Saturday, 23 March 2013
Sadat, Mubarak...Muslims, Jews: All victims of Muslim Brotherhood
Folks, sometimes El Gringo Viejo has to stand back look at it clearly.
spooky, this early portrait of T. E. Lawrence and its simililarity to the likeness of Peter O'toole |
We are led
to believe that the Palestinians are a sub-group of the Arab sub-race of the
Caucasian race, somehow. But it is not. It has been implied that the
Palestinians are the Philistines of the Old Testament. They were the ones who
tormented, and who were tormented by, Samson, weren't
The word "Palestinian" pertains
to that which is relevant to a geographical area known as Palestine. It is an
area pretty much contained within and around another geographical area known as
Judea and Israel.
Of the
Arabs, we refer you to the movie about and the works of T.E. Lawrence, and to
his peculiar, incredible-but-true, life among the Arabs and lesser tribes, such
as British and French politicians, throughout the area of Palestine. Much of
Gone With the Wind and much of Lawrence of Arabia tell substantially and
essentially true stories, both the literary works and the related motion
T. E.
Lawrence's book, Seven Pillars also provides excellent insight into the concept
of "Palestine" and "Palestinian" up to the period of the arrival of Ben Gurion
and the Israelite Zionist returnees to Moses's Land of Milk and Honey at the end
of World War II. Lawrence's entire episode in Arabia, as an archaeologist, as
an intellectual analyst, and as a passive spy for British intelligence during
the time leading up to the shots heard 'round the World, the assassination of
Archduke Francoise Fernando von Habsburg, Prince of The
Austria-Hungarian Empire. shot that was heard round the world, and his wife.
(Of interest, in a Kennedyesque twist, Francoise Fernando von Habsburg was the
brother of Franz Josef, the Emperor of Austria - Hungary and Maximilian I,
Emperor of Mexico, who was executed by Benito Juarez Garcia, President of Mexico
and Commander in Chief of the Republican Governmental Armies of
As things
deteriorated in Europe and the Middle East, T. E. Lawrence continued his studies
both of the area's archaeology and the nature of roads, railroads, and watering
holes (oases) of Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and.....Palestine. The only great groups
of Arabs and non-Arabs in and around Palestine had their sheiks or were Greeks
like Cleopatra, or Kurds, or other such known groups. Lawrence and his
work-mates would have referred to the areas as Ottoman (Turkish, Kurdish, and
Armenian), Trans-Mesopotamia (Syria and Iraq) and the "Levant" which is the
trans-Jordanian area along with Palestine. The last-named districts were
nominally under the possession of Turkey of the Ottomans in those times. The
Ottoman Turks were Muslim but they did not mix well with the "rag-heads" as they
referred to the Arabs....(the term did not originate with Bubba and Jethro down
at the bar)....nor did they get along with the wiry and wily Sheiks of various
small but significant Bedouin tribes, nor with the various Emirs of the lands
deeper into the Suez-trans Red Sea lands. The Emirs composed a solid block of
tiny emirates that were independent of one another but which could and did, in
large part, unite quickly to form a common diplomatic and military front....a
formidable one.
But! and
allow us to quickly restate...the people to whom we refer in these times as
"Palestinians' are called such, not because of the OROGs's ignorance or El
Gringo Viejo's ignorance, but because of the wilful transmittal of terms by the
leftist American and international Obsolete Press. It started with Abdul
Gammel Nasser who allowed himself to be a satrap for the Bolshies in the
1950s...selling himself and the Egyptians to the Kremlin for a few pieces of
silver and a useless pharaonic pyramid known as the Aswan Dam on the Nile. The
Bolshies somewhat skilfully and somewhat by accident managed to tap into the
animosity being expressed at the Jews du jour....who happened to be
people fled the coming war to drive the Jews into the Mediterranean Sea. "To-day we annihilate the Jews, and to-morrow we return to Palestine. |
Hordes of
displaced people, some involved with the Ottoman rule, others displaced by the
anti-colonial movements, especially in Algeria....and even Libya flocked into
the trans-Suez and eastern Egypt and the Gaza Strip. Truth be told....not one
Arabian country wanted these people around. The Brits, French and the various
heads of the strangely shaped new settlement countries in the old Ottoman Empire
began to settle on lines, capitals, and the new satraps, aka "royal
houses"...and/or "political leaders with realistic orientations," but no one
wanted the swirling unwashed masses.
One place
where there was some acceptance of Arabs living somewhere was in the new the Jewish Republic of Israel. To be sure, these were long-time
Arabs with a record of co-operation and/or at least acceptance of Jews as
neighbours. They would have been the people of trades, shops, dealers and
brokers of antiquities, and professionals...such as doctors, teachers, and
archaeological analysts.
This was
the backdrop to the events before 1950 when the Arab countries surrounding the
newly formed State of Israel all decided to express the will of the people of
the region and drive the Jews into the Mediterranean Sea. A simultaneous
offencive was launched by forces totalling populations roughly 50 times the size
of the population of Israel. The Arabs living in the new Zionist State were
warned to leave, because soon, the entire country would be laid waste so as
to purify it from the contamination of Jew sandals.
When it
was all a matter of days...the entire Arabian Nights story had become
something more like arabian nightmares. All the armies assaulting Israel had
been either destroyed or almost destroyed. A couple of the armies were a
legitimate AAA minor league rating...while the Jews had not even played a game
at semi-pro level. It was a dark humiliation from which most of the Arab
world has not recovered...and perhaps will never
For so
long as the Israelis do not become flabby and effeminised as have the Americans
and the British in these early moments of the new millennium there is a chance
that the little country can continue to play the role of David against it
surrounding potential Goliaths. Indications are that such an even might well
be underway...with more and more Israeli youth opting to find ways of avoiding
military service.
this war, the 900,000 people who had left Israel to await its destruction, still
wait. They are lethargic, serfs of deranged religious
extremists. Their
population is comprised in large part by parents who celebrate the "success" of
a son or daughter by how many Jews he or she killed with the homicide vest blew
up in the bus.
Draculene Hags - The price of several million and billions of other peoples' money and futures? Sure, why not? |
years have gone by, and the camps, hovels, and labyrinth of bunny trails
connecting hovels made of cinder block in what had been intended to be, at best,
temporary facilities for a month or celebrate the birth of another
potential homicide bomber
great-grandson. Four...even five generations....occupy these dismal places.
They live by taking....having essentially been on welfare the entire time. The
live as vassals of the bloodthirsty religious nuts of Hezbollah and
Jamas....surrounded completely by moral and material corruption, decadence, and
dysfunction. The people are essentially held hostage, even allow themselves
to be held hostage, by one mafia that is secular, marxist,
Jew-hating, America-hating and that controls hundreds of millions of dollars of
"charity'' contributions. Four million and some odd people now....still
waiting still waiting to go back and destroy the buildings, farms, industries,
schools, shops, and other structures and places put into place by a small group
of people who apparently have more intelligence, concentration on objectives,
and willingness to move in a positive direction.
AND.....These "refugees" are also held hostage by
severely mentally ill religious maniacs who will murder a 10 year old girl
because she was taken to Tel Aviv for a kidney transplant. She was tortured
and stoned and hacked to death because she was "unclean" being part Jew and only
part human. These things go on day in and day out in the refugee camps.....And
the proof...the slob, bleach blonde, prostitute looking widow of Yassir of the greatest of all still working through
the two billion and then some dollars that he raked off the top and the
bottom of every farthing that came into the PLO treasury. And his hag wife is
in a corner suite in the Ritz in Paris, going shopping every day. She bought a
villa somewhere not far from Cannes a year or two ago, and it is said that
degenerate fiestas go on non-stop during her stays there. She has been run out
of Tunisia and essentially from Gaza by politicians and social elements,
ostensibly (1) for marrying the Tunisian President's brother or brother-in-law
without the necessary protocols. (2) for not cutting in old friends and others
on the honey pot of shekels left by Arafat's grimy fingers handling the money
for the PLO....and (3) for generally putting plenty of flesh on the bones, so to
speak, about how the Arafats always did live large, by her very public displays
of hedonism and self-indulgence.
The wealth
is nothing negative in and of itself, of course. The only problem with the
entire issue is that it is money that is essentially stolen. Like Hillary,
making false billings at the Rose Law firm in Arkansas, both women are certain
that anything that they want, is theirs. Mdm. Arafat had her one and only child
in Paris in a private hospital that cost 2,000 dollars a night just for the
hotel part of the deal. PLO money paid for it. She stated that she was not
heroic enough to have a baby surrounded by all the filth in Gaza. Rather much
like Hillary snarling about how her socialised medicine plan would leave a lot
of small businesses in the lurch, and probably cause them to shut down, she
snipped, "I'm not responsible for making all those little under-capitalised
businesses run correctly". You baking
All of the
people in all of the refugee camps surrounding Israel are willing prisoners and
lambs. Were it to have been 140,000 Japanese Americans interned in a detention
facility, the camps would be clean, flowers, social co-operation would be the
rule, there would even be prosperity. The Vietnamese refugees who came over
to the United States after the US Congress sided with the communist North
Vietnamese and cut off military support for the South. The Vietnamese who came
here, spread their wings and flew high in almost all
All the people
who come here and who stay away from welfare and "help" from the government,
prosper. But the refugees surrounding Israel, they rot, lob missiles, moan,
and allow themselves to be pin~atas for the various mafias who enslave them.
They deliver their children to the ghastly schools that program the children to
be unthinking robots, much like our public schools here in the United States
have become, and then hope that they can raise up a child who can break through
security and blow up a school bus in the Israeli sector of Jerusalem. Makes a
mother proud.....?????
Obama's show from the last week was just as pointless, worse in a way, when he doesn't have the guts to go before the Knesset and speak to the representatives of all the Israeli nation...but chooses instead to go before a hand-picked group of marxist university students who are members of known progressive, marxist, and other extreme leftist organisations. His failure to go to the Wailing Wall was strictly because he wanted to comply with the Islamist extremist notion that non-Muslims should never be allowed to touch the structural parts of the Dome of the Rock.
We think Obama would have been well served to review the contents of this linkage, regarding the status and treatment of Arab Israelis, and how many would prefer to live under the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, or Hamaz.
His speech
urging the "Israeli young people" to reject the distrust and inertia of the
past, is reflective of a mental dullness that defies description. The utter
shallowness and failure to engage intellectually with the hard facts that the
refugees in the camps tore down everything in the last exchange of land for
peace. Destroyed it. It is still a garbage heap full of litter, where once
there had been prosperity. Like Obama, and all communists and marxist
negotiators, the Palestinian authority is not going to agree to anything, even if
it is what they ask for, because the thugs who run the place will lose their
money, and their control over the slugs and dregs who apparently wish to be
cannon fodder, slaves, and victims of mafias and tyrants. The islamist
extremists carry it just a bit further; they say, "What difference does it make
when or where, we are going to kill every one of you
also note, finally that all the Arabs who stayed in Israel, before that first
war, when the dust settled, they went out opened up their stores, showed up at
work and are citizens of Israel. They prosper, argue with the Jews, get along,
have Jews who are, and even serve in the Knesset, and have held
high portfolios in the Israeli government....more proof of the the nature of
El Gringo