Wednesday 17 March 2021

Another nail in the coffin of a corrupt Democrat Election

BREAKING: Judge Rules MI Sec. of State Benson Directed City Clerks to Ignore Signature Matching Law on Absentee Ballots in Nov. 2020 Election

After countless irregularities in the 2020 election and questions that arose due to the handling of ballots, counting of ballots, and absentee ballots, a Michigan judge has ruled that Michigan’s Secretary of State did in fact direct city clerks to ignore signature matching law on absentee ballots in the 2020 election.  However, the ruling appears to be too little too late to have any effect on the fantastically mismanaged 2020 election that millions of reasonable Americans do not trust.

State Court of Claims Judge Christopher Murray has ruled invalid Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s guidance issued to Michigan clerks in early October that instructed them to presume the accuracy of absentee ballot signatures.

Because Benson did not go through the proper rule-making process when issuing the guidance, clerks do not need to comply with it for future elections, Murray ruled last week.



Sunday 14 March 2021

A Soliloquy: Wandering Around in the Fog…a Knight Without Armour in a Savage Land


      We watch the swirling and buffeting of the events of to-day, and lamentably, I neither see nor feel the Joy in Mudville.  It seems quite evident that America is steadily swirling into the abyss.  Much of the populace would like to have "free money", and these folks will learn that there is nothing quite as expensive as "free money".

     Another racial / ethnic grouping resents that the "white folks" don't like real people who speak Spanish or some other language, don't like for those folks to speak foreign languages.   Then we have one hundred or so mega-billionaires who could buy all the European nations at one whack, should they wish.  These folks are particularly obnoxious because they have no real allegiance to anyone or anything beyond having, being happy, and looking askance at lesser human beings.   They are particularly enchanted with the idea of forming neo-capitalist linkages with countries such as Red China, which seems to be  their favourite comfort zone.
Richard Boone aka - played Paladin


Your humble servant is a Paladin character, although considerably content with the idea of having a wife who is my human superior, and children and granddaughters who are complex, brilliant examples of humanity. And yes, Virginia…I have no grandsons.
     As a Paladin-like character (a Knight without armour in a savage land) it has been my pain and pleasure to have failed miserably at some things, succeeded massively at others, neglected talents that should have been developed, and refined works for self and others that ranged from  well-done to amazing.

     Watching the scenario now presented by the ever-changing, steadily degrading sociological rot, my soul has become increasingly troubled.   To think…one wakes up in
Clark Gable, aka - Rhett Butler
the morning learning that Dr. Seuss is a scumbag and a racist.  We are already aware that Gone With the Wind is a racist movie…I think it was Joy Behar who advised me of such.  The Southern movie audiences at the time of the release swarmed the theatres to marvel at the incredible cast…choosing Rhett Butler (Clark Gable) and Mammy (Hattie McDaniel) as the top performers.  McDaniel won the Oscar that year for Best Supporting Actress, becoming the first Black African descent person to make the "Big Four" in the Academy Awards.
     Truth be known, Hattie McDaniel was castigated and howled against by the "urbane" and ever-judgemental leftist cheering-section in the metropolitan venues. Why?... because Miss Hattie had perfectly played the role of a Negress in command essentially of an entire large Southern plantation, who bossed everyone around quite well.   Her ability to control, to a large extent, the head-strong self-absorbed Scarleta spoiled, rich White plantation princess was especially well executed and well noted by everyone.
     We insert this example of the hyperactive condition that continuously spurs the shallow
Mammy lectures Scarlet
and hollow leftistsespecially the wealthy oneswhen they put on airs about how they are more sensitive to the issues affecting the downtrodden than the middle class and poor-rich slobs who live "down there somewhere".   (poor-rich are folks whose family has 10 million dollars on hand, or less) 
    On the left, one can see the scene wherein Miss Mammy gives Miss Scarlet a straight-faced, factual instruction to her charge that she can't tighten the waistband any more, because, "You done had a baby, Miss Scarlet, and you'll never have an 18 inch waist again".   That line caused all kinds of laughter, perhaps because Scarlet, while very important to the times and the movie's construct, was seen as a forever scheming woman who made a fool of herself over the aristocratic "Ashley".
     She played a generally self-absorbed twit.  Later in the film she settled for Rhett Butler, who was more of a cad such as your humble commentator.  (This writer still believes that this movie is the greatest film ever produced. Sound track included )


     We move along, hoping we have convinced many of our growing number of readers that we are not desperately mad.   But, it is necessary to throw down the gauntlet and demand reason from those who have eschewed the usefulness of true reason and worthwhile thought.   The constant drumming of the words racist, racist, racist, and the poor, the poor, the poor has come to the point of being less than a dull pretension.   The fact of the matter is, the United States of America remains the most productive and the most distributive in terms of general wealth on the Planet.
    America would be more wealthy and more productive if the such things as Aid to Families with Dependent Children and Food Stamps were to be cancelled in the next thirty days.   All assistance to the poor or the down on their luck or victims of calamity should be a private matter, initiated by close people and not by Federal and State programmes that essentially encourage "membership" in some kind of Public Welfare Association.
      The guidance of leftist politicians, and lamentably, ostensible members of the rightwing of the American political scene, elected and appointed officials, especially in Washington, District of Colombia, merrily go on their way, ever extending the National Debt.   There is no way that any country can spend its way to prosperity.   Subsidies of salaries, businesses, banks, schools, and the like are poison designed to enslave, in our case, the common American people…numbering some 330,000,000 souls.

     We now have the return of an inundation, again.  And yes, we are aware that the first sentence prompts a redundancybecause we are living a redundancy.  A perfect storm is forming.   The Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States, a certifiable dolt, is attempting to establish a national rule without the restrictions that had been put in place during the construction of the Constitution of 1787.   That document has survived for lo, these many years with few concrete amendments.  It was designed to allow the greatest latitudes of discretion to be left to the various States of the new Union. 
     We are moving quickly into a new Constitutionality that is quite brief, and which will authorise daily arbitrary changes in laws and rules without the permission of the governed.   These statements seems ridiculous, but if one stands back and looks carefully it will be quickly understood that all rulewithin the next eight to ten yearswill be arbitrary, endorsed by a small gaggle of power elite, similar to communist Red China, and making the United States essentially a dull, grey, sad, rotting and rusting dump like Russia.

     For those who might resist these predictions as being probable, please consider that entire cities inner areas are put to the torch and looted now as a common event.  Perpetrators are almost never detained or arrested.  Those who are handcuffed and transported very frequently are quietly released and bonds cancelled.   This has occurred in Chicago, Portland, Seattle, Detroit, and scores of other places.
     The crassness, arrogance, and hubris demonstrated by the "protestors" during these events is nothing short of flabbergasting. The national mediatelevision and major newspapersblame Republicans for everything and lament that racism forces people to destroy downtowns anytime and anywhere.  This is not racist cant, it is something that has become part of the "American Way of Life".  Peoples' businesses and abodes destroyed while druggy stoners and thugs cheer and hoot and chant and dance.

     We face again the renovation of the hordes of people coming up to the Rio Grande and other places on the border between Mexico and the United States.  The Official American Press refer to them as "migrants", but they are not "migrants".  They are invaders.   Most folks think that these "migrants" come from Mexico, but the fact is that they actually come from all points imaginable on the Planet.   The three leaders, however, are Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras in Central America.   These three nations with a population combined of  35,000,000 people are found adjacent and/or relatively close to Mexico.
     For several years now, it has become a reality with hundreds, then thousands, then scores of thousands coming up to barge into the United States, especially coming through Texas, and of course, Arizona and California.  For various reasons there are relatively few "migrants" who choose to make their break into New Mexico.   This year has become a particularly heavy traffic march because Joe Biden was elected President and the word went forth that the time had come to go to Gringolandia and plop out a baby on American soil, or whine and moan about the treachery and danger about living in northern Central America, and I am looking for my children who were kidnapped, etc. etc."

     As it turns out, of course, over thirty percent of the males (age fifteen or more) have criminal records.   Many have been deported from the United States on several occasions.  The women have children, sometimes not their own, and others come with a belly full of baby.   Few have completed high school, and many have not even completed primary in the native country.  This writer's blood boils when he sees the famous nun talking about what noble work they are doing on behalf of the "refugees".   She is helping people who will become hapless clingers to whatever welfare they can dredge up in the towns and cities of their destination.  If they are allowed to continue on after crossing the Rio Grande, for instance, they receive an entry permit, and then they are put on a bus to Topekaor some such place where ostensibly there will be family or close friends who will receive them.   The individuals are required to return to the place of original entry and submit to a hearing to determine if that applicant is qualified to remain in the United States.   Very few, about 15%,  ever come to the required proceeding.  They have "become invisible".   They will be found, however, in delivery rooms at various hospitals, plopping out babies without benefit of shekels.

     Another small problem that the "friends and helpers" of the "migrants" fail to mention in their propaganda messages is that the whole system from Central America to the border is wrought with danger of the highest order.   Cartel people kidnap and hold for ransoms and frequently simply liquidate a dozen or a score or more of inconvenient "clients".   A couple of years ago, in a rural area near San Fernando, Tamaulipas, about 50 miles south of McAllen, the Cartel people stoked up on weed and began taking advantage of the women and finally took measures that wound up killing 75 "migrants" in a ranch compound off of the main highway.   A lone wounded survivor walked to the City of San Fernando, about eight miles away, and encountered the Mexican Army compound, and reported the massacre.    The next morning the Mexican Army personnel searched out and surrounded the eight or nine miscreants who failed to surrender and suffered the consequences.  Autopsies indicated that they were full of drugs and alcohol.
     It is my opinion that there is nothing humanitarian to help people across the Rio Grande when in fact those same people are most likely going to wind up in very unpleasant straits.   The thundering blather by the Democrat Ghouls about how "Trump didn't help the Migrants!!!  Trump kept children in chains (actually photos and episodes that pertained to the Obama regime's rule), Trump was dividing nations, Trump is a bigot" continues to this day.
A small multi-family cemetery, very near the
Rio Grande
 not far from McAllen, Texas
with interments dating back into the
 latter 1800s.

   What is certain is that strong
 fences make good neighbours.  I am not a big fan of the Million Mile steel fenceit seemed unnecessarily rough on the vegetation, wildlife, and frequently the sawing of houses, historic cemeteries, and properties into two sections (literally).   One thing was certain, however, and that was that the Cartel people and other "malcreantes" had to face very difficult alternatives in areas where The Fence was functioning.  It required a lot of rethinking, and cost a lot of time and money,  in order to deliver their commodity of habitual ruin and death to the American public.
     The Mexican military liked the wall, and while it is not stated, there were many, many passively and/or informally co-ordinated actions by American Border Patrol, Texas River Patrol, and the Mexican Infantry.   These matters are simply not mentioned, and co-ordination as a matter of fact is generally a matter of both sides helping someone who is drowning in the Rio Grande (Mexican formal name is Rio Bravo del Norte) or who is tangled in a river weed messalso a really bad way to croak.

     Another thing to remember about all this commotion is that Mexico received and gives out very poor public relations.   There it plenty to complain about in Mexico, there are ridiculous political posturings, long-delayed projects half-constructed, incessant argumentation on the floor of the Mexican Upper and Lower Houses of Congress, and State governments with mono-cameral congresses that bicker and bray, yet succeed in much significant State-level advances.
    But all in all, Mexico functions pretty well…not perfectly…but pretty darned well.  Good restaurants, from the very humble to the regular nice place, and places where one would not be surprised to see business magnates from around the world..and Mexico, and other Important People.  There is a lot of diesel and gasoline of good quality (actually much of the high-test fuel comes in from Exxon in a trade).   Mexico exports medium-low and medium-high quality oil to Exxon and Exxon refines the high-test for significant PEMEX gasoline, and also keep for themselves a certain radioactive mineral that is used various advanced applications.

      Perhaps some day there will be no more Cartel stuffnor rapacious, psychopathic corruption amongst so many of the middle and high ranking bureaucrats and elected official.   I shall resign for the moment from the screed and allow the sane people to return to their sane activities and productive natures.

     There will more to come in short order.


Friday 5 March 2021

About Ruben Navarrette, Jr. - The Improbable Commentator



     A person of very advanced intelligence, Ruben Navarrette, Jr. , is a well-known commentator concerning cultural and political matters, and routinely takes a broad-brush stroke to make his points, both pro and con.   He is among the most intelligent among the leftward observers in print at this time, and in this place.

     My grumpiness about Sr. Ruben is not so much that he is a leftward sort, although one must wonder how anyone as intelligent as he can possibly still sit on the left side of the Forum.   I also think that he dwells pointlessly about ethnic issues by supposing that only the Latin cohort of the human race suffers the ignominy of bigotry, racist frictions, or the pain of being disregarded by people of lesser intellect and social finesse.

     But, all in all, even though this writer has said, perhaps 30 or 5o times, "This is the last time I shall waste my time reading Ruben's anti-gringo huffing and puffing bilge"it is necessary to stop and think about Ruben's world view.   Enter the issue of Ted Cruz heading down to Cancun while "everyone" in Texas was suffering!   How dare Ted Cruz use his prestige as a Senator in the Congress of the United States, leaving all the proles, peons, and oppressed in the cold and snowy wastelands of Texaswith no electricity.

     We recall the episode, now a bit more than a week past, when even in the areas around McAllen, Texas bitter below-freezing temperatures, a little sleet, a little snow, essentially closed down well over half of the magic Lower Rio Grande Valley.  Broken pipes, no electricity, no gasoline, no grocery stores, etc. etc.  Strangely enough, my wife and I went through the five days without one power failureonly about one-fifth of the population in Texas could say that when all was said and done.

    Our children and grandchildren in the central part of Texas had snow ranging from six to twelve inches…and a week's work of sub-freezing weather.   It was a major league gut-punch for the entire Republic of Texas.   Ted Cruz enters our commentary at this point.   Ted had a daughter who was going down to Cancun in Mexico where several of her gal-pals were also heading, along with a various mommies and daddies.   It had been programmed several weeks or months before.

     So, Ted told his progeny…"I will take you down there, maybe hang around, because with this weather, nothing is going to be going on!"  And off he went, fulfilling a promise that had been made earlier, and leaving behind what was essentially a "freeze-frame" in almost the entirety of Texas.   Once arriving in Cancun, Ted picked up information from people in Texas that things were going from bad to worse.   Leaving his daughter with known responsible friends and a gaggle of daughters of various parents present, he decided to return to Texas.

     All of this was interpreted by the abominable, mendacious pseudo-journalists' cabal who howled for several days about how Ted Cruz turned his back on the suffering masses back in Texas while Ted twinkled fine white sand through his toes while he fed the porpoises by hand.   None of that happened, of course. His manoeuvre was essentially and down-and-back trip.   

       Mexican telephone service stayed functional…a bit moreso than many areas in Texas, and nothing happened by Ted's hand that affected anyone negatively.   So, as a matters as predictable as the sunrise, the cabal of ''journalists" who commonly mislead the public about matters pertaining to conservatives and/or Republicans had their field day of mendacity

     Andso…who comes forth to set the record straight?  Ruben Navarrette, Jr. is told by his buds that he should bash Cruz for a Cancun trip…other friends of Ruben say condescendinly that he should choose his friends, "more carefully".   Ruben Navarette responded, "…Thanks for the tip.  But you do you.  And I'll do me.  My readers don't pick my topics, and my followers don't choose my friends."

     So, I sum up.   You're a good man, Ruben.   I'd prefer that you use your magnificent brain within the Republican and/or conservative fieldbut however the pie is slicedyou are a good man, and  I shall return to reading your columns.


David Christian Newton


Thursday 4 March 2021

Of the International Frontier and All Things Biden, etc.


       We are sitting around at 02:22 on a chilly morning on the border at the final southernmost point of the Republic of Texas, trying to assemble some order in what little is left of my inclination to think with clarity.   We are now adrift with a Captain of State who is intellectually adrift, under the full control of marxist analysts who are valiantly committed to turning the United States of America into a socialist-democratic anthill.

     It is apparent that the newly installed President is something different from the Vesuvius prone previous Head of State.   One could suggest by whispering to a close friend, " Methinks our king be daft" and hope that the new Vice-Head of State, a woman totally dedicated to banality of thought, word, and/or deed, can somehow keep the Ship of State from the striking the iceberg.   We lament that she is hopelessly incompetent and self-absorbed, as well as being a full-time hater of she sees as the Imperialist American construct.   She is an example of a person born to title and position who is totally vacuous and self-absorbed to the extreme.   Like (Sir Edmund) Hillary Rodham, she is a convenient democratic marxist.  Like Ernesto (Che) Guevara, she is good for causing destruction but knows nothing beyond self.

     Our peculiar leader who can barely stumble through a paragraph of bolshy-blather without trailing off into a lecture about how many tiddlywinks it takes to build a shoe-horn. The critical observer…and there are a few of us who still have not been assigned to the gulag…can readily deduce that the Ship of State is being administered by a small cabal of "democratic" socialist cultural engineers who a sure of their ability to establish a perfect society and culture, once and for all.   A goodly number of these engineers are multi-mega-billionaires who know perfection and how to achieve and maintain perfection.

      Most universities and colleges are now lined up to handle and enforce the task of training marxist bees of the hive how to think, what to think, when to think, and how to nod knowingly when Maxine Waters says whatever Maxine says.  If there is doubt, one need only review the brilliant and incisive opinions of Bernie Sanders, who is a brilliant socio-cultural engineer in his own right.   We have watched and listened to these howling dunces during the "transition" of Uncle Biden assumption of office.

     For instance, and this is an example of the entire construct of the Biden - Democrat - International Intellectual Cabal:    We watched a person explain on the imbecile news networks (ABCNBCCBSPBSETC) that the matter of the people coming up to and across the border between the United State of America and the Estados Unidos de Mexico is not a serious matter.  The wise ones agree there are matters of concern, but all matters pertaining to extra-legal entry into the United States from other countries of origin for the purpose of remaining in the United States is a matter that Uncle Joe and Auntie Kamala can easily resolve.  With assistance from the magic Wonder Girl - AOC they Joe and Kamala and (Sir Edmund) Hillary can make everything perfect simply by wrinkling their noses

     but a couple of days ago...a rickety van with room for seven people including driver just happened to be carrying over thirty people.   Some estimates were up to forty persons.  The van had loaded up somewhere near the USA - Mexico border and took off to destinations of wonder and opportunity and Disneyland and free food and free money and free medical services, ad infinitum.  The only problem was that the van was a rolling wreck looking for a place to have a wreck.  A loaded tractor-trailer long-haul truck essentially broadsided the van, killing 13 - 14 people.  Some pieces had to be reassembled, and we are not talking about the van.   Thirty or more people were counted, while another at this writing had died in a hospital somewhere near the event.  Some observers indicated that there were a few passengers who blended into the crowd and evaporated.

      Daily, nightly, we receive from three hundred to one thousand trundling Third-Worlders who cross the Rio Grande solely along the frontage of ONE TEXAS COUNTY, HIDALGO in daylight and dark via rickety jerry-rigged rafts and inflatables that have as many air-leaks as passengers.   People of all sorts touch land somewhere on the Texas side and begin their trek, preferably to where they can be detained by the Border Patrol and/or at times now Hidalgo County Constables.   Why do they want to be "caught"?  It is simply because the cumbersome and purposeful task of the leftwing "do-gooder" requires that all these folks who have jumped the line for (a) obtaining a tourist visa, (b) a petition for employment of seasonal or permanent visa, (c) a petition for educational visa, (d) a petition for immigration and citizenship in the United States, or (e) various other legal ways to enter the Republic of Texas and/or the United States of America.   All the petitions mentioned here are things Mexicans and others have to pay in terms of hours and hours and days and months, and for the Citizenship path, years.This is the fact.  Those are the facts.  We are receiving scores and hundreds of "unaccompanied minors", sometimes five or six years oldmost are middling teenagers, some a adults trying to pass for teenagers.   The number of these minors who are sexually abused, sold into unpaid labour, or farmed out to "employers" who pay $2.00/hour under the threat of turning the undocumented over to the Immigration…it is a Hell beyond Dante's inferno, and it goes on daily.   Medium-sized and large metroplexes are filled to the brim with these people.   A very few somehow manage to find a few manoeuvres that allow them to come out into the light and participate in a normal, lucrative, and beneficial way.   But they are a very few.

     And, every night and sometimes all day, Hidalgo County…and thirteen other Counties fronting on the Rio Grande / Rio Bravo receive a hundred…three hundred…a thousand more people who will soon be wrapped in the comfortable rebozo of free everything.   And for every new baby, there will be massive outlays of "public" money.  And the half who fall into the paths of iniquity will become slaves to mafia-like slave masters.  These are not fanciful dreams and tales of a Mexican-hating gabachothese are actual facts that I have lived, my wife has lived, our parents and many generations have lived, our children have lived.   The County of Hidalgo, for instance, is a bustling place, probably one million people live hereand thirty per cent of that number are on substantialvery substantial public assistance.

     It is one of the ways a woman can come into the United States or Texas after having been visited by a miraculous thing called "being pregnant".   Frequently these women have no idea how this happened, but it really does not matter.   According to the law and standards of the United States and Texas, a woman who bears and delivers a baby on Sacred Soil of Texas delivers a citizen of the United States and Texas.   And since the baby has no method of fending for him/her self, the practice has always seemed to be that the mother will remain with the baby, permanently.   These are the rackets.

These are the faces of the famous gangs, now advanced
organised criminal businesses
  Membership estimates range from a quarter-million
 to one million"members".  Scores of thousands
 are found in American and Mexican and Central
 American jails.  There is a super-overload of MS-13
and Mara Salvatrucha in jails thoughout Central

     Many folks might be surprised to know that the great majority of these people swarming the border, night and day, 400 days per year are not Mexican.  The northern Central American grouping of  "El Trio de Tristeza" (The trio of sadness) are Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.   The second or third greatest number of "refugees", "immigrants" and other such noble titles who come from those countries are
gangs.  These are well-known, well organised,  as soulless murderers, thieves, rapists, and the like.

     It is said that to be a member of gang a candidate must suffer a beating, and/or he must kill his mother or sister. In every gaggle and grouping of people who are apprehended at the border, there will be…almost always…people who are fleeing neighbours or relatives who are associated with these "gangs".   In the attempt to escape them, they will almost certainly be dealing with these gang members no matter where the "migrants" wind up hiding in the United States.  And  the gang members will take their Mafia-like portion.

   In order to shorten this missive, it should suffice to declare with all certainty, that the "New Flood" of these gang members, and other unqualified "immigrants" began with the arrival of the new President of the United States.  At a time when the Mexican authorities had begun to take very seriously the "transmigratory" nature of these people coming up from Central America, and yes, to a lesser degree now from Mexico,  the change brought on by the last election in the United States was a disaster for the American scene.  We, on the frontier suffer it most, perhaps…but the degeneration of the degraded old cities, especially in the northeastern sectors of the United States will or already has deteriorated many…perhaps most…of those urban areas.

     As what occurred with Rome so shall it be with the United States of America, if we do not re-establish some since of regularised domestic discipline concerning the entry and exit of people who are not beneficial to the national interests of the United States of America and the Republic of Texas.   The previous President, for all his huffing and puffing, swagger and over-statement recognised this situation and had made significant progress in the matter.  He also "grew" in my opinion in the respect for the Mexican peopleand for the people of Texas.   We suggest that all remember the last election in 2020, when the heavily Latin counties of the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas had an almost 50/50 turnout of Latin voters pulling the Republican leveran unheard of percentage for this area. 

We retire for the moment, and we appreciate your patience and interest.



Friday 26 February 2021

We Move Along to Speak of the Passing of Rush Hudson Limbaugh, III -

 A Legacy, a Presence, a Monumental Contribution to America


             We join in these moments with the many who included Rush in their orbit of life. He was a pleasant family presence during his early years, born of a good line…fathered by a heroic World War II combat pilot father and an ancestry of distinction and accomplishment dating back many generations. It is well that we consider his place of birth, Cape Girardeau, Missouri, a place that is distinctive because of its setting of profound normalcy. Rush's people were always given to service and sacrifice. Interestingly enough, during the War Between the States, his family took the Confederate side, although they were decidedly anti-slavery. Their cause was to protect the local control and self-reliance that is commonly encountered to this day among many people of the South.
      More on this will be recounted as we revere and contemplate the reality of this magnificent presence in the American panoply. We could easily drone on about Rush's ancestry and family, and certainly we should touch on those things, but we must remember the seemingly awkward social movement of Rush in his younger days. While his family was and is an historical fixture in Cape Girardeau and elsewhere, and while they were well-to-do and comely and accomplished in many, many ways…Rush was not the prettiest face or figure in town. Intelligent, yes. Good deportment, pretty much. Great student? When it was necessary.

      His daddy, beyond being a combat was an accomplished attorney,was also a P-51 combat fighter pilot during the Second War, was a famous attorney in Missouri. Judges and all nature of accomplished relatives abounded among his his kith and kin. But Rush was always that guy who looked at a different horizon all during his "growing up years". He had a "pace-car brother" in the sense that David was serious and goal oriented like the rest of the family. He was also a "looker" and socially adept person. He has become quite the author among other accomplishments…but such is a hallmark of the Limbaugh lines since their arrival to Pennsylvania Colony from eastern Germany in the 1730s.

      Rush, at a very early age, began to take seriously something already becoming outdated…something called "AM radio". He was, according to all who commented, an affable boy and one who caused few problems, if any. His biggest problem when growing up was his weight. David was slender and comely, while Rush was…shall we say "big". Still a nice looking boy, but…big...and round.
      But, he kept on fiddling with silly AM radios. He tried his hand at University, and lost interest in the first year. He actually landed jobs at places of his first interest, radio stations! He became a platter-master and did the whole microphone thing, but he frequently left the owners consternated about his helter-skelter programming performance. It is said by some that the audiences liked Rush's "off-the-wall" microphone routines, but the bosses were not impressed. Unfortunately for them, they would lament letting Rush walk out the door.
      He did a stint as in sales and other stand-up jobs for the Kansas City baseball team, and then one day the Sun broke through the fog…but before Kansas City, Rush landed behind a microphone where he could do social and political commentary. He found his correct place in the field of giving ulcers and curing sociopolitical despondence. He was behind a microphone speaking to a large audience, every weekday…taking calls, and generally hobnobbing with the real world. In Cape Girardeau he warmed a microphone after leaving college. Then, he went on to bigger and better things at WIXZ in McKeesport, Missouri and later to Pittsburg with the big audience on KQV radio. These venues were rewarding but Rush always seemed to wrinkle the brows of his bosses…and his services at the two stations were relatively short. He went back to the homestead, muttered and kicked cans, and then one day picked up a job at the Kansas City Royals operation.
     Sales, even hobnobbing and public relations with fans was a wonderful fit for his gregarious ways. He might have been the fellow you saw adjusting the microphone by the mound for the singer of the National Anthem in about fifteen minutes. And…after football…Rush loved baseball, especially good baseball, and big crowds at the ball game.

      Many are familiar with these notes about Rush and how he swam against the current to finally be able to do what his calling had required. There have been and still are numerous excellent radio announcers and commentators. But it must be stated that when the Rushmore of Radio Luminaries is carved into some important mountainside, Rush Limbaugh will have to be the first one and Paul Harvey will be the other first one.
      My venture with Rush began in the later 1980s. I informed my middle brother( El Gringo was the last born 1947,  Norman the second 1942, a truly iconic mover and shaker in the Republican Party of the Republic of Texas, and Milton was the firstborn - 1936)  that he (Norman) needed to come down to McAllen because the greatest personality in Radio in America had agreed to a full scale rally as the "Rush to Excellence" at the McAllen Civic Centre known as the "Rush to Excellence" rally.  His show was pure Republican cavalry charge and folksy humour.
   My wife and I had, perhaps overly energised, gone in with three other sponsors to pay everything up front, and provide a gay old time for the Faithful in the McAllen and Rio Grande Valley area. At the very latest moment, my brother who had been the AA to Sen. John G. Tower, and who had been the executive director of the Republican Party of Texas for several years declared that he wasn't going down to McAllen to listen to a nobody from Nowhere, Missouri. This was the brush off that caused a schism that never actually healed.
    This was the brother who had founded the Associated Republicans of Texas…a grassroots mobilisation organisation geared to the election of local and county level Republicans across Texas. It became the Death of Democrat Hegemony in Texas. One can imagine my grumpiness and haughty sense of being abused, but at least the rally was massively successful. A convention hall that could hold 1,800 seated people wound up with standing room only and people in the back, and hundreds gathered in standing room only, outside listening to Rush's jokes and lectures via loudspeakers.
       It took about 40 minutes for all the vehicles to manage their way out of the very large parking lot. My mother and my Godmother attended and were truly stunned at the size of the crowd and the grandeur Rush Limbaugh had brought to the Republican effort deep in Democrat territory. My wife and mother had gone earlier as guests of honour to the special mid-day luncheon at the fancy penthouse level of McAllen's tallest building (16 stories of the McAllen State Bank building), and passed a very pleasant time. During those moments pictures were taken, and the ones with Rush, Diana, and my mother were interesting because it revealed that Rush bore a distinct resemblance to my mother's youngest brother, William Grant Neal. We still have that photograph somewhere in our heaps of paper in some storage facility somewhere.

      My mother was stunned, in any regard, having come down for the event from Austin…and to see her grandchildren in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. She would divulge to her other son in Austin that he had missed a chance to have seen the man…"who will become the most important conservative commentator in a America…mark my words." As was normal, my mother was largely correct about this and most everything else.     
     So, from 1989 on until recent days, 24 February 2021, my wife and I, and several million other Rushies have been left without our voice of reason. Our bulwark of willingness to stand for the common law and to fight against the scourge of socialism just left at an age far too young.


The  portals of the Quinta Tesoro
 de la Sierra Madre

The above photo of our little adobe hideaway deep in rural Mexico,  where several hundred folks have visited, stayed, hobnobbed, and birdwatcher in one of the very best birding places in the Hemisphere.      I can remember always trying to be close by my radio, during the early weekday afternoons, listening to Rush's monologues.  Our little adobe place is a jewel of a place, and I was so pleased that, although we are 200 miles into the interior, the little station in McAllen/Edinburg, Texas could stretch its 5,000 watts to San Engracia, Tamaulipas. Perhaps being up against the Sierra Madre mountain range helped.
    The setting, the myriad numbers of birds and species of birds, a crystal river 125 yards away lined by 1,000 year old Sabinos (150 feet high cypress trees)…maybe a cold beer with my neighbour with the lime Hacienda next door…and Rush railing on the radio, nailing every dumbo Democrat failure and lapse of character and/or moral fibre…it was and is an amazing experience. 

       The reader has endured a considerable amount of the tales of the  Quinta Tesoro de la Sierra Madre our little hideaway in the Santa Engracia area of central Tamaulipas State.  We have suffered few pins and needles and our accomplishments have been many enjoyed. We relished the large and forceful of these times with Rush Limbaugh seemingly always present in the background. Our businesses, with our families' losses and gains…has all been very interesting. 
     During all of this commotion several years back, your humble servant was winnowing through some papers my mother had left behind. Among some of the letters was a lengthy note from a first cousin of my mother. Although he was living in Alabama, he was actually in the cultural orbit of southeastern Tennessee, around Winchester and such places. This letter had been shown to me once or twice and it was of some interest concerning the Chisolm, Chisholm, Chism, and Chisms dilemma. My mother's mother was a Chism or a Chisum depending on the cousin who was testifying. It was and is all very interesting and complicated. There was a lot of begetting and begetting.
      For instance my maternal grandfather was one of 12 who survived, and such was the nature of things in the area around Winchester, Tennessee in those times. My mother was one of four, one girl and three boys being birthed from 1913 through to 1941…by the same couple. Imagine…southeastern Tennessee is a strange place…lots of anti-alcohol people, but some of the best whiskey produced in the world. Substantially anti-slave, but ferocious Confederates in battle.

      But steadily my research, along with a very distant cousin in Connecticut, began to fill in a lot of blanks concerning my descent from the Ancestors of the Old World and the New World. This relative was the brother of my Newton grandfather from back in the early 1860s. A lot of my father's line began to really reach back into the really distant past, and then my mother's genealogy gurus piled in as well. Lo and behold…we found a nice German girl…in Franklin County, Tennessee who told her daddy that she had a nice Anglo (English-speaking) boy who was interested in meeting her family. This would be around 1830.
    The boy was named Asa Grant…a cousin of a guy who would later wind up wearing a blue uniform and always having a scruffy beard. The girl's nickname was 'Meli', short for "Amelia". And her surname was…...Limbaugh, essentially drawn from the blood of many generations of people from Saxony, in deep eastern Germany.

     Peter Limbaugh, the father, was third generation American, but still very German. He had brothers and a father who had continued to the west and settled at a place that would come to be named Cape Girardeau, Missouri. All lines of that family were competent people, prosperous, and hard-working. And so, according to my genealogical advisor, Rush Limbaugh and I are Ist cousins, three times removed. And finally, sparing all in the audience any further anti-climactic or pointless conjecture, you know why my Uncle Billy looked very much like his kin, a fellow named Rush Hudson Limbaugh, III… My Uncle Billy left at a very young age…51, from pneumonia. My eldest brother left at the same age, nearly the same time.

     Not long ago, my middle brother left to be with the Angels, and I was given the honour of having delivered the Eulogy at the elegant Austin Club, block or two from the impressive and imposing Capitol building in downtown Austin, Texas.   Several hundred gathered to hear three other friends and me remind the folks of my brother's legacy of establishing much of what became the Republican Engine in Texas, and the subsequent "Republicanisation of Texas" during these times.
      And now Rush is gone…along with all forbearers of the Newton, Christian, Neal, and Chism (Chisholm) tribes as they relate to me. It has been quite a ride. Thanks one and all for putting up with this recounting…but it was an interesting episode in the panoply provided by Texas, and our little place in NoWhere, Mexico.


Sunday 14 February 2021

RACIAL CONTROVERSY AND IMMIGRATION!!! The mainstream media reminds you what to think


(UP DATED:  At the risk of revealing my paranoia, we have noticed that over the past 18 months or so, peculiar changes occur in our texts after publication.  We have also noticed that other parties, with whom we might communicate now and then, have taken note of such events.   We have tried to follow, somewhat religiously, normal compliance with rules of grammar and spelling, although we confess to "Britianicising" our parlance, just for the fun of it.

     Our concern, however, is simply that we actually re-read, proof, seek correct spelling when in doubt, and attempt to punctuate phrases and construct to the best of our ability.   Increasingly, we notice that invariably there are amendments to our text.  For now, I shall chalk it up to voltage variationa small problem down here in retro-reality Texas.

     We certainly doubt that the minions of (Sir Edmund) Hillary Rodham and His Majesty Father Obamaham are playing "dancing puppets", although there are others much more intelligent such as John Kerry who commonly flies three hundred and eighty five billion miles a week to inform us dolts that there is climate change because of Republicans.

     Thanks for your attention.  Please excuse the overreaching comparisons and exaggerations. 


    We had the misfortune to read a little notice in our pitiable local newspaper wherein the Associated Press laments that someone named Chris Harrison, who hosts something called "The Bachelor" has been driven from his position and has been forced to resign from his "position", apparently because of a position that he assumed without having been fully sanitised by the Powers of Rightness and Wrongness, Inc.

     It seems that he confessed to "Excusing historical racism" and therefore was requiring himself to fall upon his sword.   Lamentably it seems that the hapless loon was so stupid as to allow or be in the presence of someone who said something that had something that might have, in a convoluted way, implied or construed something that had something to do with wearing a formal gown that was designed for a formal ball in some Southern precinct, and all for a scene about a formal  ball sceneyou know"an antebellum plantation themed ball" type of formal ball scene.

     Worse, of course, was the fact that the silly girl, Rachael Kirkconnell as an actress, was so wantonly arrogant and unconcerned about the irremediable damage that had been caused by her wearing a costume that was made to be worn by an Indian girl.   Mr. Harrison, at first, was extremely disappointed that Miss Kirkconnell was condemned by all the right people because of her offensive aggression against Native Americans' sensitive senses.   As the minutes passed however, Mr. Harrison learned that his insensitivity had caused further insensitivity that resulted in what is known as "Insensitivity Meltdown  Insensitivity Syndrome  (ISIS)".

     Literally hundreds and thousands of ambulances were seen throughout this Solar System that is so terribly enfeebled by simultaneous plagues of simultaneous Solar System Cooling and Solar System Warming  (SSC and SSW).  And now thiswhen will they ever learn?   Where are the Kingston Trio singing lecturers nowwhen we need them?


     Next we have something that also might throw another log on the fire of this Solar System.   To begin, we have the scene of a newly elected President of the United States issuing suddenly Orders of a Royalbypassing anything like a participation by a Chamber of Deputies, a House of Lords, a Congress of Congressmen, or perhaps a Senate of Senators.  This is, perhaps, a welcome event to some, but to others who are used to some kind of Congressional / Executive / Judicial branches of government arrangementalong with certain sovereignty of the various States composing a nation such as the United States of America, it is troubling.

      We have a fellow who somehow managed to win an election for the Presidency by hiding in the 8th story basement of his Blunderbunker.  That he won a nationwide election against a huffing and puffing hufferpuffer is laudableor not. It is, however, a bit strange that a certifiable incompetent could reel off 40 or 50 Executive Orderswithout benefit of clergy, Congress, Sir Edmund Hillary Rodham's permission, or even a telescope or an out-of-date cellular telephone.

     True enough, all of the "Executive Orders" were Peron and/or Castro like gesturesdevoid of consultation, debate, and/or analysis.  We can at least point out that Biden managed to issue more Executive Orders that the previous five Presidents before himduring their first three weeks or so.  We mean Biden's issuances were greater than all five COMBINED!!!!

Suffice to say, Biden's "Executive Orders" were vacuous, ill-timed, ruinous as in the events pertaining to the transcontinental gas line and certain other acts, butwhose counting?   Everything will be a lot better after we summon enough life-boats for 300,000,000 people.

More Later.   Thanks for being here when it counts.

