Thursday, 25 July 2013

Stem Winder Insult

Phoney scandals?  Phoney scandals?    Allow that El Gringo Viejo should opine.  There is terribly little phony about 4 dead American State Department assignees in Libya.   There is absolutely nothing phony about up to nearly 500 dead Mexican innocents and heroes killed by a gun walking scheme meant to initiate an offensive on private firearm ownership in the United States of America.   There is nothing phony about up to 14 dead Libyan government militia who were chewed up by the attack that killed the 4 above-mentioned American State Department personnel.   It is not phoney that the American public had to hear the truth from a Libyan interim President about the situation, 36 hours after the affair, and simultaneously listen to lies from the Las Vegas Kid and (Sir Edmund)Hillary for almost a month....backed up by other liars who were desperately trying to keep the egg off of the face of the president, during his re-election campaign.
     Phoney scandals?   The little Republican witch from Delaware had her tax information breached during her campaign.  The IRS released information to a Delaware state comptroller about her tax information.  The information was incorrect, it was determined to be incorrect, but the Democrat-lackey state employee released the information to the press anyway.   Both the IRS official and the Democrat-lackey state employee knew the information was incorrect, but they released it to the press anyway.   Phoney?
    Several hundred grass-root activist organisations had their applications for tax exempt status sat upon by the IRS non-profit processing department.  No action was taken beyond the demanding of impertinent and inappropriate compliances for information that most frequently was not within the right or purview of the IRS to know or have.   "When you pray, what do you pray for?" is not really an IRS-type question, unless there is a scandal brewing.
     Occupy Wall Street?   No compliance, no problem, no nothing.  Leftist organisations that are famous for violating non-profit rules, campaign laws, and accounting regulations?  No oversight.   No punishment.  No admonitions.
     The President of the United States, on a live broadcast, during the last presidential campaign, on a major Spanish language network, being interviewed by two liberal anti-American Latin reporters, when asked about the "Fast and Furious" program identified it as something that he inherited from the Bush Administration and it was also something that Eric Holder shut down once he learned about it.    The response was such a blatant lie that had any Republican said it, he/she would have been immediately taken out, wrapped in duct tape, put on a rust-bucket trawler, floated out to sea, and dumped into the shark farm.
     Of course, the president was facing Mitt Romney and his crack team of political advisors, and they want to have pillow fights with nice, soft fluffy pillows even as the opposition is firing 105mm Howitzers right into our eye sockets.   A person can pretty much tell what the outcome is going to be.   But it is a scandal!   The best counts show that many, many innocents and heroes have been killed by the firearms that Eric Holder and the thugs at the ATF who did such a good job at Mount Carmel that they figured they should do it again (anything to justify disarming private American firearms owners).   And they did do it again.
    Is is a scandal that they would arrange for firearms to be placed into the hands of cartel scum who have been proven to have absolutely no souls so that those same guns would ultimately have to wind up being used to kill American law enforcement personnel or, of less importance to the ATF, common  nobodies like American citizens who are not as important as the ATF agents.   Who should control all the guns, after all?    The ATF, right?   The totalitarians like Obama and Holder think so.
    If it weren't a scandal, then why do they have to lie about it?   It is an avalanche of hypocrisy.   We love "Hispanics" say the Obamatrons and Democrat National Socialists...but a few hundred dead meskins?   Well, a little collateral damage can be a good thing,  I guess they would say.   Little matter that they were killed in cross-fires between cartels with firearms literally placed in the hands of cartels members by the ATF and E.   If a Republican had done it, they would have taken him out and embalmed alive with battery acid.
The true phoney scandal is the "War on Women" the Democrats have declared that the Republicans have declared on women:    The Marxist-feminist women's movement decides what issues are women's issues and immediately says that the patriarchal, fascist conservative tea-baggers are opposed to women's access to reproductive rights.
War on Women?
     There's Hillary and Huma.   They are happy because they have battle scars, put on them by their husbands.  And yet, they are fools to stay with them in one respect, but in the other perspective, the only way they can crawl to the top of the garbage pile and be important is by suffering the public insults and degradation that would cause any non-insane woman to turn on her heel and head for the nearest divorce lawyer.  These guys are not one-night mistake type of hubbys.  Both of these guys are proven demonstrable perverts...and it is only a matter of time before Weenie will join Billy Jeff in the ranks of violent offenders.

About Planned Parenthood's successes in the War Against Women:
      They told us incessantly that there needs to be more "openness" about sexual matters and that more "education" and clinical understanding of pregnancy and responsible sexual activity among the adolescents and tbbballalab blah, blah, blah.   The more pills are circulated, and the more that is taught, it could be demonstrated, the more venereal disease, AIDS, "surprise" pregnancies, and "un-fathered" babies are produced.   Amazing.   The more we de-mystify the female, and the more naked we present them, and the more protected from pregnancy we make them, it is really amazing, Grace;   the more pregnant and infected with strange and disgusting maladies they become.  Thanks, Planned Parenthood. Thanks, AFDC.  Thanks for all those things that help to facilitate our false sense of being taken care of for free.

    The words "openness", "education", and "understanding" are buzzwords as we know for indoctrination.   The Girl Scouts of America is daily putting its message to girls more and more in focus with that of Planned Parenthood.

Also, by the way:
  Any woman as dull, arrogant, incompetent, mendacious, violent, narcissistic, criminally disposed,  and unpleasant as Hillary Rodham could never be taken seriously without a dull electorate that is fuelled and helped along by ignorance and the vitriol of deranged radical leftist feminism.   That same psychotic fervour helped push Obama across the finish line in 2012, and we shall see if it will help him again in 2014.  I shall never forget Hillary Rodham spending tax dollars to broadcast a radio announcement into Pakistan, condemning a disrespectful, disgusting  video on YouTube, and citing it as the cause of understandable and justifiable reaction by the great mass of poor Moslems, who are downtrodden and disrespected by America and Americans.
More later.   We thank the reader for his/her time and willingness to allow me to adjust my blood pressure.
El Gringo Viejo

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Nancy Pelosi Spoke of "Draining the Swamp"

    The only problem, Nancy, when you drain the swamp, you always run across things like Mary Jo Kopechne's diary.  And a person becomes a bit overwhelmed with the fact that, in terms of overall corruption, the Democrats always cross the 100 yard finish line long before the Republicans ever leave the chocks.
no particular accomplishments, but
 one brilliant and insightful
 comment about Democrats
 and other Leftists

We especially liked this picture
 provided by ACME Sandblasting
     Further, because the Republicans and more especially Conservatives,  tend not to be irrational white-trash, they also tend to scruff-up and render their own cads and call the pound on them.   Sometimes they do it too quickly, in fact.

     One is called upon to remember the inspired words of Joy Behar, (we paraphrase a bit) "Well, of course I have the right to make fun of the Republicans.  They are the hypocrites, always talking about their morality and their goody-goody stuff.  They are all hypocrites.  So when they get caught, we need to ridicule them and taunt them.
     We liberals  and Democrats don't have to apologise for anything because we don't have any morals.  We don't worry about morality."

    So here is Anthony, who has absolutely no CEO experience of any kind.   And he pretends to be prepared to run the city with the biggest budget of all the cities in the world.   He has nary the nearest notion of  the requirements of this office.   Nanny Bloomberg or whatever his name is has been a horrid arrogant, preachy dolt, tolerating things that he should have dealt with quickly and dealing with things that really are none of his business.   But, Mon Dieu! He is a billionaire of sorts and can play ping pong with eight hands at the same time...he's a CEO.   And if Chantel can tell me that she has a "B" average.....then Bloomberg has to be given at least a "B-".   The twirp Anthony does not have the "little grey cells'' of the Belgian Detective or even Chantel, in all probability.

Congressman Gerry Studds
who represented Cape Cod
and adjacent areas, was
implicated in an affair
with a congressional
page, who was at the time
sixteen years old.  The boy
had quite a lurid tale to tell
and the story was covered
up quickly. However,
enough had leaked out so
that Studds ultimately had
to leave his office.
Massachusetts being
what it is, however, the
Congressman ran for his
old chair again and was
given overwhelming
approval for having had
a homosexual affair with
a minor under the age of
consent.   He was given a
standing ovation by his
Democrat colleagues due
to his "bravery".
    As a Texian Nationalist, it bothers me nought that this piece of human debris could be elected mayor of New York.   Look at their city government.  Look at the incessant tales of corruption and mob control.  Look at the fact that New York City eats from the plates filled upstate and that not counting Social Security payments, 40% of the population is parasitic bloodsucking thugs, slugs, and criminals receiving  AFDC, rent subsidies, food stamps, and free lottery tickets.   But, at least, Pervoman, since you know Hillary, and your wife puts in a good word for you as a bona fide pervert, liar, and incompetent who is judged fit by the Clinton - Frank - Studds, rule, you can have a small garage apartment in Sir Edmund's house in Chappaqua.   That way you can beat the USD3,000/month for an efficiency in Brooklyn while you plan your run for the United States Senate.

Meanwhile you can maintain your place in the Democrat Hall of Pride and Fame:
  We have people who have driven off of bridges and left the female occupant of the vehicle to either drown on purpose or through cowardice.  His brother made a mistake and drove his PT boat into the path of a Japanese Destroyer.  In the aftermath Lt. John Kennedy swam and led his surviving mates to a nearby island, towing an injured crew member by a strap clutched between his teeth.   It was an act of heroism that could quiet a noisy crowd.  Seven miles of towage by his teeth.

File:Ted Kennedy, official photo portrait crop.jpg
Thug, bully, drunk, raped a
waitress with Chris Dodd's
help in a popular Washington
restaurant, and of, course
stood up for women when
he drove Mary Jo Kopechne
into the Chappaquiddick
 Sound but, that was way back
in, like they say,
"What Difference Does It Make?"
Involved in numerous dalliances
and finally drove his wife of
many children totally insane.
Revered and applauded at every
turn, because being a good
Roman Catholic, he fought for
the right of every female to have
as many abortions as need be. 
    But Teddy Kennedy ran from his scene at best, and according to him, swam against a 4 - 6 mile per hour tidal current (impossible...but, whatever) across Chappaquiddick Sound...for about 40 minutes.  Once ashore, and a delay of almost a day....maybe it was two, he suggested to the authorities that there might be some relationship between him and his auto that was in the drink back at the bridge...and, oh!  there might be a girl in the car or somewhere around there.   Teddy Kennedy's escapades were never dealt with in any serious way.   Almost all were totally covered up.  The many that were exposed were usually scrubbed so as to minimise the damage to Mr. Kennedy.   So, he is the only woman killer who ever had the title of "Lion of the Senate" due to his ferocious defence of the poor.  Which meant, of course, that he put other peoples' money where his mouth was.   Was known to be sober after the age of 18 well over six times.   Check the web for the story about waitress and her hot date with the Lion of the Senate and the co-author of the Dodd-Frank bill.....Sen. Chris Dodd.


Bill Clinton.jpg
William Jefferson Blythe Clinton
Perhaps a greater cad than even
Aaron Burr.  Thug, woman
beater, accused of many, many
assaults and unwanted
offers of attention.   Severely
beat the granddaughter of
an English Lord while
on scholarship at Oxford.
Was arranged for a dismissal
by J. William Fulbright and
the United States States
Over 140 people of the first
and second degree of interaction
with this man have died,
prematurely.   But do not
despair, his wife is equally
involved in it all, if not

This does not even begin to touch the slime that William Jefferson Blythe Clinton is, was, a will forever be.  People can say that he is a lovable lug...but he is not.  He is a chronic pathological liar.   He is that rare combination of a sociopath and a psychopath.   He will lie when the truth would do him better.
    Please study reputable analysis of his activities and his horrid wife's activities over their years of "public service".  One night of reading....and we mean reasonable accounts...not kooky, tin-hat wearing nut-case tales.   This man was lucky to have had a body of lackeys in the press to cover and explain away all of his massive evil actions.   Two things really stand out.  During testimony before a grand jury, he was famous for responding to a question with this answer, "Well, I don't know.  It all depends upon what the meaning of "is" is.
     His defence team...with many cases floating simultaneously, once argued that "We really shouldn't concern ourselves with all those other charges.  Those activities occurred in the past."  Hence, the Clinton criminal law legal doctrine that a person can only be tried for crimes that he committed in the future.

Barney Frank
Where does a guy start?  He had an apartment in downtown Washington D.C.  He took in a roomie who ran a male prostitution ring.  Barney new nothing of it, although it was a three room apartment with a telephone ringing all the time. He gave his "friend" the Congressional Parking Privilege tag, and also  fixed literally thousands of dollars worth of parking tickets.
That offence alone is enough to have a Republican resign his seat in Congress. He would not be re-elected in his primary.  Barney's "friend" also was a drug salesman and had a long criminal record.  Barney, like Sergeant Schultz, "knew nothing",   He like Studds, was re-elected with an overwhelming majority and honoured for being "brave".  This is the Democrat notion of honour.  This is why Pocahontas Warren can say she's an Indian to her university employer when such a tale is borne by white squaw with forked tongue....she takes the extra emoluments for being Xenahontas the Indian Warrior Princess during the senate campaign...the OROG guessed it...Massachusetts again...and of course the people of that fair commonwealth elected her.   Her policies are to tax the 1% for everything and give all the free money to Democrat donors and constituents.  Quite a platform.    It you have a didn't build it, we did. Etc.
We now retire from the field of battle.  To return until the Yankees are once again across and on the north side of the Potomac and the Ohio Rivers.
El Gringo Viejo

The strange, sad, funny, and interesting life of Sir Edward James

(this is taken from a recent letter written to an ancient friend....perhaps it should be stated to a friend from our ancient times....who somewhat recently visited this place called Xilitla (hee LEE tlah)
   Edward James seemed to me to be a person who was only happy during those lengthy periods of depression and introspection that seemed to follow him closely during most of his life.  That psychological or emotional disposition is how I remember him seems to be around 1978.  It could have been either in Xilitla or at the venerable Hotel Valles, in Valles, San Luis Potosi, Mexico.    James would be dead in England about 6 years or so later.  He was 77, I believe, at the time of his demise.  When I took a group into the Hotel Valles in 1979, the staff told me that he had returned permanently to England.    In that land, his home, he was truly an aristocrat, in spite of his father being an American railroad magnate and  designer.  His mother, a titled Scotswoman, was an heir to a massive estate in England, by way of her grandfather.   It was, however assumed that she was the daughter of the Prince of Wales, later King Edward IV, as the result of a bit of a tryst as it was said in those times and in that strata.  It is said that his name stems from that.   It is also said, that because of the track to relationship to HRH Victoria and Prince Albert...that Edward James had Royal ancestry, although his title "Sir" came from his mother's Scottish side.
     When I would come across him, twice in Xilitla, and about four or five times in either Valles or Tamazunchale, and perhaps once in Aquismon and once in Tanquinhuitz de Gen. Pedro Santos, all places that were very close around to Xilitla, he would always be armed with his pet cotorro who delighted in biting the H lasting Hell out of anyone with a finger to spare.   Edward James always had the "layered look", with robes and raiment, about three deep of different textures....from almost gauze, to  flannel, to very fine goat hair serape-like a cross between a robe, a serape, and a poncho.   He always wore sandals as I recall.

Mexico Tamazunchale Hollingsworths Hotel San Antonio
This is a borrowed image of a postcard of the
 Hotel San Antonio in Tamazunchale,
 San Luis Potosi.
 Owned by an American couple,
 Episcopalians, and one of the most
 fantastic places in rural Latin
 America for all times,
   In 1962, the majority of people, 25 miles in
any direction, did not speak Spanish.
   The largest group of white people were not
 Spanish in origin, but French.
   Still, to this day, there are large swathes
of the Indian populace who do not speak
 any or very little  Spanish.
    The meals and ambience were ideal.
The Hollingsworths had another home,
 nearby on the tropical Tamesi River
in the same style as above.
  They would come to McAllen, every now
 and then attend Mass at Saint John's
 Church - Episcopal in McAllen.
   They w0uld buy things that were
 a little harder to come by in Mexico
in those days. 
He would talk in a friendly way, making inquiries concerning ones activities and health.   Conversations could be times all day affairs.
      But as one might answer, Edward might  look away and/or turn his attention to his parrot, his  given name does escape me at this time. Perhaps it was "Sir Winston".

   He spoke at length one time of the Hollingsworths and their Hotel San Antonio in Tamazunchale, where he said that he would frequently dine. He declared their staff as expert in the preparation of acamaya (the small river lobsters).   He did not like for the people in Xilitla to know that he actually ate meat because he made considerable noise about the need for humanity to return to its vegetarian antecedents.   He was something like the doctor who would advise his patients to stop smoking and then ask them for a light.
    One learned that he did not respond to anything about his activities in England, California, or his time in Mexico City and Cuernavaca.   Joaquin, the bartender at the patio bar of the Hotel Valles said that he would prepare nachos with "everything" including the excellent cecina (sheets of very thinly sliced prime beef) that Joaquin would cut into 1 inch squares to mount on the totopes (fried tortilla quarters), with queso blanco, guacamole, jalapen~o, onion, and a bit of over-ripe tomatoe.   This preparation was only when no one was in the Patio Bar area, once again because the nachos had meat, and a very fine meat at that.

The very elegant thatched roof
 restaurant of the Hotel Valles.
    Edward James always seemed wasted.   Gentle, patient, but really wasted.  Underneath his robes and trappings, he wore white captain's trousers, like one might see as part of a British or American (Canadian?) naval or coast guard officer.   He wore white socks with his sandals, and I never saw him wearing conventional shoes or boots....even during muddy or rainy events.  El Gringo Viejo is given to the wearing of white, Oxford-cloth, long sleeved shirts, a habit since high school, and Sir Edward also had that same habit, it seems.
     He had very fine flasks...larger than normal flasks....perhaps one-quart....but still smooth, slightly rounded, and apparently made of Taxco silver, and initialled by an excellent smith with a Gothic E and J.   Not showy but impressive.    In one he carried  tequila, in another rum from the  local distillery in Valles.   The tequila he drank with tonic water and lime, while the rum he would mix with bottled Coca Cola, and squeezings of fresh lime.   He would feed his parrot the nachos or anything else for which the bird might have had a hankering.   I never saw that the bird made a mess on his raiment, although the bird was ever present.  And, frankly, Sir Edward never seemed to be dirty or smelly although he would at times look almost as though he were a derelict.
This seems to be around 1968 or so.  Sir
Edward with the parrot thought to be
named,   "Sir Winston".  He had become
one of those parrots who would not only
speak...but who could actually carry on
a conversation.

     When asked, Sir Edward would say that he did not use alcohol because he had been an alcoholic.  It was part of his "mystique" and floating-cloud reality brought on by years and years of really hard living.  But, he would approach the outdoor bar, when Joaquin would be polishing the was a delightful, tropical...almost elegant setting...and deliver  his flasks at some point that would be nearing his departure. Both he and Joaquin wold try to be at least a little discreet in this operation.  He would point to this  flask and  say something and then to the other one. I'm sure he was identifying which was for the tequila and which was to be refilled with rum. El Gringo Viejo would keep a certain distance from Sir Edward when he would abruptly leave, while making no explanation.  It usually meant he was up to some personal hypocrisy that he felt that only he suffered, and that all others held no hypocrisies in their souls.
     He had a car and driver.   The driver was Plutarco Gastelum (gaz tah LUHM)  who said he was a Yaqui from Cuernavaca.   The problem, of course, is that Yaqui Indians are not found in abundance in the Cuernavaca area south of Mexico City.  They are native to the uplands of Sonora and western high mountains in western Chihuahua State's high, about 1,200 miles to the north of the Cuernavaca area.  Because of their incessant hostility, President Porfirio Diaz had them translocated in the 1880s from the bracing highlands in the north to the humid lowlands on the Yucatan Peninsula.  This was greater than the Cherokee Relocation action, and caused a lot of death and disease among the re-settled Yaquis (these are a sub-group of the greater Apache Nations).  It should be pointed out that some of the women of killed Yaqui warriors who fought the Mexican and American Armies at different times...up to and including the 1940s...would sometimes be removed from their homeland and sent to work as maids in the Pedregal or other rich sections of Mexico City.  And with the number of wealthy Mexicans and Gringo retirees in Cuernaca,and Taxco, even as early as the 1890s for the Gringos, it seems now, as I think about it, possible that Plutarco might have been Yaqui. 

     Locals around Xilitla, howver,  said that Plutarco Gastalum was from the Conca' and Jalpan area a few miles and a little further up in the mountains on the way to Queretaro from Xilitla.   Very pleasant places, a bit cool in the Winter.   These local folks said he was actually Nahua (remnants of the Aztec nation that, much reduced in numbers sought refuge in the mountains far to the northeast of what became Mexico City after the fall of Tenochtitlan to the Spanish, Otomi', and Tlaxclalan combined armies drove the Aztecs out of their impressive city and empire in 1523).   The Huastec did and still do outnumber the Nahuatl by 20 to 1.   It was said and may still be true that the Indians of the area around Xilitla and Tamazunchale cannot venture far before entering into another linquistic group....the old rule is about 20 miles. 
    This last time in Valles when I saw Edward James, he was neither being driven nor driving.  He was flagging down  the common bus to head back south to his Xilitla, with his parrot.   That bus would drop him off at the intersection from whence James would take a taxi up to his Castillo...semi-residence...semi-hotel....semi pleasant-nightmare.   The whole run from Valles probably totalling and hour and a half.
After your mention of having gone up to the place it has been rattling around in the front and back of my mind.   This picture that I found and herein attached is my remembrance of how he looked in those latter days.  The first time I saw him, he had very black the mid-1960s driving around with my brother, who was any accomplished and accredited archaeologist,  looking for archaeological sites.

Casa del ingles, Xilitla, S.L.P.
 An example of the many absurd
concrete statuaries (there are
200 more) found in Los Pozos,
about two miles from "El Castillo"
the home-hotel-studio  place in the
centre of Xilitla.
      We could load up the rest of this blog-entry with innumerable pictures and commentaries about Sir Edward and his Quixotic life in the Xilitla catchment area...a small but incredibly endowed natural area, with  aquiferine, forest, birds, butterflies, major mammals, and doggedly resistant to change exhibited by the local  cultural groups of the indigenous.  But, we would challenge the OROG to read up on his/her own.   Forward questions, of course, because I love to pontificate and say, "But on the other hand....''

     The hotel is still functioning, even in these days.  The town is still functioning, it will never die, in my estimation.  It would be worth any visit that would involve a minimum of  six days and five nights to do it in any reasonable way.  There are still Indian markets on certain days of the week, and there are Indians who still show up in native garb.  On those market days, for instance, it is a rare thing to hear Spanish spoken in the hum of conversation and the calling out to others during the markets.

When we learned that the communities in and around Xiltila, Aquismon, and Tamazunchale, numbering several hundred villages were safe because the Indians would take note of the cartel people, and the men would melt into the forest.   They knew that during the first or second night the cartel people would degenerate into a bunch of drunken slugs.   They also knew that they would insult the girls and women.   But then at one or two in the morning, when the cartel henchmen were passed out, well, the men would enter into the outlying places on the edges of the Indian's villages and take care of the situation.   Suffice to say that it is not a good idea to go to sleep in a drunken stupor after insulting an Indian's sister, especially when the Indian is traditionally remarkably deft with a sharp machete.  The Cartel people are fewer everywhere, but especially in the Xilitla catchment.

Edward James (c) and Gala Dali (l) and Salvador Dali (r)
Probably in Cuernavaca.  It is said that Sir Edward
might have danced at both ends of the ballroom, but it is known
that many women of the avant garde set....and aristocratic
women, wealthy women, literary women ...would fall for Edward
like a box of rocks.  He married once, had many "women friends"
many of whom were on The Registry, even Hollywood noteworthyettes
who hunted him down for maleness or money or genuine attraction.  But
he had his inner proclivities and devils.   Probably a genius.   The Indians
never levelled any charges against him so that he did not
offend them is certain.  He was the only white man, including
the rich white Mexicans from the big cities, to have bought and
 successfully owned terreno communitario of an
 indigenous group.  This is true because his permit would 
have had to emanate from the council
 of the Cacique, with unanimous assent.  They, in fact,
 officialised the sale before a notario publico,
 a form of real estate lawyer/official
 necessary in land transfers.  
[Edward James, Dalí y Gala, su esposa, 1942]
Un jardín puede estar en cualquier lugar, la vida está en todas partes, es el mismo aire, pero en esas 30 hectáreas encontramos paz, delirio, sensualidad, depresión, esquizofrenia; el letargo y la energía en cada piedra, en cada trozo de metal y concreto.
(translation - A garden can be en any old place, life is in all places, it is the same air, but in these 30 hactareas (75 acres) we find ourselves peace, delirium, sensuality, depression, schizophrenia, the lethargy, and the energia in and of each rock, en each slice of metal and slab of concrete.) 
   El Gringo Viejo has always been very respectful of the Indians there, male or female.   There is something about a well-armed populace that knows how to use its weapons.   But enough.   Please do your own research, and ask me questions about this place if you wish.  Some of what has been put into the blogosphere or the internet in general is a bit out of focus, let us say.  However I am not the final authority by any means about this place.  It is a magnificent place to visit.

We appreciate the continued interest shown by the Original OROGs and all newcomers.  All are welcome.  We remind that we prefer email to any other form of communication.  And we appreciate any comment, critique, or complement.
El Gringo Viejo

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

A little bottom feeding doesn't hurt sometimes.....

Does this look like a Mayor of New York?   Yes!!

Discussion between Anthony Weiner and his wife, Huma, who works for (Sir Edmund) Hillary Rodham as chief briefcase carrier and body man.

They are discussing their next set of strategies on how to blame Republicans for their War on Women and unborn Girl Babies.  Girl Babies are unanimous in their approval to be terminated before birth,
according to Huma, Hillary, and Miss Flukie


CONFIRMED: Left Wing Plant at Houston

 Pro-Zimmerman Rally Is Far Left Activist

Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, July 23, 2013, 12:04 AM

Guest Post by Kristinn Taylor
Liberal Media runs with it
A photo from the Houston pro-Zimmerman counter-rally of the NBPP
 anti-Zimmerman rally picked up by the AP shows a woman holding
 a sign that read, “Racist & Proud.”
racist proud plant
(New York Daily News – AP)

That looked incongruent with the other reports from the pro-Zimmerman side.
The Houston Chronicle identufied her as Renee Vaughan:
One woman in the Zimmerman group held a sign that said 
, “We’re racist & proud.”
Austin resident Renee Vaughan echoed the sign’s ugly sentiments by yelling, 
“We’re racist. We’re proud. We’re better because we’re white,” 
at the Martin group as they passed, according to the Chronicle.
The act to smear the Zimmerman supporters as racists with a leftist plant worked
 as the photo and comment was picked up and spread worldwide.
Scanning the internet we found that a “Renee Vaughn” from Austin worked for
 a far left environmental group, the Texas Campaign for the Environment.
Renee even has her photo linked to a far left environmental website.
rachel vaughan
Here are two photos of Renee Vaughan side-by-side:
rachel vaughan
Here’s another shot of Renee at a leadership event for community organizing.
She’s standing up front in the wild dress.
rachel eci
It looks like Renee Vaughan was definitely
 a racist leftist plant at the Houston rally.
renee vaughan busted
This is how the left operates, folks. This time they got busted.
UPDATE: Thanks to reader Karadion – here is a photo of Renee Vaughan with the same
 sunglasses she wore while holding the racist sign at the pro-Zimmerman rally.
ughan sunglasses
Yup. They’re the same sunglasses.
vaughan shades
UPDATE: Brandon Darby interviewed Renee Vaughan at the rally. She told him her sign means
 that “there are people here who are racist and apparently think that’s OK. I’m not one of them. I’m being sarcastic.

What would be so difficult.....?

What would be so difficult with responding thusly?
(1)    Listen, your job as a reporter, as best you can understand, and according to your training, is to protect the oppressed and the victims from that heavy, mean-spirited hand of the privileged few.   The nature of your question, "Just how are the children going to receive adequate nutrition during the summer vacation from school?  The Republican budget cuts are visiting hunger to the most vulnerable"....means that you have been programmed by the progressives to blame people that you and they have irrationally determined to be guilty of purposefully causing hunger and misery.
    Your question presupposes that it is somebody's or better yet anybody's responsibility other than the parents of a child to provide for his alimentation.   That is because you are a fool who can be easily tricked.
     The care of children should and must necessarily be the responsibility of the people who brought forth that child.  If such is impossible, then the child should, or even must, be taken up into a public or private care facility to be adopted or to be cared for until reaching the age of eighteen.
     If a second child is brought forth by the same woman, and that child has no other way to receive care, shelter, and/or nutrition, the woman should be clipped so as not to cause any further misery within the population and especially for an innocent child.
    The male of the equation producing a second un-supported child should be tracked down and snipped, so as not to cause any further misery within the population and especially for an innocent child.
(2)     Listen, your question being couched in the absurd terms of 'reproductive rights' is preposterous and fails in terms of compassion and in logic.  We are to worry about the inconvenience a pregnancy has, when we have all form and  manners of pregnancy prevention?
     There are girls who make errors and yet have the innate humane and religious and/or moral sense to go through the mess, trouble, and other major interruptions to a "normal" life....and place a new beautiful child up for adoption.  Some even strive along when two legs and two arms should be four of each.   But they do not resort to ending innocent life.
      When you ask your stupid question about reproductive rights you are actually referring to a process that precludes reproduction in the strictest and most correct sense.  Through elective abortion, reproduction is is ended...the baby is killed dead....and becomes rot.   Not a pianist, not a great baseball player, not a farmer, not a fellow with his own auto repair shop.   The baby becomes dead protoplasm and unfulfilled future.   That is not reproductive...reproductive rights...reproductive wrongs....reproductive anything.   Nothing has been reproduced.
(3)     Your question is charged with assumptions that are only made by fools or by people who are so sophomoric that they think they can sneak a really cool point past a political Neanderthal.   Your question bespeaks of the mind and heart of a fool so perfectly that you are probably incapable of understanding the point I shall make.   The reason that the panoply of public assistance is not a good thing is because it is better to make a man...or any person...uncomfortable in his or her poverty.    Once a person gains the bottom rung of public assistance, he or she learns quickly that there is such an abundance that is seems arranged so as to reward sloth.  Aid to Families with Dependent Children, Medicaid, Food Stamps, Free cellular telephones, public housing and/or Section 8 rent subsidy, Women's, Infants', and Children's Nutrition, school breakfast-lunch- snack and summer feeding program.   This is not to mention essentially free "school" , although schools are nothing like what schools were not so many years ago.   Fewer than 5% of to-day's "students" could pass the basic 8th Grade Proficiency Exam of the early 1900s....which served as the benchmark or equivalent of a high school diploma in many States.  The so-called "students" of to-day's public schools know useless things, and believe dysfunctional things, and have lost moral bearing and believe that they are entitled to some form of comfort that they have not earned.   It is because they have teachers who are trained to be "professionals" instead of having educators who have responded to a calling.
     The approach of the "Progressives" to the "problems" of the "exploited and brutalised classes" has those results that are best observed in settings such as Detroit, or almost any inner city of any sizeable urban area in the United States, and for that matter anywhere in the world where the people have been fed demagoguery and welfare crumbs.   There is nothing quite as expensive in the medium and long run as free medical, food, accommodation, and walking around money.
     To round out your silly point, it is axiomatic that if "free"  money is thrown at any situation, the situation does not, will not,  improve.   What happens is, with the extra money, the problem will become worse.   More people and businesses will seek to take advantage of the free money.   It is horridly corrupting, the idea that a central government or any government can give away "free money" and think that such a manoeuvre would not thoroughly corrupt everyone who touched the filthy greenback lucre.
(4)     Your question is drawn from a form of dull hostility that points up your stupidity, and the perfect combination of your stupidity with a well-developed ignorance of almost all things.   When the Senator asked a question in a party to a man celebrating his 100th birthday, "Don't you think that we'd all be better off if we could go back to when you were runnin' for President, Strom?'' do you know anything about Strom Thurmond?
     No, of course not.   This man jumped out of an glider-airplane behind German lines on 6 June 1944,,,when he was a 44 - year old Lt. Colonel, leading a battalion into battle.   And that, 16 years before, in 1928 he was the Attorney General of the State of South Carolina.   He drafted and ran through the South Carolina legislature a bill that would prohibit people covering their faces, especially during night-time hours when found in the company of 2 or more others also covering their faces.   Daytime restrictions were also put into place.  The bill also prohibited riding and/or driving while having the face covered, or riding horseback, or in any form of vehicle be it a wagon, buggy, or dreyage of any sort.
    The bill was aimed against the Ku Klux Klan.   It lived for about 6 years before being overturned by the United States Supreme Court.  Strom Thurmond was an adamant enemy of the Ku Klux Klan.
    Did you, as a reporter, ever risk your life and career to fight the Ku Klux Klan and Adolf Hitler, or have you been more concerned about Miss Sandra Fluke's access to other peoples' money so that she can have free birth control alternatives?
     Did you know that this person calling me down because I was humouring a 100 year old man on his birthday, ran a shakedown being fronted by a girl by the name of Tawana Brawley who levelled false allegations against some cops in New York.   He was sued for defamation and lost the case and was order to pay a sizeable settlement...which he has never done.  But he trundles down to Mississippi to jump on my bones for humouring an old man.   An Old Man who did more for the White and Black race than he (Al Sharpton) has ever done or will ever do.    And we are just getting started with this case of Strom Thurmond.   And how do I explain something to someone as ignorant and stupid as you?   Your only job is to go around being judgemental of people and traditions about which you know nothing and understand less.
    We put this into the arena at this time so that perhaps....perhaps....the GOP can gather up enough gumption to tell the Obsolete Media that they will not be hosing, moderating, or even be involved in the audience during any stupid GOP presidential primary debates.  It the Elephants had as much intelligence as their African, Indian, and Circus brethren, they would have exclusively one on one...with a lengthy interview of each candidate for a couple of hours over the period of about three weeks in February, March, and early April of 2016.
    Look at what that hideous woman did to Romney at  the last debate last time.   And please remember the useless grilling....Stephanopolous asking Romney about the war on women and the issue of birth control pills....and all the minefields and tank-traps they put out during the primary "debates".   There is nothing to be gained, and there is everything to be gained by denying even the premises of almost all the Obsolete Medias' questions and snarky set-ups.
We retire from the field even as the smoke continues to shroud the who holds the advantage.   To-morrow we shall prepare the attack anew and drive the Utopians from the field.
El Gringo Viejo