Wednesday 12 September 2012

A CRY OF DESPERATION : Is there any repair/?

Why can I not fix this problem?  Maybe one more try.

hah!  voila!   El Gringo Viejo is a genius.   After twenty hours of trying to clear my posting process...and now in the dark and dread of night,  it is done.   You people have no idea how difficult it is to try to type while balancing a lit candle on top of your boney bald head.

    But, it is done.   During the entire day the blog roll would not accept postings.   Once again, paranoia set in....then quadrinoia set in.   Black helicopters  were everywhere.   It was like West Nile Virus on androids.   Actually, it is Google Chrome once again that provoked and then was employed to cure the problem.   St. Conundrum  must be my patron. 

     My points were, during the day, that El Gringo Viejo would have called the chief thug of the Muslim Brotherhood just as the mob was going to attack the American Embassy, and told him that "....if one little hair on the chinny chin chin of anybody inside the Embassy, doing business in the Embassy, foreign, national, or extraterrestrial,  that there would be a twelve hour delay, in order to move all the camels and donkeys away from the Pyramids of Giza.   I do not care what happens to you or the people, but you might want to gather up some of the extras from the Ten Commandments.   You will be able to use them to sweep up the rubble and dust from the three 30,000 pound bombs we are going to drop on them. I don't really give a flip about sub-humans who are so sensitive that they must riot, ruin, murder, and go into psycho-social convulsions just because someone makes a bit of a film about how Muslims have become sub-humans who are so sensitive that they must riot, ruin, murder, and go into psycho-social convulsions just because someone makes a bit of a film about how Muslims...etc.etc.etc.   So, please be kind enough to get the only people out of the line of bombardment who matter....that being the camels, donkeys, dogs, cats, goats, sheep, and especially the pigs.  Move them first and do it now, because the B- 1s and the B-2s and the B-52s have all taken off already.   Have a nice day."

     We had written a nice treatise about what a nice thing it is that Obama can pull off the same "I know what's in your confidential personal raw data FBI File" blackmail on Billy Jeff and Hillary.   But then the opportunity presents itself with a picture of Hillary with "egg" all over her ....face..,."We came, we saw, and Gaddafi's dead"   That solved all the problems.  And, mix that with the picture of Obama sleeping through the burning of two American Embassies in one all makes a guy want to go out and celebrate Arab Spring all over again.

Merry Kwanzaa, Everyone.   Barry, Barry,  the phone's ringing.  Barry, there's a workplace violence episode somewhere.   Wake up, it's three o'clock in the morning.
El Gringo Viejo

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Another Reason Why the Crime Rate in Texas Keeps Falling

It probably happened just this way:
Good News from El Zorro's bailiwick -

News  about Texas Women


Last Thursday night around midnight, a woman from Houston , Texas was arrested, jailed, and charged with manslaughter for shooting a man 6 times in the back as he was running away with her purse.
The following Monday morning, the woman was called in front of the Arraignment Judge, sworn-in, and asked to explain her actions.
The woman replied, "I was standing at the corner bus stop for about 15 minutes, waiting for the bus to take me home after work. I am a waitress at a local cafe.
I was there alone, so I had my right hand on my pistol in my purse hanging on my left shoulder. All of a sudden I was spun around hard to my left. As I caught my balance, I saw a man running away with my purse. I looked down at my right hand and saw that my fingers were wrapped tightly around my pistol.
The next thing I remember is saying out loud, "No Way Punk! You're not stealing my pay check and tips." I raised my right hand, pointed my pistol at the man running away from me with my purse, and started squeezing the trigger of my pistol.
When asked by the arraignment judge, "Why did you shoot the man 6 times?
The woman replied under oath, ”Because, when I pulled the trigger the 7th time, it only went click."

The woman was acquitted of all charges.  She was back at work the next day!
That's Gun Control, Texas Style, but done in Missouri:  folks are learning!

Monday 10 September 2012

The Face of the Labour Movement in America, in the World

Can any OROG not think of a child
having to confront this in the
morning, without having
the most profound
 concern for the

Truly an American Tragedy.  But, finally, the schools have arrived at their actual intended purpose.   To-day, the Chicago school system will still be open.   To-day, the Chicago school system, like most public school systems in America will be open, and performing their most important tasks.   Those tasks are, in no particular order  (a) feeding children who should be being fed by those same children's parents or guardians, (b) backing up the union, so that the most important thing is done, that being shovelling money into the teachers' pockets, regardless of outcome of product, (c) shovelling large portions of the money paid to the School employee into the Union coffers so as to facilitate using the Daisy Chain Democrat Campaign Financing Scheme.
     And, we have that "loose children" spectre, bluntly announced and discussed by the Chicago Police Department, also unionised.  They lamented that it will take substantially increased police presence in the downtown areas of Chicago to-day, because there will be 470,000 'children" on the streets with nothing to do.  Chicago is well on the way to challenging Cd. Juarez, Chihuahua,  Sao Paolo, Brazil and Tegulcigapa, Honduras as the murder capital of the world.   A total of 3,000 gang and drug related killings still remains within reach for calendar year 2012.
     It is quite probable that this "snow day'' for the union slugs and the "students'' is all kubiki theatre designed to provide a chance for Rahm to come down from the mountain with the tablets.....perhaps with the god of the mountain....Father order to right the ship, "for the children".   Considering the intelligence level of the Chicago type union voter, Rahm and Father O'bamaham can blame Bush, and head on out to some expensive restaurant to pat each other on the back.
    This is the path for America in the coming five to ten years.   There is no doubt that the burning of the bakeries will begin sooner rather than later.   Perhaps Mr. Romney can suggest a compromise, and just burn down the bakeries on the west side of the street on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and then burn down the ones on the east side of the street on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.  Sundays will be set aside to build Merry Solstice Floats for the Kwanzaa Parade.   Gotta be moderate....gotta get that vote in the middle....gotta do it....don't want somebody thinkin' we're a bunch of meanies.
El Gringo Viejo
A brief analysis and wave of the wand by El Zorro has detected the scam and its virus that assaulted our computer.    We shall have more on that soon.   DO NOT OPEN ANYTHING FROM "MICROSOFT" offering a new upgrade to a MICROSOFT WRITER SYYSTEM or anything like that.    !!!!!!!!!   

It just not so...and say it isn't so...and I told you so

There is a profound pall settling over the Kingdom of El Gringo Viejo.   An announcement broke though on your blog page here extremely early this morning, an "announcement" by the FBI, declaring that El Gringo Viejo's site is being closed down due movies, MP3, and other copyright infringements and violations.   It directed El Gringo Viejo to go and buy a certain type of charge card and type the code of that charge card in a the space provided.   It also declared that due to the copyright violations, failure to comply within 48 hours would result in El Gringo Viejo's incarceration for up to 3 years.
     We have patchworked a by-pass to the screen freezure, and continue now on our merry way.   If it is true that they can do this, then the Republic is truly and totally lost.   Firstly, it is lost because we have downloaded nothing that was not already in the public domain.   We have download numerous pictures, all of which have been widely circulated for considerable time.   Secondly, every time we have a notification that "this image is protected by copyright" or if there was an offer to sell the right to use the image, we did not use that or any image so presented.    Thirdly, we have no desire to sneak or resale copyrighted material.   A simple notice that we have done so will result in the immediate removal of the offending material.
     We have never received any advisory, never received a "cease and desist" instruction.   It cannot be possible for a government entity to fine a private citizen without a demonstration of evidence, an identification of the law in question, and the presentation of some kind of a chance for defence, appeal, and conditions mitigating the circumstances.   Therefore we are presuming that the penetration of our page was done by a skillful hacker of some kind...and we shall disregard the notice.   If some government agency  throws me in prison, or even detains me, it will signal that the finish line has been crossed.
      I say this, because it is common knowledge that copyrighted stuff is duplicated by the ton by private individuals on an hourly basis.   We have never heard of any such admonition or directive plaguing those individuals....who, once again...are numerous.    The other thing is that there was no Treasury or Court Clerk's name, number, or anything attached to the code receiver.    It looked as if it might even have been a political campaign donation destination. 
Mitt Romney loves Obama care....just not the bad parts:
     It is truly a wondrous thing to wake and shuffle to the breakfast nook, and find your son there, still covered with cake-crumbs from his 72nd birthday celebration yesterday.   Cake and icing crumbs are bottles by the hundreds are on the floor, under the sofa cushions, under the tables, on the ceiling....the wall mounted flat screen is on the floor, still plugged in ...but showing only snow...and a recurring message crawling by that states "warranty expired....warranty expired....warranty expired".    Ah! There's a few hundred beer bottles in the back yard....and the toilet is full of beer bottles.   Probably better not to check the trash can.
     The hulk of your son, who has turned the 1,000 dollar love seat into a big chair whose seating section is firmly touching the floor now, belches one of his famous 116 decibel "outdoor burps",  wipes his nose on his forearm, and then without openning his eyes, yawns the advisory, "You have to go get a few of cases of beer.   There's not any left for breakfast.   Some of the guys are coming back in a minute with some bags of Hershey's kisses.  We're going to have a Contesto Grandeo on BATMAN and SUPER Mario DESTROY the VOMIT MONSTER game....we haven't played that one  for a week or so."  He pauses, seems to go to sleep,  but then speaks again..."You'd better hurry, because the guys might come back at any time, and they don't want to have to back out of the drive way while we're playing, and you'll have to walk to the store.   It's not that far,  but it's just a thought."
     It's moments like these....those special family moments... when a Dad is really grateful that Obama and Romney agreed on requiring the mean ole' for-profit insurance companies to insure all offspring, all the time back in 2000-whatever.   Now with the perpetual insurance by parents, they even have sole rights to your pension, your investments, your bank accounts, even your Lifecall necklace....just in case he or his friends run out of beer and find out you are dead and in a heap in the shower with the water still running....for the last 3 days.
     El Gringo Viejo has tried to swallow the idea that a liberal Republican is better than an out-and-out marxist, really is all the same.   It's national socialism, bolshevik socialism, progressivism, Trotskyite socialism, Sendero Luminoso socialism, and all other forms of totalitarianism....all forms of socialist - statist control of the methods of production, distribution, and marketting of goods and services.   Romney's endorsment of extending coverage of elderly children to the accounts of the parents "for free" as well as his idea of demanding that insurance cover pre-existing conditions...."for free"....means that it's over.
     Romney's fuzzing out this early means that he was the Trojan Horse sent in to kill off any free-enterprise alternatives to the grey dull life that lies ahead.   The Republic is probably dead.   If Texas cannot retire from the Union...there are very, very, very few places left to go.
Scratch "In God We Trust" and teach the children ''Stroke of a Pen, Law of the Land".
El Gringo Viejo 

Sunday 9 September 2012

The Recurring Matter of Texas Independence

File:De Zavala Flag.svg

This is known as the Zavala Flag.   It is perhaps the first official flag of the Republic of Texas 1836 -1845, being designed by and named in honor of the first Vice-President of the Republic of Texas, Manuel Lorenzo Justiniano de Zavala y Saenz guided the erswhile State, part of the Mexico City assignment of the Estado de Coahuila y Texas, during its earliest formative moments.   He wrote the Declaration of Independence, thereby legalising the separation of the entity of Mexico from the entity of Texas in terms of political inter-relation.
     Lorenzo de Zavala essentially financed the Texas Revolution against Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, spending a sum of 3,000,000 dolares in backing the effort.   He was also involved in recommending a firm Republican form of governance, following the template of the United States of America, and steering away from democratic formulas that were being bantied about in Europe and in South America.    Lorenzo de Zavala was also a Scottish Rite Mason as well as a devout Roman Catholic.   He thought that men of substance should be members of agencies of good, both in the spiritual realm as well as the secular.   As a side note, in that day, many Roman priests and officers of the Roman Catholic Church were member s of the York Rite Masonic order, and Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna was a member of the Roman Church, the Scottish, and the York Rite Masonic Order.   he wanted to have his bases covered, perhaps, but it is certain that Lopez de Santa Anna never guided his life or politics by the lamp posts established by those august organisations.

     M.L.J. de Zavala Saenz was  a very close friend of Stephen F. Austin, who is generally regarded as The Father of the Texas Republic.  It was Austin who remained loyal to the limit to Mexico and even to Antonio Lopez....the man who served nine times as President of Mexico and eleven times as Vice-President.   There are those who doubt that the Flag envisioned by de Zavala was ever approved, authourised, or sewn.   Frankly, some of the students of Texas History who come to that conclusion are among those who do not want to allow any credit to any Latin individual for any positive contribution to the Texian cause.    The problem with that notion is that it would reqjuire one to disallow contributions of Eisenhower and  Nimitz during World War II because they had substantial German ancestry and German surnames.
     Conjecture allows that de Zavala might have proposed a variation of Jane Long's first non-Spanish flag in Texas, which was a solid red rectangle with a five-pointed star in the very middle.   This flag was presented by Mrs. Long to her husband in 1819, during the last moments of Spanish dominion in Texas.

      In "The Lone Star Flag of Texas", an article which appeared in the September 1948 issue of Frontier Times, author Adina de Zavala suggests a meaning for each point of the star. According to the article, the five points of the star represent the characteristics of a good citizen, which are fortitude, loyalty, righteousness, prudence, and broadmindedness.   Once again, various Texans were inculcated with this legend....although it might be a "Washington and the Cherry Tree" moment in history.   But!  On the other hand!   M.L.J. de Zavala y Saenz could well have proposed that the points did stand for something like what his great-granddaughter suggested, because they are core principles of Scottish Rite Masonry.   It would have come from a translation from the words, "fortaleza, lealdad, moralidad y catecismo, prudencia, y optimismo en el porvenir''.

    This is all but a fuzzy prologue to point out that "Here we are again".   We were treated shabbily by Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna when he abrogated the Mexican Constitution of 1824 (written in large part by M.L.J. de Zavala y Saenz).   We were treated shabbily by the United States after annexation, and they failed to strictly adhere even to the agreements solemnly made by Texas with the Caddo, Alabama, and Coushatta nations and other indigenous tribes, and committed all nature of arrogance against Texas and Texans up to and during the War Between the States.   The liberation of the Negro resulted in little or no improvement in his lot, proving that the process of manumition would have been immensely superior to the release of the Negro by sudden emancipation from the wretched institution of slavery.    Manumition would have made better citizens of freed slaves than would have any emancipation and flood of laws.   Manumition papers would have been something a Black person could stuff in front of the nose of any white person to show..."The people who know me best said that I am worthy of liberty!"   And the white skeptic would have had to yield, then, to the obvious truth of the statement.   That would have been something far better than laws written, essentially, in a foreign land, to control and manage something the writers could never really understand.   They could hate slavery, but they had no idea how to end the institution in such a way as to be beneficial in the long run to all.
     From that point, through Reconstruction and then finally into the Progressive Movement, we find ourselves ever more surrounded by wise fools who  want to improve and regulate our lives.  Income tax, public assistance, programs to solve this problem and that problem.   Housing, health, urban problems, education, family disintegration, energy problem, farming and ranching, wildlife and fish conservation, postal service, train service, how far parking metres are spaced, one from the is never ending.
      We now live in a Nation wherein all the problems we are facing are traceable to a central government program and/or initiative.    Efforts by the progressives to control everyone's lives and form a Utopia on Earth have left the central government bankrupt, and in the position of changing all the rules concernng our previously agreed association with that central government.    In cyber-jibber, it is Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna 2.0 .   Throw in the repeated disasters of the Progressive marxist agenda's affect on Texas, and we have  Destroy Texas 3.2 .

     At last best count, there are probably 1,200,000 Texans who are affiliated with a non-militia Texas Nationalist or Texas Republican movement.   There are many more who are beginning to move from the posture of "should re-establish" the Republic, to the default setting, "We never should have joined the Union."
When the "control" group....someone like Barbara Bush can tell the world that she and her husband really like Billy Jeff Blythe...he's like a son to us..." then there are real problems with the perceptive and procedural processes of the Poobahs.   Billy Jeff is a piece of marxist white-trash who managed to brutally assault and/or criminally sexually assault various women of different category.   He was in no way a purposeful or great economic thinker or fiscal magician.   He was surrounded by a Republican Congress for three-fourths of his term, a term that was marked by four years of economic stagnation and malaise, but that now is regarded as some kind of Golden Epoch.   It was not.   It, in fact, laid the groundwork for the mess that Barak Obama and his marxist minions have managed to foist upon us...and Texas is left with no control.   We are governed by earmarking robots, taxing and spending automotrons, and organic law national socialists working to impose total control on every aspect of human activity in Texas.

     We must withdraw, in the calmest and friendliest way.    Texas can live without the United States, although it is doubtful that the United States can long endure without Texas.   We must turn in our tribute back to the Republic of Texas, settle our own arguments among ourselves, reduce our taxes, establish schools that are primary and secondary -  grades 1 through 9 - and then University or Advanced Blue Collar Academies offerring two and/or three year  BA diplomas and Master Technician Certificates depending on the chosen field, and run from unions, FmHA, FHA and the panoply of alphabet program ruination.

      We are arriving evermore to this conclusion, along with increasing numbers of Texans.   If it is possible that an election could generate polling numbers by Rasmussen that would show that there are more Americans who would vote for Obama than Romney at this stage, pretty much means that the Republic is lost.   The stupid, the gimme-gimme people, the people who couch their desires for government action based upon what they want or "need" for themselves,  the lazy, those who hate and resent the next person who "has" the least one smallest thing that the "exploited person" does not have, the people on marginal disability, the people who take unemployment compensation for 99 weeks, the people who live on AFDC and Lone Star Card as if it is their Divine Right.....are now dangerously close to that point where their mass overwhelms the Little Red Hen's ability to pull the wagon.    We are nearing the storming of the Bastille and the assault of the bread factory.
     It is drawing nigh the time to say "Good Bye".

File:Flag of Texas.svg

More later.   I am sad this dark night.
El Gringo Viejo    

Saturday 8 September 2012

Sorry Barney, Republicans just like Class


     Rep. Barney Frank lived up to his reputation as a firebrand this week by twice slamming the Log Cabin Republicans as “Uncle Toms.”  The gay (sic)  Democrat congressman from Massachusetts originally made the characterization on Michelangelo Signorile’s Sirius OutQ radio show Wednesday, saying, “I now understand why they call themselves Log Cabin: Their role model is Uncle Tom.” He repeated it when addressing the Democratic National Convention’s LGBT Caucus Thursday: “I am again inclined to think that they’re called the Log Cabin club because their role model is Uncle Tom.”

(El Gringo Viejo writes)
Dear Barney:
     If a Black person remains or becomes a Republican/Conservative and does not grovel for the crumbs that you and yours in the progressive movement have deigned to let fall off of your table of tax-payer provided gifts...that person is not a "real Black".   He/she must turn in his/her  Official Negro Card.
     If a Latin person remains or become a Republican/Conservative and does not grovel for the crumbs that you and yours in the progressive movement have deigned to let fall off your table of tax-payer provided gifts,,,,that person is not a "real Hispanic".   He/she must turn in his/her Official Latin Card.
     If any nature of person remains or becomes a Republican/Conservative whom you deign to be one who needs the largesse of the progressive movement's access to the public till or the "moral support" of the your movement's moral superiority...Bill and Hillary...Edward Kennedy...Sheets Byrd...Barney Frank..GaryStudds...(the list is too long for the amount of paper available)...that person is deigned to be unworthy to be a member of the group you declare is needful of said largesse.   He/She must be marked with the Scarlet Letters of UT, and banished.
Now comes the Progressive Movement's conscience, declaring that the Log Cabin Republicans are no longer legitimate homosexuals.   They are not worthy to be members of the "club".   They are now to be carved in the forehead with the dreaded brand, UT for Uncle Tom because apparently that is where Uncles Tom are made, along with various presidents and heroes of the Republic.   They are now required to scratch the term "homosexual" off of their driver's licencse and voter's registration.   You have spoken.
This lack of tolerance for diverisity becomes you.   It keeps you in character.  Did you ever pay all the tickets your "friend" ran up by using your congressional parking pass?   Or is that when you were Really Extra Special and Important Not Like the Common Slobs.  And, of course, we are pleased that you could live in an apartment the size you were living in and not have known, for over a year,  that your....."friend"....was running a "male prostitute service"...whatever that is.

You really are a piece of work, Mr. Frank.

El Gringo Viejo