(1) The first photograph is my father with his pet racoon, obviously. He weighed about 70 pounds and
was a veritable pest…very intelligent…and addicted to stealing anything made of silver or crystal - photo from 1920. Notice in rear of scene, the T-model pickup.
(2) The second photograph is of Norman N. Newton (1860 - 1930) and his wife, Esther Lee Christian-
Newton (1870 - 1931), my grandparents, standing in front of Valencia orange trees that they had planted. I believe
that this was taken in 1921 or so.
(3) The last picture is here because it gives the reader a glimpse of a transgenerational collection…with the oldest man being Peter Bonesteel Christian and the other descendants of his. The younger ones lived in Minneapolis
(actually Saint Anthony, the hootsie - tootsie city surrounded by Minneapolis and Saint Paul).
The photo was taken in 1921 at the farm of my grandparents…Peter's son-in-law and daughter. I never had the chance to meet them, because they were all gone before I was born.
Some time back…perhaps a year or so, I made the mistake of repeating a story from my father and my maternal grandparents and a large number of people who were of the same opinion. Those opinions had to do that a significant political and banking cartel in Hidalgo County of Texas had been what could be perceived as a bit opaque in terms of their methods of acquiring real estate.
Let us suffice by saying that the Depression killed both my grandfather and grandmother. They lost a fortune overnight.
My father joined the United States Army, being sent to the 1st Division of Cavalry (mounted), 12th Regiment - Headquarters Squadron, serving from 1929 through 1933. He finished as a 1st Lieutenant.
It should be mentioned that the girl, Esther Lee, and her father, Peter Bonesteel Christian (1850 - 1930), were the ones who bought and lived on a medium-sized hacienda in rural Mexico, at a community named Llano de Enmedio, Vera Cruz, up in the mountains bisected by the Rio Pantepec…which flows to the Gulf of Mexico, exiting near Tuxpan, Vera Cruz.
The land was purchased, apparently in 1882 from an elderly military general who was a personal friend of Porfirio Diaz Garcia, Presidente de Mexico for over 30 years or so.
The property title held, but the weather did not. In keeping with the prediction of AlGore and the Global Warmingcoolingclimatechangeweare allgoingtodieanditisTrump'sfaultandtheBushestoo, we had to yield to a superior force.
During the 1890s up to the year 1900, there were three massive cold seizures, complete with snow and sleet and temperatures falling into the lower 'teens. Since the business at that place and time was the production and transport of oranges, avocados, mangos, and such things (even a bit of coffee), the Hacienda essentially died. It would take at least five years to recuperate.
During the 1890s up to the year 1900, there were three massive cold seizures, complete with snow and sleet and temperatures falling into the lower 'teens. Since the business at that place and time was the production and transport of oranges, avocados, mangos, and such things (even a bit of coffee), the Hacienda essentially died. It would take at least five years to recuperate.
The old man stayed in South Texas, once he returned to the United States. He was involved with the Washburn - Christian Mills in Minneapolis as a member of the board of directors and as person whose job it was to survey, on site, European industrial farming machinery and processes and what value might be found in Latin America in terms of food processing for the American and European market.
For those who wish to "understand" Mexico, it would be well to study the life, times, performance, and attitude of the man pictured to the left. He was, in my opinion, perhaps one of the top 1,000 intellectually equipped men (persons) in the New World up to and including "his time". General Presidente Jose de la Cruz Porfirio Diaz Mori conducted business in such a way that the leftist elements declared that it is true there was a great deal of progress in Mexico under Diaz, but it had left Mexico as the mother of foreigners and step-mother of Mexicans.
Among other things, people meeting General Don Porfirio for the first time saw him as a king or some kind of supernatural person. He always described himself as just a humble servant of Mexico, and a poor rural boy from rural Oaxaca. He was profoundly handsome and brilliant.
Much remains to be investigated about this topic and many others but we shall delve into those matters at a later time. Frankly, it amazes me that from the "millennials" to the younger-than-them set, there is no cognition of anything that might have occurred before 1995. And so many of them know everything. And they drown in a swamp of ignorance. Truly amazing.
Your humble servant has had a couple of "periods of judgement" and he has spoken or written in strong terms about those conservatives and Republicans who did not vote because Cruz was going to win anyway…and to those who called themselves Conservatives but thought that a "Conservative"Democrat like BETO would help "balance" our representation in the yankee Congress.
In each case, such people with such comments to me revealed that they knew nothing about Robert Francis…his lack of any sense of service or philosophy or comprehension of liberty, local control, the Bill of Rights, and such. Robert Francis is a construct of his father and his father's buds. He has no philosophical moorings…and, sorry girls, he is not pretty. He is uglier than Bobby Kennedy by triple, and he has no good mooring concerning his philosophical and/or cultural understanding.
He will finish in the lower half of the peculiar gaggle of ghouls, weirdos, wild-eyed LRNOZEPBYDE Restroom People who are running to be President of the Hated States of Hated America, Land of the Bigoted and Selfish and Racist and Bad. Robert Francis cannot construct a comprehensible sentence or idea because he has none of that ability within him. He is a play-doll of his daddy.
Among other things, people meeting General Don Porfirio for the first time saw him as a king or some kind of supernatural person. He always described himself as just a humble servant of Mexico, and a poor rural boy from rural Oaxaca. He was profoundly handsome and brilliant.
Much remains to be investigated about this topic and many others but we shall delve into those matters at a later time. Frankly, it amazes me that from the "millennials" to the younger-than-them set, there is no cognition of anything that might have occurred before 1995. And so many of them know everything. And they drown in a swamp of ignorance. Truly amazing.
A fellow shakes his finger at me and declares, "You were lucky that Cruz won, because BETO almost showed him the door."
My response is to myself…and to my OROG community. Ted Cruz ran for re-election and won. That is point number one. The next point is that Ted Cruz raised 30,000,000 yankee dollars and spent a good portion of that on his re-election. He had no opposition in the Primaria Elefante, and he perhaps overestimated his certainty of a positive outcome. But not by much…
Robert Francis O'rourke raised about 85 per cent of his campaign funds from the perverse and degenerate sources of the extreme West Coast and the New York Upper-drawer, ''good people who care". They flooded Robert Francis with 80,000,000 dollars of out-of-Texas money.
Bobby Frank went about, flailing his hands and arms, and saying nothing that didn't make no sense, nohow. And people would applaud. It was like a show put on for people from the "institution" down the road.
And Robert Francis O'Rourke lost. Cruz in relative terms did not lift anything beyond his little finger…he still has a War Chest…and he gains more respect and deference each day. He is a truly hard-working Senator…and…Cornyn, the Senior Senator and a country club Conservative Republican…has become more confident in being the conservative that he is in his brain and soul. It is almost Spooky…how reasonable Ted Cruz has learned to express himself and how hard he works, travelling in flyways and byways of the Republic of Texas.
And, how "down home" Cornyn has become, without sacrificing his blue-blood and position, the person we all knew. We Texian Republicans…stuck in the federated Union with States such as New York and California…are fortunate to have two Senators who are articulate, hard working, and peculiarly dedicated to Texians' problems and solutions.
Your humble servant has had a couple of "periods of judgement" and he has spoken or written in strong terms about those conservatives and Republicans who did not vote because Cruz was going to win anyway…and to those who called themselves Conservatives but thought that a "Conservative"Democrat like BETO would help "balance" our representation in the yankee Congress.
In each case, such people with such comments to me revealed that they knew nothing about Robert Francis…his lack of any sense of service or philosophy or comprehension of liberty, local control, the Bill of Rights, and such. Robert Francis is a construct of his father and his father's buds. He has no philosophical moorings…and, sorry girls, he is not pretty. He is uglier than Bobby Kennedy by triple, and he has no good mooring concerning his philosophical and/or cultural understanding.
He will finish in the lower half of the peculiar gaggle of ghouls, weirdos, wild-eyed LRNOZEPBYDE Restroom People who are running to be President of the Hated States of Hated America, Land of the Bigoted and Selfish and Racist and Bad. Robert Francis cannot construct a comprehensible sentence or idea because he has none of that ability within him. He is a play-doll of his daddy.
It is not a good campaign philosophy, but it seems to play well to the party that had people literally Booing at the mention of the word "God" during their Democrat National Convention in 2016. Methinks I shall retire from being near them in the future, just in case there is lightning in the area.
My answer? Wherever they go…Honduras rules will follow. The gangs and cartels, due to the purposeful neglect of the problem and inactivity of the Obama administration. The lower instincts have long since taken root in Baltimore, Saint Louis, Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, and a hundred other places, large and small. Their Mafia is alive and well and pumping out death, torture, and addiction to every 11 year old 5th grader they can possibly lure into the web of death. And, Yes, Virginia, there was a time when Honduras had hope and was a beautiful, disciplined placed…clean…noble…a large middle class…rich people who earned their wealth. Just a nice place on the map…like Costa Rica. Many Gringos had places on the Island of Roatan, just off the west coast of Honduras's Caribbean frontage. Many folks have told me that it was better than Hawai'i will ever be…but such talk is comparative. Suffice to say that it was an idyllic place where a person never died…"…because they were already in Heaven."
That is all gone now. To have a finca or poor mansion on the beach or whatever on Roatan, it is necessary to have a squadron of ''guardaespaldas" (bodyguards) with automatic weapons. Much of the spillover from the disintegration of the Samoza regime in Nicaragua…which brought on the devastating disorder caused by the Ortega psuedo-communist crooks (they followed the Castro Cuban model)…has lent to the downfall of what was a corner of Paradise in the Americas. It seems to be the mission of the communists and the nihilists to destroy Venezuela with false gods like Chavez and Maduro…and Cuba with the Castro-Ruz brother act…and poor Nicaragua…minding its business with a pompous dictator…but truly duly elected…like Anastacio Samoza in charge…and after killing him….everything became better??????????????
Or was it like Cuba? There we rid ourselves of a pompous dictator like Gen. Fulgencio Batista who had put 600 people in prison for speaking their will!
Then replacing him with the Fidel and Raul Castro - Ruz show that began with the killing of almost all the sergeants in their own Cuban revolutionary forces…Castro's guys…leaving almost 1,000 non-coms to bury themselves. And, of course, over 12,000 political prisoners, housed in hell-holes of filth.
Madness…brought on by the anti-soul of the Cuban Revolution...Chez'…the front bumper of every T-shirt on campus, when worn by a mindless glub of a snork who thinks he is making a profound statement about "The Revolution".
Question, mister liberal arts student at Harvard - Is Chez is your shirt-banner?…Do you know his last names and nationality? Mexicano? Cubano? Argentino? Espanol? Was he Ernesto (Chez) Guevara de la Serna or was he Ernesto (Chez) Guevara Lynch? Was he a graduated doctor of medicine?
Or was he just a rich-kid, spoiled person consumed with self-hatred for himself and for the rich and hatred for America? Or was he just a compulsive, paranoid schizophrenic compelled to murder hundreds of people…men, women, and children…as part of a sacrifice to the need for the establishment of social democracy?
It doesn't really matter. The swirling winds of marxism and the withdrawal of the Central American…and North American…people from their basic Protestant, Orthodox, and Judaic
catechisms has given us this problem. The problem will either soon be solved or the problem will literally consume us all…all our children…all our grandchildren…all of the future more certainly than any faux Climate Change disaster.
These people coming up looking for opportunity are not looking for opportunity in their 85 per cent. They are looking for free goodies paid for by the common millionaires, the people making 50,000 to 100,000 dollars per year per family…people who work 40 to 100 hours per week because they have a work ethic. Remember, fifty per cent of the Gringos pay 100 per cent of the Central Government's income taxes.
Thankfully we have many youngsters who are not going to Grand Universities of Great Note. The overwhelming majority of our kiddoes are going to Community College, State Universities, and trade schools / apprentice programmes. Underwater welders make 125 to 250 dollars / hour and can pretty much pick and choose their venues….pretty much, I said.
A master carpenter and his crew can make 6,000 dollars per week, plus the cost of material, on a major rehab of a private home. Hair dressers who take their work seriously…between funeral homes, weddings, regular visits, etc. can make real live money in heaps and piles. It is exhausting but rewarding work…all the above and many more "blue collar" and "professional level" etc. people are the ones who make it all "work". Ivy League be damned…you began to lose your value in 1969 and your worth is now measured the number of "safety zones" your campus has to protect snowflakes from having seen a "conservative".
Finally, and this screed will go on in the future to deeper and wider depth, this is not an anti-immigrant screed. We are not "anti-Mexican". We shall reiterate that we have lived, worked, conviviated with, enjoyed the entire Mexican thing. We are deferential to a fault for and in favour of those people, especially Mexicans, Brits, most Orientals, even Canadians and other such people…who become immigrants, legally, with paperwork in order who come to America and be naturalised as real, live Gringos.
For instance I oppose the expulsion of a veteran who was honourably discharged from the service…but because of a serious misdemeanour or other charge…he is deported as an undesirable alien in spite of the fact that he had accomplished the requirements and been sworn in as an American citizen. That is simply how I think.
My wife and I resent listening to people say, "We are all immigrants". My wife's people and she have almost 470 years in the same territory, much of it what became Texas. My people have brought me forward in this Continent for the past 380 years…we are not immigrants. We were colonials…and we are republican citizens…not immigrants. I have a daughter-in-law who is unlike Pocahontas Warren…our daughter-in-law is a person with real, live American Indian bloodline…she is not an immigrant…we are not all immigrants.
We celebrate all the other folks, and we are no better than they…Mexicans, Czechs, Poles, Germans, Orientals of many, many stripes (all interesting), Scandinavians, Brits, Canadians, and on and on…like the Italians and Spaniards…and not the least of which are the people of Black African ancestry, Russians, even Australians. Let us all make a joyful noise unto the Lord for them having been sent to us.
In these times, it is necessary that we point out that the issue of the "migrants" coming in from Central America is not a matter of fairness, understanding of plight, understandable desire to have opportunity, or any of that. It should be stated that your humble servant has considerable time in Mexico, on the Texas - Mexican border, doing business and owning property in Mexico, and so forth. My studies at University were in large part dedicated to matters concerning the regions and nations being affected.
We would like to assure all readers that the people coming up from Central America are not "migrants". They are, in fact, invaders who have made nations that are rife with corruption, criminality, perversion, violence, all forms of murder and torture and where there is no peace, no sense of anything beyond self, and where the social and moral code, almost uniformly throughout the populace is, "If I can get away with it….".
There is little religion…although I know there are agencies representing themselves as Christian missionaries and brothers in Christ both down in Central America and in the United States. Those in the United States who believe in providing sanctuary for these people are either frauds providing a theatre for the establishment of a permanent class of dependent, violent, and indolent people or people who are deluded in the hope of being able "save" those poor, hapless souls who are trundling forth in search of a better life.
The Roman Catholic Church in Honduras, El Salvador, and to a lesser extent Guatemala has no real religious function any longer. Changing the language from Latin to Spanish and allowing women to enter without mantillas or hats, etc. etc. did not improve or save the Roman Catholic Church. The lower socio-economic elements long ago gave up on the rattling of the beads of Rosaries and observing the novenas and such, and like the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion in general, have devolved into social, not religious, institutions.
The Roman Church in Mexico still has a bit of the vestige of spirituality and moral purpose but, as in the case of America, it dwindles. The fact is, in any regard, that these people coming up in the "caravans" (a ridiculous made-up word) are after one or two things. Mainly, they are coming up because it became a popular affectation. Leave and follow the successes of the Mara Salvatrucha 13 and the Callejon 18 and have things and everything because we want things and we hate Gringos and we deserve to have what we want and we want it now or else I'll call my cousin and he will stab your head with his knife. We have arrived at that point.
And, of course, the girls are nice enough to come trundling up to the border with a baby in the belly and two or three in tow…perhaps babies or post infants not even related to the "mother". And they will be sullen and complain about the food and the lack of accommodations and the lack of new clothes and the waste of time hanging around the Border Patrol offices when they want to go to Newark where their brothers are waiting in their Mara Salvatrucha secret clubhouse.
The women also know that it is very necessary to arrive pregnant or ready to become pregnant because once that happens and the baby is delivered on Terra Sanctus Americanus that they are "…in like Flynn". The baby is an American, therefore the mother must be allowed to stay because she is the baby's only source of care, succour, protection, and responsibility and so she receives MEDICAID, AID TO FAMILIES WITH DEPENDENT CHILDREN, FREE HOUSING, FREE KINDERGARTEN, FREE SCHOOL, and on and on it will go.
The males who are coming up, without attachment, are in their majority, criminals. Most are on the run. Many have been deported before. Many have archives of violent criminal behaviour…and we do not mean 2 or 3 per cent of them. It is more like 25 per cent. They joke about how easy it is to assault and steal from an American…how easy it is to steal things. Almost all the males see females aged 9 and higher as "opportunities". Most of the "single males" have no concept of paternity or family union.
There is no abiding sense of protection of the weak, deferring to the females, protecting the weak or the very young. It is their responsibility…as it pertains to 50 to 60 per cent of the single male population aged 16 to 40...to steal, gain unfair gain, deflect, and injure the most vulnerable at every opportunity.
Many of the "elderly" males…ages 30 to 50…have debilitating problems such as alcoholism, brain damage, mental retardation, drug addiction, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), various forms of venereal disease, and once again…many if not most have criminal archives.
At this point 6 per cent of the known adult population of Honduras lives in the United States. It is reasonably estimated that 80 per cent of that population lives either on public assistance or criminal activity. For 90 per cent, it is all they know to do. The biggest accomplishment for most of the women is to wait for the Stork to come through the open window while the poor, beset-upon mother waits patiently for her ticket to paradise…the AFDC Gravy Train.
Ay! Gringo Viejo…why are you so judgemental? Why do you ridicule these poor people who are only searching for a way out…to have a life…to avoid all the violence???

That is all gone now. To have a finca or poor mansion on the beach or whatever on Roatan, it is necessary to have a squadron of ''guardaespaldas" (bodyguards) with automatic weapons. Much of the spillover from the disintegration of the Samoza regime in Nicaragua…which brought on the devastating disorder caused by the Ortega psuedo-communist crooks (they followed the Castro Cuban model)…has lent to the downfall of what was a corner of Paradise in the Americas. It seems to be the mission of the communists and the nihilists to destroy Venezuela with false gods like Chavez and Maduro…and Cuba with the Castro-Ruz brother act…and poor Nicaragua…minding its business with a pompous dictator…but truly duly elected…like Anastacio Samoza in charge…and after killing him….everything became better??????????????
Or was it like Cuba? There we rid ourselves of a pompous dictator like Gen. Fulgencio Batista who had put 600 people in prison for speaking their will!
Then replacing him with the Fidel and Raul Castro - Ruz show that began with the killing of almost all the sergeants in their own Cuban revolutionary forces…Castro's guys…leaving almost 1,000 non-coms to bury themselves. And, of course, over 12,000 political prisoners, housed in hell-holes of filth.
Madness…brought on by the anti-soul of the Cuban Revolution...Chez'…the front bumper of every T-shirt on campus, when worn by a mindless glub of a snork who thinks he is making a profound statement about "The Revolution".
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The seductive and enchanting environs of the archeologicalsite of Tikal in the northern reaches of Guatemala. A most beautiful country, filled with the most interesting people inworld in many ways. |
Or was he just a rich-kid, spoiled person consumed with self-hatred for himself and for the rich and hatred for America? Or was he just a compulsive, paranoid schizophrenic compelled to murder hundreds of people…men, women, and children…as part of a sacrifice to the need for the establishment of social democracy?
It doesn't really matter. The swirling winds of marxism and the withdrawal of the Central American…and North American…people from their basic Protestant, Orthodox, and Judaic
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Lake Peten Itza' northern province of Peten, Guatemala adjacent to the archeological site of TIKAL |
These people coming up looking for opportunity are not looking for opportunity in their 85 per cent. They are looking for free goodies paid for by the common millionaires, the people making 50,000 to 100,000 dollars per year per family…people who work 40 to 100 hours per week because they have a work ethic. Remember, fifty per cent of the Gringos pay 100 per cent of the Central Government's income taxes.
Thankfully we have many youngsters who are not going to Grand Universities of Great Note. The overwhelming majority of our kiddoes are going to Community College, State Universities, and trade schools / apprentice programmes. Underwater welders make 125 to 250 dollars / hour and can pretty much pick and choose their venues….pretty much, I said.
A master carpenter and his crew can make 6,000 dollars per week, plus the cost of material, on a major rehab of a private home. Hair dressers who take their work seriously…between funeral homes, weddings, regular visits, etc. can make real live money in heaps and piles. It is exhausting but rewarding work…all the above and many more "blue collar" and "professional level" etc. people are the ones who make it all "work". Ivy League be damned…you began to lose your value in 1969 and your worth is now measured the number of "safety zones" your campus has to protect snowflakes from having seen a "conservative".
Finally, and this screed will go on in the future to deeper and wider depth, this is not an anti-immigrant screed. We are not "anti-Mexican". We shall reiterate that we have lived, worked, conviviated with, enjoyed the entire Mexican thing. We are deferential to a fault for and in favour of those people, especially Mexicans, Brits, most Orientals, even Canadians and other such people…who become immigrants, legally, with paperwork in order who come to America and be naturalised as real, live Gringos.
For instance I oppose the expulsion of a veteran who was honourably discharged from the service…but because of a serious misdemeanour or other charge…he is deported as an undesirable alien in spite of the fact that he had accomplished the requirements and been sworn in as an American citizen. That is simply how I think.
My wife and I resent listening to people say, "We are all immigrants". My wife's people and she have almost 470 years in the same territory, much of it what became Texas. My people have brought me forward in this Continent for the past 380 years…we are not immigrants. We were colonials…and we are republican citizens…not immigrants. I have a daughter-in-law who is unlike Pocahontas Warren…our daughter-in-law is a person with real, live American Indian bloodline…she is not an immigrant…we are not all immigrants.
We celebrate all the other folks, and we are no better than they…Mexicans, Czechs, Poles, Germans, Orientals of many, many stripes (all interesting), Scandinavians, Brits, Canadians, and on and on…like the Italians and Spaniards…and not the least of which are the people of Black African ancestry, Russians, even Australians. Let us all make a joyful noise unto the Lord for them having been sent to us.