Mr. Romney:
No repeal and replace. Repeal only....repeal and rescind.....repeal forever.
No repeal and replace. Repeal only....repeal and rescind.....repeal forever.
The central government has no place in "providing" or "making arrangements for" or "looking after our geezers" or "providing a safety net" or "driving down prices of 'medical care'" or "being pro-active".
Remember the Great Truism Axiom: All sociological and cultural problems being faced by the United States of America at this time have a central government sponsored program at their foundation. All such programs began with the shout-down similar to, "DO YOU THINK THAT A CHILD SHOULD GO HUNGRY?"
Remember the next great Axiom from the Cosmos: All central government programs fail, cost more than originally explained, and are designed for setting up the blaming of conservative and productive elements for being un-caring, stingy, and generally soul-less.
Every two years.
El Gringo Viejo
Every two years.
El Gringo Viejo