Thursday 18 October 2018

Comments That Must Be Entered Into the Record - Vol. II


“As a kid, I never asked my mom for documentation when she talked about our Native American heritage -- what kid would? But I knew my father’s family didn’t like that she was part Cherokee and part Delaware, so my parents had to elope. Let me be clear, I never asked for and never received any benefit because of my heritage. The people who’ve hired me have said they didn’t even know about it. I’m Elizabeth Warren and I approved this message. Scott Brown can continue attacking my family, but I’m going to keep fighting for yours.
     The bilge posted above were words spoken by Senatorette Pocahontas II in defence of her Sacred Honour as a real, live Injun.  It becomes more ridiculous as each moment passes.  To beginto be "part Cherokee and part Delaware" is possiblebut highly unlikely.   If she lived in Oklahoma, the likelihood of despair within the family for "marrying outside of the race" when it was a "breed Cherokee" or even a full-blooded Cherokee is very, very, very unlikely unless her family was totally white-trash.   Most White families, such as mine with Pennsylvania, New York, and Tennessee strains, would have strutted around as if they were now "approved" had they qualified as in-laws by the Cherokee or Chickasaw or other such Nations / Tribes. 
     While the Cherokee and the Iroquois Nations were ethnically related and had similar language construct, they were different in many ways.  The Delaware and the Cherokee were not closely in contact or even with treaty, one tribe/nation to the other tribe/nation.   Nor were the Delaware associated formally or by intermarriage particularly, with the other Nations associated with the Cherokeethose being nations such such as the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Alabama, Coushatta, Caddoand to a lesser extent the Seminole (and yes, Virginia, there were other smaller tribe/nations in this noble cluster).
     Some have postulated that the Kickapoo were an agrupation of bandits, exiles, and malcontents who had been expulsed from the Eastern Nations (east of the Mississippi) and the Northern Nations (what is now known as the Great Plains, the Missouri Basin, and what is now South-central Canada.   Your humble commentator is not an exponent of that conclusion.

     Scott Brown is not attacking your family, Pocahontas II…and this writer urges that you  "ask not for whom the bells toll, (because) they toll for thee".   It is you, Pocahontas II, who is attacking your family.  It is you who presses forward with your ridiculous positioning that you have some minuscule portion of your bloodlines that present American Indian markers.
     Your DNA samplesomething like kindergarten compared to a Ph.d of astro-nuclear flawed, if you think that 00.06 - 00.001024 of One Per Cent qualifies you as an"indigenous American".   Dr. Bustamante, your analyst of choice, from Stanford University clearly stated that for lack of DNA strands at hand (the American Nation / Tribes maintain their own banks of DNA and genealogy), he used aboriginal strains that came from Mexico, Peru, and Ecuador .              
     Many of them work hand-in-hand with the Latter Day Saints who have done billions of dollars and many millions of man hours in the tedious task of following genealogies to the absolute most distant point possible.   Many of the Nations / Tribes also have their own research which is quite good in terms of quality, diagnosis, and proof.  To wit:

     "Warren did not take a commercially available DNA test, but the analysis was done in a similar manner. A private lab in Georgia tested her sample, according to The Boston Globe, and Bustamante, a geneticist who has consulted for DNA-testing companies such as 23andMe, AncestryDNA, and Helix, analyzed the raw data. He compared more than 600,000 markers in her DNA with a database of people who live around the world.
     Geneticists, however, have historically had a fraught relationship with American Indian tribes, and few members in North America have given samples for these databases. Instead, Bustamante compared Warren’s DNA with that of indigenous peoples in Mexico, Colombia, and Peru. Critics of Warren have already seized on this to question the validity of her DNA test—ironically, mirroring some of the skepticism of those who have been criticizing Republicans’ insistence that Warren get a DNA test all along."

Gen. Stand Watie, CSA
The last Confederate General officer
to surrender to Union Military.  Waite was
a Cherokee Indian, hero of his people and
hero of the Confederacy.   We laud his

   To overstep those entities who have done and are doing the research, causes "real, 
live Indians" to be  very resentful of people who declare Indian ancestry when such is not a probative and genuine case.  That resentment is intensified when that substandard Caucasian uses un-proven citizenship as an Indian Nation / Tribe member for the purpose of gaining position and/or increased salary as a "discriminated -against minority".

     Pocahontas II declared such to be the case when applying to the University of Pennsylvania graduate school, and then again later when she entered law school, which I believe was Harvard or some such other marxist citadel.

     THE FACTS ARE, if the samples came from Mexico as stated…from whence most of the Indigenous have DNAs more closely related to pelo-Polynesia and Japan…and from Peru' and Colombiawho, guess what?have DNAs more closely related to pelo-Polynesia and not the Anthabaskan strain that is more Mongolian in similarity and which is associated with the North American Nations of Indigenous, then Pocahontas II essentially proved that she has absolutely NOT ONE DROP OF AMERICAN INDIAN BLOOD.

     We sincerely hope that a money-order of pre-payment accompanied the package that was sent to Dr. Bustamante.  In a way, I think that he was giving strong signals that he did not use Southeastern Indigenous American markersand it would be up to curmudgeons such as your humble servant and people who have had at least a modicum of understanding of anthropology, sociology, geography, and medical/genetic research to announce what we have announced above.

    We repeat.  My two brothers and I were filled with the lore, and there is some probative proof found in census material, that we had both northern (Mohegan) and Southern (Cherokee) strains"way back when"in our blood lines.   BUT, we never, none of usever used such lore, even with proof, to take financial advantage or gain due to that probability.

   What we did take was a measure of pride, and no more.

     Shame on you, Elizabeth Warren.  I further your injury by advising you that the Cherokee Nation and most, almost all,  of the Indians of the South, fought for the Confederacy.


El Gringo Viejo
