We have wailed and moaned about this matter, perhaps frequently or even too frequently. We awaken after another weekend, already aware that the Houston Astros failed to sweep the Dodgers late last night. And we had picked up on old news that is newly reposting the same old stuff because it is new stuff, and because, "If it bleeds, it leads!".
Ah! Chicago…melting pot…but one where the ingredients of the stew almost never, finally, and resolutely become an agreeable gruel. The Poles are here, the Germans there, the Jews are found in this or that place. The Negroes are on the inside and the Saxons are on the edge, and the Italians have knives, guns, and submachine guns. Over-generalisations all…but…
Someone like Alphonse Capone can become some sort of royalty, principally by leaving somewhere between 900 and 2,500 dead bodies in Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and especially
Chicago! Most of this was due to the necessity to protect Alphonse Capone's control of the delivery of Johnny Barleycorn's Plenty, mainly from Canada: spirits…hooch…the lubricant of society. After all, Carrie Nations and Margaret Sanger and my gran-gran-mere Mary Catherine Howe and all nature of social-controlistas declared that demon-likker was and is bad for men. Of course, Women can hide their bottles in some recess of a bank of cabinets or on some upper shelf of the darkened kitchen pantry. Men, however, have hairy legs, smell bad, and use their hooch in covered, but public, places like saloons. Shame on them.
Chicago can be romanticised, perhaps, but almost any place with more than 500,000 people can be romanticised, even if Mrs. O'Leary couldn't keep her cows in check. One thing has not changed, however, as Chicago grew and became the dominant metropolitan area over a large swath of America. With the Republicans of the 1920s - 1930s and with the Democrats of the 1960s through to the present, Chicago remains corrupt, essentially to the core. And Capone's death toll is dwarfed by the 7,000 or more men, women, and children that the "neighbourhood gangs" have piled up during the same length of time just in south and west Chicago. Blessed Virgin Intervene!
The southern half of the city is now substantially in the hands of gangs, almost all are young black men who are third and fourth generation public assistance people…most with no fathers. The schools are graduating 12th graders who are scoring 2nd and 3rd grade levels…it is truly a place of horrors, violence, cultural decay, and…to be sure…the steady not-so-slow slide into anarchy. These are not just words to be assembled to make a point…they are words that have been assembled to properly define the fact that Chicago is, in fifth part, completely eaten out from the inside. The only surprise to this observer is that it is not worse than the present condition.
To-morrow or the day after it will be.
Chicago! Most of this was due to the necessity to protect Alphonse Capone's control of the delivery of Johnny Barleycorn's Plenty, mainly from Canada: spirits…hooch…the lubricant of society. After all, Carrie Nations and Margaret Sanger and my gran-gran-mere Mary Catherine Howe and all nature of social-controlistas declared that demon-likker was and is bad for men. Of course, Women can hide their bottles in some recess of a bank of cabinets or on some upper shelf of the darkened kitchen pantry. Men, however, have hairy legs, smell bad, and use their hooch in covered, but public, places like saloons. Shame on them.
Chicago can be romanticised, perhaps, but almost any place with more than 500,000 people can be romanticised, even if Mrs. O'Leary couldn't keep her cows in check. One thing has not changed, however, as Chicago grew and became the dominant metropolitan area over a large swath of America. With the Republicans of the 1920s - 1930s and with the Democrats of the 1960s through to the present, Chicago remains corrupt, essentially to the core. And Capone's death toll is dwarfed by the 7,000 or more men, women, and children that the "neighbourhood gangs" have piled up during the same length of time just in south and west Chicago. Blessed Virgin Intervene!
The southern half of the city is now substantially in the hands of gangs, almost all are young black men who are third and fourth generation public assistance people…most with no fathers. The schools are graduating 12th graders who are scoring 2nd and 3rd grade levels…it is truly a place of horrors, violence, cultural decay, and…to be sure…the steady not-so-slow slide into anarchy. These are not just words to be assembled to make a point…they are words that have been assembled to properly define the fact that Chicago is, in fifth part, completely eaten out from the inside. The only surprise to this observer is that it is not worse than the present condition.
To-morrow or the day after it will be.
The violence reached a peak early Sunday, when 30 people were shot in a three-hour span between midnight and 3 a.m., an average of one every five minutes or so. Eight of the shootings during that period had three or more victims. Over the weekend, 14 children were shot and two, both 17, died. The youngest victim was 11 and the oldest was 62. The shootings were concentrated on the west and south of the city, leaving the downtown area, where thousands attended the Lollapalooza music concert, largely unaffected.
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This is not a family get-together… but unfortunately, in a way, it has become such. |
This problem will not be solved within the next 60 - 100 years. The problem is not that people are shooting other people without any concern about the niceties of minimising civilian casualties or frightening millions of people to the point of apoplexy every night, every day, and especially during week-ends.
The problem is that there is a large body of participants in what is essentially a guerrilla war, conducted by people who have no sense of morality…no direction with clear yes and no, good and bad, up or down choices that should be easily and readily made by the numerous perpetrators of this madness.
All the after-school, pre-school, summer-school, and mid-night basketball (to burn excess energy), food stamps, free rent, free medical, and essentially free money for various things cannot and will not cure this or any other problem on a durable basis. Nay, and a million time nay…it is the cause. On an island isolated, and a dysfunctional socio-cultural code, with a great density of population, nothing good can come of it.
Dependency upon a government dole from Father Abraham is the handiwork of arrogant, vicously racist, leftist politicians who wish to reserve a body of obligated voters, who must of course, vote for their "way of life". Such a "way of life" breeds dependency because it breeds dependent breeding. That isolated and dependent culture has devolved to the point, that starting twenty years ago or so, single men would refer to Janie Talakalwannashabannakana Jackson as ,"…my babymother".
Dependency upon a government dole from Father Abraham is the handiwork of arrogant, vicously racist, leftist politicians who wish to reserve a body of obligated voters, who must of course, vote for their "way of life". Such a "way of life" breeds dependency because it breeds dependent breeding. That isolated and dependent culture has devolved to the point, that starting twenty years ago or so, single men would refer to Janie Talakalwannashabannakana Jackson as ,"…my babymother".
A dolt such as I, or even a black man who had been blessed by a fairly normal upbringing in a standard-issue family could not comprehend what Shaktajakawa was talking about. We had to learn that it meant, "Janie Talakalwannashabannakana Jackson and I made a baby. That baby added on 290 dollars per month to her AFDC, 90 dollars to the 280 she makes from Food Stamps. I helps her make extra money that way, and then she gives me a little 'walking around' money. I pick up a grand or two from my baby mothers every month or so."
And the above scenario is not only common, but it is better than the worst scenario. That setting is one of a woman, stoned by meth and/or oxycotin and/or heroin, near death, a true walking zombie with stairstep babies aged 2, 3, 5, and 6. One was taken by her brother when he left and went to North Carolina with his wife and two children. He, as the boy's blood uncle, could not stand to see what was happening to all of his nephews and nieces, and so he at least took one, outright and without authority. His sister never even inquired about the boy.
And the above scenario is not only common, but it is better than the worst scenario. That setting is one of a woman, stoned by meth and/or oxycotin and/or heroin, near death, a true walking zombie with stairstep babies aged 2, 3, 5, and 6. One was taken by her brother when he left and went to North Carolina with his wife and two children. He, as the boy's blood uncle, could not stand to see what was happening to all of his nephews and nieces, and so he at least took one, outright and without authority. His sister never even inquired about the boy.
This is not the nature of the establishment of a self-sufficient family that forms the bedrock of a culture of independence, liberty, self-sufficiency, and pride in self and family. It is not enough to be proud of being Black. It is not enough to be proud of being Caucasian. It is not enough to be proud of being born any particular colour or race.
The only thing that brings true and reasonable pride is the formation of true and solid families, composed of a mother and father, with children who are guided, pointed, cared for, disciplined, and given a certain and demanding moral catechism, be it Protestant or Roman Catholic or traditional orthodox (Anglican, Greek, etc.), or from the Temple. Those are the ties that bind. Those are the ties that point the way to social, cultural, and financial progress to the participant.
The only chance there is to salvage this problem is to understand, first of all, that it will be the labour of two, three, or four generations. It will also be fought by all the forces that have caused the problem, such as the Southern Poverty Law Centre, leftist vote-buyers (with other peoples' money), the American Civil Liberties Union, and every Jeremiah Wright - Jesse Jackson - Al Sharpton - Farakhan Charlatan Association member, and Black Lives Matter - styled group…all these agencies and individuals who require a dependent and disengaged class of zombies to lead around.
The jackals, buzzards, and charlatans who have invented this mass of hapless humanity are
reaping the whirlwind, and hiding behind the curtain provided by a compliant, marxist press that still hopes that entities and organisations such as Maduro, Raul, Ortega, Lula, Barry Soetoro, the National Socialist Democratic German Workers' Party, the Bolsheviks, George Soros, the Annenberg Foundation (and similars) can save the World from itself. They, along with the zombie factories that pass for "universities and colleges", and churches that concern themselves with the secular when they should be pointing the way to the sacred are all part of the Witches' Stew of cultural poison.
And, sorry, FactCheck…but Soros did say it, proudly and openly in Germany, four years ago…and he has funded BLM, ACORN, Occupy Wall Street, and was instrumental in the bussing and other transport and support for the Ferguson Rioters and Looters. Truth sometimes hurts the evil.
The only thing that brings true and reasonable pride is the formation of true and solid families, composed of a mother and father, with children who are guided, pointed, cared for, disciplined, and given a certain and demanding moral catechism, be it Protestant or Roman Catholic or traditional orthodox (Anglican, Greek, etc.), or from the Temple. Those are the ties that bind. Those are the ties that point the way to social, cultural, and financial progress to the participant.
The only chance there is to salvage this problem is to understand, first of all, that it will be the labour of two, three, or four generations. It will also be fought by all the forces that have caused the problem, such as the Southern Poverty Law Centre, leftist vote-buyers (with other peoples' money), the American Civil Liberties Union, and every Jeremiah Wright - Jesse Jackson - Al Sharpton - Farakhan Charlatan Association member, and Black Lives Matter - styled group…all these agencies and individuals who require a dependent and disengaged class of zombies to lead around.
The jackals, buzzards, and charlatans who have invented this mass of hapless humanity are
reaping the whirlwind, and hiding behind the curtain provided by a compliant, marxist press that still hopes that entities and organisations such as Maduro, Raul, Ortega, Lula, Barry Soetoro, the National Socialist Democratic German Workers' Party, the Bolsheviks, George Soros, the Annenberg Foundation (and similars) can save the World from itself. They, along with the zombie factories that pass for "universities and colleges", and churches that concern themselves with the secular when they should be pointing the way to the sacred are all part of the Witches' Stew of cultural poison.
And, sorry, FactCheck…but Soros did say it, proudly and openly in Germany, four years ago…and he has funded BLM, ACORN, Occupy Wall Street, and was instrumental in the bussing and other transport and support for the Ferguson Rioters and Looters. Truth sometimes hurts the evil.
In short, it is necessary to remove and imprison the parties who are involved in gang and/or organised crime of any kind. Then it will be necessary to steadily, and somewhat quickly, implement a primary and secondary scholastic schedule of eight or nine grades.
It will be necessary to involve the new wave of children in charity work, and to cleave unto a spiritual support module of some sort…even Unitarian, if need be…but preferably a spiritual house with the power of an old fashioned Negro Baptist Church Choir…or the august influence of an ancient Anglican or Roman standard mass…and subsequent community work and "looking after the elderly and infirmed" activity. Organised sports…especially baseball, basketball, and football, tennis, and swimming along with musical studies and accomplishments can exhaust and edify a child and give that girl or boy who participates the sense of accomplishment and fulfillment he or she deserve to have in this life.
It would be a long haul, difficult to "allow to happen", because this type of cure has to be as unstructured as possible, and as goal - objective - centred such as we have not seen since the 1950s. I know that it is very much a pipe-dream, but what has been done for the last forty years has become the cancer that will kill America and Texas. Continuing on this path will leave us with Boko Haram, "Palestine", Honduras, and Venezuela as better alternatives. We can watch Europe crumble before our eyes at this time because of their increasing sloth and commitment to some form of false political correctness..
Thanks for the time and attention you have given to this very, very serious cultural crisis.
El Gringo Viejo