We have gone over and over, and back and forth about this shooting of the officer in the Promised Land of the Sanctuary Cities and the Sanctuary State of California. We had to endure the sadness brought on by the deaths of two children, who had obviously died of some form of influenza, possibly coupled by a strain of meningitis, and brought on by the uncaring, unconcerned acts by supposed relatives.
One knows that the world has turned totally upside down when the blame for the deaths of these two children is assigned to America, Donald Trump, the Border Patrol, and the Secretary of Homeland Security and to the collective American "us".
However, we have a more accurate analysis, and it follows below:
However, we have a more accurate analysis, and it follows below:
For those who think that the people in the "caravans" are all mommies pushing strollers, and just trying to find a better life than what is provided by totally corrupt, horribly violent, garbage dump country under the control of degenerate, depraved, murderous, mentally defective and / or retarded criminals…it is necessary to finally accept the facts that are true. The governments, in truth, are not as corrupt or stupid as some might think…it is simply a matter of a socio-cultural tidal wave that built up, especially during the late 1960s and 1970s…involving drug addictions, very active marxist social penetration, and the mushrooming of volunteers for the Cartels and their South America to North America trafficking of cocaine and other "estupificantes".
The Roman Catholic Church during those days latched onto the "liberation theology" theme, literally teaching the younger people that socialism is the purest form of Christianity according to the Scriptures. This message was massaged by very adept Jesuits, who long ago had determined to remake Jesus of Nazareth into an early image of to-day's Che' Guevara…"fighting for the poor". It is something known as "Liberation Theology"as all OROGs know. But instead of something like "Nearer, My God, to Thee", their message has turned into something more akin to "Oh! How We Love Chains and Gulags".
The Roman Catholic Church during those days latched onto the "liberation theology" theme, literally teaching the younger people that socialism is the purest form of Christianity according to the Scriptures. This message was massaged by very adept Jesuits, who long ago had determined to remake Jesus of Nazareth into an early image of to-day's Che' Guevara…"fighting for the poor". It is something known as "Liberation Theology"as all OROGs know. But instead of something like "Nearer, My God, to Thee", their message has turned into something more akin to "Oh! How We Love Chains and Gulags".
The vast majority of the members of the "caravans" is not composed of Barbara Billingsly - type ladies who involve themselves with the nurturing and care for the "angelitos lindos" (pretty little angels). It is well-established that about 20 per cent of the participants, for instance, are convicted felons who have served time in prison or for whom there are active wants and warrants.
It is known that a sizeable number of the "migrants" have been deported from the United States and/or Mexico…sometimes ten or twelve times. It is known that the vast majority have no marketable skills, and the majority have not completed elementary (primary) education of six grades. Most of the ones who failed to complete primary-level education did so willingly, actively avoiding attendance and embracing truancy, frequently for a life in the criminal lane.
It is common for the people in the "caravans"will rent, buy, or trade for a child or children from another family to be used as sham "dependent children" of the "caravan" participant…male or female. It would be reasonable to estimate that 15 to 20 per cent of the children in tow are not legally or biologically related to the persons purporting to be the mother and/or the father. These adult invaders use the children, declaring them first to be offspring of a biological or adoptive nature, and then quickly changing their stories when DNA testing proves that there is no relation, or a child, under separate inquiry, declares that his mother and father are still in Guatemala or Honduras or El Salvador.
Several hundred males with Mara Salvatrucha XIII or Callejon XVIII tattoos and / or markings have been segregated out of the trundling, "huddled masses". Many took flight as they crossed Mexico when they were recognised by some authority or another. Rare is the day that we do not learn that one or two or more MS-13 or similar has been captured at the border.
Next big problem? Numerous of the "migrants" who came up and are now despairing and dispersing from where their handlers abandoned them in downtown Tijuana, Baja California. Others have been crossing into New Mexico, between Douglas, New Mexico and El Paso, Texas into what is essentially an unforgiving desert-scape where few Border Patrol officers must cope with surrounding, detaining, arresting, and transporting scores of people to a detention facility many miles away.
The nice thing about these people? Most of them have some kind of dreaded plague, illness, or condition. Measles, tuberculosis, HIV, Asian flu, meningitis, as well as those who are physically compromised. And guess what? The Obsolete Press drones on and on about how "The child died in the custody of the Border Patrol!!! Can you imagine. They didn't care enough about a little baby child to seek medical care for an innocent little child. When are we ever going to get rid of Trump?"
The Obsolete Press and the Democrat politicians are lying through their teeth on the one hand, and then purposefully obfuscating the facts on the other hand. To people who have studied the Maya, it is commonly known that Mayan people are terribly susceptible to the various types of flu. They themselves know that. The Obsolute Press does not know that, and could care less…they really need and want dead, foreign, illegal alien children because they think they can cloud the issue of illegal immigration with such tragedies and distractions.
Remember the willing involvement of the Obsolete Press in publishing a picture of a child, apparently chained inside of a chicken wire and board kennel box. The Obsolete Press howled at the moon for hour on end…and continue to do so. Little did it matter to them that the date of that picture had to be traced back to Obama's term…deep back into 2014.
One can notice, in the case of the officer who was killed on Christmas day by an illegal alien, that not one word was mentioned by Nancy Pelosi, neither the previous nor present governor of California, not Schemer, no one among the Democrat mass would mention the event. Maxine Waters was in the Bahamas vacationing while Nancy Pelosi was taking in the rays somewhere in darkest Hawaii.
It is difficult for me to continue with this due to the anger that wells up within me. When one considers that we deal, time after time with these vipers who have come here only for the purpose of committing violence and rendering havoc.
Some talking heads in the political programming that is available on television a quick to point out that "undocumented migrants" actually have a better social compliance record than do legal aliens and native born Americans. When they are "illegally here", they have to mind their "p's" and "q's". When statements such as that are made at a table of Obsolete Media people, they all smile and nod solemnly…nodding each to the other in recognition their superior understanding of social and cultural matters.
The only problem? They have lost their minds. Illegal aliens have an atrocious record in terms of adhering to any social compact with the greater community. Furthermore, the "moderate" and more liberal Republicans even suggest that it is good to have some tolerance to the residency of illegal aliens because the police can rely upon them when there is a need to pick-up a "bad illegal alien". Such thought is madness.
The individual pictured to the left would not think twice about going over to the illegal alien haven where 12 people are staying in an efficiency public housing apartment and then spraying the premises with gunfire…especially if he were to have three or four of his buddies with him.
And if two or three are killed during the fusillade, that's the price that meddlers must pay for co-operating with the police. Gustavo (picture on left) over on the left has been very active in the Suren~o (Southerner, as in someone from El Salvador which is south of Mexico) group which takes its orders from the Mexican Mafia…a control group that operates inside the prison system of various entities, especially California and Texas.
So, the idea that having a nice, kinder, and gentler illegal alien community or neighbourhood or whatever, is bogus to the core. There are neighbourhoods in central, downtown Houston where primarily Salvadoren~os live, and they will probably be the last ones who would "turn-in" a "Suren~o"…it is simply not "healthy".
Several hundred males with Mara Salvatrucha XIII or Callejon XVIII tattoos and / or markings have been segregated out of the trundling, "huddled masses". Many took flight as they crossed Mexico when they were recognised by some authority or another. Rare is the day that we do not learn that one or two or more MS-13 or similar has been captured at the border.
Next big problem? Numerous of the "migrants" who came up and are now despairing and dispersing from where their handlers abandoned them in downtown Tijuana, Baja California. Others have been crossing into New Mexico, between Douglas, New Mexico and El Paso, Texas into what is essentially an unforgiving desert-scape where few Border Patrol officers must cope with surrounding, detaining, arresting, and transporting scores of people to a detention facility many miles away.
The nice thing about these people? Most of them have some kind of dreaded plague, illness, or condition. Measles, tuberculosis, HIV, Asian flu, meningitis, as well as those who are physically compromised. And guess what? The Obsolete Press drones on and on about how "The child died in the custody of the Border Patrol!!! Can you imagine. They didn't care enough about a little baby child to seek medical care for an innocent little child. When are we ever going to get rid of Trump?"
The Obsolete Press and the Democrat politicians are lying through their teeth on the one hand, and then purposefully obfuscating the facts on the other hand. To people who have studied the Maya, it is commonly known that Mayan people are terribly susceptible to the various types of flu. They themselves know that. The Obsolute Press does not know that, and could care less…they really need and want dead, foreign, illegal alien children because they think they can cloud the issue of illegal immigration with such tragedies and distractions.
Remember the willing involvement of the Obsolete Press in publishing a picture of a child, apparently chained inside of a chicken wire and board kennel box. The Obsolete Press howled at the moon for hour on end…and continue to do so. Little did it matter to them that the date of that picture had to be traced back to Obama's term…deep back into 2014.
One can notice, in the case of the officer who was killed on Christmas day by an illegal alien, that not one word was mentioned by Nancy Pelosi, neither the previous nor present governor of California, not Schemer, no one among the Democrat mass would mention the event. Maxine Waters was in the Bahamas vacationing while Nancy Pelosi was taking in the rays somewhere in darkest Hawaii.
It is difficult for me to continue with this due to the anger that wells up within me. When one considers that we deal, time after time with these vipers who have come here only for the purpose of committing violence and rendering havoc.
Some talking heads in the political programming that is available on television a quick to point out that "undocumented migrants" actually have a better social compliance record than do legal aliens and native born Americans. When they are "illegally here", they have to mind their "p's" and "q's". When statements such as that are made at a table of Obsolete Media people, they all smile and nod solemnly…nodding each to the other in recognition their superior understanding of social and cultural matters.
The only problem? They have lost their minds. Illegal aliens have an atrocious record in terms of adhering to any social compact with the greater community. Furthermore, the "moderate" and more liberal Republicans even suggest that it is good to have some tolerance to the residency of illegal aliens because the police can rely upon them when there is a need to pick-up a "bad illegal alien". Such thought is madness.
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Gustavo Perez Arriaga Murderer and professional illegal alien |
And if two or three are killed during the fusillade, that's the price that meddlers must pay for co-operating with the police. Gustavo (picture on left) over on the left has been very active in the Suren~o (Southerner, as in someone from El Salvador which is south of Mexico) group which takes its orders from the Mexican Mafia…a control group that operates inside the prison system of various entities, especially California and Texas.
So, the idea that having a nice, kinder, and gentler illegal alien community or neighbourhood or whatever, is bogus to the core. There are neighbourhoods in central, downtown Houston where primarily Salvadoren~os live, and they will probably be the last ones who would "turn-in" a "Suren~o"…it is simply not "healthy".
(The following submission is a reprint from several months ago. It is a bit spooky because of the weight of the truth that can be discerned from it. Study this article carefully. It portends little that is good…for anyone.)
For 15 years, the girls lived parallel lives. Left behind in El Salvador by mothers bound for America, they grew up a few miles apart in San Vicente, entering adolescence just as the city sank into gang violence. They fled within weeks of one another, traveling north in 2014 along the same smuggling route, before ending up in the Washington suburbs.
It was there that Venus Iraheta and Damaris Reyes Rivas finally met, after becoming entangled in the same violent street gang, MS-13. And it was there, in a wooded park in Springfield, Virginia, that Venus stabbed Damaris 13 times.
Even amid a nationwide surge in MS-13 slayings, the 2017 killing stood out. Female victims are nothing new for MS-13, which is infamous in Central America for making young women choose between rape and execution. But in a gang as chauvinistic as it is fearsome, female killers are almost unheard of. Teen girl confesses to stabbing victim 13 times in MS-13 related murder during interrogation, (FOX 5's Cori Coffin reports.)
As Iraheta, now 18, awaits sentencing for murder later this month, authorities say the killing may be a sign of growing female involvement in MS-13 in the United States. Unlike their counterparts in Central America, some MS-13 cliques in the United States now allow female members, said Michael Prado, assistant special agent in charge of the Washington office of Homeland Security Investigations, a branch of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
"In that regard they are somewhat progressive," he said. "The [cliques] here are a little bit more, for lack of a better term, Americanized." In response, ICE has begun instructing its agents to scrutinize girls and young women as closely as males for MS-13 involvement, Prado said, "There are female MS-13 members engaged in some extremely heinous and violent activity," he added.
Some turn to MS-13 to escape poverty, homelessness or sexual abuse, only to be prostituted by the gang, immigration advocates say. Others are attracted to its reputation - often invoked by President Donald Trump - as the most dangerous gang in the world. "MS-13 is the new bad boy in girls' lives," said Carlos Salvado, a defense attorney who has represented young women accused of gang connections. "By the time [parents] understand what their teenage daughter is doing, it's when they are called by the police."
In a series of jailhouse interviews, Iraheta told The Washington Post she had been introduced to MS-13 as a child. She denied being a member, but defended the gang. "They aren't the monsters people think they are," she said. "You don't know their stories. You don't know what's happened to them to make them this way." (stunningly absurd statement that reflects the moral, social, personal depravity and hatred of the value of human life...welcome to between 8% and 16% of the "migrants just searching for a better life")
In the summer of 2003, an angler working the dark waters of the Shenandoah River in Virginia made a startling discovery. Lying on the bank under a bridge was the tattoo-covered body of a 17-year-old girl. Brenda Paz had been a "homegirl," or full female member, of MS-13. But "Smiley," as she was known, had wanted out and had begun helping federal authorities.
She was four months pregnant when MS-13 members slit her throat. Her defection, and others like it, convinced gang leaders in El Salvador that women couldn't be trusted and led to a ban on new female members. Becoming a homegirl once provided some protection, said Tom Ward, an anthropologist who spent much of the 1990s hanging out with MS-13 in Los Angeles, where the gang was founded, for his book, "Gangsters Without Borders."
"There was an unwritten rule that you can't rape a homegirl," he said. "Homegirls weren't running things, but some had a lot of respect." The ban fell hardest on females in El Salvador, where women are still forced to serve the gang by cooking or cleaning, smuggling contraband into prison or collecting extortion payments, according to Salvadoran journalist Óscar Martínez.
"We're seeing more and more girls pulled into the gangs for the purpose of sexual slavery," said Silvia Juárez, a researcher at the Salvadoran Women's Organization for Peace in San Salvador. "Now we're seeing girls as young as 9 years old being harassed." Those who resist gang rape or prostitution are often killed. Thousands have fled. Girls make up nearly one-third of the 200,000 Central American unaccompanied minors detained at the U.S.-Mexico border since late 2012.
A small percentage of these girls have joined MS-13 after being placed with relatives in the United States. Their recruitment has boosted the gang here, but has also begun to change it, authorities say. Washington area prosecutors say they've seen an increase in female involvement in MS-13 in recent years - a sign that new cliques in the United States may not be adhering to the ban on homegirls. "They are including women in their activities more than they have in the past," said Paul Ebert, commonwealth's attorney for Prince William County. In most cases, he said, they remain "around the edges of the crime" as getaway drivers or bait to lure men into ambushes.
"We see all that continuing," said Patrick Lechleitner, special agent in charge of Homeland Security Investigations' Washington office, "but we also see a rise in their violent activity."
When a homeless man was stabbed to death behind a liquor store in Suitland, Maryland, in 2014, one of the six arrested was a 17-year-old homegirl. Katherine Lopez had joined MS-XIII in Las Vegas after she was sexually abused by a family friend, her mother told The Washington Post. A few months before the murder, she ran away from home. MS-13 pimped her out, her mother said.
When the homeless man said something to Lopez outside the store, she grabbed his arm as the others stabbed him. She pleaded guilty in 2015 and was sentenced to 10 years. Girls in the United States are not forced into MS-13 like they are in Central America, but they are often driven toward it by trauma, poverty or loneliness, advocates say. Unaccompanied minors are especially vulnerable, yet girls raised in the United States aren't immune. Lopez, a legal resident, moved to the U.S. from El Salvador when she was 3 years old.
Vanesa Alvarado was born in Maryland. In the summer of 2016, the then-19-year-old used a promise of sex to lure a man into the woods in Gaithersburg, where male MS-13 members stabbed him 153 times as she shouted encouragement and laughed, according to prosecutors. She pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 40 years.
Alvarado had dropped out of school in ninth grade after getting pregnant, later using cocaine and marijuana "to a significant extent," according to court filings. Her attorney, Tim Clarke, said she dated several MS-13 members. "She was offered the opportunity to be part of a group, and that's what sounded good to her," he said.
The gang's bad-boy allure can cross cultural lines.
Long before she was known as "Flaca," or Skinny, Shannon Sanchez was born Shannon Marie Spicer. She befriended MS-13 members at her Northern Virginia high school, learning Spanish, according to her attorney, Tom Walsh. Later, after her husband was sent to prison in 2015 for molesting a child, she reconnected with the gang, which began hanging out at her house in Leesburg.
Sanchez, 36, wasn't a gang member but occasionally helped them, like the time she drove one to the hospital after his fingers had been chopped off by a machete, Walsh said. But she also convinced two young men to leave MS-13, angering leaders in El Salvador, he said.
In 2016, gang members borrowed her car to drive a suspected rival to a remote quarry, where they killed the teen. Afterward, Sanchez helped burn their bloody clothes in her fireplace and clean the vehicle, according to federal prosecutors. She pleaded guilty to being an accomplice after the fact and was sentenced April 27 to almost six years in prison.
"The feds are going to say, 'You should have come to the police,' " Walsh said. "Yeah, right. And on her way, she'd get killed. (El Gringo Viejo asks, "What is the loss?)
In the evenings, as kids played soccer or finished their homework, the sun would sink behind the San Vicente volcano, casting the city of 50,000 in shadow.
That's when the shootings would start.
For Damaris, the deepening gang problem was evident at school, where MS-13 members coveted her delicate features and eager smile.
"They walked behind her in the streets, saying things to her, following her everywhere she went," recalled her mother, Maria Reyes.
Iraheta, who spoke to The Post from jail on the condition that she not discuss the charges against her, credited MS-XIII with keeping her San Vicente neighborhood peaceful.
Her father, a taxi driver, was sometimes paid to chauffeur the gang. One night when she was 12, he didn't come home. He'd been jailed alongside members of MS-13 and its rival, the 18th Street gang.
Her father, a taxi driver, was sometimes paid to chauffeur the gang. One night when she was 12, he didn't come home. He'd been jailed alongside members of MS-13 and its rival, the 18th Street gang.
"He said he didn't want us to come to see him because he was scared that something might happen to us," Iraheta recalled.
(We are forced here, in the voice of El Gringo Viejo, to be sure the OROG, and the visiting reader, understand how the rot affecting the taxi-daddy somehow learns to follow the lead of ''invasive" MS-XIII cancer. They have ruined entire neighbourhoods in central Houston. Mexican ancestried people do not want them around. Panama, Costa Rica, Colombia people of the organised classes do not want to be around anything that starts with an MS. The cancer will kill and/or destroy everything...Latin, Angloid, African, Extraterrestrial, etc. The sins of the fathers will, most certainly, be visited upon the third, yea! even unto the fourth generation.)
(We are forced here, in the voice of El Gringo Viejo, to be sure the OROG, and the visiting reader, understand how the rot affecting the taxi-daddy somehow learns to follow the lead of ''invasive" MS-XIII cancer. They have ruined entire neighbourhoods in central Houston. Mexican ancestried people do not want them around. Panama, Costa Rica, Colombia people of the organised classes do not want to be around anything that starts with an MS. The cancer will kill and/or destroy everything...Latin, Angloid, African, Extraterrestrial, etc. The sins of the fathers will, most certainly, be visited upon the third, yea! even unto the fourth generation.)
Iraheta dated an MS-13 member who sold drugs for the gang inside their school, she said. One day, worried he'd be caught, he put marijuana in her backpack. She was caught and suspended. When her older brother joined 18th Street, Iraheta decided to flee north before she was caught in the crossfire.
"I came because I had to," she said. "They knew my brother was in the opposing gang, and he knew what type of guy my boyfriend was." Her family paid a coyote $7,500 to take the 14-year-old to the United States, she said. She crossed the Rio Grande on a dinghy near McAllen, Tex., and was arrested in the desert days later by Border Patrol. (Where did people who make 4,000 dollars per annum per family come up with 7,500 American dollars?)
Without a parent, she was turned over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, a federal program that places unaccompanied minors with relatives while they are in immigration proceedings. She lived with an aunt in Riverside, California, before joining her mother in Alexandria, Virginia.
Iraheta hardly recognized the woman who'd left her behind when she was 7. "She was almost like a stranger to me," Iraheta said. "One day she asked me what my favorite color was, because she didn't know." Iraheta re-connected with MS-13 in Virginia. She declined to tell The Post how, but at least one of her co-defendants also attended Annandale High School.
At one point, when her grades began to suffer, she said she tried to distance herself from the gang. But then she met Christian Sosa Rivas. Iraheta would later tell police she didn't know Sosa Rivas was in MS-13 until she overheard him using gang slang on the phone. But the 21-year-old boasted in rap videos about being the "leader of the Harrison clique," and Facebook photos showed him throwing MS-13 hand signs.
After dating him for a month, Iraheta found Sosa Rivas hanging out in his room with another girl. Suspicious, Iraheta asked her where she was from. San Vicente, the 15-year-old said. Damaris had come to the United States weeks after Iraheta. But instead of being caught at the border, she'd been smuggled all the way to Maryland. She, too, felt isolated in America. And she, too, met MS-13 members - at her Montgomery County, Maryland, high school. She'd once fled gang members. Now she ran away from home with them.
Damaris bounced from one gang apartment to another with nothing but a backpack. But the clique soon tired of her, and when Sosa Rivas told her to stop coming around, Damaris was upset, Iraheta later told police. But Damaris was not done with Sosa Rivas.
Members of another MS-13 clique in Maryland suspected him of being a poser. On New Year's Eve, they apparently used two other young women to lure Sosa Rivas to the woods in Dumfries, Virginia, where they attacked him with machetes and dumped his body in the Potomac River. Hours later, Damaris allegedly sent his friend a text saying: "I told you Christian was going to pay."
On Jan. 8, 2017, Iraheta and nine others surrounded Damaris in the woods of Lake Accotink park. Iraheta led the attack, grabbing Damaris by the hair and hitting her in the face so hard she fell to the ground. Iraheta then interrogated Damaris at knifepoint as Jose Torres Cerrato, one of Sosa Rivas's closest friends, recorded a video on Iraheta's phone.
"I'm telling you, these videos are going down there," Torres said in one of the videos, which he hoped to send to gang leaders in El Salvador and earn a promotion, authorities say. In the videos, Torres and others can be heard egging Iraheta on.
"What the ----!" someone shouts at one point. "Just stick the steel in her."
She did, stabbing Damaris after the 15-year-old admitted to sleeping with Sosa Rivas and helping set him up, Iraheta later told police. The others then joined in the attack. Damaris's body was found a month later under an overpass.
When police arrested Iraheta and the others, they traced the videos to her iCloud account. Emerson Fugon Lopez told Fairfax County detectives that Iraheta had taken charge of the clique after Sosa Rivas' death - an extraordinary claim, if true. She had warned him not to talk about their crime or she would "rip my head off," he said. She had contacts everywhere.
But when Fugon falsely claimed that Iraheta had been the only one to attack Damaris, the detective scoffed. "You're a man," the detective said. "There's no way that a gang is going to allow Iraheta to be the only one that hits the girl."
The thing is that we're just starting out," he replied. "We don't know real well how the Mara thing works."
But Iraheta did. During her interrogation, she showed detectives Mara Salvatrucha hand signs, boasting that she'd grown up around MS-13, "I know how things work," she said.
From jail, Iraheta claimed that others involved in killing Damaris may have done it to move up in MS-13 but that she was motivated by love - and hate. "They keep saying I'm a gang member when I'm not," she said. "If you really, really investigate, women are not allowed in the gang. They are not trusted."
Here begins the commentary of El Gringo Viejo.
All of their DOAs and Emergency Room transport and treatment is paid for by the taxpayer. All of their illegitimate babies...many of whom are sacrificed to "Santo Muerte", are supported by public funding through AFDC, Food Stamps, Section 8, Medicaid...etc.
Catholic Charities, the Mexican American Legal Defence and Education Fund, the Southern Poverty Law Centre, all associated Soros "ACORN" descendants such as Occupy Wall Street and movements such as Black Lives Matter, Planned Parenthood, and the entire "Progressive" movement are all involved in the task to destroy America as the last free-standing common-law democratic, republican nation.
The Mara Salvatrucha were sent by Satan to speed up the process.
All of their DOAs and Emergency Room transport and treatment is paid for by the taxpayer. All of their illegitimate babies...many of whom are sacrificed to "Santo Muerte", are supported by public funding through AFDC, Food Stamps, Section 8, Medicaid...etc.
Catholic Charities, the Mexican American Legal Defence and Education Fund, the Southern Poverty Law Centre, all associated Soros "ACORN" descendants such as Occupy Wall Street and movements such as Black Lives Matter, Planned Parenthood, and the entire "Progressive" movement are all involved in the task to destroy America as the last free-standing common-law democratic, republican nation.
The Mara Salvatrucha were sent by Satan to speed up the process.
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This is the image of the Virgin de Guadalupe, so named by orders of the Virgin herself
to the Indian man...some say Aztec, but he was in all probability of the Otomi' nation .
This image appeared on his 'tamil' (blouse made of cotton and maguey strand reinforment)
when he unfolded the gift of roses to the Bishop of Mexico from his tamil. He did not know
until openning the gift that the Image would be there.
With all due deference, El Gringo Viejo wants to point out this Mara thing and all such groups, really does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, sex, and such things. They care only about making an illegal living; worshipping "El Santo Muerte, extorting...stealing...shaking down and "taxing" the "huddled masses, AND the wealthy by kidnapping, killing by means of extreme torture, raping, destroying, and all the while directly or indirectly being supported by some or several forms of governmental subsidy in the United States. The reason they come here is because there are so many people who are not accustomed to this type of incomprehensible violence. They can strut upon a stage of incredulity.
While not a fan of Hemingway in any way, I am moved to remember the words that inspired the term..."For Whom the Bell Tolls" in the popular culture. It reads:
John Donne (1572-1631), Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions, Meditation Lento Sonitu Dicunt, Morieris:
It is not too terribly over-expressive to suggest that the violence we read and hear about in Mexico is not a distant thing. Each minute, hour, day, and week that goes by, the rot...the cancer...in a sociological and anthropological sense, is not "over there".
It is now within, and has been for several years. And when the ignorant and arrogant chant, "There are no 'illegal' people!!! There are no borders!!!" Please remember, the Mara Salvatrucha did laugh to hear such sport, and await the chance to tear apart one of their own...or one of your own.
The tamil of Juan Diego spoke for itself, and still speaks. Thankfully, the Bishop of Mexico at the time decided to take the words of a well-spoken Indian, subject of the new religious and royal order, seriously.
Pray for the ordering of the Affairs of Earth.
El Gringo Viejo.
John Donne (1572-1631), Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions, Meditation Lento Sonitu Dicunt, Morieris:
Hemingway was not capable of such eloquence. Perhaps I am not so blessed , either. But I do know the difference between pewter and silver."Perchance he for whom this bell tolls may be so ill, as that he knows not it tolls for him; and perchance I may think myself so much better than I am, as that they who are about me, and see my state, may have caused it to toll for me, and I know not that.''
It is not too terribly over-expressive to suggest that the violence we read and hear about in Mexico is not a distant thing. Each minute, hour, day, and week that goes by, the rot...the cancer...in a sociological and anthropological sense, is not "over there".
It is now within, and has been for several years. And when the ignorant and arrogant chant, "There are no 'illegal' people!!! There are no borders!!!" Please remember, the Mara Salvatrucha did laugh to hear such sport, and await the chance to tear apart one of their own...or one of your own.
The tamil of Juan Diego spoke for itself, and still speaks. Thankfully, the Bishop of Mexico at the time decided to take the words of a well-spoken Indian, subject of the new religious and royal order, seriously.
Pray for the ordering of the Affairs of Earth.
El Gringo Viejo.