Wednesday, 7 March 2012

We need to point out...

     This is not terribly surprizing.   Bill Maher has come out to defend Rush Limbaugh.   El Gringo Viejo thinks that Maher is something of a pitiable personality who at times chokes on his own unreasonable vitriol.  However, his right to say things and not be punished by hypocritical superiors should at least have been considered before they threw him under the bus for saying the same things on the air that his bosses were saying over their martinis in their super-select saloons in Manhattan.
       The Jew-hating atheists of Jewish extraction...almost all marxists, like Saul Alinsky...hate Yahweh and Jews and Christians and Moslems who get along with Jews.   They are a strange lot.  They too were celebrating the destruction of the Twin Towers in those days following 11 September 2001.   El Gringo Viejo hopes, in any regard, that Bill Maher can continue to resist turning to view Sodom or Gomorrah and becoming a pillar of salt.   Come back to your faith, go to a nice conservative synagogue with a good cantor.  Yahweh is patient and Abraham will rejoice in the return of his grandson.   There is hope.
      Bill Maher pointed out that there is something more going on to this story than it might appear (obviously).   He also says that the sponsors withdrawing from Limbaugh are following an unfortunate path.   It is also refreshing to note that the surliness of the martyred Saint Fluke and the hysterical rage and sobbing without tears of the War on Women victims has already begun to stink like dead fish guts.....have they been here three days already?   I thought she was your uncle.

     The Carbonite stock going into collapse is refreshing, as well.   El Gringo Viejo also sent messages of dismay to several of the hypocritical, pinko businesses who sponsor those who attack reason and abandon those who preach reason.
El Gringo Viejo....