Two quick points:
(1) We have some 'splainin' to do, Lucy. While I take some blame, most must be thrust upon the present occupants of the two Presidential Palaces…one in Washington, District of Columbia and the other in Los Pinos, District Federal, Ciudad de Mexico, Republica de los Estados Unidos de Mexico. We shall develop that topic as best can be done.
(2) There have been some peculiar procedural changes in our counting machine service(s). Our normal count comes from what hits this computer, in this home, only. There are three other secondary and tertiary counters that barnacled on to AdSense and other Googlebuddies. Suddenly, about six months ago, we began receiving updates every three to five days. Our daily graph showed very little activity which then on any random Thursday or Saturday or whenever, a "dump" of 2,500 would show up, citing "North American Catchment" or something to that effect. Another two or three days and suddenly a dump of 1,500 from"international receivers". And so forth.
We were aware of the background counters and the fact that they were measuring things "out there", but now we have to wonder…or know…or quake in fear…about the fact that my brain is being monitored by an extraterrestrial work-group under contract to Maxine Waters and Richard Simmons.
We leave these things to the common run-of-the-mill geniuses who compose the audience of A Gringo in Rural Mexico, and allow for them to ponder the import of this information.
She loves me. She loves me naught.

To-morrow hordes of un-checked, unwashed, unknown, unrecorded supposed humans with baby humans come pouring into Mexico with little interference from Mexican military or constabularial intervention. The next day a spokesman declares that the newly arrived "guests" in Mexico are being offered worker-authorisations and full benefit packages for positions at various of several thousand venues where there are labour shortages in and around the Mexico City metroplex. It is known that there is a severe labour-shortage in that area as well as other industrial areas in Mexico. The labour contracts are quite good especially considering the medical and other benefits.
The Central Americans gobble up the papers and sign everything that needs to be signed. Two days later they are found forty or four hundred miles further north, on their "migration" to America. "Hey! Why didn't you report for that job in Ecatepec?", to which the Centroamericano will respond, "We decided to go north because the Gringos have to give us everything for free. No need to work, everything free." And folks…this is not a joke. It is VERY especially true of the young women who are aware that they need only drop a baby in an alley-way in McAllen and thereby become the "sole caretaker" of an "American citizen infant". From that point everything is free…medical, food, accommodation, schooling…everything.
Then we hear of more "caravans (they are not caravans)" heading out to the north on the Great Human Cattle Drive to seek redress for the damage the Gringos have done to the poor simple countries that America has cannibalised during the past 200 years. This "caravan" with 2,000, then the next from the Mara Salvatrucha 13 factory also known as El Salvador another 4,000 leaves while the Hondurans contribute a couple of days later 4,000 innocent young mothers simply looking for a small morsel for their babies to eat, once or twice a week.
Everything is tightly under the control of United Nations "handlers" who are tightly en league with the overall world marxist movement. Peoples Without Frontiers (Pueblos Sin Fronteras), and the Soros people, unapologetically serve inside and outside the "caravan", being especially welcomed because they have friendly relations with the Mara Salvatrucha and the Callejon 18 and various other criminal and arch-marxist agents united in the common bond of "HATE AMERICA FIRST". These gangs are the one who deliver fresh meat to to on-going porno and slave-labour found in the Sacramento-type Cities and other towns and States in the hinterland..
The first group arrives at Tijuana (not TIA - Juana) and they stormed the gates of the hated Gringo garita (stockade or garrison) at the international entry point the next day. They are turned away by the local American defence force…with billy-clubs and noxious gasses.
Two days later, the drug cartel people come into the presence of the disorganised "migrants" and set upon them. There is a period of 36 hours of mayhem and on-again / off-again violence and brutal hand to hand between the organised crime elements and the "migrants" who are well marked with their gang-insignia (accompanied by almost no Obsolete Media or even FOXNews coverage).
The Federal Mexican Uniformed Police and the Army came in and cleaned up the mess…making many arrests of people with old and new wants and warrants, principally by Mexico and the Texas and the United States authorities. Nothing is reported to Notimex, FOXNews, CNN, and the other "official news sources".
THEN INTERESTINGLY, the next "caravan" comes up from the South and determines that they will go to the Piedras Negras - Eagle Pass international crossing at the Rio Grande. A week earlier in Tijuana everything turned to rot pretty quickly. So, they figure, we'll go to the Texas frontier where the people are really stupid and hicks and we'll walk right over them.
The Governor of Coahuila State of Mexico, which includes the City of Piedras Negras (Black Rocks …or actually Coal…which is found in abundance in that area, both on the surface and subsurface)…advised a FOXNews reporter in Mexico that these people were being helped to the Texas frontier. A total of 55 ultra-first class and de luxe busses had been leased by the State of Coahuila to carry the "caravan" people from Saltillo to Piedras Negras in style (this is not a sly joke…the busses are ultra first-class and de luxe units…very, very posh). He told the FOXNews reporter to talk to his secretary about the details.
As a de luxe excursion operator for a quarter century in Mexico, I can assert some authority over these comments. The cost to the State of Coahuila for the lease of these vehicles, even with the appropriate discounts for group and public service considerations, would have been around 15,000 pesos / each for the one day delivery and the dead-head back to the terminal facilities in the State Capital (Saltillo). That charge would be about 700 dollars per bus, paid by the Coahuila taxpayers in the amount equivalent to over $35,000 (am.cur.)
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Jose Maria Fraustro Siller Secretario del Estado de Coahuila __________________________________ |
In the meantime, over in Tijuana, Baja California where some of the "refugees" from the failed assault by the "caravan" essentially went for naught, combined forces from the Mexican Federal Police, the Mexican Army, and the Mexican Naval Infantry (all formidable forces) did some housecleaning in downtown against both Cartel people and the caravan people (essentially the same people). Sociologically and demographically…about 80% of the migrants were dispersed, some being transported back down to Central Mexico and then on to the Guatemalan frontier to be deported. They were only about a third of the original number that had arrived a week before.
Some went to jail in Tijuana, some tried to break into the United States facility at Mexicali, somewhat east of Tijuana…they failed and some were arrested. A small gaggle of assorted mixed groups of invaders tried to cross near the old Columbus site in New Mexico, and they were detained for processing in El Paso, Texas and then deported into Ciudad Juarez (although they should have been divested of their valuables and flown back to their point of origin in Central America).
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Where are my oats and honey!!! ________________________ |
In short, I am trying to diagnose private information and substantially credible information from local and private and Mexican sources, while trying simultaneously keep up with the different interpretations of the will and mind of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, Presidente de Mexico. His "kitchen cabinet" of truly (I am not being 'theatrically sarcastic) highly intelligent and substantially morally correct people…a couple or three whom I know personally.
It is the opinion of various people who are in the know that AMLO is substantially "bronco"- that being a fine, but unpredictable stallion. AMLO is an old draught horse, in actuality…a socialist warrior from the Ghosts of the Calles and Cardenas days of expropriations and arbitrary executive orders commanding confiscations of properties and Stalinist types of public shaming of the rich. True enough, AMLO did a creditable job as mayor of the ungovernable metroplex of Mexico City. But most observers say that his success was due to his absence and his leaving in control a second level of very adept engineers of motor vehicle traffic, water quality and pressure improvement, up-grading continuously the metro uniformed and mounted police, forcing judicial process to be made functional by browbeating the stupid, lazy magistrates who handled misdemeanours and minor felonies…always waiting for "jurisprudential lubrication"…AMLO did receive the credit, but many will suggest that a cadre of people without imaginations, who had watched a lot of LAW and ORDER and such programmes decided to force English Common Law rules on the Mexican legal chaos. It resulted in improvements for everyone, foreign and domestic.
Not a lot really, really changed, but there were improvements during AMLO's administration. Mexico City is oddly a pleasant place to waste four or five nights…the food, the civility of the people, the massive buildings that stun the senses, the peculiar weather, the views of the snow covered mountains to the east, the mix of red people who cannot speak Spanish, crossing the same 16-lane boulevard with the high-heeled model-looking white woman who speaks Spanish better than a Spaniard, helping the Otomi Indian woman with her plastic bags of merchandise. The best saloons with decent music and entertainment…if you are willing to stay up until 23:00 hours for the show to begin…and a million other things all conducted at 7,400 fasl.
These are all things that clash together in my mind and the minds of others who truly understand what is going on here on the Rio Grande Frontier. We are accused of being 'meskin-hatin' Southern bigots' but one who says such loses the argument in its entirety. We have many generations studying, living, doing business in the environment of the Frontier and the Republic of Mexico. My wife has over 15 generations as a lower level titled aristocrat person that defined Spanish / Jewish colonists of what would become that area of north central Mexico and most of Southern Texas. We know. We understand. Leftist Democrats do not.
The people coming up from Central America are not "migrants"…they are not "refugees"…they are not "looking for opportunity in America"…save for about 10% or less. Almost all are dedicated to "anchor baby entry", and/or cleaving onto a cell already in Trenton, New Jersey where there are opportunities that almost always result in being prostitutes or pawns in shell-games, or where they work for wages that are normally paid in India in some dark hovel in a ghetto of slaves, or where, with luck a 9 year-old girl can get her first big break in the "movies".
Nancy Pelosi…do you meet Lady MacBeth during your ambles in the stairwells at night in your Castle? Do the stains of your inequity ever leave you hands….?