Saturday 11 February 2012

Private Message to Santorum

As a favour to your campaign, El Gringo Viejo is going to tell you how to win nomination  as the Republican Party's postulant for the Presidency of the United States.
     (1)       Do not say anything ill of the other candidates.   When attacked only say, I have the greatest respect for my fellow candidates for the nomination.  When pressed, only say something about how you admire each of your opponents.   Point out one of their strong points.

     (2)     Attack Barak Hussein Obama's tragic, hypocritical, marxist record.   Point out that he had two years as a State Senator, two years as a United States Senator, nearly four years as a president, and he accomplished nothing short of the collapse of the currency, the collapse of the notion of self-sufficiency, and perhaps the collapse of the economy.    All community organisers are failed, hateful personalities who wish to destroy and not build. Their mission is to create dependency and not self-sufficiency.

     (3)    Please point out that he told Gov. Jindhl that the oil-workers and others displaced in the Gulf blowout could get by on food-stamps, and how he crippled the deep water operations in the Gulf of Mexico.   Point out how he insulted the Canadians by renigging on a done-deal to transport Canadian oil into the United States.    Point out how, by moving to remedy these two insane actions of self-injurious measures,  the United States could produce 50,000 excellent, full time positions, directly and indirectly, for small contractors, diners, air-freight, motor-freight, saloons, medium and high skilled blue collar people, and cadres of bookkeepers, accountants, supervisors and other white-collar positions.
      Point out that you will, without fail, have on your desk and signed the repeal of the O'bamaham Socialised Medicine Initiative....(do not call it 'Health Care'), Dodd-Frank, all czars, All Fast and Furious type actions,  and ...

     (4)     .....that you will submit a budget for consideration by the House of Representatives calling for a 25% cutback in every budget of the following departments of the central government:   Agriculture, Health and Human Debris Services, Energy, Education, Labour, Commerce, Education, Homeland Security, State, and numerous independent agencies.   These budget "adjustments" will be a prelude to the ultimate closing down of some or all the above entities.

    (5)    Request the passage of legislation reforming the Social Security System into a numbered, private account for all persons under the age of 45.    The contributions made will be 4%  of the employee's wage, taken from his established wage/salary and creditted to his personal account, to be administered by the Texas Teachers' Retirement System or the Texas State Workers Retirement System, since they know how to husband other peoples' retirement funds, and the United States Central Government has demonstrated profoundly that it has nary the least notion.     People 45 through 60 could choose to opt in or stay with the old system.   All Geezers presently receive pensions under the old rules would be stuck in the Ponzi Relief Act of 1933 program.

 Hope (l) and Change (r) with some
friends in the background
      Say these things.   Say them vigorously, and you will win the nomination and the election in November.    If you don't you will be known as "What's his name", the one that ran against Obama like the other what's his name in 2008. 
       If O'bamaham wins, this Shining City on the Mountainside, will become just another favela on some Brazilian hillside, sliding into the muck after a brief rain storm, with thousands of 666 zombie food stamp AFDC entitled people walking around trying to find a piece of food with not-to-much filth or fungus on it.   All the rich people will have been eaten.
     Rich?   Rich was anyone who provided for himself and/or his family.   They are almost all gone now.   Some lucky ones made it to Costa Rica.  There are a few in some small pockets in Mexico and Canada.   In Taiwan and Japan there are radio signals still, likewise in some parts of the British Isles and parts of the Old Commonwealth......not many...but a few, at least.

We are rapidly arriving at the point where the producers will not be able to satisfy the demands of the consumers.  Pray for America.
El Gringo Viejo