Monday 9 December 2013

MLK, Michael Jackson, and now the Magical Madiba Mess - Saints Preserve Us

   We invent sacred cows, bulls, heifers, and toadstools.  We are fed a diet of how so-and-so is the greatest person in history and such-and-such is the unassailable truth....this bar of metal is .999 fine silver and this bar of metal is 24k me.   When it turns out to the false, then it is time to shoot the messenger. 
    The time arrives when morality becomes false and the worship of false gods living or dead, becomes true.   The glorious raiment of the Emperor, no matter how hideous or non-existent must be described, and believed to be, glorious raiment.  Or else.
     With a few changes, two of America's icons and their estates, can be folded into the story published in the Canadian press, quite openly, as they analyse the developments coming down the road concerning the reality of the Mandela phenomena.  To wit:

  Following his death on Thursday at the age of 95, the scramble for control of the Mandela legacy - both financial and moral - will involve his family, the ruling African National Congress (ANC), and the Nelson Mandela Foundation he set up to protect his broader message.


      At stake is the inheritance that will go to Mandela's more than 30 children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, some of whom already use the Mandela name and image to market everything from clothing to reality TV.

      There are also the Mandela brands and trademarks that help fund the Foundation. And for the ANC, Mandela's reputation as an anti-apartheid hero is worth votes for years to come.
      There are no available public figures of Mandela's wealth, making it difficult to put an exact value on his estate, which includes an upscale house in Johannesburg, a modest dwelling in his rural Eastern Cape home province, and royalties from book sales including his autobiography "Long Walk to Freedom".
     Several South African branding experts have declined to estimate the annual value of Mandela's trademark and brands.
    Maintaining control over the copyrights is already a difficult business; protecting the Mandela brand may be even harder now that he is gone.
    "The beauty of the Nelson Mandela brand is that it has been lived by him exactly as it has been presented by him. His behaviour is his brand," said Jeremy Sampson, the executive chairman of Interbrand Sampson de Villiers.
    "In the rush to commercialize it, we run the risk of watering down or destroying the good that the brand stood for purely with the crassness of finance," he added. "GOOD LORD"
     Mandela divided the management of his legacy between a series of trusts to handle his finances and the Nelson Mandela Foundation, which serves as custodian of his wider moral legacy.
    In total, he set up about two dozen trusts, mostly to pay for the education of his grandchildren and great grandchildren.
    It hasn't all been straight forward.
   A legal tussle between Mandela's long-time friend, lawyer George Bizos, and two of Mandela's daughters became public this year as the daughters sought to have Bizos and other Mandela associates ousted from companies set up to sell his handprint for use in art and memorabilia.
   According to an affidavit filed by Bizos and the others, the two daughters, Makaziwe Mandela and Zenani Dlamini, had been trying to gain control of the main Mandela Trust since 2005 and eventually became trustees without Mandela's knowledge.
   Mandela became angry when he found out what the daughters had done, Bizos and the other associates said in the affidavit.   "Mr Mandela was shocked and used a common expression 'Good Lord!' He was most infuriated and wanted to know what had happened."
A portion of the revenue from the Foundation's 46664 clothing line - named after Mandela's prisoner number on Robben Island - and the artworks also goes to pay for family members' education, according to Bizos.
     "The trust has adopted the procedure of requiring the applicant for money to furnish an invoice," Bizos said, adding that every request accompanied by proper paperwork has been granted.
      But some family members have asked for a lump sum payment of 12 million rand, he added.    Such demands fuel the notion, widely held in South Africa, that some of Mandela's children have exploited their father.    Makaziwe, Mandela's eldest daughter, bristles at that.    "This is what we are, in a sense, entitled to, that my father worked for, and he did it with his own hands to create something for the welfare and upkeep of himself and his children," she told the Financial Times in April (emphatic graphics added by El Gringo Viejo) .
      "If everybody wants a little bit of the Madiba magic, why is it so sacrilegious for the rightful owners ... to use the Madiba magic?" she said, referring to her father by his clan name.
(full article: )
    Another of the great magical majestic magicians are people like Madame Mitterand, wife of the famous Mitterand of Vichy Communist, one-time Nazi, one-time Socialist, one-time wannebe Conservative.... one-time bon vivant.... one-time Riviera Barnacle.... one-time Villa connoisseur. His  widow ran funds and estate monies and all nature of public monies funnelled into the control of poor, old Francois...used later for the Sendero Luminoso, the Frente Armada y Revolucionaria Colombiana (FARC), Frente Sandinista para la Liberacion Nacional (FSLN -  sub-Comandante Marcos / Chiapas) among other major financial backings of hot-pink and red organisations.
    Then that personality of great fame, like Hillary and her concern for women's and children's issues, we name the now long forgotten parasite, Yassir Arafat with the wife of the net-stockings....whose estate is thought to have approximated something like 600,000,000 USD.   The wife has been on a spending spree in Paris since 10 years before the death of the man who appeared to be the union of tubercular maggots and dung beetle larvae.  Mrs. Shearhfat's Olympic Shopping Team training efforts continue to this day.
    And of course we give due recognition, lauding and magnifying the name of that greatest of all democratic, agrarian reformers, a people-type person, a really nice guy and his brother, Fidel and Raul Castro Ruz.....who control something like 2,000,000,000 USD. That's two billion dollars....stolen from the people of Cuba....and anyone else. That money is on deposit in various institutions in Europe.  Everyone knows it so that's why it has to be kept secret by Barbara Walters, who still thinks she is the only one who knows it.
    And sadly, most folks know about the horrid, narcissistic arguments between family members that began at the very instant after the burial of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  Only one niece is known to have carried herself in a dignified and respectful manner since that interment.  She is a FOX News commentator and is seen on that network at times.
    We shan't even elaborate on the Michael Jackson mess.
Failing in my desire to want a little of that Madiba Magic, I remain

Special Note to Americas Quarterly

This opinion piece appeared in the Americas Quarterly on the 6th instant of the present month of December, 2013.


Lima Must Deliver on Inclusive Climate Decision-Making

December 6, 2013

A year from now, Lima, Peru will host the 20th Conference of the Parties (COP20) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).  For Latin American Indigenous peoples—who make up a large proportion of the populations of Peru and neighboring Bolivia and Ecuador—COP20 is a pivotal chance to coordinate and leverage their influence on the international stage.
2010 was the last time Latin American Indigenous peoples had the opportunity air their concerns about climate and environmental inequities—albeit outside of the official process. In April of that year, the first World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth was held in Cochabamba, Bolivia. The conference brought together over 30,000 activists from over 100 countries, largely as an alternative to the failures of the 2009 UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen.            
    Indigenous peoples fed up with the lack of results from the UN conference articulated their own vision of climate justice at the 2010 Cochabamba Conference.  The resulting People’s Agreement aimed to construct a new system based on harmony and balance between humans and Mother Earth.  They reconceived a series of rights that were overlooked during the official negotiations, drafting the landmark Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth.
What has happened to Indigenous people’s voices since then? Few Latin American Indigenous groups are able to travel to far-flung conference locations like Doha and Warsaw. Indigenous peoples continue to struggle for recognition and fair access to the closed intergovernmental negotiations.
Amazonian and Andean Indigenous groups have minimal say in critical decisions that affect their livelihoods.  For now, they are limited to non-governmental organization observer status, with restrictions that permit only a few registered conference entrants per organization. Thus, their impact on the tone and course of the central negotiating process is limited, especially in moments of tough deal-brokering.
Indigenous peoples continue attempting to influence the process from the inside. Rodolfo Machaca Yupanqui was representing Bolivia at this year’s COP19 in Warsaw as an Aymara Indigenous person and rural farmers' union leader. He identified a sad misalignment in outcomes between the Cochabamba Conference and the COPs—for example, the difficulty of inserting ideas about Mother Earth as the ultimate provider of life into the vast G77 negotiating group. However, he reiterated the consistency in principles between the Cochabamba Conference and Bolivia’s official negotiating positions.
The few Indigenous representatives at this year’s COP seemed somewhat reluctant to express views that reflect poorly on their government leadership. In a process where Indigenous peoples lack direct influence, governmental representatives often become their only link to closed decision-making sessions. Cutting off engagement could mean losing their diplomat spokespeople.
As Latin American Indigenous people work to ensure that their interests are incorporated and protected in future climate agreements, Peru must create the conditions necessary for the Lima COP to be reinvigorated with the spirit of the Cochabamba Conference.  This means allowing Indigenous voices to be heard directly—not merely through the actions of a few official delegation leaders and regional blocs, as in Warsaw.
For Indigenous people to protect their interests in Lima, the Peruvian government has a role and responsibility to facilitate an equitable process as hosts and ensure moral leadership that recognizes the broad ramifications of climate change for Indigenous and marginalized peoples worldwide.  If the answer is not another World People’s Conference, then Peru must play a very active role in setting new precedents for inclusiveness in Lima.
Domestic recognition of Indigenous people’s legal autonomy and self-governance (such as in Articles 57 and 171 in Ecuador’s Constitution) is seldom effectively enforced and protected. However, it is even more of a shame that Indigenous groups struggle with these same representation issues at the UN, by being denied the sovereignty that would give them a seat at the negotiating table.
For the world to finally witness a more inclusive COP, Peru and the UN must begin planning now to open the channels for Indigenous participation and make closed negotiations accessible to non-diplomats. The equity issues raised at the Cochabamba Conference should be at the heart of the debate. Article 6 of the UNFCCC Charter guarantees “public participation in addressing climate change…and developing adequate responses,” but Indigenous people contend that the UN process shuts them out.
The next major opportunity for Indigenous inclusion will be in Lima, where facilitation by the COP20 host could be crucial. Fortunately, Peruvian Minister of the Environment Manuel Pulgar-Vidal has shown signs that he is committed to an inclusive process by recently signing a joint commitment with WWF International to collaborate at the COP20.
Still, details about the proposed setup and participative format in Lima are only slowly emerging. Being equipped with more information will enable Indigenous groups to organize and have a voice in the proceedings. With the COP20 now less than a year away, the stakes could not be higher for Indigenous peoples.
*Keith Madden is a researcher at Brown University with the Climate and Development Lab and is working towards a degree in environmental studies and international relations.



      United Nations? Climate Change? Used to be "Global Warming"?  Used to be Industrial Colonisation and Exploitation of the Developing World?  Used to be called Nuclear Winter?  Used to be called Atomic Armageddon?  Used to be called Global Cooling?

    It has always been called the Global Shakedown by effete, impudent, narcissistic Bolshies who are out to perfect the condition of man by establishing a worldwide proletariat democracy....with Hillary and Soros and the arrogant professorial class holding the reins of power.

    They demand, "You arrogant developed countries that exploited the dark peoples and those who have not had the 'good luck' of the exploiters, must pay for your sins and abuses!"
And the money flows into the United Nations...and the Mugabes and the Husseins, and others of their ilk laugh and slurp up 300 year old brandy and run with fat, bleached blond prostitutes in the posh hotels of New York, while their limousines remain triple-parked on 42nd Street. The best they could do was South Africa which to-day, still to this day, remains a hell-hole anthropologically...murder, violence, poverty, inter-tribal conflict,...even as we are exhorted to reverence and honour another secular "Saviour" of the human race. Sandino? the Castros? Ferandez de Kichener? Lula? Stalin? Ho? Pot? Mao? Is there any end to the thousands of greedy tin-horn dictators waiting to crunch the bones of the masses so that they can strut and demand that the productive pay them to damn the productive.
      If you want to clean up the world, do it with the despots and the people who have the words "Democratic Republic" in the formal name of their country. Do it where the kazoo-played national anthem includes lyrics about the 'struggle for economic equality'. Do in the God-forsaken nations that have white-sidewall tires on their mobile artillery pieces and armoured personnel carriers. Do it in places that have ruling parties with names like the German National Socialist Workers' Party.

     Finally, spend another billion dollars or so per week to save the "indigenous populations" of the Mountains of the Backbone of the Americans" from Chile's southern tip to the tip of Point Barrow in Alaska. The fat, bleached-blond United Nati0ns Official Committee for Diplomatic Escort Services  customer service specialists in New York City, and the cheesy restaurants with the elaborate wine lists need the business.

Thank you for your time and patience.

El Gringo Viejo

Sunday 8 December 2013

Perspectives, Objections, and Agreements

     We enter the Uni-season now, made more efficient over the last fifty years or so by combining the depths of Winter's Solstice with the Orthodox notion and understanding of Advent, Christ's Mass or the Feast of the Nativity in my Grandmother's time, the notion of Yule-tide, Hanukkah,  and then of course the Feast of  the Epiphany.
     Parenthetically, we urge that the OROG wade into deep water at the Anglican Curmudgeon's address and work through the fairly easy to understand complexities that attend the uses of the terms Catholic, catholic, Christian, Orthodox.   In an astute and non-hostile manner, our cyber-Confessor explains how those things are intertwined in the framework of the Two Testaments, the Prophesies, and the manner by which the many-petalled flower that is Christianity came to look as it does to-day.   Those of us on the Conservative side of the issues affecting the Anglican Communion as well as the rest of the Catholic-traditioned part of Christianity are aware of the inclusive - exclusive dynamic our issues and arguments present.   We lament the willingness by the "Progressives" to have no interest in such a dynamic, but rather prefer to exclude totally any influence by the traditionalists.  The Anglican Curmudgeon's present treatise,  along with Barrack Hussein Obama's paralleling of his own understanding recently as akin to Pope Benedict's understanding of economic fairness have inspired this writer to pen a few notes on this issue....and at this time in the Church's Calendar.   

     The matter of income redistribution, social democracy, and how the Bishop of Rome fits into the issues of "social justice" as he defines it as opposed to how Barrack Hussein Obama defines it might be a topic that seems best left alone or at least dealt with at another time.   But, alas, this might be the best time of all to try to set a bit of the record straight.   Part of the confusion we in the case of the terms "redemption" and "salvation"....comes from our own efforts to make our understanding reasonable, efficient, and compatible with our secular schedules.

     But, reason mixes poorly at times with efficiency, and understanding becomes easier if we mix  comfortable phrases with scenes of how things might have been....or perhaps how they might should have been.

    And, do not feel as if this is a scolding by some ivory-tower perfectionist, who is demanding the purity of historical and ecclesiastical facts.   El Gringo Viejo was not there, and he does not know anyone who was there.  Our inventions are nothing new, as well, so no one is going to be chastised for having yielded to some new heresy of the moment.   This is not even a matter of heresy, as it is well known that Buddhists and Christians are very malleable, most of the time, in the application, practice, and employment of the tenets and/or canons of their philosophy and/or religion.
     The wonderful image above shows what has to be a collision of the plausible and the impossible.   It is the Coyote treading air for about 10 seconds before he realises that, during his pursuit of the Roadrunner, he has run off the edge of a 5,000 foot cliff and is doomed to a massive crash on the canyon-floor below.   But the above picture is still a wonderful image.  It shows the Christ Child as a new-born, being reverenced by Three Kings (or Wise Men, or Astronomical Philosophers), and lo! and behold! there is no Black King.  In fact, they all look like Mediterranean personalities, and they are expressing their reverence for the Baby at the door of what appears to be a very Sistine / Tuscan mixed-style of a boutique bed and breakfast.  So much for the cave or corral and the manger and all that messy farm stuff.

    We seize upon the above image, however, not for what might be accused of being  incorrect but rather to move towards the consideration of another reality, a greater probability in fact, that Jesus of Nazareth  was not a child of poverty leading the poor of the world to a greater reward, because the rich  were, and are, not deserving of reward.
     Analysing the nature of the sociology of the time, and wringing out the best understanding of the events surrounding the Announcement by Gabriel to the arrival of the Magi...we notice that Yeshua is frequently in close contact with people of position.  We know that he was recognised by an old man at the Temple when he was taken for circumcision and for the delivery of the thank offering....during the baby's infancy.  We also know that both Joseph and Mary were of the House of David, a royal house, and therefore, in order to be enrolled in the Census and the Imperial Revenue Service, they were required to go to the City of David for said enrolment.
     We know that Mary, although much younger, was the cousin of Elizabeth, the wife of one of the most important rabbis in all Judea.  We know that the son of Zacharias and Elizabeth was John the Baptist, who even during the childhood of his cousin Jesus, was out exhorting the Jews to turn away from issues that were not relative to the interests of Yahweh.  John was highly placed enough to engender a huge and troubling following throughout the Holy Land.  Troubling it was, both to the Roman  government, and especially in the palatial precincts of the satrap King Herod.

     We might be able to say that John was a "social issues" Tea-party type, and his cousin, the Son of God, was likewise much more concerned with the condition of peoples' souls than with the availability of government provided balanced diets for the poor of the Empire.  We also note that most of the popular "quotes" from the Bible about rich people are misinterpreted or totally misquoted.  Along with that correct statement we add another true observation that property owners, vineyard owners,  tillers, farmers, stockmen,  tradesmen, soldiers merchants, and even lawyers are advised to practice good stewardship over their possessions and professions as well as to develop their talents (monies and wealth).   In the Parable of the Talents it is pointed out that the slothful servant was scorned for not having invested his single talent, while the other two servants went and doubled their money during the master's absence.

     We also know that throughout the Nazarene's life, he dealt closely with the wealthy, often being received in homes of the influential.  We know  that his step-father Joseph was a talented man with a trade/profession who could plight his trough for the hand of Mary, who was as stated before, highly placed in the social structure of the Jews.  We could continue to point out things like the water to wine incident and the fact that Jesus had to admonish the Apostles to allow "the little children" (perhaps of the hoi polloi) to come close to Jesus.  The Apostles' understanding was reasonable in that they were trying to keep the "Important Person" removed from mundane and troublesome over-energised children.

     Other more nuanced points about discrimination, racism, ethnic "apartness", and the like were made by the Nazarene when he pointed out that even Jews could learn from a (ycccchh) Samaritan, when a rich Samaritan would risk his wealth and health to aid a Jew who had been victimised of highway robbers.  While other Jews would not stop....because of their pride, fear, and lack of willingness to spend the shekels and talents for the restoration of the fallen "fellow Jew", the Samaritan did.  The story about the incident actually reads like a police report, and one has the feeling that it was an incident that most certainly actually happened.

    To summarise, it can be demonstrated that the Son of God came to this Planet on a mission to restore souls to the favour and pleasurable service of the Creator.   He came and dwelled among the rich.  He had, if anything, an extreme upper-middle class background, with overtones of aristocracy and even royalty.  He was literate and well-studied.  Even with his comforts he lectured all to do good unto others in the same way one might wish to have the well and good done to ones self.   He was comfortable with the common people, and even the lepers and the wayward.  In his own anguish, He could make a friend of the malefactor suffering the same fate during His crucifixion.
    He asked us to care for the poor, the bereaved, the sick, the naked, the homeless, and  the prisoners and downtrodden.   He did not ask us to turn the task over to the government.   Or to a government.


      It would appear that the Argentine Pope, after years of fighting, in his way, against the liberation theologists of that poor-in-spirit country, is searching for a third or fourth path for the Roman Communion and perhaps even for the entirety of Christianity as a social, worldly force.  His first months have seemed to be full of new messages that are hard to interpret from any perspective.
    We must have faith, however, that there be no resolution into a common focus about the present Bishop of Rome's view of economic fairness and the marxist predilections of Obama.  

    As an aside, El Gringo Viejo was raised on a farm, under rules of austerity, because both parents had been through the Depression and two world wars, the Spanish Flu, Franklin D. Roosevelt and the polio epidemics.  Although I was last born and terribly spoiled to no good end, there was no great splurging even during those times when my parents thought that we were in a strong economic position.
    We did splurge on a Christmas tree, however, and we did share a few gifts on Christmas Eve, saving for the morning such that might have been left behind by Santa Claus.   The tree was put up normally during the last week of Advent to commemorate the journey to Bethlehem, and then the tree would remain for the entire Twelve Days of Christmas, to be taken down on the night of the 6th of January, the first day of Epiphany.  That was to commemorate the arrival of the Three Kings and their delivery of fine and expensive gifts from afar.  My parents would normally have some relatively expensive or what could be styled as "the best"  gift reserved for that day, and only for the children.
     Perhaps in moving towards a second childhood, we have tried to prohibit and/or preclude gifts for the last few years from any source,  to us.  We will give small things to our children, but most if not all  of the gift-giving we do is to the grandchildren.   I would prefer to give them their things on the 6th of January,   but that is a difficult matter when they live 360 miles away.  So we take it up during Christmas Tide, because it just doesn't make sense to send a half of a cup-cake, a strange looking rock, two jelly beans, and a quarter by FED EX to each granddaughter for 30 dollars.  So we drive it up instead.

Saturday 7 December 2013

Unavoidable Conclusions

     Once so much evidence makes itself....shall we say...evident, one must certainly be that willing juror who can readily say that the fellow in the dock is either guilty or innocent.
      It becomes quite certain, and one can state without fear of contradiction, that the leader of this Band of least the temporal, honorary a nincompoop.  The interview with The Tingler,  offered up as evidence just recently, proved definitively that both the Tingler and the Boshshie Nincompoop were, are, and forever shall be incompetent, presupposing, elitist commie snots.

     The notion that Barack Obama can say with a straight face that the reason his free medical project had a bit of a problem is because the central government's bureaucracy is bulky, ineffective, and out-of-date will provide solace as well as inspiration to comedy writers for months if not years.
     One must, at times,  accept that hubris, stupidity, arrogance, insolence, ignorance, and conceit can conspire to assure a fool that he can say anything and it will be accepted as having appeared magically upon the wall, or been engraved on tablets on some high mountain by a Great Cosmic Force.

     The successes mount up....Solyndra Slug, the Fister Flop, The Shovel-ready Shuffle, the Cash-for-Clunker Junker, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, one budget charade-disaster after another, the disasterous exit processes with Iraq and Afghanistan, the laughable (if it weren't so sad) Syrian and Egyptian issues, the stabbing in the back of Israel, the sudden shift in Iranian policy....all symptoms of the Emperor's Fine Raiment Syndrome.  It is very much like Church's Fried Chicken.

Like the lady said in the Church's Fried Chicken
advertisement, "You gotta love it!"
More later.   It is very cold in our sub-tropical paradise on the Rio Grande in deepest South Texas, now in the mid-30s.  El Zorro wrote to assure us that on the other side of the Republic of Texas, quite close to the Red River, his temperature was around 9 degrees, with all kinds of frozen precipitation, but that he has several hundred pounds of propane, a fireplace with over 2 years of continual pruning and reserving of mesquite stored up, and a larder that will run out a little after Gabriel blows his trumpet.
El Gringo Viejo

Friday 6 December 2013

As we move deeper into Advent....It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

We have no problems… I can’t think of anything else to describe this:
“Joy to the World”
Sent from my Air Force buddies who were at McDill AFB and Cam Ranh Bay in the 12th Tactical Fighter Wing with me.

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Subject: Air Force Flash Mob
To: 12TFW Association and their friends
This was forwarded to us by our good friend Bill McWilliams, 12 TFW MacDill & CRAB.
You need to view this until the end as the “Flash Mob” continues to grow in size, at the Air and Space Museum Mall.
I found their performance to be very moving. Please share with others who might appreciate this video.
Merry Christmas to all,
From Bill;
The Air Force band does a magnificent piece of Christmas music, and we can’t think of a better way to wish one and all a Merry Christmas and a Joyous New Year.”
Our fond good wishes to each and every one,
Bill and Ronnie McWilliams

Hello Again. Cold, Earthquakes, Flowers, Repairs, Pearl Harbour, and Republic of Texas....Let Us Begin.

We made it in yesterday, after a bit of a wait at the McAllen - Reynosa Bridge, and then proceeded to recuperate.   Then it was on to reposition clothes, shoes, boots, hats, and all this stuff that always seems to surround us and demand more attention and care than a herd of cats and children.   But, it is my life that I have imposed upon myself.
     The last couple of weeks at our place on the skirts of the isolated  Sierra Madre Oriental has suffered through a bit of a chilly period.  Two or three mornings  found the thermometer registering 30 to 31 degrees F, at the dawning hour.   The rest of the time the mornings arrived with the temperatures in the upper thirties or low forties.   The high temperatures struggled to get out of the sixties, and all in all it was a pretty chilly paso de estancia.
      This has been the coldest overall Autumn since the keeping of records for the Victoria, Tamaulipas area.  No high or low records have been set, but the generally and steadily low temperatures have led to this particular weather/climate factoid.
     During the early morning hours of the date 25 November, 2013 there was an earthquake reaching the level of 4.1  -  4.5 Richter, being centred near the community of San Felipe de China, Nuevo Leon which is about 60 miles east of  the Monterrey metroplex.
     There is a significant, complex flood-control, irrigation, and hydro-electric production dam, named "El Cuchillo" on the watercourse of the Rio San Juan very nearby the epicentre.  To this point the complete review of that facility has not been completed. A major water transfer pipeline runs from the lake formed by the dam  to the metroplex of Monterrey, quite a project actually.   That pipeline, along with many others....a huge twin-six foot natural gas transmission line, for instance....all have to be analysed and evaluated.
      There were several reporters, of course, who suggested that frakking and/or global warming had caused the fairly rare earthquake.   And, of course, those two phenomena had also intensified the temblor beyond the levels of the other rare quakes (not true).
     At our little mud hideaway we had only a fairly sharp thudding bump (yes, in the night) just sharp enough to make all the dogs the Francisco I Madero Ejido bark, and cause our three cats to run into the parlour with their eyes wide as serving plates.
     We are called upon to remember the events of 72 years ago, to-morrow.  Moving such a huge attack very far across the Pacific Ocean and the launching of essentially naval "light cavalry" with such a devastating effect is a remarkable event.   That we slept through the possibility and did so little to anticipate and be ready for such a blow was, is, and should forever be a reminder of the validity of the ancient adage....."If a nation truly desires peace, that nation should always be prepared for war."
    Our little hideaway is famous for producing an almost unending profusion of florid things, with something...or more frequently....lots of things flowering all year around.  On the right, the OROG can see Alvaro trying to show El Gringo Viejo how to study the Virginia Vine, (picture taken yesterday).

The OROG can judge for him/herself if El Gringo Viejo learned how to approach this task.   The Virginia is located at the very entrance to the Quinta.  We need to point out that our dating on the photos is not correct because we cannot figure out how to dependably access the adjustment area in the camera's brain.

Jim Robbins Article GraphicRecently I was invited to like The Convention of States Project on FB. This caused me to consider again why I am a Texas Nationalist. It boils down to one simple question for me:
"Can a constitutional republican form of government, respectful of our Rights and Liberty, be restored in Washington DC?"
I don't think it can be. It's nice to talk about an Article Five Convention or repealing the 17th Amendment or restoring constitutional national government but in my opinion it is all impossible in reality.
The history of our country since the formation of our government under the Constitution is extremely complex in detail but simple in theme. People are born with unalienable Rights. Government is created by People to secure and protect their Rights. When their government becomes abusive of their Rights, People have the Right to change their government to better secure and protect their Rights. The Constitution of the United States was a plan to have a national government powerful enough to solve certain national problems affecting all the States but weak enough to not be a threat to the Rights and Liberties of the People in the States. In retrospect, this has not worked out in actual practice.
Our country was most free when the Constitution was first ratified. Since then, ambitious politicians in our national government have used almost every international and domestic crisis and problem to seize more power for the government at the expense of the sovereignty of the States and the Liberty of the People. In my opinion, after more than 200 years, the great American experiment in self government has failed to secure our lasting peace and prosperity. Most importantly, our great experiment has failed to secure and preserve our Rights and our Liberty. This has resulted in our national state of affairs today.
In my opinion, the federal government is not going to be reformed. Politicians essentially do what their constituents demand. For generations, activists in this country have demanded the role of our national government change from securing and protecting the Rights and Liberty of All the People to providing social services, regulating almost all economic activity and seeking to achieve the nebulous goals of social justice and fairness in life. It is now considered proper and right for government to take substance from some people to give to other people at home and abroad. All of this has been encouraged by ambitious politicians aided by the disinterest of the general public. The vast majority of people in the great urban areas of this country don't want constitutional government. Instead they want government to provide for their needs. Big business interests, especially the military industrial complex, receive special treatment from the government in exchange for donations at election time. People and businesses that want something from government are who our government listens to and acts for. Those of us who desire that government should leave us alone to live our lives as best we can and as we wish, are regarded as a little bit strange and even crazy. We've even been called traitors by some in Congress for holding fast to the ideas of Liberty, personal responsibility and self determination.
Some people and politicians in this country have forgotten a simple fact. If the Liberty of some people is increased by decreasing the Liberty of other people, then no one really has Liberty at all. What we have is tyranny with the government playing favorites.
When our founding generation found their rights and liberties as British citizens being disregarded by Parliament and the King, they did not seek to reform the British system of government. Instead they sought and fought for Independence and the right to govern themselves. As a Texas Nationalist I am saying that I am willing to do the same for Texas so that we may be free of the national tyranny in Washington DC.
The government in Washington, regardless of which party is in charge, is bankrupting the country, ruining the economy, encouraging class warfare based on sex, religion, race and income, and destroying our reputation internationally with a reckless foreign policy. Our government of the people, by the people and for the people operates with an absolute disregard for the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of Texas and our Rights and Liberty. If I thought the United States and our freedom could be saved by reforming the national government, I would support efforts like the Convention of States Project. However, I do not think the United States government can be changed or reformed in any substantial way. Therefore I choose to devote my efforts to achieving Independence for Texas.
Independence is the only possible way to insure an opportunity for a better future for my grandchildren. Some say that Independence is a dream. But Texans have always been different from the rest of the country. Texas is a state of mind and a way of life, recognized nationally and internationally. Today more people are thinking about what it means to be Texan and free. More Texans are thinking that they don't want to be dictated to by an overbearing intrusive national government. More Texans are realizing that the federal government is broken and can't be fixed. More Texans are realizing they don't need the federal government at all.
In my opinion, our liberty as Texans is being assaulted every day by the federal government. The future of our children and grandchildren is being threatened. Independence is the only way to stop the assault on our Rights and Liberty. Independence is the only way to end the threat to our heirs.
I believe the federal government has become the greatest enemy of our own Liberty that this country has ever seen. Recent revelations about the NSA spying on the general public and the IRS targeting certain political groups show us again that we do not control and cannot trust our national government. We cannot change the federal government nor can we change the mindset of the rest of the country. Therefore I believe Texas must be a free and independent nation. Our children and grandchildren deserve nothing less.
Go to for more information.
Respectfully, James Rollins, La Grange, TX
    This calls into question the sound reasoning behind a State initiative, based upon the authority specified in and by Amendment V of the Bill of Rights.   Such is an alternative for attacking the excesses of the central government that is favoured by El Zorro and Mark Levin and numerous other straight thinkers.    We are including these writings of another similar...but slightly different...take on the problems present by the appearance on the scene of committed totalitarians.   These opinions are, as noted, Mr. James Rollins who is a member of the Texas Nationalist Movement. 
    We leave the issue open.   If we are to remain Americans, in a federated union of sovereign States, the Fifth Amendment approach could work.   In a more cumbersome procedure we abolished liquor and alcohol from America's pantries, and later restored the Devil's brews and distillates, once again by the same cumbersome procedure   (So much for the term  "settled law").
     The standard amendment procedure has been used, and that means that there is more than a little validity to the Fifth Amendment alternative as well.
     I, personally, actually do think that withdrawal from the present Union might be easier and would not even necessarily be all that bad for the rest of the States left behind.    We'll commend this all to the attention of folks who think in terms much grander than trite, meaningless  focus-group belchings.
El Gringo Viejo