Thursday 19 November 2015

Extreme Central Texas forwards a military / Pentagon Analyst's assessment of the estrogen poisoning of the American Military:


The Kool Aid Kings and Queens of the Pentagon

   It seems nearly every day that the Pentagon is talking to the American people in double, triple and quadruple speak. The truth is a fugitive, on the run from numerous admirals, generals and cabinet members who distort reality and who are sucking down enough Kool Aid to fill Chesapeake Bay.
According to the Pentagon, the air war against ISIS is successful, combat in Iraq is non-combat, women can make it through Navy SEAL training and 50 Special Forces soldiers can retake Syria.
Who’s running the Pentagon now?  Charlie Sheen?

Without further ado, the Pentagon Kool Aid dramatis personae:

Secretary of Defense Ash Carter – Ash and Trash Carter has a lot of degrees in physics and a ton of experience loitering around various bureaucratic water coolers. Sadly, the man has no military experience, which makes him the perfect choice to carry the Obama administration’s social experiment torch. Carter has already been behind a few idiotic statements such as the Delta Force “non-combat, combat” and his decision or his willingness to go along with Obama’s decision to send just 50 Special Forces guys into Syria.
      Maybe the guy who knows how to tune the Enterprise’s warp speed conductor should be down at NASA instead? Just a thought…
     Carter’s a nice guy and that’s another problem. There’s no one at the Pentagon or in the Beltway with the toughness to stand up to the marauding White House Visigoths. When asked last week, about the Marines’ study that showed that women can’t hack it in the infantry and his impending decision in January to authorize women in the combat arms, this was Ash and Trash Carter’s response in a nutshell.
     “I have received the study and it is being evaluated currently and the decision process is ongoing and therefore no results have been obtained or decided and therefore I can’t answer that question because it’s in the system and moving forward and I will evaluate the information concurrently as the situation unfolds and the details are presented to me.”
Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot?

Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus – In the Oxford English Dictionary under “idiot” it says, see Ray Mabus. Mabus is another of Obama’s willing destroyers of the macho, male culture in the military. You know the culture that wins wars and protects us all. In a recent Washington Post OP-ED, Mabus wrote that war has mellowed so much since 1992 that women should be allowed to serve in the combat arms. I guess he forgot about Fallujah, Tal Afar, Sadr City, Tora Bora, Ramadi and a thousand other battles that the Marines and the Army won the old-fashioned way, by riflemen taking and holding ground and killing bad guys.
In the same OP-ED, Mabus said that diversity of thought, technology and creative thinking can win wars now. Mabus went on to write about four female Marine officers who figured out how to scale an eight foot wall and because of this, women should be allowed to serve in the infantry. Mabus refuses to look at the Marines’ recent study that concluded women will be ill-suited in combat. I cannot remember a Secretary of the Navy that was as disliked by the Marines as Mabus is.

Former Secretary of the Army John McHugh – “I’m an ordinary guy, burning down the house…” McHugh’s tenure of destruction at the Pentagon ended this week. He spent his last month in office, stalling Congressman Steve Russell and his request for the Ranger School records of the female graduates. When the stalling stopped, the shredding started. McHugh escaped out of a latrine back window just as Russell was kicking in the front door with an impending congressional investigation of the Army’s conduct and special treatment of women at Ranger School.

Secretary of the Army Eric Fanning – “We are family, I got all my soldiers with me.” Who else, but the man who chaired the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund would Obama choose as the next Secretary of the Army. Fanning is another lackey like Mabus, who is in place to ensure that the Army is destroyed by the Great Social Experiment. While most Americans view homosexuality with indifference, the concept of open homosexuality in the military is most certainly detrimental to unit cohesion, morale and fighting spirit. Under Fanning, the Army’s motto has gone from “This We’ll Defend” to “Not that there’s anything wrong with it!” How did Obama’s decision process work on this one? Paul Lynde; funny, but gone; Charles Nelson Reilly, ditto; Truman Capote, checked out. Let’s see, who’s left, Nathan Lane; no sir, booked on Broadway. Okay, how about Fanny? No sir, that’s Fanning. Call her. No sir, Fanning’s a him. What’s the difference? There’s no such thing as genders anyway. Yes sir, dialing now.

And, then there’s Debbie…
Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James has been Secretary of the Air Force for almost two years and during that time, she has been responsible for bringing in the over-priced, under-performing F-35 and running out the old reliable, A-10. She’s also leading the charge on ending the ban on trans-genders in the Air Force. Why do I have a mental picture of Caitlyn Jenner flying a B-17 in an evening gown? But, hey, we don’t want to offend anyone. Not that there’s anything wrong with it!

Rear Admiral John Kirby – “It’s a beautiful day at the Pentagon, a beautiful day for smoke and mirrors…would you be mine, ISIS, could you be mine?” Rear Admiral Kirby, aka Mister Rogers, is now at the State Department or Foggy Bottom, which is perfect for him, since he was running the Pentagon fog machine for a couple years before he took the trolley over to State. During his tenure as Pentagon spokesman, Kirby told the world on a daily basis how well the air campaign against ISIS was going. Now, El Kirbo is tap dancing his way through daily State Department briefings, which includes painting a portrait of Hillary Clinton as Mother Theresa instead of Ma Barker.

General (Ret.) Martin Dempsey  – “You’re here, there’s nothing I fear and I know that my retirement benefits will go on…” Dempsey, the former Captain of the US Army Titanic is gone, but never forgotten is the list of damage done to the Army during his tenure, The man Senator John McCain called, “The echo chamber of the Obama administration,” said not a peep as the US Army was used as the Obama administration’s personal, pet social experiment. Dempsey’s legacy also consists of his famous non sequitur, “If women can’t meet military standards, the Pentagon will ask does it really have to be that high?”
     Dempsey is currently floating away on a wooden pallet as the US Army Titanic plunges into the cold depths of the Potomac.

General Mark Milley – “Silver wings on his chest, but drinking Kool Aid, with the rest…” The new Army Chief of Staff has lots of grunt and SF experience, but he’s already drinking and bathing in Kool Aid. He was down at Benning congratulating female grads Griest and Haver on a job well earned at Ranger School and smiling for the cameras and the press. Stay tuned for more from Willie Milley. I particularly enjoyed his hogwash commentary about the current state of the Army now. I guess they all have to say stuff like this.
      “We have the most skilled, ethical, and combat hardened Army in our nation’s   history. I am honored to lead this remarkable team.”
      Mussolini was probably telling his own army they were the most skilled, ethical,  and combat hardened army in Italy’s history as the British ran them out of North Africa.
     It’s certainly the most technologically advanced Army. Skilled; yes, in light infantry for another war against the Taliban or Al Qaeda in Iraq, but what happens when we have to go against the Russians or an Iranian armored corps? Whoops. According to Colonel Gian Gentile, the US can’t even field a heavy BCT now. Cavalry squadrons can’t run a range and soldiers with armor MOS’ barely know how to load a main gun round. Ethical; certainly, the troops are pretty ethical, but the Army’s senior leaders aren’t. How can they be? They’re lying to themselves and the nation on a daily basis. Combat hardened; yes, but many have left and who remains as the leadership of the Army now? The rubber men of Arlington, who bend and bow to every insane whim floating through the air, that’s who.

General Joe Dunford is the last hope for the country and the US military. 

(Thank God a Marine is the Chairman of the JCS)

Perhaps Dunford can save the military.   Maybe Dunford will make the Marine final stand against females being shoved into the combat arms. Maybe Dunford will stop it all. Maybe, maybe, maybe…
     At least having a Marine in charge gives you hope. The Navy, the Air Force and finally, the Army have been taken to the spay and neuter service module and placed the now no longer used organs in mason jars at the bottom of a 10,000 foot mine shaft.
     The perfumed princes and princesses at the Pentagon have (willingly) forgotten that the military exists for one sole reason, TO WAGE WAR on sea, on land and in the air. It is not, nor has it ever been a repository for every crackpot cultural Marxist scheme cooked up in the twisted confines of a Berkeley coffee house.
       Saying nothing and playing along may seem like the best decision for your career and your retirement benefits, but unless you are insane, which I know you’re not, you must know that the decisions you are making and the horse dung and hay you’re espousing are hurting the military and your country every day. The policies you help implement are not progressive, but rather suicidal for the nation and its defense.
     History will judge you one day, ladies and gentlemen, and the judgment won’t be a favorable one. You will one day be viewed as the people who betrayed America’s national security for the greater glory of yourselves.

Until that day comes, Kool Aid is available on tap at the Pentagon.


Wednesday 18 November 2015

Soweto Gospel Choir - Khumbaya - the only one of these that makes any sense. ISIS and subsidiaries want to steal, rape, ransom, and kill these girls. Nuf Sed?

Calling us insensitive and uncaring about widows and 3 year olds is not going to work for you this time, Barry.
ISIS wants to kill, rape, and ransom 
these have done nothing beyond Michelle's hash-tags

Do you "Come by here", or do you just stay in your perverse ivory tower?

John Lennon - Imagine (official video) - pointless conceit of a narcissist, atheist, self-consumed elitist

USA for Africa - We are the World - pointless conceit of "stars"

The Republican Party wants alms, and they will give me a "free gift" so that they can take the money and stab me, and one of mine, and the entire mule-team pulling the wagon full of RINOs in the front, back, and/or wherever.

Dear Mr. Reince Preibus:

      It has been my pleasure to have supported Republican candidates since the age of 5, during the Eisenhower / Stevenson elections, when my brother and I passed out Eisenhower / Nixon pamphlets in front of the McAllen, Texas main post office.    My mother ran the Democrats for Eisenhower Hidalgo County Headquarters which was about 30 times larger than the Republican Headquarters….because Republican leaning people in those post-Reconstruction constructs of the Southern political scene, conservatives had to operate within the Democrat Party structure.   My grandfather did not speak to my mother (his daughter) for three years,  because she was supporting Republicans for President and Vice-President.   In that year, the Democrats and Republicans, in their primaries, voted to nominate Allen Shivers for Governor, because Eisenhower declared he would restore the Tidelands Mineral Rights to Texas and Louisiana (stolen during the Reconstruction by the Central Government in Washington, D.C.)  The Democrat Primary had almost exactly 100 times more votes cast than did the Republican Primary….because that is just the way it was in those years in Texas and the South.

     My brother (aged 10) and I (aged 5) made an agreement and a pact.  “Why should we do this game?  If we agree with the general Republican position, then we should be Republicans”….was essentially our position.  My brother went on to be a "Queso Grande" in the Republican Party, serving as the AA to John G. Tower, in Washington, D.C. and later as the Executive Director of the Republican Party of Texas….and then later as one of the founders and the Executive Director of a special impact PAC with the name of Associated Republicans of Texas, that concentrated on electing state representatives, county officials, state senators, and other significant public offices on the premise of being committed once and for all to push conservatives into a majority voting bloc as Republicans.   He also brought the notion of fund-raising via direct mail into vogue in the mid 1960s, being not among the first, but the first to perform such magic.   The checks required three people to process, full time, in the Littlefield Building  on Congress and 6th in downtown Austin.   It serves to mention that John G. Tower is/was the Godfather of my brother’s first son.

     As a younger person, during my sophomore and junior years in high school,  I served for two years as the overwhelmingly elected, against two very, very fine fellows as the President of the Teenaged Republicans of McAllen.   During our administration this Club became the largest such club in the United States with a membership of 600.   For instance, we raised enough money to lease nine busses and pay for the road meals of 400 of those members whose mommies and daddies (back when there were such things) would let them go to Austin (300 miles away) for a rally in support of Jack Cox in his race for Governor of Texas against a fellow hand-picked by LBJ…by the name of John Connelly.   The municipal auditorium of the City of Austin was filled to the rafters…..and the largest delegation???  Hidalgo County and the City of McAllen….not Dallas, not Houston, not any of the “big cities” but little ole’ McAllen.  (actually quite a nice oasis and advanced municipality).   Later, this humble servant was very active in various Republican efforts….elections, party organisation, and even running a pretty good campaign, (thanks to my wife and a few friends) for County Commissioner, Precinct III of Hidalgo County, Texas where Democrat to Republican ratio was, and pretty much still is, about 40 - 1 in favour of the Democrats.   We should point out that my wife was the official secretary of the Republican Party of Hidalgo county for two terms.

     Now, Mr. Priebus you ask for me to pick up my “free gift” for a contribution of 75 Yankee dollars or more.   You say you really need me on the “team”.  Since the time we “self-identified” as Reaganites, the Republican Party at all levels, including here in Texas until very, very recently made certain that I was perhaps qualified to nail signs together and / or run and get coffee for the “important people” in the operation.    When we sponsored the “Rush to Excellence” visit by a nobody like Rush Limbaugh in 1989, here in McAllen….it costed us a fortune….one of four small businesses that ponied up the required 1,000 Yankee dollars to sponsor the event.  It was overwhelmed at the McAllen Civic Centre.  Many thousands of people arrived,   Not present?   Local Republican officials…RNC, etc….Limbaugh to them and the Country Club Republican establishment was a racist, a loose cannon, a shock-jock, and something that would be gone within 18 months.   This was while the Republican National committeewoman of the district declared that her Mexican American voter recruitment effort was to " over as many of them as I can on the  way to the polls."  This was while the Latin cohort in the local party was about 40% of the total group, including the country clubbers.

     I say to you….”Leave me alone”…..Will you not, as soon as you might have received this and other small contributions, stab the small contributors and me in the back, front, and side for the millionth time?  You will allow or push forward methods and maneouvers to defame, denigrate, and ridicule the “snake-handlers, hillbillies, hayseeds, hicks, Klanners, troglodytes, Tea-Baggers, and (shudder) Confederates, and foot-washing Christians”.   I say to you, take and burn any record of my affiliation with you.   We know that you have manners and methods to invent stories of defamation.  We know that even now,  you all will begin to release all nature of stories about Ted Cruz and perhaps even Dr. Carson of Sen. Paul….or any of their supporters upon whom you can “dig dirt”.
     We know that you will render any such information to the Obsolete Press, and that you think such a gratuitous act will grant you the pass to the correct cocktail parties in the Hamptons and Martha’s Vineyard and the finest saloons and restaurants in Georgetown and Manhattan….but remember, they think you are the same as us, only controllable.   Remember how many times the Obsolete Media has stabbed the “correct moderate Republican” in the back, immediately upon nomination for higher office.

El Gringo Viejo...

Tuesday 17 November 2015

An Ed Klein Report worth reading....dry, but solid and we begin to move to more pleasant things


Be First to Know.

Why Hillary Isn’t Qualified to be Commander in Chief
The terrorist attack in Paris—and the fear that such a horrific fate could befall a major American city—has recast the presidential race and prompted former secretary of state Hillary Clinton to brag that she is the most qualified candidate in either political party to be commander in chief.

That, at least, is the story line that Hillary and her campaign are feeding the American public.

But is it true? Let’s refresh our memory.

When Barack Obama offered Hillary the job of secretary of state, she was suspicious of his motives and skeptical that he would allow her to put her stamp on foreign policy.

“I don’t want to be a pantsuit-wearing globetrotter,” she told Bill Clinton in the presence of several friends, two of whom I interviewed.

Her suspicions proved to be accurate. Obama and Valerie Jarrett, his senior adviser, never let Hillary run foreign policy. As one official told Politico, Hillary practiced “odometer diplomacy,” with a “focus on globetrotting to bolster America’s relationships abroad coupled with attempts to cope with an array of pop-up crises.”

Hillary extracted a promise from Obama that she would be free to choose her own deputies, but that is not how things worked out. Jarrett insisted that Hillary hire James Steinberg as her deputy secretary of state, even though Hillary didn’t like or trust Steinberg.

As part of the Obamas vs. the Clinton blood feud that I have written about, the White House went out of its way to humiliate Hillary. For example, Hillary would be summoned to the White House for a meeting only to discover when she arrived that the meeting had been canceled without anyone bothering to tell her. Other times, she was left in the dark about the timing of cabinet meetings.

Bill Clinton urged Hillary to stand her ground with the White House and hit some foreign policy homeruns. But when she tried to follow his advice—as she did in Libya, the “reset” with Russia, and the “pivot” to Asia—the results were disastrous.

Libya became a breeding ground for the Islamic State; the Russian “reset” gave Vladimir Putin an excuse to annex Crimea; and the Asian “pivot” encouraged Beijing to create an archipelago of militarized islands in the South China Sea.

Finally, Hillary’s claim to commander in chief status was demolished once and for all by the events of September 11, 2012 in Benghazi, where four Americans lost their lives, including our ambassador to Libya.

If this tragedy had been inflicted on any other major industrialized country, the foreign minister would have been forced to resign.

That’s exactly what Hillary should have done—taken responsibility for Benghazi and resigned. The fact that she is still trying to wiggle her way out of taking any blame is proof that she is not qualified to be commander in chief of the United States.


     And, of course, we have to climb onto the crippled horse, and point out other small, but salient, points.

     It is more than certain that (Sir Edmund) Hillary slipped up a bit during the Benghazi episode.  She had poisoned her own well by making the silly, sophomoric campaign advertisement, questioning Barry Soetoro's competence and/or willingness to answer the telephone at 03:00 hours, a call that portended grave news of great import.   Could an incompetent puppet with no transcripts, with known antecedents of having had sexual harassment charges filed against him by various men that had been settled "out of court" by Harvard University, and who had no military, economic,  diplomatic, or any other understanding about anything do better than (Sir Edmund) Hillary?
     But when it came time for her to step in to deal with a matter under her purview....the imminent collapse of a consular facility complete with a trapped Ambassador.....while Barry Soetoro, the Indonesian exchange student was AWOL in Las Vegas where he had made a Royal Decree against all business executives to visit for any purpose, especially when flying corporate jets....(Sir Edmund) Hillary tripped over the gin bottle by the bed.

     Upon understanding the gravity and gravitas of the situation, (Sir Edmund) Hillary's first concern was "To whom shall I pass the cup?  I shan't take a sip, that's for sure!    So she went wringing her already trembling hands to Chief Body Man Huma Weiner shrieking about "How do I get this monkey off my back....Help me!!  Help me, Huma !!"

     A quick run through the labyrinth of sedition led to the other Huma, one Valerie Jarrett, daughter of two communists from Persia (Iran).  Although Huma and Valerie are both Persian and hate each other's guts, they also have that contradictory two sided badge they both wear, the one with an Islamic Star and Crescent Moon on one side, and a Hammer and Sickle on the other.

     Valerie says that Barry Soetoro...."...cannot be bothered right now, but there's an idea that might work.   Some guys playing computer games a couple of months ago came across a really funny video-short about Mohammed that was kind of disgusting.  We can say the Muslims were protesting this video.  We can say it had nothing to do with an organised terrorist attack.  And we'll start to cover up the arms and ammunition trans-shipments to that Islamic State group that's helping us against Assad.  Romney will step into the mess, and then we can blame Romney for being a racist and is just trying to score racist points against Barry and Islam. We'll put you on the Sunday parade of boring in-depth boring pro-Obama and pro-Hillary boring apologists, and you can repeat the same boring lie so many times that there won't be any newspaper space or television time on MTV to contradict the video story."

     To which Huma Weiner says, "Works for  me.   Look, I gotta go.  Another girl is calling me to complain that Anthony is sending her some of his naked pictures again.   Just don't know what to do with that man...."

      The last thing (Sir Edmund) Hillary knew about any of this stuff was when Huma steered her towards the right place to stand at the Dover AFB hangar where the coffins of the dead Americans and their Ambassador were being received and recognised.   "Remember, your Highness, repeat 'we're going to get that guy who made those videos''s the only thing you have to tell these stupid people who want to know what their mercenary sons were doing....'we're going to get that guy who made those videos...we're going to get that guy who made those videos."
     Huma whispered to Valerie during the ceremony, "She's still groggy from last night.   She's always been really confused early in the morning and late a night....and....well....actually pretty much all day.   We give her an upper when she has to testify and we try to remind her not to look down at the floor because it's a sure sign of lying, but she goes right to it when she starts lying, every time."

     All of that which follows below, as much of the above, is the spawn of literary license.
      But it fits so well, it might well wind up being true....However it is also an un-abashed attempt, in deference to the Father-in-Law of my daughter, and of whom I am the Father-in-law of his son, to write more about Mexico and its peculiar, touristy, non-touristy, incredible, fascinating, curative, cathartic, conduit to the Ancestors and internal peace, birdwatching, expunging of evil spells, aches, pains, memories, and general ills.   He also wants more historical portrayals and political/cultural commentary.   Actually, his advice is correct. S0....


A bunch of Gringos, foolishly enjoying themselves. when there
is so much income disparity and starvation and  obtuse 
cresellisbquadong, a disease as yet not known but
killing millions of minority children per/week in
America's inner cities even as we
write this.

   Valerie Jarrett leaned over, not knowing El Gringo Viejo was listening and intoned, "Listen, we go through the same thing with Barry...his dance card is a little...strange.  His golfing buddies are all billionaires, but they mainly dance at the other end of the ball-room, if you know what I mean.   He still prefers weed and beer, but that water buffalo I set him with only wants him to drink white wine at the state dinners and banquets, and with an ice cube in it to boot.   When all of this is over we can go to Zihuatanejo and have some fun, okay?"

A shopping lane for deranged females who
 suddenly have to buy something they 
could not live without, although
 they had never seen it

Condos on the hill...with correct plastering.
   Their 11 room place is somewhere mid-way
 up and carries the bank guaranteed
 notification and local real estate
 tax payments. The property 
taxes are very low, but
 the National sales 
tax is 16%

   These places, pictured above,  is where Huma and Valerie might go for triple-islamic-margaritas, shopping, and entertaining while they compare notes about the pair of honkeys they had to spoon feed for a generation.   They took out the 99-year lease-transferrable to heirs package for their tiny 11 room condo with 3 bathrooms and two jacuzzis, where they can read the Quran and laugh about the Gentiles and Jews they tormented during the years they were running America.

    That lease is important, and handled by a bank of registry, because foreigners cannot own land within 50 kilometres of a maritime boundary or 100 kilometres of a terrestrial national boundary.   The choose the bank...will administer the title and lease preference with honest and open procedure.   You will be responsible for the city and county taxes, and you will be responsible for the taxes, exhibited by the bank,  which are, in Gringo terms, ridiculously low.   They make up for it with a 16% national sales tax, among others.  The bank can, and usually does, fold these nominal taxes into the monthly or annual lease payment.   Our payment for a wholly-owned, "we pay the county/city/state taxes direct sometime in February, for bit less than two acres and a relatively large House (for the area) 2 / 2 with a parlour, some air-conditioning, and niceties, is presently about 200 pesos per year (14.00 / American dollars).

       El Gringo Viejo confesses that some of the later part is promoted by the fact that the Father-in-law of my daughter (and of whom I am the Father-in-law of his son) has charged, impelled, and compelled El Gringo Viejo to write more about Mexican and Texian history and cultural matters.   And, oddly enough, El Gringo Viejo agrees.   It is just that I am an recovery, but I am an addict.

     The sneaky lead-in about people who should never been anywhere near the White House, we move quickly to the problematic question...."If things are so bad in Mexico as O'Reilly says and the Obsolete Press says, and everything is totally corrupt and there is no law, and everybody is killing everybody all the time, then why do we hear about people going to this "Playa" and the other "Playa" and this "Zona Colonial" and that "Zona Colonial", etc. ?

     It's true.  All the gringos have been killed and are being killed all the time.  Everybody is dead and they dig them up and kill them again.   In spite of the free and  equal press, however, the fact is...right now....there are about 450,000 Gringos at this moment, wasting their time in Mexico.

    This does not count the resident Gringos who spend 50% or more of their time in Mexico or who have micro-businesses to entertain themselves in an active "retirement"...(figure another 100,000).   Baja California is not even imaginable in terms of most Americans' is essentially an extension of the United States of America, as California is an extension of Mexico.

     So, we ask you all.  Please review the various vignettes that have been placed here, above this commentary.  These are not done for, by, or with the people who made the video vignettes.    Remember, we are not here to sell anything.   Just enjoy.

El Gringo Viejo