Tuesday 15 May 2012

Once again, please check out the Anglican Curmudgeon

It is worthwhile reading, as always, the Anglican Curmudgeon's latest posting and the comments that have been made.   It might seem tedious, but after the first paragraph, it is like standing in a cool, rainy breeze after a long dry spell.   The Curmudgeon's detailed account about a supposed papyrus found in Turkey and the interpretations of said missive by a deranged academic are instructive, not just to conservative churchmen, but to all believers in natural law.   The comments are witty, and they are profound.   They are better writers than your humble servant, and much easier to read.

Monday 14 May 2012

The Nazarene Spake, saying....

The smarmy, self-righteous, arrogant, and condescentious Jesuits who called Paul Ryan's motivation for proposing brutal budget cuts, and his hypocrisy to do so while trying to pass himself off as a Roman Catholic just burned down the Gringo Viejo's barn.   They had invited Ryan to speak at Georgetown University because they wanted to hear how he could  be a Roman Catholic and be so inclined to violate the Church's message of social justice, liberation theology, and socialism that Jesus of Nazareth so plainly preached.

     Here is my answer.

     My position is supported by the Nazarene.

     His order was to each man's soul.   It was not ordered to a collective.  It was not ordered to a government.   It was not even ordered to a church.   It was ordered on a hillside.   It was ordered in conversations in sundry places.
     He demanded husbandry of resources and the creation of product, wealth, goods, services, wages, and profits.    He spoke to the wisdom of caring for the vineyard.   He spoke to the ill that comes from laxity in the responsibility of ownership and stewardship of possession.
     He did not say that the root of all evil is money.   It was Saint Paul who instructed Timothy about the nature of wealth and money, writing:

                  We have brought nothing into this world, and it is certain that we can carry nothing out.   And having food and raiment, let us be therewith content.   But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.  For the love of money is the root of all evil; which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
                    But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.

     Saint Paul continues in the same chapter, concerning the rich:

                 Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high-minded, nor trust in riches, but in the living God who givith us richly all things to enjoy.   That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate; Laying up for themselves a good foundation against the time to come that they may lay hold upon eternal life.

     Therefore we know that our instructions, based upon the words of a man who was instructed directly by the Nazarene, are to do good ourselves, that we be rich in good works we have done ourselves, each individually, that we be ready to share, which points to the need to have riches so that one can share riches, and that we each be willing to listen and speak truly, not simply be ordered to turn our riches over to Caesar so that he might do his will.   It is our task to determine the path of our money and not trust in government to chose the route of good works.   In that way, we can lay up a good foundation  so that our good works will go before us and glorify our Father in Heaven.

      What fool would trust the government to do good works?   In a monarchy, the king takes money to build himself a castle and make war upon another king.   In a democracy, the masses demand that the rich be divested, and they take the money as squander it like the fool of one talent.   We are to be like the servants who received from their master four and five talents, and who then laboured and multiplied that wealth for the sake of their master.
      It is slothful to remand our duties to directly do good works to a government.  It is up to us to calm and counsel the bereaved, to comfort the prisoner and the sick, to clothe those who have nought, to determine who is hungry and truly in need of food.   We see the results of passing that responsibility to a government.    We note that the government serves its own wishes and neither the good of the poor nor those of many talents.

     One who follows the instructions of the Nazarene would never, willingly, establish a government Ponzie scheme that was designed to enslave the elderly and forge them into a voting bloque instead of a source of wisdom for the following generations.    Nor would we willingly establish programs that would abolish paternity and reward of self-development and self-reliance.   Private charity and private charitability did not enslave generations to sloth and lethargy.

O! Thou of wicked motive and intent!   Your questions  have been answered by the truth you will to not see.   You cannot establish Heaven nor utopia on this earth.   Each of us is born with the sin of believing that we are gods.   We are only angels, and that...even that..... is only if we labour mightily and choose to be angels.

And that is how El Gringo Viejo would have answered the viperous Jesuit Pharisees!


Turn Out the Lights, The Party's Over

For a sure sign that Sir Ednumd Hillary Rodham is the new presumptive Dcmocrat National Socialist Party nominee for President of All 57 States.

 In a poll conducted by Clearly  B. S. News :

                                   Thank you for voting!


 This is amazing that they would allow such a poll, and further that they would publish it.   It would be best to call San Francisco and have some of the guys start calling in to remake this teachable moment.
Dazed and confused in Texas,
El Gringo Viejo.

Quick notes about Mexico

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Saturday 12 May 2012

Every trick in the book

     What do we do for a fellow who is born into communism, lived abroad for most of his formative years, did not attend classes in his super-preppie, exclusive preparatory school in Hawai'i because he was too drunk on beer and stoned on weed and spaced on cocaine....in high school?   How do we come to terms with the snookering the press took, and passed on to an unsuspecting America, when we come to truly understand that we have a President whose biological mother, biological father, stepfather, and grandparents were all communists?

     How do we thread the needle, then, to learn that he managed to be accepted into Occidental College.  If, by his own writings (according to him) and his personal readings of his own writings, he rarely attended class, was he just pushed along because of his good looks?   What did he do at Occidental.   What were his grades?   What were his pursuits?  His clubs, his favourite saloon?  His favourite pizza place?   While he was selling drugs, did he sell on and off campus?   Did he provide marihuana and cocaine to professors?   His book leaves such questions open to answers in the positive.
     We have a person who obviously failed to achieve graduation from high school, but graduated none the less.    Then we have a person who graduated from Occidental College, but can show no proof of graduation nor grades qualifying him for graduation, nor grades qualifying him for graduate studies at any university.   We can find no particular accomplishment while at high school, university, or graduate studies.   He did not play organised sport, he did not play in the band, he did not join the thespian society, nor is there any indication that he worked at gainful employment on or off campus.   No waiting tables, no clerking the convenience store, no...anything.   Just smoking, drinking, toking, snorting, and hanging out with "marxist" professors, and radicals.
      And then the unqualified high school graduate, who became an unqualified college graduate, and then the unqualified graduate school graduate, finally became the brilliant graduate of Harvard Law.    The beautiful Duckling became the resplendent Swan.  He also becomes editor of Harvard Law Review.  He is deigned to be a "constitutional scholar" and is given assignments as a visiting professor.   He publishes nothing.   He cannot speak coherently without notes or, during the present day, without a teleprompter.
         He masters the art of community organising.   But why would one leave Harvard Law, a professor's, in order to become a "community organiser"?  And, by the way, what community did he ever organise?  To what end did he organise it.  What was the name of the community?
What in the name of Jumping Jehoshaphat does the term "community organiser" even mean?
      Why would Bill Aires's father essentially adopt Barry Soeto?   Why would Barry Soeto be dropped into the slimiest of slimy political machines as a chosen star, when he has absolutely no accomplishment, not even a being a union-thug or some other ward worker type qualification?   Could it actually be true that he is programmed and controlled?   Could it be that he is lobotomised?  Why are we ordered by Republican Poobahs even, not to question his place of birth, his early education, his medical record, his secondary and university level education experiences, his associates, his professional life, his employment or anything about him, his family, his illegal alien auntie and uncle or a myriad other things. 

Michelle Robingson Obama,
 First Lady of the United States
"For the first time in my adult life
I am proud of my country."


      Is it really possble that this woman might actually be the President's minder?   Could it be that  being wife and mother are secondary tasks to the one of making certain that her charge does nothing so horribly outlandish that not even a 100% compliant press and bureaucracy could cover for him.   We clearly remember when a woman asked him a question at a "town hall meeting" all of which have been famously scripted to the letter and syllable for Barak.   The question was either not in the right sequence or had snuck through the censors.   Obama droned on with irrelevant rambling for 17 minutes with scarcely more than a comma to detain his pointless dribble.

      His last "interview" with Robin Roberts showed that he requires a compliant, marxist drip to ask compliant, motherly questions as he styles himself as a reasoning philosopher coming to the conclusion that homosexuals should have the right be married.   How else, wonder all marxists, can we approach the issue of making a mockery of all Western institutions?   It is especially necessary to destroy marriage as an institution in America.   But we are treated to the spectacle of a person holding the office of President of the United States being forced to grovel before his fourth biggest campaign money source, and act like it was something akin to the Nazarene wandering in the desert for forty days and forty nights.   It must be quite a quarantine, roughing it in the White House.

     El Gringo Viejo feels certain that it will be but a short period of time before the Democrat National Socialist Party decides quickly that it is time to field another candidate.    The marxist way of arguing a point, coming to a compromise, and then rejecting it publicly as a "trick'' by the "wealthy"  or the "interests of the the millionaires and billionaires" has been done so many times by this verminous pretender that even the dull and the hard to convince have had enough.   Every week, one percent more of the American electorate seem to be figuring it out.

We shall see.   These are precarious times.  We are only two steps away from the guillotine.   And make no mistake, the millionaires and billionaires are actually anyone who is leaving more money inWashington D.C. than he/she receives back in his/her IRS refund.    All the self-supporting will be either Jews or Georgian farmers or Chinese traditionalists and Christians if we continue this madness.

El Gringo Viejo

Friday 11 May 2012

New Flukie Award Alert - This time it's all about Family

Intestinal Fluke Statue
Also known as "The Flukie"'
here for more info.


We are honoured once again to name recipients to the Flukie Award for dull, beggardly, narcissistic grasping of any asset to which one is not entitled, and doing it with perfect aplomb that befits a human parasite.   This time we shall cover familiar ground....both in the sense that we have been there before and because the winners are members of the first family of all 57 States in the Union that are defended by the Marine Corpse.
      This is also the first joint award, first because there are two recipients, a man  and a woman,  The second reason is because the man works at joint known as a liquor store, where he apparently frequently pre-tests the merchandise.
Aunt Zeituni Obama-Onyaga
Soon to be Peoples Republic of Occupied Aboriginal Lands
Laureate of Kwanzaic Prose and Poetry

      Mz. Zeituni is a very famous person.   She has written a book. She is a very good person because she is a victim of her own slovenly, arrogant, presumptive, mean, self-centred conceit.   She wrote a book called Tears of Abuse,  Auntie Zeituni's trials while on vacation in Hell.
       All children must learn what a dump the United States was before Auntie Zeituni and her "newly arrived Americans"  drove it into the dust bin of history because of its treatment of the poor and waterboarding.   Her book details the tribulations of being taken in to mandatory hospitalisation upon arrival because of the various diseases she brought with her from Kenya....fault of Elizabeth Windsor...and subjected to curative procedures that could only be described as "something else".
       Even worse, in her book that was....written....perhaps....by -shhhhhh... another person, she details the trials and burdens of having to "go down" to the free money office.  It was a lot of trouble and interfered with her soap operas, causing immense stress.   Then they made her go to office after office after office to pick up free housing, free food stamps, free bus pass,  free medical services, free utility service, and of course to the classes.   Her favourite class was the one called "Historic patterns of discrimination!  Don't Stand for It!"   It was there that she learned that she had been discriminated against in America for well over 400 years.    That seemed amazing, because in her Michael Jackson disguise, pictured above, she looks nothing more than what a 105 year old man might look like.  Maybe it's the dandruff in her wig that keeps her looking so spry.
     Perhaps the same millions who bought her nephew's brilliant books will buy and not read hers as well.   It is a blueprint for anyone searching for a way to latch onto the gravy train without breaking a sweat.   Pointers for avoiding deportation are included, especially on how to be related to a president who will arrange millionaire and billionaire, pro-communist Boston law firms to do pro bono work for America's finest.
     Auntie Zeituni's book co-incides with another great accomplishment for her half-brother pictured below:

Uncle Onyango learns from his $2,500/hour attorney that
he is on a Planet named Earth.   He was unaware that he
had been deported from another planet named Dnaseirts.

      Uncle Onyango is celebrating being awarded his first driver's license.   Not having a driver's license never kept him from rollin' before, but now, at least, he can identify himself after being pulled over for DWI, next time.    He had just been released from jail for a previous DWI in collision.    After briefly celebrating his emancipation from that sentence for Driving While Intoxicated, again, Uncle Onyango learns that, after many, many years he is being rimanded back to the care and feeding of the immigration authorities.   He has been under a deportation order for approximately 512 years, but has been too busy collecting welfare and working for two different liquor stores in the same chain in an up-scale, downtown area of Framingham, Massachusetts.   He did manage to obtain two different social security cards which were both alive and well, and he did manage to run into a police car during his last DWI episode.   Along with his half-sister, Auntie Zeituni, they collect the equivalent of about 200,000.00 USD each year in public assistance, not counting legal fees and damages to public property.

     All in all, he and Auntie Zeituni have managed to cost the taxpayers over 200,000.0o USD each year during their vacation here from Kenya.   Sometime it's not what a person knows, but rather who he knows....it is said.

It makes a guy proud to be an American.   We've really attracted the brightest and best.
El Gringo Viejo