Wednesday 2 May 2018

Population Movements, Migrancy, and Invasion

    With the images of people hanging off and riding atop the border fence at Tijuana / San Ysidro (A special note to Steve Dousy of Fox and Friends:  san - Y -seed - roh -  the "y" is pronounced like a long - e) and all the attendant noise concerning the "caravan of migrants", we thought it might be nice to inject just a bit of relevant reality to the issue.

Channel, 28, a Honduran and a member of a caravan of migrants from Central America, waits to enter the United States border and customs facility, where she is expected to apply for asylum, in Tijuana, Mexico May 1, 2018. REUTERS/Edgard Garrido
Two "trans-gendered" caravan immigrants arriving
to help drive down the income of people who
make their living being trans-gendered
"entertainers".  Democracy at work?


(1)     To begin, the people who are flooding up to the American frontier are not "migrants".  They do not move from here to there on a seasonal basis or any other basis except for the purpose of gaining a better position and quality of life.
     The people arriving at the frontier are not "immigrants'' or "emigrants" or any such thing.  In the case of the Central Americans they are coming up, brutalising their post-infant children by using them as badges of oppression...America's fault, of course...and generally proceeding in a completely self-centre'd manner that assumes their own misery is greater than some other person's misery.

(2)    Not only are they not immigrants or emigrants, they are also frequently not huddled puddles of blubber with two, three, four, or more little mouths that the Gringos are required to feed because the Gringos are guilty of having supposed wealth and are obligated to give it in taxes to these people...or else. At times, the people coming across are males of the aforementioned gangs.

      There is considerable evidence that the "oppressed class" in the Central American countries glob on to some woman "going north"with two or three "tsquintles" (squirts - very young children) from a family that has a surplus of "tsquintles".    Sometimes a "tsquintle" has a great-aunt's brother-in-law who has a 2nd cousin in Milwaukee who said he would take in Maria and her four "off-spring" for a month or two, and she could use his address as a reliable place for Maria to wait for the time for her summons to Administrative Court to determine her citizenship and residence status to come down the pike.
     Another small  problem here is that this particular woman is carrying "one in the oven", who just happens to be a baby of her brother. The brother says that she must bear the baby to term because Santo Muerte (Saint Death) ordered it to be.  The brother also says, "After Milwaukee, you will go to Houston, in the Barrio Honduren~o, and have the baby. This is the address...123  Bungo Street, Houston, Texas.  It is a birthing centre.   The Gringos have to give you Aid to Families with Dependent Children welfare and free medical for everything.  Do not back down from this.  Call Catholic Charities if they give you any problem.  Here is the number.  They have lawyers and advocates.   Then, you will give me your Lone Star Card and the AFDC check and I will keep half.  If you do not do as I say, I will tell my buddies to have their way with you and then we will feed what is left of you to the wild dogs." 

 This is standard operating procedure for the Mara Salvatrucha 13.  

    This is the "American Dreamers" of to-day that Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats are pushing with both hands and every ounce of energy they have.  Their broad sweep of the hand declaring that "...these people, like all of us, are simply hard-working immigrants who contribute much more to America than they take."
    If a person fails to understand this, then this screed is over.  It is the truth...profoundly so for 10 to 20 per cent of these "migrant" females. For those who cannot understand that this is not the immigration of the Irish in the middle of the 1800s, which was bad enough, then please be at rest in your chosen ignorance.  The aforementioned migrant families, almost all were primarily black, and the office seemed to be  politically white.
     More simply put, we are suffering a purposeful invasion of the Nation designed to rot from the inside out of what is left of the soul of America.   It is being done by Progressives and Soros-type agents from the inside and by co-operating marxists and psuedo-Roman Catholic and other "religious" activists off-shore elements.

(3)    One will notice that there actually is a decidedly anti-American, marxist, and purposeful intent to flood the United States with people who are also decidedly incapable of adapting to standards one might expect a true emigre' to have.  We note, for instance, that in the case of single, post-adolescent males, that many if not most are members of extremely violent "pandillas" (gangs) such as the aforementioned MaraSalvatrucha XIII and Calle 18 who pray to Santo Muerte and who practice murder and torture as though it were a board game.  They also revel in the raping and other abuse of girls and other females without any regard to any vestige of human decency.  Cold blooded murder is a mark of honour, not depravity, for these sub-human organisms.  

FINALLY:    One kinder and gentler message to Tucker, Steve, Laura Ingraham, Hannity, and a few others whom I genuinely admire and follow on FOXNews.  Even Rush blows hot air in the dark about much of this matter.  Oddly enough, Brian Kilmeade, of Fox and Friends Morning does pretty well with this "problem".  He understands the variables and the width and breadth of this issue of "migrant invasion".
(4)    In the previous massive invasion of these "migrants" a couple of Summers past, they made themselves very popular by complaining about every consideration they received.  They almost never smiled or said "Gracias" for any service or favour provided.  They were given the "free passes" to a "relative's or sponsor's home" in Massachusetts or Minnesota or Cut and Shoot, Texas.
    They boarded busses, the likes of which they had never entered until bumming their way through Mexico and then the United States.  Others had plane rides, paid for partly by Uncle Sam and partly by largesse and noblesse oblige of pro-marxist Catholic Charities and other dupes and supporters of marxist social degradation, 'depende el caso'.

(5)    The entire effort is designed to flood the United States with people who will of necessity require essentially spoon feeding and free medical for a never-ending batch of birthings of "special needs" children.   These children (and their moms) will latch their tentacles onto every known and unknown school and medical and social "free" programme known and unknown in the Universe. 

     We are not fooled.  We know that one of the main efforts by communist and other anti-civilisation elements has always been to find the "point of imbalance".  It is always a place where there is violence, usually a failed socialist / marxist government, and then where there is a pod, place, or patria where there is order and some level of prosperity far beyond what the "oppressed" group  has ever seen, the control agents point and need to go to America...Brazil.  Even Mexico looks like the promised land, compared to from whence these people these people spring. 
     At these very minutes, as Brazil is re-constituting something of a common-law nation after the ruination caused by the corrupt, organic law,  brought on by  the marxist demagogue Lula and his bright pink and red cabinets' / advisors'.   The invasion rule is being practiced by Maduro and the Ghost of Chavez of Venezuela.  Disorder, hunger, and abject dispair are emotions impulsing the  sending literally hundreds upon thousands (when it is over it will have been millions) of impoverished Venezuelans into the sparsely populated parts of northern Brazil.
  The crime wave there has been staggering...just as is the coming flood of Nicaraguan peasants - marginalised urban - dispossessed people fleeing President Ortega's and Vice-President Mrs. Ortega's Brave New Paradise will be for Mexico, and subsequently the Republic of Texas and then United States of America.   They will only serve to intensify the problems being brought on by the Honduren~os.
     Pity this new wave of onslaught brought on by ardent followers of the Bolshevik Solution.  They enter a country soon after departing their own.  That new country is so rich...with a middle class so huge, the "refugees" see  it as something  incomprehensible.   This new country has shelves and refrigeration units and freezers...and stores...full of products of medium to very high quality.
  The prices will astound them about how inexpensive good products are.   And they will be entering into a country that is having elections for President and lower offices wherein there is no known certain winner anointed by the electorate,   until after the have voted.  The "migrants" will not believe that such perfect places ever existed.  It is like a fairy tale.
     The place they entered?  Mexico.   But the Mexican authority has better sense than to keep these people at hand.  They will attempt to return as many back from whence they came, while the remainder they will try to persuade to quickly go the Rio Grande and  just leave. The flood of "refugees" we had two and three years ago is described below.   In spite of all of this, there are presently living in Mexico City and within 140 miles radius of Mexico City, some 2, 000, 000 "dreamers"from Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala (94% are from other than Guatemala).  (Please, FOXNews, do not rely on whoever is providing you your feeds.  The are at best 52% accurate, and the rest is bilge from the Catholic Charities and Jesuit talking points.   We repeat, both of the aforementioned are liberation theology, pro-marxist organisations now). 

(6)    "Suddenly, One Summer" is the title of the 1950s book and movie, but in this case it pertains to the time that the Mexican Army and Naval Infantry had rendered massive...very massive...injury to the Zeta's and Cartel del Golfo's existence.   Those two groups have never truly reconstituted from the 2012 - 2014 shredding of their organisations.  The military operational programme was put in place and began to be executed during the 18 month search and destroy operation.  It was difficult for the cartel to kill each other and then deal with military units.  The military's combat competence level was, let us say, considerable.

     This allowed for an openning, especially along the eastern corridor of Mexico (Vera Cruz to Tamaulipas) to people from Central America especially, without "coyotes", without "helpers" from the Cartels, or anything beyond, "When is the next bus leaving for Reynosa?" (large city across the Rio Grande from McAllen).   The "refugees" knew to come to McAllen because the Roman Catholic Church had turned its santuary, offices, and facilities over to Catholic Charities, and from there all nature of goodies flowed.  Medical care, food, clothes, teddy bears, disposable diapers which would soon proliferate throughout downtown McAllen...but almost never in a trash receptacle.  

     While this was going on, the Obama administration was busy passing out information at the various counsels and embassies in El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala about how to enter the United States "somewhat illegally and somewhat legally" with one's own children or any children that might be reasonably presented as the children of the frumpy, grumpy Maria who is literally dripping wet who keeps repeating, "I, and my children,  want to surrender to the Border Patrol."
     These people, arriving principally from Central America, had had radio and television articles that explained in detail how to force the American immigration authority to allow anyone to enter the United States and remain...even if the entrance was illegal and entrants were illegal aliens.
Image result for Image - Cheshire Cat
Classical Cheshire Cat
(before fading out and
     Amazingly, and this Texas Tall-Tale is the absolute truth.   The Obama administration caused there to be a programme administered en situs in the counsels and embassies of Honduras, Guatemala, and El well as with various "religious and community based" organisations (almost always marxist and / or very progressive, anti-American entities) that provided instruction concerning, literally, how to surrender to the Border Patrol.
Add caption
      American embassy personnel and their designated community spokesmen essentially told radio and television to "Do this and you, as an oppressed person, will begin the process of "Catch and Release".  The audience would be advised "...and you will be told that you will be required to  return for your administrative immigration court hearing 19 months and 3 days from now for your hearing.  You will be advised to be sure to re-notify a tape recorder 2,000 miles away in Colorado that you are still at the same address in Boston that you placed on your Catch and Release form."

Related image     We are told and ranted at and admonished to believe that..."THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS AN ILLEGAL PERSON!!!" They chant, and the angry rent-a-mobs screech such senseless bilge, certain in the knowledge that the Obsolete Press and the 'caring people' will understand the bilge and repeat it as credo maximus.  But, in truth, an alien person residing in the United States of America without an entry visa permitting a touristic, business, study, or investment purpose is an illegal alien.  One can stretch the rubber band and the Cheshire Cat's smile and the sweep of Tinkerbell's wand all one might wish, but it does not change the facts that a person is illegally in another country if he/she has not complied with the host country's rules of entry and self-maintenance.___________________      We would like for you all to understand what it means to be a foreigner, working and living and repeatedly visiting in a "home-country"that is not Texas.     We worked for many, many, many years in tourism (hands-on).   We were not selling "time-shares"or hanging around in beach-front hotels selling maps to Montezuma's mother's gold and silver trove.   We owned and  operated a deluxe excursion company with destinations throughout the truly fascinating and enchanting Mexican Republic.   It is necessary to confess that I did at least 10% of all the work as one of the escorts and authorities and as owner, while my wife, in Texas as owner,  did the other insignificant 90% (small things like accounting and IRS compliance, state and local tax work, lugging two babies around in a 5-speed Toyota Celica sports coupe at 04:30 hours in the dark, keeping a 4 / 2 house on a large lot, and raising her parents, and running the laundromat in my absence...a large laundromat.  Oh! And working was another of her little pursuits, with a full time, professional level accounting job...nothing serious...nothing to see here...keep moving).    When I decided to build a house in 2001,  near the ancient Hacienda de Santa Engracia, out north of the City of Victoria, Tamaulipas, on the banks of the Rio  Corona, we had to sign an agreement, simply and well stated without endless bureaucratic Buffalo Snot legalese, that I had to be a person in good standing with his own society and Mexican norms.  I had to comply with the law that prohibits the participation of any foreign national with Mexican religious (save for normal attendance) or political processes, business that is not in compliance with local, State, and / or national laws of registry, or publication of political or religious propaganda on the vehicle or properties of the foreign land purchaser.     Also prohibited, obviously, land within a military fort or preserve, an Indian Reservation (there are only two in Kickapoo, the other a 'cultural zone' of the Rurari Nation aka. Tarahumara).   But, during the otherwise useless term of the first PAN conservative party Presidency, one very, very major reform was passed through the Congress.  All Ejido (semi-communal farming lands expropriated from the large land holdholders from 1920 through 2000) Lands would now be put forward as private properties, and those holding the temporary, warrant titles were now known to be OWNERS IN FACT of the terrain beneath their feet....20 acres...100 acres...200...acres...depending on the ejido's "productive soil potential".   There would be no further "return to the common pot" of tract warrant title when the holder reached retirement age.     People with crummy, non-agricultural ground, full of rocks...too small for a tractor, too rocky for oxen or mules to plow...could reasonably sell their property that was, agriculturally worthless, but touristically valuable.   The"crazy-gringo, bed and brunch, birdwatching centre, rot and relax and read Agatha Christi mysteries on the scenery rich corridor" place envisioned by this really, really deranged Gringo fit ideally into a piece being offered by a woman whose father held title to some river-front land, very close to the idyllic Hacienda de Santa Engracia.                       True enough, when we began the transfer of title, we searched for a reliable Mexican Notario Publico (always use a Notario Publico.  They are the ones who can legally transact transfers of title.  DO NOT EVER SETTLE FOR A CONTRACT OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN FRIENDS. That last barroom agreement readily evaporates when the old new-owner dies, and the nephews, 2nd cousins, illegitimate children, and great-grandmother of the wife (who also owned half, and now all of everything since the death of the old goat,  according to Mexican law) is not valid in terms of transfer of title.  In the absurd case we post, the wife, though divorced, has primary claim to the "contract of sale" property.   Notary Publics in Mexico and  Latin America in general, are especially empowered attorneys...not like notary publics in Texas who simply assure that someone is affirming under oath, with threat of prosecution for perjury.     We had to pay the Secretary of Government and the Secretary of Exterior Relations for a permit that, among other things, required that we would not introduce American Armed Forces to defend, reclaim, or ensure our ownership of the property.  And, once again, we had to declare that we would not, in any way, attempt to influence any current in the stream of any Mexican election, locally, regionally, by any State definition, and by any Congressional or National definition.   Marching in a PAN "desfile" (parade or march) in Cd. Victoria could result (but probably not) in the revocation of our "derechos proprietarios"(property rights).  Doing it repeatedly would quite possibly result in legal reprisals.      Now,  on the other hand, there is this "understanding" that if a geezer-foreigner establishes an informal business that otherwise complies with the high standards (high standards for touristic facilities is not a blithe joke in is deadly serious), and which has less than one million pesos of gross receipts pertaining to the activity of the location, it is thought to be a benefit of retirement and positive interaction with the Mexican experience.   My total ad valorem taxes during the twenty years we have owned and operated and used our little mud hut still do not total 400 dollars american.,,such taxes are very low.   But remember, almost every retail transaction in Mexico is fraught with a 16% to 17% sales tax.     It remains that we are restrained from doing certain things, but in reality there is a certain informality that permits great latitude in terms of personal liberty.
Limbaugh Cemetery
Limbaugh section of a Winchester, Franklin
County, Tennessee Cemetery.  Mostly Neals
are buried here and nearby. (read on to
see, 'The rest of the story' concerning
this cemetery.  Peter Limbaugh and
many of my mother's people are
 "asleep in the arms of the Lord"
Image result for Monclova, Coahuila Cathedral - image
Monclova, Coahuila Cathedral
Built in the latter 1500s and early 1600s by my wife's people,
to some significant degree.   They were ranchers, mine operators
 (lead and silver), and farmers.  This building in the centre-point of a

 city older than Monterrey, Nuevo Leon (1599).
The city is dull, boring, clean and predictable.  It is the
perfect place to live.  There are many attractions
within 100 miles in any direction, in order to
dispel real boredom.  Also, great food, Euro,
American, Mexican, Mexican haute cuisine,
street-stand food, etc.
The male line (mine) comes from a family that has had a presence in the Continent of America Brittanica for 370 years...father's side coming in at Massachusetts (1642 - because the Mayflower had been overbooked - family joke)...hence the city of Newton, Massachusetts, and mother's side coming in both at Virginia (1660) and North Carolina (1677)...and then into Tennessee in the 1690s.     Neither of us is descended in the slightest manner from immigrants to the United States of America or the United States of Mexico.  Our people...both Spanish and English...were colonials, long settled and established before either land-mass took up arms against their Crowns, and then establishing some form or another of republican governance.   And, neither of us have anything but the greatest of admiration for those who comply with the labyrinthine and, at times, uselessly exhausting procedures to become American citizens as true immigrants.   The same applies to those who served as foreigners and then elected to use their Honourable Discharge or first-term of successful enlistment (or conscription) as the key to open the door of American citizenship.

    We come from a unified family of a woman whose family lines have 450 years in what would become Coahuila and Texas, then Mexico with Coahuila and Texas, and the 300 years as La Provencia Real de Nuevo Santander...which is now most of Tamaulipas and the southern 40% of South Texas.   Most of my wife's people held property and/or grazed sheep by the scores of thousands in what is now Texas, long before the first volleys at Lexington.     My line had many fallen during the War Between the States.  There were five (5) who died on the Confederate (mother's) side, and two (2) brothers on the Union side.  My wife's people in all probability served under Santos Benavides to some degree or another in the Confederate light cavalry.  General Benavides was the only Mexican/Spanish descended general officer in the War Between the States...he became a Brigadier late in 1864.  He had a long a distinguished pre-War and post-War record in public service and private business...a highly honoured personality.
     We, my wife and I,  grew up among Mexicans of all sorts of types and kinds, colours, races, mixtures of races,  classes, and personalities.   We had legal alien Mexicans, Mexicans called "Wetbacks" when that term was honourable and applied to people who had walked or hitched 200 or 2000 miles to find work on the farms of the Magic Lower Rio Grande Valley and its perpetual growing season and  intricate irrigation system.   We dealt with Braceros who entered with temporary papers, with a certain time limit allowing the Bracero semi-permanently (six months - two years), live on site and work for self-profit with a specific employer.     In those times, although the norm was not such, it was still not uncommon to encounter cross -cultural marriages, Anglo male / Latin female or Latin male / Anglo female.  Very strict religious canons and rules interrupted some of this, mainly due to the requirement that Romans had to marry within the Faith, or at the very least agree to raise whatever the Stork brought as Roman Catholic.   My last piano teacher was one of those "hybrids" with an Anglo mother and a Latin father.   In the upper reaches of both Latin and Anglo society, it was not thought askance to encounter these marriages because it was "money marrying money" and also the "pure white" matter was settled because of the nature of both side's genealogy.  (Frequently, these same people would brag, after a few passes by the servants with the wine tray, about how "Mi Abuelita fue una princesa Indita de pura sangre de los Huastecos, etc...." and "My mother's grandmother was a runaway Indian princess...Chickasaw or Cherokee...and she went off and married my great-grandfather...They had a baby every year....So we populated half of northern Alabama and eastern Tennessee, ho, ho, ho, hah, hah", sounds of backslapping in the background).     The deal is, that we are not entirely an "immigrant nation".  We had and still have a "colonial core" that, if lost, means the nature of the nation is lost.   We have gone through this before with the debate concerning whether to have English only as the understood language of the new Republic, or English and German.   After all, the largest single battalion of militia at Valley Forge was a bunch of "krauts" (or  probably in those days 'boches' - or alcaboches, the French word at the time for cabbage heads) from Pennsylvania.   They were anxious to confront their "cousins" the Hessian allies of King George III, and thereby prove in blood that our "boches" were patriots and their "boches" were 'mercenaries'.  Their meritorious service was integral to Washington's Christmas Victory.      Rush Limbaugh's (and my) gggGrandfather, George Frederich Limbaugh, was the XO of that   batallion with the rank of Major.  He was just beginning to feel comfortable speaking Washingtonian English.  His bloodline came from Bavaria, Prussia, and Saxony.  He was of middle-aristocratic, 2nd pretender-level to two or three titles, but chose to search his fortune in America.   And to fold Rush further into the Americana flag, my great-great Grandfather Asa Grant (a second cousin of US Grant), married Amelia (Meli) Limbaugh, the daughter of Peter Limbaugh the grandson of George.  This makes Rush and me first cousins, three times removed.     Asa Grant and David Limbaugh, (George's grandson) both lost their lives in service to the Confederate Cause, serving in the Tennessee 2nd Cavalry.   The first named was elected captain of his cavalry regiment.  The second was, very young, a 1st lieutenant.  Neither owned slaves or were fond of the institution.
    These "tale-tales" had more than a bit of truth...usually they were soundly based. (And that is why those of us, especially Southerners, "know" that we carry the genes, but do not use the certainty of family lore...that always turns out to be right, oddly gain privilege with professorial appointments, when that bloodline is a sacred trust and not something to parlay into pointless gain.    And, in deference to a woman who is obviously a malicious, rabies-mad, tooth-pulling, eye gouging monster when it comes to people who are normal and self-supporting, and also in spite of her willingness to lie about having an Cherokee ancestor, we shall not stoop to naming Elizabeth Warren as the disgusting lying marxist demagogue that she is.     We arrive at the point.   The people who are arriving are being driven by the same type of people who terrorised the villages in South Viet Nam, knowing that these people would flee to the sanctuary of Hue, American en force positions, Saigon or any place where they could escape the capricious slaughter of village officials and elders...especially Buddhists and Christians...causing Saigon...a pleasant little place of one million to turn into a hell-hole of three million;  shanty town, cover for terrorist bombers, Viet Cong inserts, etc.     It is a tactic of the world leftist they socialist, communist, anarchist, progressives, or zibuggleflsihers...they are all the same.  They demand that we do this...and say such and such in this manner...and remember the admonishments of their atheist Religion, "From Each According to His Ability and to Each According to His Need".    We regret that Lenin, Marx, Engles, Fidel, Hugo, Mao, and Ho did not hang around long enough to relish the orgy of quivering glee the Obsolete Press is expressing over the "caravan"(which is not a caravan) of "migrants" (who are not migrants).  
Cecilia Abbott
First Lady of the Republic of 
 Mrs.Greg Abbott
(the former Miss Cecilia
     Catch a ride with someone who knows and understands Mexico and Central America from the ground up.  I can even understand the point of view of the left...we can understand a lot from having lived, studied, learned at the knee of parents, and older brother who were heavily studied and experienced (including doctorate degrees...I am only a BA in sociology with emphasis on demographic analysis and Latin American studies, with special emphasis in Mexico).   My great-grandfather and grandmother lived in Vera Cruz State, out in the mountains to the west of Tuxpan, Vera Cruz back in the 1880s through to the earliest 1900s.  The great-grandfather was a principal in Washburn and Christian Mills which later became General Mills, in Minneapolis, a place in far northern Texas.
    We have had more experience in Mexico than 99.9% of all the commentators, especially the leftists who have philosophical, anti-American axes to grind.   It hurts worse, obviously, when my fellows and fox-hole mates are so befuddled and mistaken.   One last image for the reader.  When the "migrants" were scaling the fence at San Ysidro, and sitting atop the top rail...please understand:   They were wearing designer jeans...they were principally racially white...they were all college indoctrinated, ardent anti-Americans, anti-Trump, and will be for the next 12 - 15 years.  Then they become Partido de Accion Nacional (Republicans), and hope that everyone has forgotten about the days of wild oats and roses. 

     The last picture is the embodiment of what Texas is.  The is the woman who stood behind her husband after a tree fell on him.  She has Latin, Saxon, and perhaps Teutonic bloodlines.  Her Latin grouping were people of high academic accomplishment, and the academicians of their time.  She is a woman with several significant university degrees.  She is also a mother, and she has to put up with a cantankerous President of the Republic of Texas, which she has done well in terms  of keeping him on the path of being a Southern and Texian gentleman.   A 21 cannon salute to her!

El Gringo Viejo...