The following points are seldom reported. It is vogue in these times to disregard the truth and to embrace the falsity. The following is a representation of why the invasion being conducted now across the southern frontier of the Republic of Texas and the United States of America is an accurate grouping of truthful facts. Such information is not and/or cannot be broadcast, printed up in news released, or apparently even be mentioned in public places.
Our nation is evolving into an emasculated social-democracy, quickly retreating into a mindset of accommodation, paying blackmail, sealing our lips that used to speak the truth, of feeling guilt for being successful and self-supporting. Dark clouds have formed on the near horizon, and those clouds move ever closer with the lightning bolts of judgement and ruin.
This is not a "Migrant" situation - migration comes and goes, as do the birds of
the season. The vast majority of these people coming up do not intend to return.
This is not a "Migrant" situation - migration comes and goes, as do the birds of
the season. The vast majority of these people coming up do not intend to return.
(1) First and foremost, the people flooding up from the Central American states of El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua are not "migrants". They are in my best estimate composed of 80 per cent intentional invaders, parasitic invaders, and criminal invaders. Being very liberal, there might be five (5) per cent who are legitimately seeking immigrant status and permanent adjustment of citizenship to something that is truly American. But, even that figure is probably too liberal.
(a) Intentional invaders are those who arrive just to see what advantage they can take.
(b) Parasitic invaders are those who, with malice aforethought, enter the United States in the condition of pregnancy, or to become pregnant.
Parasitic invaders are the ones who actually hope to gain or keep membership in an anti-social "pandilla" (gang) such as the Mara Salvatrucha 13 or Callejon 18, or one of the scores of farm-teams that co-ordinate with the larger menace. Crime is fun, and it pays a lot, and it allows a person to hate Americans and kill and wound them…and then you die. It's a good life.
Parasitic invaders are the ones who actually hope to gain or keep membership in an anti-social "pandilla" (gang) such as the Mara Salvatrucha 13 or Callejon 18, or one of the scores of farm-teams that co-ordinate with the larger menace. Crime is fun, and it pays a lot, and it allows a person to hate Americans and kill and wound them…and then you die. It's a good life.
And there are the lone-wolf criminal Parasitics who specialise as single or very small cell operators…holding up primarily convenience stores and stealing motor cars.
(c) People from the aforementioned nations who are hunting down other fellow citizens who promised to send money back to repay a loan, or who stole something from a friend or relative before sneaking away from home under cover of darkness and heading north.
(d) It is difficult for commonly decent people to comprehend that, especially in terms of El Salvador and Honduras, one-third or more of the male population is directly involved in criminal activity. Once they arrive onto United States soil, they will be shadowed and before 90 days has passed in Newark or Chattanooga or Oneida or Dalhart they will be given a choice to become involved with the gang or face the consequences (death or serious disfigurement). The females will fare little better…most of them will be shadowed by madams and "padrotes"and a large percentage will be involved in prostitution within 24 months.
(e) Each reader of this Broadside must accept this Apologia:
The writer is a person who has property in Mexico. My wife and I went through considerable efforts, formalities, deposits of considerable amount, payments for purchase of significance, and quite legal payments as required by the law and the Notary Public endorsements (an NP in Mexico is similar to what might be called a lawyer / judge with authority of record over transactions of considerable value).
We have paid the taxes, improved the property, and been a positive inclusion in the locale where we built our home. The writer is a person who did considerable University study as well as life experience and business in Mexico. We remain constant in staying fresh concerning matters pertaining Mexico and Latin America, (especially Mexico). He is the fourth in generation, beginning in the 1880s, of people who invested and relied in and upon Mexico and Mexicans.
His wife, and therefore his children and grandchildren, are both colonial Spanish (1580s- Monclova - Carvajal y de la Cueva) and Texian (Escandon period - north of the Rio Bravo - 1760), and by her my grandchildren are 15th generation Texian. By this writer they are 7th or 8th, at this point I lose count. We are not immigrants to New England or Espana Nueva. We were and are colonials.
We are definitively not racists or bigots. We are Caucasian. It is neither blessing nor curse. It is simply from whence we came…we have been here since the first batch of ships sailed. It is not our fault, it is not our blessing, nor is it a curse upon us. What we are witnessing here in the McAllen and Hidalgo County area of Southernmost Texas is a tragedy and an insult to the most profound degree. It is a sacrilege…it is an arrogance that consumes people so presumido that they think the law pertaineth not to them… that their specialness is somehow greater than that of the people who are here and who have helped in every flood, earthquake, and contretemps that has transpired.
And now we are beset upon by people who have ruined three beautiful countries and turned them into ruin and avarice.
Nicaragua will fall next, due to the stupidity and corruption of the Ortega Brand. Take over a country with a strong man (Samoza) who is arrogant, if well meaning, drive him out, murder him with a hired gun in the United States, and then put Nicaragua on the downhill track with the Ortega Brand.
Nicaragua is full of gold, oil, fish, tourism, vegetable and tropical fruit farming, silver, stunning geographic, Oh Mien Gott!! And guess what…it is becoming the new Honduras.
It is like Puerto Rico…the corruptos corrupt everything before, during, and after the hurricane…and then blame their own sloth, stupidity, corruption, and vice on…Trump?
Truly a wonderland comes upon us.
Our humble little mud hut |
(e) Each reader of this Broadside must accept this Apologia:
The writer is a person who has property in Mexico. My wife and I went through considerable efforts, formalities, deposits of considerable amount, payments for purchase of significance, and quite legal payments as required by the law and the Notary Public endorsements (an NP in Mexico is similar to what might be called a lawyer / judge with authority of record over transactions of considerable value).
We have paid the taxes, improved the property, and been a positive inclusion in the locale where we built our home. The writer is a person who did considerable University study as well as life experience and business in Mexico. We remain constant in staying fresh concerning matters pertaining Mexico and Latin America, (especially Mexico). He is the fourth in generation, beginning in the 1880s, of people who invested and relied in and upon Mexico and Mexicans.
His wife, and therefore his children and grandchildren, are both colonial Spanish (1580s- Monclova - Carvajal y de la Cueva) and Texian (Escandon period - north of the Rio Bravo - 1760), and by her my grandchildren are 15th generation Texian. By this writer they are 7th or 8th, at this point I lose count. We are not immigrants to New England or Espana Nueva. We were and are colonials.
We are definitively not racists or bigots. We are Caucasian. It is neither blessing nor curse. It is simply from whence we came…we have been here since the first batch of ships sailed. It is not our fault, it is not our blessing, nor is it a curse upon us. What we are witnessing here in the McAllen and Hidalgo County area of Southernmost Texas is a tragedy and an insult to the most profound degree. It is a sacrilege…it is an arrogance that consumes people so presumido that they think the law pertaineth not to them… that their specialness is somehow greater than that of the people who are here and who have helped in every flood, earthquake, and contretemps that has transpired.
And now we are beset upon by people who have ruined three beautiful countries and turned them into ruin and avarice.
Nicaragua will fall next, due to the stupidity and corruption of the Ortega Brand. Take over a country with a strong man (Samoza) who is arrogant, if well meaning, drive him out, murder him with a hired gun in the United States, and then put Nicaragua on the downhill track with the Ortega Brand.
Nicaragua is full of gold, oil, fish, tourism, vegetable and tropical fruit farming, silver, stunning geographic, Oh Mien Gott!! And guess what…it is becoming the new Honduras.
It is like Puerto Rico…the corruptos corrupt everything before, during, and after the hurricane…and then blame their own sloth, stupidity, corruption, and vice on…Trump?
Truly a wonderland comes upon us.
Corrections must be made.
The idea of receiving anyone coming up to the frontier of Texas
or the United States without an entrance Visa in hand that has been issued by the American
Embassy or appropriate consular office of the United States of America is insulting.
Corrections must be made.
The idea of receiving anyone coming up to the frontier of Texas
or the United States without an entrance Visa in hand that has been issued by the American
Embassy or appropriate consular office of the United States of America is insulting.
(2) There will be no improvement even when the above conditions are cured, as if by miracle. The reason nothing will be permanently cured is because of the curse of the notion of Sanctity of Nativity on Terra Americanus Sanctus. The notion that a female of the species can come across the Rio Grande and stagger into a midwifery and whelp…and thereby qualify as being the mother of a United States of America or Republic of Texas person is patently offensive.
(a) The simple passage of a statute rescinding this legal regulation will eradicate the parasitical, bloodsucking tidal wave of girls and women coming here to whelp, and thereby gain Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), rental subsidies or free housing, SNAP (food stamps) the famous feed-the-fat programme, free schooling (meals included) beginning at pre-kindergarten until the child drops out and/or joins a pandilla (gang), MedicAide, and various other "free" goodies they can shake down the politicians who then shake down the productive class so that slobs, invaders, and parasites can live "free".
And before the sensitive and caring class cries foul and puffs up with indignation, the above scenario is exactly what happened with the last amnesty, during the latter part of the 1980s…right along with "chain-migration", whereby the third cousin of the mistress of a person's great-uncle's fourth common-law wife somehow qualifies to come in under the "Family Umbrella".
(b) Anyone who is intercepted after illegally crossing the International Boundary between Canada or Mexico and the United States or Texas will be guilty of illegal entry. All foreigners and returning Americans and/or Texans must report through established ports of entry. This same requirement is enforced by the Mexicans for their Republic and the Canadians for their Dominion.
A further set of conditions should, must, and will be:
(c) Furthermore, the fact is the great majority of the Latin element in Texas that is legally naturalised, native-born and/or of colonial extraction in Texas are fuming about these accommodations. The Mexican who came in during the various Wars and served and chose the option of taking American citizenship due to military service, the native born people of Mexican / Spanish ancestry, and the people who went through the arduous studies and expenses to gain that coveted Naturalisation Certificate (a truly imposing and elegant document meaning much) are fuming about these arrogant invaders who see themselves as entitled to other people's assets.
The bar becomes quiet, but then they start again. "The Gringo is right. But we still have to keep complaining. It's only the squeaky wheel that gets the grease." And that is the realistic nature of the people. It is said that Monterrey began to separate from the Third World back in the 1890s after a huge cholera epidemic. The Grand Poobahs of the area…all Spanish / Jewish industrialists and English engineers, decided to install a pure, potable water system throughout all the cities of what is known as the "Regiomontano" (Mountainous Kingdom). Part of that installation included the establishment of a brewery…Cerveceria Cuauhtemoc…that provided a very decent beer by the name of Carta Blanca. It is still brewed to this day. The Business, part of a family held conglomerate, has bought and owns several Beer trademarks, and it continues to produce the old fashioned stuff. Along with Carta Blanca, there is are other brands and recipes that have been incorporated over the years. Among are labels such as Tecate, Bohemia, and Victoria and a few others. The Cerveceria Cuauhtemoc is a multi-billion dollar operation that is affiliated with the "Grupo Alfa", a combination of seven or eight huge industries with similar sales characteristics. It is good to remember, for instance, that Cementos Mexicanos is the largest cement operation in the World, and its home is Monterrey.
(a) The simple passage of a statute rescinding this legal regulation will eradicate the parasitical, bloodsucking tidal wave of girls and women coming here to whelp, and thereby gain Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), rental subsidies or free housing, SNAP (food stamps) the famous feed-the-fat programme, free schooling (meals included) beginning at pre-kindergarten until the child drops out and/or joins a pandilla (gang), MedicAide, and various other "free" goodies they can shake down the politicians who then shake down the productive class so that slobs, invaders, and parasites can live "free".
And before the sensitive and caring class cries foul and puffs up with indignation, the above scenario is exactly what happened with the last amnesty, during the latter part of the 1980s…right along with "chain-migration", whereby the third cousin of the mistress of a person's great-uncle's fourth common-law wife somehow qualifies to come in under the "Family Umbrella".
(b) Anyone who is intercepted after illegally crossing the International Boundary between Canada or Mexico and the United States or Texas will be guilty of illegal entry. All foreigners and returning Americans and/or Texans must report through established ports of entry. This same requirement is enforced by the Mexicans for their Republic and the Canadians for their Dominion.
A further set of conditions should, must, and will be:
...that there be no application, verbally or otherwise, for "amnesty".
…that there will be no deferred adjudication with a date given for return for
a hearing by magistrate. Agents of the Customs and Immigration and / or the
Border Patrol will determine the time and place and manner of repatriation, not
adjudication. To the extent possible the illegal alien(s) will depart for home in
three days.
…that there be no guarantee of any kind concerning children…Any child whose
adult companion(s) cannot demonstrate proof of parentage or legal authority for
minor child will be removed into protective, and perhaps permanent, custody.
Undeniable extraction of DNA samples will be made without exception.
…any funds or valuables borne by the offending illegal alien will be removed
from the possession of the offender and used to pay for repatriation to his/her
country origin. Any remaining value will be forwarded via Western Union.
…the attempt to return or to file for a visa during the subsequent five years to the
initial expulsion and repatriation order will result in that person being declared
a persona non grata in perpetuum …no if's, and's or but's.
(c) Furthermore, the fact is the great majority of the Latin element in Texas that is legally naturalised, native-born and/or of colonial extraction in Texas are fuming about these accommodations. The Mexican who came in during the various Wars and served and chose the option of taking American citizenship due to military service, the native born people of Mexican / Spanish ancestry, and the people who went through the arduous studies and expenses to gain that coveted Naturalisation Certificate (a truly imposing and elegant document meaning much) are fuming about these arrogant invaders who see themselves as entitled to other people's assets.
We include the list below, with the names of certain entities to be considered by the reader. One might notice the grouping of Roman Catholic and Jesuit or Jesuit-related organisations. All those using the term Catholic or Roman Catholic or Jesuit are members of the Liberation Theology movement…as is the most recently elevated Pope. The group Pop No'J is a secular cultural organisation, and seems to be more dedicated to developing a strong Mayan culture integrated with the general culture in Guatemala. I find no real marxist positioning or leftist agenda with that organisation. All the rest, including the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation, which is virulently anti-American and pro-socialist / marxist, are actively helping push the idea of "storming the American border".
We have taken clips and phrases from their own words, taken from a newspaper article published very recently. The entire article was pretty much oriented towards the point that the poverty and disorder in Central America was due to the gluttony of the American public and the existence of Climate Destroying industry and the indolence of the billionaires and millionaires.
We have taken clips and phrases from their own words, taken from a newspaper article published very recently. The entire article was pretty much oriented towards the point that the poverty and disorder in Central America was due to the gluttony of the American public and the existence of Climate Destroying industry and the indolence of the billionaires and millionaires.
(a) Smugglers often paint a misleading picture about conditions on the U.S.-Mexico border and U.S. immigration laws, says Carlos López, who manages a migrant shelter in Guatemala City run by the Catholic Scalabrinian Missionaries.
(b) “Many people left because the coyotes said that children were an entry pass,” said Agradeli Martínez, whose father, Justo, left in March for the U.S. with her 14-year-old sister.
(c) Some 1.3 million people in Guatemala were affected between June and August by the severe drought, according to the U.N.’s Food and Agriculture Organisation. “We can’t underestimate the impact of recent droughts in the region to explain why people are leaving. Climate change is a factor,” says Úrsula Roldán, an immigration expert at Guatemala’s Rafael Landívar University.
(d) Guatemalans tend to avoid caravans because they know Mexico better, migration experts say. “They are invisible in Mexico,” says Andrea Villaseñor, head of the Mexican chapter of the Jesuit Refugee Service, which provides shelter and aid to migrants across the world.
“Most Guatemalans keep traveling the traditional way, with smugglers. That makes it more difficult for Mexican authorities to detect them,” says Juan José Hurtado, the head of Pop Noj, a pro-migrant nonprofit.
(e) They also have stronger family networks in the U.S., and relatives willing to help with money to hire coyotes. They go straight from southern Mexico to U.S. border crossings without relying on shelters as much as other migrants, says Joanna Williams of the Kino Border Initiative, a binational Catholic organization that aids migrants in Arizona and the Mexican border state of Sonora.
(f) Mexico is struggling to contain a surge of Central American migrants making their way to the U.S. border that has been fuelled by a softening of Mexican migration policies and a severe drought in Guatemala, something that is no longer totally true.
(g) Every day, during times of normalcy, two or three million Mexicans come across the international boundary. They come from the organised classes, they have their American Entry permit Visa, they have a Credencial Electoral Federal, and the Pasaporte de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos in hand…
They come in, go about their business, and cause no real problem. Some stay longer, some go to Las Vegas or Disneyland, some just spend a day or maybe three, shopping the malls and the nice downtown area of McAllen. During Holy Week, South Padre Island changes its name to San Pedro Island, so named because San Pedro de Garza Garcia is the suburban city adjacent to Monterrey where 500,000 millionaires and billionaires live…it is the wealthiest city in Latin America. Albeit a bit arrogant, they are also quite friendly and open and inclusive…they are "migrants" because they come and go by the seasons … or the three and four day weekends.
The Monterrey metroplex is about 5,000,000 strong. About 10% are stunningly wealthy. About 70% are in various positions of the middle-class…blue-collar, technicians, doctors, teachers, small business, huge business and so forth. It is a very industrious place. Similar places are Tampico metroplex, Saltillo, Torreon, Ciudad Victoria, San Luis Potosi, just to name a very, very few.
The Monterrey metroplex is not a perfect place. However, it is a really nice place to be. The people groan and complain continuously, but sometimes I have to point out to them how far they have come in a relatively short period of time.
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This is a downtown-most view of Monterrey very Centre - the Macro Plaza - with the emblem Cerro de la Silla (Saddleback Mountain) and the Cathedral to the right. It is said that on any given Sunday there might be 1,000,000 people enjoy the 99 acre downtown Plaza. _________________________________ |
This to the left is a scene on the west side of the Monterrey Metroplex. It is the Chipinque part of that section of the Sierra Madre Oriental Mountain range. Oddly enough, the view being seen actually is looking over the "Seven Cities" and the entire metroplex.
It is part of the contradictions one runs across when travelling or doing business in Mexico…whether it be the North or the Central or the Indian areas or the Mestizo and/or White areas. It behooves one to take seriously the advice of the old blowhard down at the end of the bar when he says,"Whenever you hear someone say, 'All Mexicans…'…one should stop listening." In my opinion that advice was well rendered and has served me during my travels and interaction with people who have very different and very similar positions and attitudes as the Gringos in general.
It is part of the contradictions one runs across when travelling or doing business in Mexico…whether it be the North or the Central or the Indian areas or the Mestizo and/or White areas. It behooves one to take seriously the advice of the old blowhard down at the end of the bar when he says,"Whenever you hear someone say, 'All Mexicans…'…one should stop listening." In my opinion that advice was well rendered and has served me during my travels and interaction with people who have very different and very similar positions and attitudes as the Gringos in general.