We review on a daily basis the comings and goings of the issues surrounding the cascade of "migrants" inundating the frontier between Mexico and the United State of America. It has become patently obvious that the worldwide consensus of the elite billionaire socialists is absolutely and totally committed to the debasement and total ruin of the American Experiment.
The tension that exists in America is that of the group generally dedicated to the desire to be cared for by a benevolent, all-knowing government in conflict with dreamers and the self-sufficient and free-enterprise risk-takers who believe in a ridiculous thing like a Great Ordering Power such as the Lord God Yahweh. It is an obvious dichotomy for which there is no resolution.
There will always be those who wish to be taken care of and those who require to be obeyed. Texas is one of those places where a large majority of the citizenry wishes to be left alone, desiring to make their own way. Efforts to destroy the peculiar Texian ethos have been underway for scores and scores of years, with lesser and greater effect.
Texians of the old school tend to remain ruralists even when found ensconced in large cities. Marxists are dedicated to making a definite honeycomb wherein people are assigned to the proper cell of the honeycomb where they labour to the Anthem, "Oh! How I love to carry dung to the dungheap for Chairman Mao!". The guiding hands of Marx and Engels…Hitler and AOC…Stalin and Pelosi are certain that they can guide the unwashed into the proper stall where the proles can make left-handed horseshoes from mud that is approved by Michelle and (Sir Edmund) Hillary.
At times the George Soros Choir rises to the occasion to forward the march to the enslavement of the masses. The general American populace falls for the siren song of the left…that convinces the dull and undiscerning that a good and benevolent government will provide all nature of human pleasure for the dull and undiscerning. That song, of course, is the hypnotic lure into a poverty of the soul, where the "masses" are ordered what to do and who are given that which the elites deign to render.
We enter into an analysis of the onslaught of the thousands of people arriving, again, to the frontier which is the demarcation of where Mexico and Texas separate and join simultaneously. This time it is a bit more serious, in that a new government has been installed in Washington, D.C. The folks are arriving without benefit of process of any kind. They are frequently conducted by people who steal their belongings and money and at times their children.
The people come from Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador generally, although thousands come from other places in Latin America, as well as many other countries around the world. Some eighty percent come out of the first three countries, and almost every one of those are woefully unprepared for life in the United States. Large percentages of them are people with a checkered social history, including criminal records and slight literacy. Tens of thousands, over the last twenty years, have been residents of scores of penitentiaries in the fifty States of the American Union. Many of those have been "repeat offender tourists", slipping back into Gringoland at the first opportunity.
These bloodthirsty goons have the practice of murdering their mothers or one of their sisters, for instance, in order to prove their fielty to the group. Sometimes they are ordained in Central America, sometimes they "come of age" in Gringoland, but almost all have dedicated their allegiance to Satan.
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Upon seeing a crowd such as this, it is most probable that 30 percent of the males in the scene have an "archivo criminal"(record). It is lamentable…..but true. ___________________________ |
One can only imagine the agony of people who have filed into an American Embassy and begun the process of applying for Americans citizenship, which is a dreary and difficult and expensive matter fraught with bureaucratic dullness and sloth. In Mexico City there are times when one can see a very long line of folks lined up around the block, waiting to enter the American Embassy. The thing is, many of those in the line are not applying for services or information, they are holding a place in line for a particular Jose or Maria.
These folks are frequently attorneys who process their own business, and have their own line-holders, nowadays using computer communication and hand-held at the same time in order to stay abreast of how close the client has moved towards admission into the American Embassy entrance. It is actually a well-disciplined madness that functions well…although I am given to understand that a new American Embassy is either being built or soon will be finished, in order to replace the old worn-out Embassy.
OKAY, GRINGO VIEJO, what is your big cure-all suggestion???
We accept the challenge, without hubris or high-handed self-assurance.
(1) All efforts to enter the United States of America by persons considered reasonably to be citizens of the Republics of Honduras, San El Salvador, and Guatemala is to be prohibited. Only under the most profound urgency involving a matter of life or death of an innocent can entrance be tolerated, and even that only for the length of time allowing a cure and recuperation.
(2) Beginning 90 days after the inauguration of the next Republican President of the United States, a series of projects will be put into action that will result in the following initial actions:
(a) Medical assistance will be placed in clinics and hospitals so as to advance and initiate basic medical services. This would require approximately 10,000 doctors and specialised nursing and medical technology professionals.
cost - 5,000,000,000 AmCur.
(b) An immediate overall analysis and deployment of repair operations pertaining to the conditions and upgrading of all major primary and secondary highways. A reasonable effort will be made to repair and maintain the tertiary road conditions of the rural areas with locals working in concert with American and Central American military engineers and blue-collar specialists.
cost - 7,500,000,000 AmCur.
(c) An immediate overall analysis and deployment of concerning all matters pertaining to early childhood education. All primaries (K - through 6) must be refurbished, and local women of high degree and competence who will provide a varied and locally tolerated diet for such children who are in attendance. Men with culinary experience will certainly be considered for such duty as well.
Simultaneously, all children will be accepted at the primaries, which will have a time-tested curriculum which will include a foreign language and which will include basic and intermediate science and mathematics. Native Spanish and social studies will be included as well. A principal and a steward with assistants will be in place and will be remunerated.
cost - 7,500,000,000 AmCur.
(d) Simultaneous and compulsory American and allied military units, including air, ground, and marine actives, will be integrated with units of the native troops who can achieve similar military levels of performance to the American standard. Such a task is nowhere near impossible.
cost - 7,500,000,000 AmCur.
(e) The careful and tactful integration of Mexican forces on the southern frontier of Mexico, working in co-ordination with the American, allied, and domestic forces on land, sea, and air. Mexican air co-ordination with American air patrols in the Caribbean and Gulf has frequently been very praiseworthy in the matter of drug smuggling, especially out of Venezuela.
cost - 24,000,000,000 AmCur
(f) Total cost to the taxpayers…a little less than 50 billion dollars. Joe Biden's tribe of ghouls and marxists is calling for over 2,000,000,000,000 (two trillion) dollars just to get started on his vote buying madness and dash into the quagmire of marxist socialism.
(3) After three years, tourism and visitation passport for visitation to the United States by citizens of the three nations recognised in this publication (Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala) will be favourably considered to those with excellent social and professional records.
The above recommendations are done at a crummy little typograph with a crummy little screen and a Mickey Mouse internet connection, at four o'clock in the morning. I know these people fairly well, and have live among and around them for over 70 years. My grandmother and my great grandfather pull my genes back about 150 years in matters including on-the-ground living, owning property, succeeding, etc. in Mexico, for instance. Many people regard me…and certain of my closest friends and associates…as a reliable and studied and experienced individual concerning things Mexican and further South.
With that, and the silly little fantasy put together in less than 50 minutes, I shall retire to my coffee machine for my second dose of the day.
Estimados huespedes:
We are increasingly at the whim of either our own equipment or from agencies that have the ability to corrupt the information we are happily typing up. The prep page looks great and then I post it, but lo and behold…the uniformity of page presentation and various details of the design of the publication are askew.
I fix it, and within two or three visits by our followers (or new visitors) are greeted with alignments in the text that are out of place, and even "disappearances" of text…a phrase or two, and at times two-thirds of a paragraph.
We also have pictures that, after placement, suddenly either disappear or increase in scope from a nice little kitty to a huge Bengal tiger, so to speak.
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