Tuesday 3 April 2018

Ridin' My Thumb To Mexico - Johnny Rodriguez - Live 1973


        We have tried to be brief, but cannot.  Therefore, I type with one finger so as to tire more quickly.   With deference to my fellow consuegro, I shall simply state that all that you heard on Rush's show to-day concerning the "Caravan" was false.  He was willingly misled.   Tucker Carlson was also blowing his mouth off, knowing naught about which he spoke last night.  The fool Tucker had on as a guest failed to identify himself as a long term gringo-hater and America-hater arch-communist.   Tucker failed to identify him as such, in spite of the fact that the man is proud of his hatred for America, and his detestation of the Anglo-Saxon people and those who befriend them or intermarry with them.

     Rush allowed himself to be sucked into horrid scenarios, conclusions, and topical bilge that are and were simply not true.   There is some reasonable evidence (very reasonable) that the Mexican military, while "aiding" the "migrants" were actually doing their real job, and that was to look for gang members from Central America, with their tell-tale MSXIII (and many variations) tats.  They were also comparing thumbprints on their archival  to find other miscreants, along with wants and warrants from foreign countries, (ie - the United States of America and the Republic of Texas).

     In a typical  manoeuvre, the Mexican military will take "political bloqs" such as these and divide them up, based on nationality, and in a "kinder and gentler" way, put them on an airplane from Mexico City along with constabulary from the country intended, and shipped to that country. Once there, they will be signed-over to the officials of the receiving country and the "sending country" will return and wait for the next batch.   Mexico has 2,500,000 illegal alien Central Americans presently residing in Mexico with very temporary working papers.  Most will not qualify for retention in Mexico.
     There are 2,000,000 who have been deported over the last 10 years.  Hanging around in Mexico is somewhat difficult, although various hippies, warts, victims who want free beer, and it is estimated that a minimum of 100,000 Americans without CURRENT Mexican permissory documents may be "bumming their way 'round Mexico".   Beware of the nice, pallid couple who come up and say, "The Mexican police stole all our money and documents, and we really need to get back to America.  Our baby hasn't been changed since we left 26 months ago, I gave all I had to the judge, and he kept my husband in jail until I sacrificed myself to him, and our dog is still in the kennel...it's almost three years now.   If you could just spare us your credit card number for a 10 dollar withdrawal or if you could give us a crummy 1,000 peso bill...to you it's nothing, monopoly money, but for us it's a couple of tortillas with a little bit of apple butter."

(Click on "Watch on YouTube")

It should be of interest that Juan Raul Davis - Rodriquez is borne of
some of the deepest  generations of Texians that one might imagine.
  He was a well known entertainer at a very early age (13), and sang at
 the very, very impressive Garner State Park, in the Country of 1,100
 Springs two-score miles (not by road) to the west of San Antonio,
 Texas as a summer entertainer.

   One night late, they were hungry
 (supposedly and they captured a semi-wild goat (but on a private
 ranch) and  they barbeque'd him and ate him.   They were ranch
 kids, and knew skinning, quartering, gut-cleaning, and cooking
 like all Texians used to know.   Only problem was, gee whiz, the
 owner of the ranch was not humoured.

  Johnny was questioned and analysed in a Texas-country way by a Texas
 Ranger...back when there were only 88 of them in Texas at the time (big trouble).
  Joaquin Jackson, the Texas Ranger, decided to "speak for the boy" and 
requested  that he be released without prejudice.

   Not long after, Ranger Joaquin might have suggested that the goat-story
 was all lard  and gibberish. He began to suggest that he (Joaquin)
 and the prisoners listened to him sing
in the jail, and decided the boy needed to go to work with his vocal chords.

  Joaquin "knew some folks" introduced Johnny around, and the rest was
 history.   His (Johnnie's) "Mexicaness"  helped endorse Texas Country Music
 as a real deal  forged with the blood of many sub-ethnicities and races.
Some say, "No Johnny Rod, then no Willie  Nelson..."
   In my opinion, that is a stretch...but not much of one.

        I am just tired.  Tired of the whole thing.  Trump is a sour pill, but everything else on the other side is so many times worse.  I wish Trump and Vicente Fox Quesada would look in the mirror and see the jackasses they are, and how much better they would serve if they said less and did more arm twisting with the back-door political mechanics.  Fox has more and less discretion because he is un-electable by law...it is an interesting box to be in.  It was said that the Presidency of Mexico is a six-year champagne and tequila binge, with a life-time hangover.  To me, Trump is a daily migraine...for me.   Pardon the whine.
El Gringo Viejo