We watch the swirling and buffeting of the events of to-day, and lamentably, I neither see nor feel the Joy in Mudville. It seems quite evident that America is steadily swirling into the abyss. Much of the populace would like to have "free money", and these folks will learn that there is nothing quite as expensive as "free money".
Another racial / ethnic grouping resents that the "white folks" don't like real people who speak Spanish or some other language, don't like for those folks to speak foreign languages. Then we have one hundred or so mega-billionaires who could buy all the European nations at one whack, should they wish. These folks are particularly obnoxious because they have no real allegiance to anyone or anything beyond having, being happy, and looking askance at lesser human beings. They are particularly enchanted with the idea of forming neo-capitalist linkages with countries such as Red China, which seems to be their favourite comfort zone.
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Richard Boone aka - played Paladin _________________ |
Your humble servant is a Paladin character, although considerably content with the idea of having a wife who is my human superior, and children and granddaughters who are complex, brilliant examples of humanity. And yes, Virginia…I have no grandsons.
As a Paladin-like character (a Knight without armour in a savage land) it has been my pain and pleasure to have failed miserably at some things, succeeded massively at others, neglected talents that should have been developed, and refined works for self and others that ranged from well-done to amazing.
Watching the scenario now presented by the ever-changing, steadily degrading sociological rot, my soul has become increasingly troubled. To think…one wakes up in
the morning learning that Dr. Seuss is a scumbag and a racist. We are already aware that Gone With the Wind is a racist movie…I think it was Joy Behar who advised me of such. The Southern movie audiences at the time of the release swarmed the theatres to marvel at the incredible cast…choosing Rhett Butler (Clark Gable) and Mammy (Hattie McDaniel) as the top performers. McDaniel won the Oscar that year for Best Supporting Actress, becoming the first Black African descent person to make the "Big Four" in the Academy Awards.
Clark Gable, aka - Rhett Butler __________________ |
Truth be known, Hattie McDaniel was castigated and howled against by the "urbane" and ever-judgemental leftist cheering-section in the metropolitan venues. Why?... because Miss Hattie had perfectly played the role of a Negress in command essentially of an entire large Southern plantation, who bossed everyone around quite well. Her ability to control, to a large extent, the head-strong self-absorbed Scarlet…a spoiled, rich White plantation princess was especially well executed and well noted by everyone.
We insert this example of the hyperactive condition that continuously spurs the shallow
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Mammy lectures Scarlet ______________________ |
and hollow leftists…especially the wealthy ones…when they put on airs about how they are more sensitive to the issues affecting the downtrodden than the middle class and poor-rich slobs who live "down there somewhere". (poor-rich are folks whose family has 10 million dollars on hand, or less)
On the left, one can see the scene wherein Miss Mammy gives Miss Scarlet a straight-faced, factual instruction to her charge that she can't tighten the waistband any more, because, "You done had a baby, Miss Scarlet, and you'll never have an 18 inch waist again". That line caused all kinds of laughter, perhaps because Scarlet, while very important to the times and the movie's construct, was seen as a forever scheming woman who made a fool of herself over the aristocratic "Ashley".
She played a generally self-absorbed twit. Later in the film she settled for Rhett Butler, who was more of a cad such as your humble commentator. (This writer still believes that this movie is the greatest film ever produced. Sound track included https://youtu.be/6qr25F9t6Es )
We move along, hoping we have convinced many of our growing number of readers that we are not desperately mad. But, it is necessary to throw down the gauntlet and demand reason from those who have eschewed the usefulness of true reason and worthwhile thought. The constant drumming of the words racist, racist, racist, and the poor, the poor, the poor has come to the point of being less than a dull pretension. The fact of the matter is, the United States of America remains the most productive and the most distributive in terms of general wealth on the Planet.
America would be more wealthy and more productive if the such things as Aid to Families with Dependent Children and Food Stamps were to be cancelled in the next thirty days. All assistance to the poor or the down on their luck or victims of calamity should be a private matter, initiated by close people and not by Federal and State programmes that essentially encourage "membership" in some kind of Public Welfare Association.
The guidance of leftist politicians, and lamentably, ostensible members of the rightwing of the American political scene, elected and appointed officials, especially in Washington, District of Colombia, merrily go on their way, ever extending the National Debt. There is no way that any country can spend its way to prosperity. Subsidies of salaries, businesses, banks, schools, and the like are poison designed to enslave, in our case, the common American people…numbering some 330,000,000 souls.
We now have the return of an inundation, again. And yes, we are aware that the first sentence prompts a redundancy…because we are living a redundancy. A perfect storm is forming. The Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States, a certifiable dolt, is attempting to establish a national rule without the restrictions that had been put in place during the construction of the Constitution of 1787. That document has survived for lo, these many years with few concrete amendments. It was designed to allow the greatest latitudes of discretion to be left to the various States of the new Union.
We are moving quickly into a new Constitutionality that is quite brief, and which will authorise daily arbitrary changes in laws and rules without the permission of the governed. These statements seems ridiculous, but if one stands back and looks carefully it will be quickly understood that all rule…within the next eight to ten years…will be arbitrary, endorsed by a small gaggle of power elite, similar to communist Red China, and making the United States essentially a dull, grey, sad, rotting and rusting dump like Russia.
For those who might resist these predictions as being probable, please consider that entire cities inner areas are put to the torch and looted now as a common event. Perpetrators are almost never detained or arrested. Those who are handcuffed and transported very frequently are quietly released and bonds cancelled. This has occurred in Chicago, Portland, Seattle, Detroit, and scores of other places.
The crassness, arrogance, and hubris demonstrated by the "protestors" during these events is nothing short of flabbergasting. The national media…television and major newspapers…blame Republicans for everything and lament that racism forces people to destroy downtowns anytime and anywhere. This is not racist cant, it is something that has become part of the "American Way of Life". Peoples' businesses and abodes destroyed while druggy stoners and thugs cheer and hoot and chant and dance.
We face again the renovation of the hordes of people coming up to the Rio Grande and other places on the border between Mexico and the United States. The Official American Press refer to them as "migrants", but they are not "migrants". They are invaders. Most folks think that these "migrants" come from Mexico, but the fact is that they actually come from all points imaginable on the Planet. The three leaders, however, are Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras in Central America. These three nations with a population combined of 35,000,000 people are found adjacent and/or relatively close to Mexico.
For several years now, it has become a reality with hundreds, then thousands, then scores of thousands coming up to barge into the United States, especially coming through Texas, and of course, Arizona and California. For various reasons there are relatively few "migrants" who choose to make their break into New Mexico. This year has become a particularly heavy traffic march because Joe Biden was elected President and the word went forth that the time had come to go to Gringolandia and plop out a baby on American soil, or whine and moan about the treachery and danger about living in northern Central America, and I am looking for my children who were kidnapped, etc. etc."
As it turns out, of course, over thirty percent of the males (age fifteen or more) have criminal records. Many have been deported from the United States on several occasions. The women have children, sometimes not their own, and others come with a belly full of baby. Few have completed high school, and many have not even completed primary in the native country. This writer's blood boils when he sees the famous nun talking about what noble work they are doing on behalf of the "refugees". She is helping people who will become hapless clingers to whatever welfare they can dredge up in the towns and cities of their destination. If they are allowed to continue on after crossing the Rio Grande, for instance, they receive an entry permit, and then they are put on a bus to Topeka…or some such place where ostensibly there will be family or close friends who will receive them. The individuals are required to return to the place of original entry and submit to a hearing to determine if that applicant is qualified to remain in the United States. Very few, about 15%, ever come to the required proceeding. They have "become invisible". They will be found, however, in delivery rooms at various hospitals, plopping out babies without benefit of shekels.
Another small problem that the "friends and helpers" of the "migrants" fail to mention in their propaganda messages is that the whole system from Central America to the border is wrought with danger of the highest order. Cartel people kidnap and hold for ransoms and frequently simply liquidate a dozen or a score or more of inconvenient "clients". A couple of years ago, in a rural area near San Fernando, Tamaulipas, about 50 miles south of McAllen, the Cartel people stoked up on weed and began taking advantage of the women and finally took measures that wound up killing 75 "migrants" in a ranch compound off of the main highway. A lone wounded survivor walked to the City of San Fernando, about eight miles away, and encountered the Mexican Army compound, and reported the massacre. The next morning the Mexican Army personnel searched out and surrounded the eight or nine miscreants who failed to surrender and suffered the consequences. Autopsies indicated that they were full of drugs and alcohol.
It is my opinion that there is nothing humanitarian to help people across the Rio Grande when in fact those same people are most likely going to wind up in very unpleasant straits. The thundering blather by the Democrat Ghouls about how "Trump didn't help the Migrants!!! Trump kept children in chains (actually photos and episodes that pertained to the Obama regime's rule), Trump was dividing nations, Trump is a bigot" continues to this day.
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A small multi-family cemetery, very near the Rio Grande not far from McAllen, Texas with interments dating back into the latter 1800s. __________________________ |
The Mexican military liked the wall, and while it is not stated, there were many, many passively and/or informally co-ordinated actions by American Border Patrol, Texas River Patrol, and the Mexican Infantry. These matters are simply not mentioned, and co-ordination as a matter of fact is generally a matter of both sides helping someone who is drowning in the Rio Grande (Mexican formal name is Rio Bravo del Norte) or who is tangled in a river weed mess…also a really bad way to croak.
Another thing to remember about all this commotion is that Mexico received and gives out very poor public relations. There it plenty to complain about in Mexico, there are ridiculous political posturings, long-delayed projects half-constructed, incessant argumentation on the floor of the Mexican Upper and Lower Houses of Congress, and State governments with mono-cameral congresses that bicker and bray, yet succeed in much significant State-level advances.
But all in all, Mexico functions pretty well…not perfectly…but pretty darned well. Good restaurants, from the very humble to the regular nice place, and places where one would not be surprised to see business magnates from around the world..and Mexico, and other Important People. There is a lot of diesel and gasoline of good quality (actually much of the high-test fuel comes in from Exxon in a trade). Mexico exports medium-low and medium-high quality oil to Exxon and Exxon refines the high-test for significant PEMEX gasoline, and also keep for themselves a certain radioactive mineral that is used various advanced applications.
Perhaps some day there will be no more Cartel stuff…nor rapacious, psychopathic corruption amongst so many of the middle and high ranking bureaucrats and elected official. I shall resign for the moment from the screed and allow the sane people to return to their sane activities and productive natures.
There will more to come in short order.