Monday 19 October 2020




     You all know what it is when a television or radio commentator, or worse, a programme guest, begins the next paragraph by repeating most of the previous paragraph, all the while waving her hands in the faces of the listeners as if she were the return of Kong King to the Harper Valley Skyscraper.

       The men are better.  Especially on the left side of the political spectrum…men very frequently attempt to charm the audience with suave assurances concerning the niceness,  and caringness, and thoughtfulness, and forwardlookingness, and desire to give your daughter a Ph.d when she finishes an advanced degree at Molehill Primary after three rigorous years of study in Funzi Wunzi Primary, minoring in Whatever and majoring in Eye Forgot.   Everything FREE!!!, of course.

     The women are worse, perhaps because they try to outdo the men.   Now after offending everyone as equally as possible.    This particular set of commentaries and recounting will be a bit haphazard, but will deal with a of yesterdays, and how those yesterdays stayed with me…stayed with the Times and how both I and the Times have done for ourselves.


     We begin with the tale of the arrival of the President of Mexico to help formalise the beginning of operations of the fabled Falcon Reservoir.  This was the first establishment of a dam, especially of this size, to have been established on the Rio Grande…or Rio Bravo y Grande del  Norte.   It was something my Godfather roared with laughter about at each telling, and I was present at the events to be described below.

     Suffice to say that the construction of Falcon and its placement into service, and to have served well, is a testament to the power, ability, and precision that Mexicans can perform, and Americans can perform, simultaneously and effectively.   We return to 1953, a dusty day on the Border…very windy and temperatures over 100 degrees…(and yes, Virginia, in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, sometimes October brings us 100 degree days).

This speaks to the Inauguration of the Falcon International Dam

     On the 19th of October of 1953, while the authorities and neighbour of Mier, Tamaulipas were making themselves ready to receive the President of the United States of Mexico,  Adolfo Ruiz Cortines in the airport especially constructed along the edges of the Rio Bravo, with the purpose of the holding the ceremony of the inauguration of the International Falcon Dam;  the Presidential Committee, when they arrived, surprised everyone by ground travel down a road that had not been paved, all the way from the airport in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, (100 miles distant).

     The first to have knowledge of this matter were Mr. Gorgonio Lopez and his wife Conchita being surprised by the President's arrival in this manner.  While there the group solicited water to drink, and after satisfying elementary necessity, they all transferred over to the Presidencia Municipal (County Office) where they met up with one or two policemen, depending upon with whom one spoke.

       After spending a good bit of time in the centre of the municipal site, it being reasonable that the vehicles and the people needed a good wash down considering the dusty trip and arrival from the unpaved "highway".

     The Official Committee continued on then to their destination in their vehicle where they learned that only the section from the new airport to the new community of New Guerrero (which would replaced the old colonial city of Guerrero that was soon to be inundated and committed the depths of Falcon Lake), was paved.   The transit from Mier to Nuevo Guerrero was still unpaved, but the only connection already paved was finally encountered en Nuevo Guerrero.  There, the President arrived in a luxurious auto with the front end completely covered by a huge Mexican flag.  It is there that they encountered huge crowds of Mexicans full of anxiety and excitement, from many nearby parts.

     The first stop in the town was the where the Presidente and his committee stopped to give honours  to the new statue of don Benito Juarez Garcia the first (and apparently last) Indian to serve as President of Mexico…but the hot south winds were very strong (dry, dusty gusts up as high as 40 miles per hour).   The wind never stopped for the length of the ceremonies.

     With great enthusiasm that the people present were extremely enthusiastic in front of their new Presidencia Municipal, where President (and General) Dwight David Eisenhower, with a large group of Mexican soldiers presenting arms, with the military band, with a salute according to protocol of both Presidents went up the steps to the balcony of the Ayuntamiento (city government)…and from there they watched the Mexican Academy of Dance, especially the regionally popular Huapango, who without doubt had to have had pertinence from Nellie Campobello (she had just established what is now considered the greatest National folkloric presentation in the world) and was accompanied by an orquestra of the Palace of Fine Arts from Mexico City.

Immediately following it was left to present honors and honorifics to the President of the United States, saying "goodbye" to New Guerrero City the formal group drove on the top of the dam (paved) transferring to another very similar reception, after first stopping to see the huge hydroelectric generators and the huge gates of Falcon Dam.

    At the American encampment on the edge of the lake Mr. (sic) Eisenhower responded with the hospitality of an excellent American military band, a huge array of food selections, like any good reception, and toasts all around.

    At the dividing line between the two Nations one can encounter the commemorative monuments, with their appropriate national formal emblems, and it was precisely at that point where the final and most official acts were done…fancy signatures…hundreds of photos…etc.


El 19 de octubre de 1953, mientras las autoridades y vecinos de Mier se habían dispuesto a recibir al Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, Adolfo Ruiz Cortines en la aeropista construida exprofeso en las márgenes del Río Bravo, con motivo de la ceremonia de inauguración de la Presa Internacional Falcón; la comitiva presidencial sorprende a la población al arribar vía terrestre por un camino sin pavimentar procedente de Monterrey, N. L.
Los primeros en tener conocimiento del hecho fueron el Sr. Gorgonio López y su esposa Conchita al ser sorprendidos por la plana mayor presidencial a las puertas de su casa solicitándoles agua para beber, que tras satisfacer tan elemental necesidad se trasladaron a la presidencia municipal en donde solo había uno o dos policías, dependiendo de quién lo cuente. Permaneciendo un buen rato en dicha sede municipal, suponiéndose que coches y viajeros necesitaban y urgían de algún acicalamiento ante tan relevante acontecimiento y después de sufrir los estragos de la terracería y el polvo del camino.
La comitiva continuó su camino que solo estaba pavimentado el tramo correspondiente de la aeropista a Nueva Ciudad Guerrero, a donde llego el Sr. Presidente en un lujoso auto con el frente cubierto por la bandera nacional en donde era esperado con ansia y gran algarabía por los asistentes al evento.
El primer acto consistió en la develación de la monumental estatua del Benemérito de las Américas don Benito Juárez García con una gran molestia ocasionada por el persistente viento del sur que se dejó sentir ese día.
Con gran entusiasmo de los asistentes se recibió frente al palacio municipal al presidente de los Estados Unidos de América Dwight D. Eisenhower, con una valla de soldados presentando armas, una orquesta y una banda de guerra, con el saludo protocolar de ambos presidentes subieron al balcón del Ayuntamiento en donde miraron a la Academia Mexicana de Danza ejecutar un cuadro bailable titulado Huapango, que sin duda debe de haber pertenecido a la escuela dancística de Nellie Campobello, acompañando en los acordes una orquesta procedente de la ciudad de México.
En seguida tocaba hacer los honores al presidente de los Estados Unidos, diciendo adiós a Nueva Ciudad Guerrero se trasladaron por el bordo de la presa, en donde se observaba ya almacenamiento de agua y del otro lado de la cortina las plantas hidroeléctricas.
En el campamento americano a orillas de la presa el Sr. Eisenhower correspondió a Ruiz Cortines y su comitiva con una banda de música, banquete y brindis de honor.
En la línea divisoria se encuentran los monumentos conmemorativos en los escudos y las placas alusivas de ambos países y fue allí precisamente donde se llevó a cabo el acto formal de inauguración con asistencia de invitados de honor y discursos de ambos presidentes.
Al atardecer el presidente Ruiz Cortines regresa a la Ciudad de México, ahora si, vía area.


Falcon Day just before its completion. The dam itself
has a length of over five miles. From the dam to the point
of entry into the Lake at San Ygnacio, Texas, some 44 miles
from the Dam.
