One of my favourite examples of the sneering, snickering posturing of marxists who love to denigrate the "American Way of Life" is Pete Seeger's singing of the sarcastic and oh!-so-enlightened social observation of degenerate, dull, America, a song called "Little Boxes" can clique on to the song below.
This picture indicates the success of communism in avoiding the dullness of the American concept of domestic and commercial construction. It makes a guy proud to think that we have such salient, relevant observers of the human condition and the correct path for humanity in the arts. It makes a person wonder, "Where have all the flowers gone?" and all that important stuff. |
Central Pyongyang
You know it's bad when a pro-marxist group like the AP publishes pictures of the "little boxes" brought to us by "housing programs", "urban renewal", "great leaps forward", "Housing and Urban Development" and other "New Slums for Old" programs and shovel ready projects.
Wishing everyone a merry Kwanzaa, the Old Gringo thanks you for your time and patience. And remember, this land is my land, it's not your land, the Department of the Interior expropriated your land because I needed it more than you did. You'll understand, I'm sure, ciao!.
El Gringo Viejo