Tuesday 26 February 2019

Ocasio - Cortez and the re-re-rewriting of the 638th rewriting of History and the Democratic Socialist Final Solution of Evil, Poverty, and Bad Stuff…and everything…all the time

(1)     Bulletin:

From Reuters -

(1) UK appoints top cop as new anti-slavery chief, after criticism over delay
(2) Water-stressed Pakistan looks for billions in donations to build dams
(3)  Future of food under "severe threat" as species diversity disappears - UN
(4)  Insurance not enough to offset financial risks of climate change, analysts say
(5)  Prepare now for accelerating climate threats, military officials warn


The clarion call for all people to be given everything they need all the time.

     Quite obviously, the time has come to SCREAM BLOODY MURDER…!!!   We, as a nation, have stumbled along now for 240 years or so, generally accommodating business potentates, business conglomerations, labour leaders and groups, all nature of social organisation, unions, guilds, and chambers of commerce and so forth.  We have seen these crops prosper and those crops wither.
   We have seen factories, military bases, farms large and small produce, fail, re-establish, change crops, fail, and start over again.   We have dealt with these and those peoples with this and that language and background…who have gone and not returned, while others came to replace them.  And we have seen people who declared they would never leave, leave and die a great distance from where they were born, regretting having left or wishing they had left sooner.

     In short…we have seen it all,  done most of it…and still wonder how it can be.  Truly, how can it be?   The "Platform" for the Ocasio forces is truly the representation of a pitiably immature, totally self-possessed and involved nine-year old.  She is certain that she can sit upon a variation of a baby's high-chair, while decked out in taffeta and velour, with a silver wand topped by a a solid 19.5 K gold star with a large diamond in the middle and appoint this occurrence and dispatch that bad, evil, wrong thing to the bin of iniquity.

     It is rather much like Puff, the Magic Dragon, but done for and by little girls who wave their wands about during the sleep over…and who, as midnight draws near…decide that "staying up to see the dawn" is a little out of reach.   Some little girls are 29 years of age, by the calendar, but still cling to the notions held as pre-adolescents, nurtured by deranged college professors who think the next try at marxism will be the one that finally works.

It never works.
El Gringo Viejo