Tuesday 1 March 2011

Our Long-term Client Arrives

      More or less right on time our client showed up at the correct meeting place.     She decided to drive down from McAllen instead of taking the fancy bus.    The journey was uneventful....she received instructions and directions  at every gasoline and meal and rest stop.....from every category and class of Mexican individual she encountered.....and we made it to the Quinta at about 3:00 pm.
      During the morning we had a cool front pull through....much heavy wind, up to 70 mph in Cd. Victoria....but we are enjoying very brisk cool nights and very warm afternoons....All is well.

       The long-term client is very pleased....stating that what she encountered is exactly what she was looking for, only better.    We are increasing our charges immediately.

More later!
El Gringo Viejo