Tuesday 14 April 2020

Watching It Happen, and no way to intervene...


    During the past weekend and a bit more, we had to worry about my daughter and her two children and her husband…my son who has a wife and three girls and the wife, and my fellow Father-in-Law (consuegro in Spanish) and his wife (consuegra) were essentially broadsided by a large, complex thunderstorm line.   It covered the area that includes the area that I refer to as Austin - Round Rock - Dripping Springs and Oatmeal.
      There was considerable lightning, episodes of heavy to moderate bands of driving  rain, and dime-sized to orange-sized hail stones.   There were four lengthy tornado warnings and our peoples' neighbourhoods managed, miraculously, to make it through with limited damage only.

     Yesterday we learned from all that everything was good.  My son declared that he did not have much damage at all, except maybe for the big limb in the middle of the street.   That was apparently his main contribution to the mess.

     Shortly after my peoples' storms, I noticed that the squall line was truly complex and very lively, if anything, gainly a peculiar resilience and intensity as it moved essentially to the due east…sometimes slower…sometimes faster.   But it went…Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee, Alabama and Eastern Tennessee, then the Appalachian Chain after escaping Georgia, and finally a bit of a northward jog, along with re-instensification over South Carolina, North Carolina, and eastern Virginia.

     It was a meteorological event for the records.  Over 1,300 miles, heavy rain, grapefruit-sized hail, tornadoes too numerous to tally, and finally the analyses begins with first 12 then 14, and a little later 19 lives lost, including a combat veteran who threw himself over his wife just short seconds before the house collapsed and killed him…the wife survived with minimal physical injury.

     The oddity of sorts was that the intense part of this very vigorous and powerful storm system was that the Austin - Round Rock - Dripping Springs - Oatmeal area was the serious beginning the well developed squall line, and it left and went northeast up the Atlantic coast, only after going over the top of the Appalachians and then lighting up the east-facing wall of that beautiful and fabled area removed from the coasts of the Carolinas and nestled in the hills and mountains of the western parts of South Carolina.

     Thence, the following missive from a life-friend since our families crossed paths not long ago:

We are fine here.  Thankful that our grounds and homes are safe and yards refurbished after wee small limbs offered themselves as chores for wee tots.  The tots being close to the ground, could grab the small limbs and place them in a wagon.
They became part of the familial team when storms call for as much.  All chipped in.  All that was left was my running over the mass of leaf clumps to be mulched with the mower. 

Homes were destroyed to the left of us three miles distance where the line of storms when done there crossed the Cooper River and did its dirty deeds to more homes, mostly trailers, on the other side.
One elderly man of 85 had his room sink in on him, but he will be okay.  

My sister and brother in law caught the virus and are over it.  It was serious enough to where my father was inconsolable with tears for fear of their well being.  If they hadn't had Hydrochlorinique to fight it with, they may have perished.
The Leftist media and DNC must be disbanded and a start from scratch is called for.  They are, most assuredly America's enemy.  

God's peace to all in your homes.  Thank you for thinking of us.
I am yours, in Christ

     Please note that Hydrochlorinique was involved in the matter of the coronavirus that was going around a week or a bit more before the storm came.   I took the same stuff back in the 1950s with my malaria, as did my eldest brother and my father.   Some years later accidental encounters in the lab demonstrated that the Hydrochlorinique seemed to beat back against the pneumonia.

     Note, the value of Hydrochlorinique is very well understood, and can be demanded by a patient for intervention against pneumonia, especially that kind that is associated with coronavirus.

     The images are from last weekend…the tree, a strong one, was snapped at the base, while the trucker with the box…well…he kind of lost the box on his trailer, about two minutes before this picture was taken.

We lament the loss of life and the injuries and loss of value of cherished possession of so many.   We were gladdened to learn that our friends and the family of said friends had small losses but nothing catastrophic.

