Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Hot Times in the Old Town.....

      During the afternoon, my neighbour from the Hacienda de La Vega wrote and informed me that it has been interesting over at our place during the last 48 hours.      There is a zone of fires between our places and the community of Miquihuana, Tamaulipas over the cordilleras of the Sierra Madre, about 35 miles (by straight line) to the west of the Quinta Tesoro de la Sierra Madre. 
      So that you all will know a bit of how we speak to one another his message, in Spanish is included in the body of this magnificent contribution to the world of literary endavour.

      Hola David amigo..!
Te has perdido de todo un espectaculo con la seca por aca, como dices los incendios a la orden del dia en TX y Tamaulipas, llevo 2 dias con un par de helicopteros ahi en la presa de santa engracia como base cargando agua y combustible para atacar un incendio arriba del chorrito, la verdad la gente no quiso ir a hidalgo y de ahi estamos armando la estrategia..     traigo un bell 412 y un courier canadiense tirando retardante y agua se han quemado ya 70 has pero calculo controlarlo para el viernes. ya sobrevole varias veces nuestras tierras y urge como dices que lloren los angels...Alvaro esta al pie del cañon y yo andare por alla todos estos dias, si necesitas algo con gusto avisame...estare al pendiente, aca todo bien.
Espero todo este en orden por tu casa y saludos a tu fam...si no llueve pa fin de mes, ora si a bailarle!!
Rafael says...  Hello! David Friend!
     You have lost a total spectacle with the drought here.  As you say the forest fires have become the order of the day in Texas and Tamaulipas.    I carry two days now with a pair of helicopters over there at the irrigation Lake of Santa Engracia ( a 4 square mile impoundment about 3/4's of a mile from our places)    We are using that as a base  for fueling and loading the water.     We are here because in reality the firefighters do not want to go into Hidalgo and because of that we are using our area here for strategic purposes.      I have a Bell 412 and a Canadian Courier throwing water and retardant.
     So far it has burned 150 acres, and I calculate that I can control it by Friday.    I have flown over our properties and , as you say it is urgent that the Angels should cry  (a phrase for rain). 
      Alvaro is standing at the foot of the cannon and I am going by daily.   If you need anything, have the pleasure to advise me.   I shall be aware and in charge  of everything here being well.
     We wish all be in order at your home and greetings to  your family. 
     If it doesn't rain by Friday we are going to have to dance! 

The point about flying from Santa Engracia all the way back to the place called El Chorrito is of interest.   There reason for the extra distance,  fuel, and time flying from Santa Engracia as opposed to basing activities in Hidalgo, the County Seat....is because the Mexican civil defence teams from the area do not trust the police or authorities in Hidalgo, but the authorities in and around Santa Engracia are trustworthy.    It is true that in the recent disorders our area has been substantially spared of 99.9% of the fallout.   Hidalgo has been fairly hard hit, like Padilla and Barretal.    Although things are being restored....very steadily....in those areas that have suffered through the insanity of the cartels and gang-thugs....these special crews of rustic people from the farms and pastures of the mountains prefer to hang around with us.   They are a remarkable team....rustic peasants, with their ropes, shovels, picks, grub-hoes, machetes, and rucksacks  and the American Viet Nam veterans....now youthful geezers....whirling out to the smoke.    Although the fire at El Chorrito, a very important touristic and religious site about 14 miles by staight line from our place, is very small now, it could explode very quickly with the strong winds we are experiencing thoughtout this part of the world.
      I am trying to find out if the  two C-130 are going to be thrown into the fight.     The next stage would be that and the Mexican Army paratrooper being dropped in with the old, dependable C-47s.     Many resources are being mobilized, but the problem is that there are, at this moment eleven major conflagrations all along the upper reaches of the Sierra Madre throughout Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon.    Lots of desolate remote expanse and lots of small and large cities and dense rural population....Look this way and see one and look the other way and see the other.   The worst situation possible for a forest fire situation.
More Later,
The Old Gringo