The Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM) has issued an urgent warning pertaining to the infestation of cockroaches known as "navigators" in the lexicon of the Obama Socialised Medicine Initiative (OSMI). We have followed this terrible plague.....worse than the locusts announced by Moses....as the availability of the "free medical'' services infrastructure began to be established. The TNM is concerned almost exclusively with matters that affect Texas.
It was known that the old ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) was being integrated into the front lines of in-take clerks for the OSMI clients and gimmeslugs. This is a really neat deal because it combines the triple moral corruption of setting up a free government service, with money taken forcibly from the productive, to be administered by people with a proven criminal and nefarious background of voter fraud, extortion, and inappropriate administration of public funds. ACORN was so embroiled in so many criminal activities that it was finally forced to disband, and the two brothers....both communist organisers with close ties to Obama, Jerrod, and the Annenberg Foundation (Bill Ayers, anyone?). The old "community organising" group was gradually re-established under other names in various places, essentially playing The Phoenix while the American people underwent the standard fortnight of lobotomy.
To wit:
Obamacare Brings Organized Crime To Texas
The Democrat Party and the Obama Administration have brought 'Texas sized' fraud and organized crime to Texas in an unprecedented way as was reported today in the National Review article online: The Truth About Navigators, by John Fund - http://www.nationalreview.com/article/363699/truth-about-navigators-john-fund
To wit:
Obamacare Brings Organized Crime To Texas
The under-cover video is incontrovertible evidence that the 'Navigators' are operating in Texas as a criminal enterprise and are apparently using fraud and deceit to encourage Texans to defraud the federal government and become criminal accomplices as a result of the explicit instructions of these people operating under the auspices of the federal government and the Democrat Party.
We already knew that several branches of Planned Parenthood have received hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants to serve as Obamacare “navigators,” defined as “an in-person resource for Americans who want additional assistance in shopping for and enrolling” in Obamacare insurance plans. National Review reports that another such navigator is a group started by ACORN founder Wade Rathke.
Federal funding of ACORN-related groups was banned in 2009 after the organization was caught on video by James O’Keefe coaching people in illegal activities. Fox News reports:
The government has given out $67 million in Navigator grants to help with the controversial rollout of ObamaCare. It was not clear if Local 100 got a grant of its own, but it has set up a help center with Southern United Neighborhoods, a charity founded in March 2010 with many former ACORN members, to enroll people in ObamaCare. Southern United Neighborhoods received a Navigator grant of $486,123.
That $486,123 was for the Louisiana branch of Southern United Neighborhoods, which also won grant money for its branches in Arkansas ($270,193) and Texas ($600,678).
Rathke hasn’t tweeted much about Obamacare aside from links to his blog, where we learned Oct. 1 that “once you answer the first simple questions and enter your information, you will get a real-time, meaning virtually immediate, response if you are enrolling on-line.” Sounds great!
We have a soft spot in our gall bladders for ACORN, remembering their effective voter registration procedures. designed to clog up registrars' offices with Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck applications, along with thousands upon thousands of real, unqualified, multiple-registered individuals. There is literally no way for normal people to calculate how many ACORN Zombie voters there were / are who have voted multiple times in how many elections. It is not in doubt however that ACORN involved people have been found in possession of scores of actual active and valid voters' registrations. We mean, like one person in possession of 10 or 15 valid registrations. If an organisation can pull off three or four hundred individuals being so equipped, then it becomes a very valuable tool such as in the case of the Al Franken Minnesota Senatorial debacle of the election in 2008.
For instance:
For instance:
(Sourced by John Lott
Senator Al Franken likely owes his Senate victory to felons. With a razor thin victory over Senator Norm Coleman in 2008 of just 312 votes, felons convicted of crimes such as murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assaults may have given Democrats the filibuster proof sixtieth vote that allowed Obamacare to be passed. Americans have good reason to ask how this could happen.
Consider this: A conservative watchdog group Minnesota Majority has gone through voting records reportedly finding that at least 341 convicted felons voted illegally in just two of Minnesota's 87 counties during the 2008 general election. Undoubtedly other felons voted illegally in other counties. After culling through 500 initial allegations of felons illegally voting, the Ramsey County Attorney's Office told The Minneapolis Star Tribune Monday that they are seriously investigating about 180 cases. Another 28 felons have already been charged. Hennepin county, which includes Minneapolis, winnowed 451 initial cases down to 216 that they are still looking at. Some other felons have already been charged. Both the Ramsey and Hennepin county attorneys are Democrats.
El Gringo Viejo has to confess that his grandmother, great-grandfather, and great-great grandfather are all buried in the Lakewood Cemetery, Minneapolis, Minnesota in various of several large family lots in the centre of said cemetery. And, yes, my Grandmother, whom I never knew, was a suffragette and a WCTU (gasp). She was a liberal Republican of the Ripon and La Follett order. There, it's been said. But she was a nice girl and very intelligent, in spite of all that.
This employment of old ACORN operatives as integral intake personnel for the OSMI portends nothing but ill for the Republic of Texas. The same awaits our brethren in the American Union.
Thank each of your for your kind attention and investment of time and patience on this day.
El Gringo Viejo