Monday 7 September 2020

BLM….insidious George Soros…Pope for Anarchists…where will all end?


For one, Stop the Madness  -  The business of rotting out the centres of major cities by turning said cities into essentially perpetual destruction zones where nihilists and brutes destroy while chanting meaningless bilge that doesn't even rhyme, is rational?    Billions upon billions of dollars worth of structure and progress has literally been Hiroshima'd east of the Mississippi and Nagasaki'd west of Old Man River.   And for what?

     Even during these hours, fine and noble cities…Portland, Chicago, New York City, Seattle, Austin, Minneapolis, and many others, like Ferguson and St. Louis in Missouri are being gutted by well-orchestrated  mayhem provocateurs…many armed with various kinds of weaponry.  There are scores of communities suffering from these seemingly perpetual, nightly, acts of nihilism and multi-billion dollar vandalism.   The idea that gaggles of deranged, semi-uniformed, semi-militarised by the scores of hundreds…even thousands…are laying siege to the centres of scores of major and important communities throughout the Republic is mind numbing.    

    And, we ask, "…to what end…to what purpose?   Black Lives Matter, a false sham of a blankly repeated, meaningless, droning gobbledegook…"black lives matter!! black lives matter!!"   Well, apparently black lives do not matter if the central social and cultural order collapses in the areas where small businesses and the hope of downtown renovation descends into a forgotten dream for what the honest and productive elements have always desired.

    (1)    In reality, under the tenets of my upbringing and religious and moral code,  all lives matter and all lives are equal before the Eternal Power's own judgement.   Oriental people, Middle Eastern people, Indians from India, Indians from the New World, Extraterrestrials, even Germans are people too.  And Yankees, and women…of course.  And, frankly, Democrats…Black Africans and White Africans…Eskimos…and union membersand people who park too close to the parking space line.   All lives matter.

      It is necessary to point out, however, that black lives matter to everyone, apparently, except black people.   While every year there are six to twelve incidents involving police (and at times civilians), and "community leaders" and  "African American protestors" and others dash out to destroy the inner cities where proprietors are trying to operate stores and service facilities in an ambience always tinged in fearfulness, concern, and worry.   When 6 to 12 white or "coloured" policemen or policemen in general can cause huge social tremors and massive riots conducted by hundreds and thousands of brigands to conduct three or four night of looting, something is dreadfully out of focus.     But few in the Lamestream Press are willing to point out that equally dreadful truth.

     A certain fact must be faced.   Black Lives Matter is known to be a marxist  cum-communist front organisation under the control of people in the United States, but more especially Russia and Red China.  Other controlling offices are located in various points in Eastern Europewhere much money is raised, polished, channeled, and forwarded to the BLM and other radical agencies dedicated to destruction of the inner workings of the United States, Japan, Israel, Taiwan, Great Britain, Australia, Mexico, Canada, and certain other nations and entities.   

   Throughout the world, there are people and organisations, non-profit community service associations, and Non-profit Corporations doing "human improvement opportunity" work.  For instance, the shadowy and compulsive George Soros is a known pro-communist who declares himself to be an investor in "charitable social improvements".

   It is true that he has "given" as much as twenty billion dollars from his "foundations" and almost all of such generosity has been dedicated to the economic and cultural destruction of America.  We submit this condensed commentary and synopsis that extol this Latter Day Saint and Miracle Worker.  To Wit:

The Life of George Soros

George Soros is one of the world’s foremost philanthropists. He has given away more than $32 billion of his personal fortune to fund the Open Society Foundations’ work around the world. He is also the founder and primary funder of the Central European University in Budapest, a leading regional center for the study of the social sciences.

Under his leadership, the Open Society Foundations have supported individuals and organizations across the globe fighting for freedom of expression, accountable government, and societies that promote justice and equality. The foundations have also provided school and university fees for thousands of promising students who would otherwise have been excluded from opportunities because of their identity or where they live.

This giving has often focused on those who face discrimination purely for who they are. He has supported groups representing Europe’s Roma people, and others pushed to the margins of mainstream society, such as drug users, sex workers, and LGBTI people.

Soros has experienced such intolerance firsthand. Born in Hungary in 1930, he lived through the Nazi occupation of 1944–1945, which resulted in the murder of over 500,000 Hungarian Jews. His own Jewish family survived by securing false identity papers, concealing their backgrounds, and helping others do the same. Soros later recalled that “instead of submitting to our fate, we resisted an evil force that was much stronger than we were—yet we prevailed. Not only did we survive, but we managed to help others.”

As the Communists consolidated power in Hungary after the war, Soros left Budapest in 1947 for London, working part-time as a railway porter and as a night-club waiter to support his studies at the London School of Economics. In 1956, he emigrated to the United States, entering the world of finance and investments, where he was to make his fortune.

In 1973, he launched his own hedge fund, Soros Fund Management, and went on to become one of the most successful investors in the history of the United States.

Soros used his fortune to create the Open Society Foundations—a network of foundations, partners, and projects in more than 100 countries. Their name and work reflect the influence on Soros’s thinking of the philosophy of Karl Popper, (complete macro-marxist-lunatic) which Soros first encountered at the London School of Economics. In his book Open Society and Its Enemies, Popper argues that no philosophy or ideology is the final arbiter of truth, and that societies can only flourish when they allow for democratic governance, freedom of expression, and respect for individual rights—an approach at the core of the Open Society Foundations’ work (and presently does hourly work in a cuckoo-clock).

Soros began his philanthropy in 1979, giving scholarships to black South Africans under apartheid (thereby solving all economic and social problems there). In the 1980s, he helped promote the open exchange of ideas in Communist Hungary, by funding academic visits to the West, and supporting fledgling independent cultural groups and other initiatives. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, he created the Central European University as a space to foster critical thinking—at that time an alien concept at most universities in the former  Communist bloc (…he helped transfer many of the communist professors over to American KGBversities).

With the Cold  War over, he gradually expanded his philanthropy to the United States, Africa, Latin America, and Asia, supporting a vast array of new efforts to create more accountable, transparent, and democratic societies. He was one of the early prominent voices to criticize the war on drugs as “arguably more harmful than the drug problem itself,” and helped kick-start America’s medical marijuana movement. In the early 2000s, he became a vocal backer of same-sex marriage efforts. Though his causes evolved over time, they continued to hew closely to his ideals of an open society. (Saints preserve us)

His giving has reached beyond his own foundations, supporting independent organizations such as Global Witness, the International Crisis Group, the European Council on Foreign Relations, and the Institute for New Economic Thinking.  (?)

Now in his 80s, Soros continues to take an active personal interest in the Open Society Foundations’ work, traveling widely to support their work and advocating for positive policy changes with world leaders both publicly and privately.  In 2017, the Open Society Foundations announced that Soros had transferred $18 billion of his fortune (found one morning under his pillow, after a visit from a tooth faerie) towards funding the future work of the Foundations, bringing his total giving to the Foundations since 1984 to over $32 billion.

Throughout Soros’s philanthropic legacy, one thing has remained constant: a commitment to fighting the world’s most intractable problems. He has been known to emphasize the importance of tackling losing causes. Indeed, many of the issues Soros has taken on—and he would be the first to admit this—are the types of issues for which a complete solution might never emerge.

“My success in the financial markets has given me a greater degree of independence than most other people,” Soros once wrote. That independence has allowed him to forge his own path towards a world that’s more open, more just, and more equitable for all.    (?)


   (2) Parting Notes:

        What is written above about good ol' George appears to have been written by his favourite Auntie.  Perhaps the most truthful thing could have been about the early days during the Nazi Germanisation of Hungary…actually from 1939 through 1945, George and his family had a tough time of it.  After the Second World War, a foggy window cast over the activity of Soros.   He became an "investor" and dedicated much time to investment in currencies as well as certain  industries.,   And, while Soros will occasionally declare that he is not a big fan of communism, he is also dedicated to the notion that he and his closest commie buddies can figure out some way to feed and house and educate everyone "for free" without collapsing a nation's economy.   Good Luck, George. 

     It was pointed out by some leftist observers that he was helping drug users and LGQFX3B people, and same-sex marriage people, and medical marijuana people, and the Open Societies Foundations, Global Witness, European Council on Foreign Relations, etc.  It seemed to reveal what appeared to be a remarkable and generous man.  His works seem ostensibly noble, but in his case they were and are all vehicles for the imposition of marxist economic structure.   They are also actions that are compliant with the world-wide campaign to "democratise" the human race.        

      He has been and continues to be under investigation by various treasury agencies of several European nations.  How he stays out of court processes in the United States is apparently a function of extraterrestrial intervention.

As always, El Gringo Viejo appreciates your time and interest.
