A special salute to all American veterans who have honourably served.
A special shout out to:
Petty Officer David Christian (retired), United States Coast Guard, serving in Baltimore during the Muslim Extremist Assaults
El Zorro USAF (Viet Nam) - Sergeant, jet/tech and special out-of-theatre ops
El Zorro USAF (Viet Nam) - Sergeant, jet/tech and special out-of-theatre ops
Gunnery Sergeant Cesar (retired) Macedonia, Iraq, and Afghanistan
El Gringo Viejo's brother-in-law Sergeant Robert USAF (retired)
Father-in-law who is now with the Angels, Sergeant Jesus, United States Army Air Corps, North Africa
El Gringo Viejo's father, Ist Lieutenant Milton Birchard, United
States Cavalry, Ist Division, 12th Regiment, mounted (now with his
consuegro Jesus, also with the Angels)
El Gringo Viejo's consuegro, Petty Officer John, United States Navy, Mediterranean and World-wide
And to my grandfather's two brothers, Pennsylvania 96th Regiment of Volunteer Infantry, one who died one the month before and the other one month after the Battle at Gettysburg.
And to my several Confederate combat veterans, eleven in total, four of whom were killed in action or died of their wounds at a later point, and seven of whom survived.
(a quiet note to family and friends - my son was left off the list due to my own re-re-re-editing, and failure to note that he had been deleted from the list of honour. He also had the honour of standing in the sleet and snow on the day of the inauguration of George Bush in January of 2001, serving as a traffic and clearance guard. Another oddity, perhaps, is that a fellow with his same Christian Name and his same surname was on board one of the planes that hit the Twin Towers. It was somewhat disconcerting to receive calls and/or emails from various folks who knew that our boy was serving up there in the same area. Pray for America)
(a quiet note to family and friends - my son was left off the list due to my own re-re-re-editing, and failure to note that he had been deleted from the list of honour. He also had the honour of standing in the sleet and snow on the day of the inauguration of George Bush in January of 2001, serving as a traffic and clearance guard. Another oddity, perhaps, is that a fellow with his same Christian Name and his same surname was on board one of the planes that hit the Twin Towers. It was somewhat disconcerting to receive calls and/or emails from various folks who knew that our boy was serving up there in the same area. Pray for America)