Saturday, 1 December 2018

Credo Vivente ….a living creed...


Addressed to -  El Gringo Viejo
found at times in his Native Texas and at other
times on his and his wife's finca in rural Mexico




 After much reflection, a great deal of probing, and a substantial number of drops of finer quality tequila over the years, I have, at long last come to the answer.

But first I must make a couple of things clear.

I do not hate, any race, colour, or creed. 

     Over the past 80 years, I have known and worked and lived with Asians,(all) including Chinese, Jews, Mexicans  of every imaginable  bloodline,  Hispanics (from all over Latin America), even Cuba,   Blacks from the US and Africa and Arabs from all over the Middle East.   I have found comfort in over twenty nations and enjoyed the education such opportunity afforded me.

   I have always found ways to "Get along" or "Fit In" when needed.


    We are country of laws but, it seems we do not enforce a great number of them;  and we pass a lot of laws that don't need to be passed.

I am sick and tired of the "political correctness " that has taken over our country.  Firemen are NOT Fire Persons!! 
The top Sniper during WW II was a lady who happened to be a female.   She was called  "a Sniper"!!

If I say "nationalist" some people seem to think that I'm a racist;  I am not!!

I  believe our country is ours and NO ONE ELSE SHOULD TELL US WHAT DO!!

I DO NOT BELIEVE IN ONE WORLD Government, ONE WORLD Culture, or ONE WORLD Language, or ONE WORLD religion being forced upon the masses.

Ok, consuegro, I'm done.
Not edited  

      This message above was forwarded to me by an exasperated relative.   The oddity is that he almost neverin all the years we have known one anotherspoken in harsh and/or exasperated terms.   Very, very, very rarely.

    He asked me to do a bit of editingperhaps he is going to frame his Credo Vivente under glass and place it on the wall.  He should, because in few words, he has described himself very, very well.

Posted with the permission of said relative.
El Gringo Viejo