As a Confederate, I reserve some objection to this Anthem. However the Anthem does recognise the Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth, and all things visible and invisible. It has become, by accident, a National Hymn of sorts.
Young people of a school choir rose from their airplane seats and dedicated this Song of Majestic Celebration to an American KIA whose remains were being repatriated to the United States from a cemetery in Europe.
They did not know, care, or ask if the remains were that of an American Indian, a Negro, a Caucasian, Jew, Christian or an agnostic. They did not care. He was a hero and a close relative to those who lost him as he fought one of the most hideous cultural contaminants in the known history of mankind.
Mix into that batter that the ones who were singing are young people who recognised in this event something greater than themselves. They rose and did something that in many ways made them equal to the hero they were honouring.
It seems that every time my soul wilts and turns inward, some single entity comes along to say, "Please, just a few more steps. We can make it."