers into a group called racist.
El Gringo Viejo 

Another Major Victory

A couple of days ago elements of the Mexican Naval Infantry drove by a cluster of individuals in Valle Hermoso, Tamaulipas.   It appeared as though several were known to have active wants and warrants on them.   There were two vehicles with license plates that did not pertain to those vehicles.   There had been a telephonic "anonymous denunciation" along with various cyber "anonymous denunciations" from the normal dumboes in the area, and the patrol was working on that information and on their own reconnaissance.

     They drove around the block, and on the second pass, came under fire by these same men who were using automatic rifles.    The Naval Infantry returned fire, having one marinero wounded. They called for reinforcements from the nearby Matamoros Garrison.  Of over-riding importance was the minimalisation of collateral damage due to the location of the battle-site.   It was about 4 blocks from the center of the city of 60,000.   The ruffians had taken refuge inside what is essentially a warehouse and intermittent factory that processes steel and iron contstruction items.
      The pistoleros had 73 automatic or semi-automatic rifles, 6 semi-automatic pistols, and various accoutrements likes cell phones, bullet proofed jackets, helmets, a small amount of marijuana and cocaine, and by a fairly good count 110,000 rounds of AK47 and AR16 automatic rifle ammunition.  This count was finished after a two hour engagement which left 11 pistoleros dead, none wounded, and none captured.  The wounded Marine has been returned to active duty.
      All of the arms and munitions were of Red Chinese origin, save for 24 out-of-date, Yugoslavia-era, round, hand-grenades.

The toll road entry that enters into the
Chilpancingo de los Bravo
 Metropolitan Area
population - 300,000 

Occupy Chilpancingo?
     The capital of Guerrero State in southern Mexico has had a fairly lengthy episode of "student" protesters who have been blocking traffic on a major highway (fairly common tactic by communist and leftist community organisers) and generally putting the secondary and preparatory schools into a state of suspension.    The organisers are most probably gangs and communists working together to hype up the students who cannot think too deeply and terrorising the ones who really have no truck with their cause.    The second group runs home and to the police station and the first group makes molotovs and clusters up brick, pieces of concrete block, scoopings of poo-poo from dogs or any other source, making bags of urine, and making pint bags of Clorox.    These fixings are used to kill, injure, or contaminate personnel representing authourity.
     Of course, the private property of anyone is attacked.   A PEMEX gasoline station across the highway from the school compound was molotov'd and destroyed.   The "students" were filmed performing the act.....about 40 participated and could be seen jumping for joy and celebrating.    Much damage and vandalism was committed against the school and its immediate surroundings.
     The State Police finally arrive after about three hours of excesses.   They were driven off by gunfire, molotov cocktails, pieces of steel pipe, concrete block, and rocks.   The numbers of "students" who had been more active became less active and many were drifting away.   The hard core was celebrating their "victory".   Security cameras at businesses showed the rioters hijacking busses...mainly the first class and deluxe express busses on their way to Acapulco with early Virgin of Guadalupe Day and Christmastide celebrants.    They would then turn the busses across the lanes of traffic so as to block all southbound traffic, which, of course was considerable at the time.

imagen 1 de ciudad Chilpancingo
Downtown Chilpancingo.  The city itself is clean
and very tranquil.  The OROG is seeing the State
Capitol and behind it is the main Cathedral in the
Diocese of Chilpancingo

    They knew these actions would bring the federal police and perhaps even the Army....and they set up an ambush for whomsoever might be arriving.   The problem is that when the Federal Uniformed Police and elements of the Army arrived, it was not a squad of 10 or 15 dumboes with 60 year old Colt .45 semi-automatic pistols.    They arrived in force, about 200 of them, all heavily armed.   In spite of the obvious mismatch, two or three idiot demonstrators fired on them and about 40 assaulted them with fire bombs, pieces of pipe dipped in poo-poo, bags of urine and dog poop, and rocks.   When it was over, there were 15 officers in the hospital and two "occupiers" dead.    The highway was open.   The PEMEX gasoline station was already being sized up for clean up and rebuilding.

     And....of course....the Mexican Commission of Human Rights has arrived to console the families of the poor, innocent dead "students" spite of clear evidence that they were little more than murderous vandals, intent on some unexplainable mission of nihilism and anarchy simply because it seemed like a good idea.   The lists of demands the group had been making had been changed daily....and when agreed to...the agreements had been refused.   It was a very typical communist-style confrontation that goes on at schools and universities everywhere in the world.   "The bus fares went up and now the students cannot afford to go to school.  Capitalist exploitation.  They do not want the lower people to rise to their level.   It is discrimination on the Indian communities by the bourgeoisie white and mestizo Mexicans!!"
    Okay, we'll print vouchers that the students can use and ride the busses for free.
    "We will never fall for your enticements and tricks to agree with such a ridiculous proposal.  They will identify us and take us up into the mountain and shoot us.  They will know who we are because we are paying with the vouchers.   You are fools to think that we cannot see through you tricks."
Some might consider this wooly image of a tropical mountain village as some thing almost foreboding.   Actually it is Chilpancingo, a real, live capital city.  About 150 inches of rain every year, full markets of every known and unknown vegetative eatables, about 80% Indian population.   But, 70% of the population can speak Spanish now.   Very pleasant place.
      Yesterday, there were several thousands people marching in this community adjacent to Chilpancingo.   The Gringo Viejo thought, "Oh! My God, here it goes again."   The area is famous for almost continous turmoil.   Since the Revolucion de 1910 - 1917, no civilian governor has served out his term in the State of Guerrero.   It's a business there.   Oddly, it is also a fairly pleasant place to hang around on a long term basis as well.
     But wait!   The signs....Oh! My God!   The signs are expressing support for the military and the police.   There must be 40,000's incredible.    Now, the Old Gringo will see if Telavisa and/or TV Azteca or CNN en Espanol or any of the mainstream press will carry this turn of events.

This is enough for a while.  Back in touch later.
El Gringo Viejo
PS  -   CBS c0verage of the incident.   The reporter conveniently leaves out 16 minutes of filming from adjacent business's outside security cameras and other filming done by bus-drivers with their cellular telephones that all captured, in colour and good detail, the facts as presented in the Gringo Viejo's blog entry.   Oddly, about 75% of the reporter's observations are accurate.   He just could not help himself from putting in the bilge about the 40 missing and the detained people.   That is #6 in the communist manual on how to spawn and conduct a riot.   Always declare that there are "disappeared" persons.   These are usually girls who have been raped and murdered by the same organisers of the riots, and boys who have not followed orders or who threatened to "rat out" the perpetrators.   Or, more commonly, the issue is made up from whole cloth.

Time Magazine Hits another Touchdown

Yes, our friends at Time show that as they adapt to the world's realities, they continue to sail ever leftward, forever against the country that provides them safe harbour.   They gleefully hate any normalcy or reason, preferring to cleave unto the irrational twilight zone of man's quest to perfect the condition of humanity.    They come from "The Age of Reason", after all.
      Now comes Time Magazine, praying the attention of all, that it should be agreed and accepted by those who are better qualified to be told what to think, that those who are better qualified to tell people what to think have judged THE PROTESTOR as what was once called "The Man of the Year".  
      So, El Gringo Viejo went to several places in  Protestoria and spoke with THE PROTESTER  in order to "get into his skin" and learn what was important to the most important man of the moment  for all times.    We arrived during the afternoon and the Plaza of the Glorious Beheading and found a cluster of  THE PROTESTER hanging around and exchanging placards, broadsides, and Molotov cocktail ingredients.
      After exchanging greetings, the Gringo Viejo asked if he could see one of the broadsides and read the list of complaints and demands.    It turned out that these guys were members of the Islamic Fundamentalist Female Circumcision Party.   They informed me that they had a membership of over 143% of all the eligible voters in Protestoria and that this one issue was the one of greatest importance to each and every citizen of Protestoria.
      Suddenly, several men charged into this group and began hacking at them with scimitars and axes.    It became pretty messy after a bit, but the Gringo Viejo kept on with his journalistic duties, asking these new arrivals if there was a bit of disagreement with the Islamic Fundamentalist Female Circumcision Party.    After praising Allah, the respondent declared that they were all friends, except that it was necessary to purify the movement only slightly, and so this splinter group of the Party of Islam to Behead All Heretics needed a little bit of beheading so as to come to their senses.
      When the Gringo Viejo nodded seriously, Ahmed continued,"Each of us must find our own way to paradise, but these guys are crazy...they lose their heads over any little thing".
       "So, then you have to behead them, right?"  I respond.
      "Oh! So good, English.   You understand us then, Praise be!" Ahmed seemed pleased.  He continued with a bit of an explanation,"These guys are really extreme.   We are secular and democratic.   Very progressive.   We must move into the modern world.   Enough of dictators and crawling before foreign crusader dogs and communists and homosexuals.    Just the other day, in fact, we noticed a woman wearing a green burkha on Thursday....can you ever imagine?   It gives me shame to even mention it....let Allah strike me down for mentioning it if it pleases Him....But it was that same old slut whose great grandmother had to be beheaded for smiling a her third cousin without having 7 adult male blood relatives and 5 adult female relatives and two female relatives under the age of 7 within 7 cubits distance of her left foot.  It was a Holy Day, you see.   When she was beheaded, Amal took four hacks, because she was very tough, but since it was not a Holy Day, we have to then hack off Amal's left hand for being an imperfect beheader.   It would please Allah."
      "Can I ask, with all due or undue respect, you understand, that you say you are moving into a modern world, and very progressive.   Once you have established a new government and the dictator devil is gone, what will change?"

      "Nothing.   That is the point.   Before it was everyday the same.   That is why we are fighting against the hand of Satan, the slave-whoredog of the Americans, the French, the British, and the Russians.   We want to establish a permanent order where every day it will be the same, like before.   But it is necessary that we destroy all forms of wealth production and live by keeping as much for our own families by tricking the Christian relief agencies and diverting American foreign aid to the same banks Yassir Arafat and Fidel Castro use in France, Spain, and Belgium.   Then, the Revolution will be complete."

     "Then there will be peace between the Shi' ite and the Sunni?   Perhaps with the Christians and the Jews, even?"

     "No.   No.   There can be no peace until all Sunni are beheaded.   We have well trained teams to go to-day to blow up all Sunni Mosques.    We are waiting for their satanic chapels to fill with their evil followers and we will drive many hundreds of tonnes of TNT into the mosques at the moment of obeisance.  Then we have other teams that will surround the mosques and behead the women who are waiting for the men...and behead the children also.    It will be a learning process for the them."


      El Gringo Viejo arrived in the financial centre of the capital of Europa.   It smelled really bad.   He was waving his hand in front of his face, instinctively trying to waft away the horrid sewer and decay odours.  "Wow, this is really something." the Gringo Viejo confided to a small gaggle of PROTESTERS.
     "Yeah, dude.   The city brought fire trucks and blew out everything with pine oil and lysol about two hours ago,  it hasn't been this clean since Charles DeGaulle's funeral, according to some of the old people.   Do you have some weed, dude?   We're running low.   We don't got any money but you can use my old lady for whatever....a kilo or two?"
     "That's very generous, but I'm fresh out of weed, too.  Sorry about that,   just haven't been in town long enough to score."  declared the Gringo Viejo, looking for an opening for a retreat to someplace where breathing would not cause instant death from tuberculosis eruptis.    Stepping over the various leavings of the "Men (and women) of the Year"....pretty much  left behind with less concern than alley dogs, he found a couple of fellows who seemed lucid.
      "Are you all here for the Protest" ...I asked.
     "Are you all locals?"
      "*******,  and then *****  ****   ************* ****** ******  ***.    We are ****  *****  **** ******** member of the ******* Union  of Union and Community Interest Organisations  ******* to-day and tomorrow ******** *** **** ******* morning at ******  **  ***** *** 88* 8******  or 9:30am," the protester responds.
     His buddy was relieving himself, splashing a girl's poncho.   She was doing alright, but there were about 8 or 9 roach-butts strewn around her "space" along with three empty vodka bottles.    Seemed okay, enough, relatively.   She had probably bathed  three or four months ago, and seemed to be holding up pretty well.    The septic stench and vomit fragrances, along with the smell of bad gasoline, being used for making Molotov's for this morning's "statement" was finally overwhelming.
     The 99% had convinced the Gringo Viejo that it was time to go back to his hidey hole in the mountains and live among the 1% who have almost nothing and have a good life....and to Texas where everyone is in the 1% or 2% and has almost everything and have a good life....and to try to convince those two groups to kiss their flags every morning.   We will do well to avoid "popular movements" whose objectives are left purposely un-defined so as to dupe the stupid and the "hope and change", or "Arab Spring" or Occupy this or that.
      The union of communists and maniacal pseudo Ishmaelites, that truly could only be put together by Satan himself must be resisted.   There is no place in the future for our children and grandchildren, less even for their issue, if we do not redefine the words hope, change, and progress to their true meanings, to-day....not to-morrow.

Back in North America.   Whew...that was a long flight.   Thank you all for being here when I arrive home.
El Gringo Viejo

Tuesday 13 December 2011

The Most Telling Paragraph

Dem lawmaker blasts ‘Professor Obama’ as arrogant, alienating

By Rep. Dennis Cardoza (D-Calif.) - 12/13/11 06:05 AM ET

Many on the Democratic side wish Hillary Clinton, Gov. Jerry Brown (Calif.), Gov. Martin O’Malley (Md.) or Gov. Andrew Cuomo (N.Y.) were running instead, but the president still has time to learn a thing or two from these skilled politicians. I’ll still take Professor Obama over the “goat rodeo clowns” the Republican field offers, but I fear the overall student body — American voters — will give him a failing grade next November if he doesn’t improve his performance.

excerpt from article by
United States Congressman Dennis Cardoza, Democrat - California

El Gringo Viejo, an assistant 'goat rodeo clown'
facilitator does recognise that the Congressman does point out that the arrogant, marxist, elitist, vapid, and lazy person who was elected President of the United States most recently, does have a few "drawbacks", both personally and politically.   He should be aware, as well, that almost all Republicans regard the field of Republican candidates as good enough for the fight.   We leave the nit-picking to the media people to moan and complain about who pares potatoes with the left hand and who still smokes cigarettes or whatever.
     The possible replacement candidates are, as they say in rural Mississippi, "equally worse".
The slightest caveat might be registered on behalf of the Hon. Gov. Cuomo, but as a two-gun sheriff, it seems that he too uses the "tax" gun first and foremost, and the "cut-spending" gun little to none at all.

     Below is some fairly boring reading, but reading that will straighten your perm and remind all OROGs why William Jefferson Blythe really does deserve the loathing he receives from all reasonable people.   His wife, as an agent provocateur for the world marxist movement, is worse.

                                            LEST WE EVER FORGET
     On December 12th, 1969 Bill Clinton travels to Norway where he meets with various peace organizations. He later travels on to Moscow on December 31, 1969 and stays for a week. One should remember that Moscow was still supplying North Vietnam with missiles that were used to shoot down American planes along with technicians and military advisors. Some of these advisors participated in the interrogation of American POW’s.
Colonel Eugene Holmes a highly decorated officer of the United States Army, who survived the Bataan Death March and three and a half years of imprisonment as a POW during the Second World War, wrote the following notarized letter on September 7, 1992.

Col. Holmes Notarized Statement
As Entered in Congressional Record (Page: H5551) 7/30/93
September 7, 1992. Memorandum for Record:
Subject: Bill Clinton and the University of Arkansas ROTC Program

There have been many unanswered questions as to the circumstances surrounding Bill Clinton’s involvement with the ROTC department at the University of Arkansas. Prior to this time I have not felt the necessity for discussing the details. The reason I have not done so before is that my poor physical health (a consequence of participation in the Bataan Death March and the subsequent three and a half years interment in Japanese POW camps) has precluded me from getting into what I felt was unnecessary involvement. However, present polls show that there is the imminent danger to our country of a draft dodger becoming Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States. While it is true, as Mr. Clinton has stated, that there were many others who avoided serving their country in the Vietnam war, they are not aspiring to be the President of the United States.
The tremendous implications of the possibility of his becoming Commander-in-Chief of the United States Armed Forces compels me now to comment on the facts concerning Mr. Clinton’s evasion of the draft. This account would not have been imperative had Bill Clinton been completely honest with the American public concerning this matter. But as Mr. Clinton replied on a news conference this evening (September 5, 1992) after being asked another particular about his dodging the draft,
“Almost everyone concerned with these incidents are dead. I have no more comments to make”.
Since I may be the only person living who can give a first hand account of what actually transpired, I am obligated by my love for my country and my sense of duty to divulge what actually happened and make it a matter of record.
Bill Clinton came to see me at my home in 1969 to discuss his desire to enroll in the ROTC program at the University of Arkansas. We engaged in an extensive, approximately two (2) hour interview. At no time during this long conversation about his desire to join the program did he inform me of his involvement, participation and actually organizing protests against the United States involvement in South East Asia. He was shrewd enough to realize that had I been aware of his activities, he would not have been accepted into the ROTC program as a potential officer in the United States Army.
The next day I began to receive phone calls regarding Bill Clinton’s draft status. I was informed by the draft board that it was of interest to Senator Fullbright’s office that Bill Clinton, a Rhodes Scholar, should be admitted to the ROTC program. I received several such calls. The general message conveyed by the draft board to me was that Senator Fullbright’s office was putting pressure on them and that they needed my help. I then made the necessary arrangements to enroll Mr. Clinton into the ROTC program at the University of Arkansas.
I was not “saving” him from serving his country, as he erroneously thanked me for in his letter from England (dated December 3, 1969). I was making it possible for a Rhodes Scholar to serve in the military as an officer. In retrospect I see that Mr. Clinton had no intention of following through with his agreement to join the Army ROTC program at the University of Arkansas or to attend the University of Arkansas Law School. I had explained to him the necessity of enrolling at the University of Arkansas as a student in order to be eligible to take the ROTC program at the University. He never enrolled at the University of Arkansas, but instead enrolled at Yale after attending Oxford. I believe that he purposely deceived me, using the possibility of joining the ROTC as a ploy to work with the draft board to delay his induction and get a new draft classification.
The December 3rd letter written to me by Mr. Clinton, and subsequently taken from the files by Lt. Col. Clint Jones, my executive officer, was placed into the ROTC files so that a record would be available in case the applicant should again petition to enter the ROTC program. The information in that letter alone would have restricted Bill Clinton from ever qualifying to be an officer in the United States Military. Even more significant was his lack of veracity in purposefully defrauding the military by deceiving me, both in concealing his anti-military activities overseas and his counterfeit intentions for later military service. These actions cause me to question both his patriotism and his integrity. When I consider the caliber, the bravery, and the patriotism of the fine young soldiers whose deaths I have witnessed, and others whose funerals I have attended.... When I reflect on not only the willingness but eagerness that so many of them displayed in their earnest desire to defend and serve their country, it is untenable and incomprehensible to me that a man who was not merely unwilling to serve his country, but actually protested against its military, should ever be in the position of Commander-in-Chief of our armed Forces.
I write this declaration not only for the living and future generations, but for those who fought and died for our country. If space and time permitted I would include the names of the ones I knew and fought with, and along with them I would mention my brother Bob, who was killed during World War II and is buried in Cambridge, England (at the age of 23, about the age Bill Clinton was when he was over in England protesting the war). I have agonized over whether or not to submit this statement to the American people. But, I realize that even though I served my country by being in the military for over 32 years, and having gone through the ordeal of months of combat under the worst of conditions followed by years of imprisonment by the Japanese, it is not enough. I’m writing these comments to let everyone know that I love my country more than I do my own personal security and well-being. I will go to my grave loving these United States of America and the liberty for which so many men have fought and died. Because of my poor physical condition this will be my final statement. I will make no further comments to any of the media regarding this issue.
Eugene Holmes
Colonel, U.S.A., Ret.
September 1992

Jacquie Lawson does it again....a humorous Advent-into-Christmas look at things.

This is a little something for the season.   If your latest adobe flash player is not installed it might not reproduce correctly, but if it's up to date, then you can have a pleasant couple of minutes.
El Gringo Viejo

Monday 12 December 2011

But What If .... ? Dealing with the Whatifee Monster

     A non-OROG communicated with us a bit ago, wanting to know about the famous Seguro Popular in Mexico.   The SP adjuncts the Instituto Mexicano de Seguro Social (IMSS) and extends pre-paid medical services to that half of the Mexican population not covered by the IMSS.    It is ridiculously cheap....of course it is heavily subsidised by the central Mexican government treasury....but it does charge the participant a paltry amount for a fairly significant suite of services.   It is also a governmental iniciative w/private underwriting,  voluntary participation type program.
     The pinko-United Nations-Global Warming crowd is quick to point out that Mexico only has 50% of its population covered by the IMSS and IMSSST(socialized medicine w/ private funding overtones).   The former IM covers participating private industry and business and the second IM covers the public sector workers.
     This leaves it to the independent observer to conclude that the rest of the people are slumped over a cactus somewhere, having died of some aggressive form of ringworm due to a lack of medical intervention.   One-half of the entire Mexican population has the IM membership and C+ to A- services throughout Mexico.   Another  15% or so  have a private insurance policy with major  medical coverage.    Another 2% is so wealthy that they could probably build a hospital in order to have a doctor give them an aspirin for a headache to occur in the future.  Another batch is in the middle and upper-middle class with enough resources to use private hospital and medical/dental services that are about 1/10 to 1/3 the cost of American services on a cash pay basis.   Then there are 15% who have never heard of  Thigh Masters, Lady Gaga, iPods or anything else that's important.
The question has been asked various times, but apparently there is increasing interest again, so El Gringo Viejo will try to condense an answer for all times and for all seasons.
Can Gringos participate in the Seguro Popular program in Mexico?
     Yes, foreign nationals need only to enroll as would any Mexican. The foreign national will normally…esstentially always….pay the top bracket charge, which still borders upon extremely cheap to almost laughable.   If a retired couple, living in Mexico, were to sign up this year, it would cost about 2,200 pesos. That come up to about 193.00 American dollars…for the year.
    Be certain, however, that this does not include the worst cancers, dialysis, and other grotesque, extremely costly continuing-care type services. It is primarily aimed at poison-ivy, snake-bites, pneumonia, serious flu, common fractures, and the like. Much mild to moderate medical stuff is covered, so review your pamphlet carefully. It is in Spanish, but it is easily understandable, if you take your time. Ask a Mexican friend or whatever Gringo you normally meet up with at the cantina who has lived in Mexico longer than you have. The people at the sign-up place will be very patient (pun?) with you if there is not a long line waiting….and they have never misdirected us or anyone we know.
      The prescriptions covered are many, but generally do not interest curmudgeons who would rather gripe and grumble about having green toenails and elbows that hurt and don’t bend, en lieu of taking medicine. In either case, whether a grumpy hypochondriac or a nervous-nelly the pill-popper, there are quite a few reliable Mexican produced pharmaceuticals for a wide range of real and imagined disorders, and those medicines are readily available about 94% of the time.   These drugs and medicines are covered under the Seguro Popular.  
          The gringo client has another peculiar issue.   Let us follow him to the appropriate clinic, where we find him just coming through the door.   He is coughing up a cup of yellow snot from his upper lungs, and running a 101.6 temperature. He has come to his Social Security Hospital….usually a Triple AAA minor league situation…(yours will be a little higher or a little lower). The waiting area looks like Central Casting for a Cecil B. DeMille’s next production of Cleopaetra Meets Ben Hur. You go up to the desk that says “registro” or “entradas” and humourless, grumpy automotron nurse-receptionists take down your information and scan your Seguro Popular ID card. While the rest of the masses wait for their casting call, after about 7 minutes you will be called in for attention….leaving behind about 300,000 squalling babies, women in labour, four skeletons slumped over a desk and left over from last week, and one catatonic old man who told you he was worried because he had no pulse-rate.
      So….in other words…it’s crowded and noisy, sometimes…That it works at all is amazing…but since you are probably some kind of a geezer and a foreigner…you and not they….the citizens….will probably be called ahead of the rest.
     It would probably be a good idea, if your intent is to live forever, and use a lot of adult diapers, be fed through a tube to your stomach, have four IVs in various apendages, be stuperous and comatose for 4 to 6 months, and confuse Doris Day with a  green flamingo, to have your American insurance in force with a Mexico major medical rider. There are also reliable Mexican private insurance policies, with major medical.   It would be good to review them carefully, as you would with an American policy.
    If you just want to die happy, loaded up with gentle doses of pharmaceutical morphine, and/or other pain-abating, legal, liquid things….then the Seguro Popular is good enough.   It is fairly simple to have caring, working-class people with considerable "bed-side battlefield experience", to look after a person during his final days, weeks, or his own home environment.    The only problem is the service is about the same in terms of quality but it costs a lot less.
    This is a short form of the answer.   It is certain that there are anecdotal accounts that would say that the Gringo Viejo is being too soft or too hard on the Mexican effort to extend prepaid insurance for medical service to the impoverished, the hypochondriacs, and the people with American/Canadian/British sensibility.

Thanks, as always for your time and interest.   Remember all comments and questions are dealt with as quickly as we run across them, and it doesn't cost a thing!
The Old Gringo