Monday 9 September 2013

Continuation: Deception, Deceit, and Criminality in the White House II


    Thomas Woodrow Wilson once said, almost in the following words,  that it is necessary to have the few who are able to go and graduate the University, while the many should be taught trades, so a to justify something of an existence and to be prepared to attend to those of the collegiate class.
     These are the believers in the "Four Freedoms".   When Norman Rockwell painted his "four freedoms" work, he probably did not think so much about what it meant.   The Four Freedoms notion is fundamental hard socialist.  It was the skeleton and nervous system of the CCCP Constitution that was chiselled up by the Bolsheviks.
     Franklin Delano Roosevelt placed the four freedoms as a goal in his in the first State of the Union speech to Congress after the catastrophe at Pearl Harbour.   In that speech of the 6th of January, 1942 FDR spake thusly:
In the future days, which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms.

      The first is freedom of speech and expression—everywhere in the world.

     The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way—everywhere in the world.

    The third is freedom from want—which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants—everywhere in the world.
    The fourth is freedom from fear—which, translated into world terms, means a world-wide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbour—anywhere in the world.

      That is no vision of a distant millennium. It is a definite basis for a kind of world attainable in our own time and generation. That kind of world is the very antithesis of the so-called new order of tyranny which the dictators seek to create with the crash of a bomb.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
     The first two "Four Freedoms are fluff, and highly subject to interpretation.  To a Bolshevik, he is fine with allowing someone the right to speak.   Whomsoever might wish should be allowed to speak to his heart's content.  Of course, the Central Commisariat reserves the legal and just right and prerogative to defend the public and even the speaker himself from dangerous speech, or speech that the Central Commisariat deems to be injurious to the greater good.   And, to be sure, while there is an absolute right to free speech, there is no known cosmic right of being heard.
     The third great freedom, the Freedom from Want, is pernicious and seductive.  If the government is allowed to determine what a citizen is allowed to want, to determine what his expectations should be, to determine exactly what a "Want" is, then there is no freedom.   The Castro Brothers Heaven on Earth programme solved the problem about freedom from want by giving the people their two pair of underwear every year, one cup of cooking oil every month per person, six hen eggs per month for each adult.....and when shortages inevitably occurred, the Castro Brothers simply amended the ration downward.
     And who really wants an apartment complex that wastes space by putting bathrooms into every apartment?  No one really minds twenty apartments using one bathroom.   Six or seven people standing in line for the toilet shows discipline of the proletariat!
     There is no reason why boys and girls can't shower out together.  Remember, we are giving you six hours of water every week, whether you need it or not.   We want you to have freedom from want.
      And, of course, we have the Fourth Freedom, that being freedom from fear.  That will be accomplished by a world-wide reduction in armaments with such rigorous enforcement and authority that no nation could threaten its neighbour. Of course we could have Mugabe and the Ayatollahs in charge of the weights, measures, and standards of the disarmament of the world, just to make everything fair.   And, of course, a majority vote by the United Nations General Assembly would ensure fairness and goodness. 
     If Norman Rockwell had any second thoughts about any of the messages of any of his works, it is the sincere hope of El Gringo Viejo that it was the Four Panes depicting the Four Freedoms.   It might have looked better just with four panes with Larry, Curly, Moe, and Schemp -  "No job too big! No job too small!"
    Now, back to Pancho Villa and Thomas Woodrow Wilson.

    We start a little too far down the road, with the rise of Margaret Sanger as the hood ornament of the "We Can Perfect Humanity and the World" gang.   But, we need to understand the perfect arrogance of the Progressive Movement, once again as the XIXth became the XXth.   The perfect solution to Slavery had proven to be a disaster.   Wages in the Northeastern factories plummeted with the floods of Irish and with the groups of Negroes coming up from the South.   Gompers and company moaned with the lament about how the Negro Slave had had better treatment from the Plantation system than the White factory worker received from the modern capitalists.
     Begging the question, of course, "Then why did all you damned Yankees come down to save us from ourselves and ruin the manumission system that worked to the good of Negro and White, and put in place emancipation, a system that could never have worked because it foisted the unprepared into an economic environment for which he was rarely perfectly prepared."

     But, while we were moaning and groaning about the empty boxcars going north, the Progressive movement did not really give a flip about what damage had been done to the America Negro by emancipation, because they had other damage to do that would be...appropriately...equal.   The biggest laboratory for the development of methods to destroy normalcy and impose the will of the elites was (1) the effete English upper class and (2) the hootsey-tootsey upper drawer Universities in Great Britain and the United States, especially the Ivy League.

     George Bernard Shaw typified the aloof arrogance and sense of self - justifying-self common to the Progressive movement's formative personalities.   He was very intelligent, completely functionally insane, uncontrolled by any notion that morality or ethics could or should apply to him, and he felt entitled to impose his will upon those poor fools known as "the masses".

     The OROG will appreciate the lunacy of a person who could be so inspired as to write in a letter,
      "I, as a Socialist, have had to preach, as much as anyone, the enormous power of the environment. We can change it; we must change it; there is absolutely no other sense in life than the task of changing it. What is the use of writing plays, what is the use of writing anything, if there is not a will which finally moulds chaos itself into a race of gods."
     These are the words to calm the heart and soul of AlGore.  We have to admire the affection many of these supposed bleeding heart people had for the lame, halt, retarded, coloured, Jew, the trees, and the animals.  Or not.
        To hear them first-hand, let us hear them first-hand.   (mandatory viewing for OROGs...You will be tested on this material at the end of the semester)
    Still using George Bernard as an example, and certainly something much greater than the canary in the mine shaft, he was there as a charter member in the founding of the Devil's curses known as The Fabian Society and the fabled, though intellectually feeble, London School of Economics and Political Science.  This was the part of the building one sees when it under construction.   The Fabians were strike force committed to the notion that the exploited classes would be better off being paid to do nothing, if employed.  If not employed, they should be paid anyway.  They were dedicated to the notion that Dukes and Earls and country gentlemen needed to pay for the sloth of others.

   Margaret Sanger was also a contemporary of these flakes, along with various of her more intimate male friends.   They were fascinated with reproductive systems and how to destroy them or interrupt their function.  On the one hand they wept over the plight of Les Miserables and on the other hand they schemed to develop ways to destroy "unqualified life or life not worth living".

File:Woodrow and Edith Wilson2.jpg
Edith Bolling Galt Wilson
assisting her husband in 1920
by steadying the paper while
Wilson signs.  By this point he
could barely talk or walk
without considerable
     Thomas Woodrow Wilson was one of those folks and he was one with those folks.   Ironically, he began to suffer something akin to mad cow disease after his return from the failed effort to establish the League of Nations.  He had been working towards an UberStaat that could control better the frailties of the overly sovereign provincial and selfish geographic districts that existed both before and after World War I.
    During the last three-fourths of his ill-deserved second term his health went into a steady decline, all associated with an obvious dementia.   His wife (a trophy wife who replaced a recently deceased first Mrs. Wilson in fairly short order) essentially became the first woman President of the United States.  She hovered over the failing, increasingly incommunicative President, frequently shooing people out of his presence.   She would appear from their private quarters and inform those interested that "The President has decided thusly on the matter of such and such.   He has told me that concerning the issue of the National Parks, follow the procedures that were included in the official memorandum of 12 March 1917.   Mr. Wilson wants the German Ambassador to be made comfortable but there will be no discussion concerning German reparation obligations until the matter of the League is settled."
    There was considerable speculation that Mrs. Edith was, for all practical purposes functioning as the President of the Republic.

     El Gringo Viejo always recommends to the attention of friends and especially OROGs things that might be of interest.   The book, Emissaries to a Revolution,  Woodrow Wilson's Executive Agents in Mexicoby Larry D. Hill, contains much material with which El Gringo Viejo agrees as solid general knowledge, some small errors, some overly willing tendency in some places to grant too much benefit of the doubt, and much detail...some of it miniscule and meticulous....well presented in a digestible, late night read for a week. Your humble Gringo has read it four times.
    Read words describing the past that is now revisiting us, written by Hill in the preface, "His use of excutive agents allows the president to conduct foreign relations without consulting the Senate in any way.  Their salaries and expenses are usually drawn from the president's secret contingent fund, for the expenditure of which he is not required to make an accounting."
   Add these observations, from the beginning of the first chapter, and it guarantees a jousting good read, "Mexico provided Woodrow Wilson with the first stern test of his skill as a diplomatist.   When he began his presidency he had no experience or training in the conduct of foreign relations.  During his notable academic career as a professor of political science and history and as president of Princeton University, Wilson devoted  himself mainly to the study of  domestic politics and legislative processes.  He scarcely mentioned foreign affairs in the presidential campaign of 1912, and his inaugural address dealt exclusively with domestic problems."  (sound familiar?)
    The other book might be a bit difficult to disinter from the Cosmos.   But, it is out there.  It is A Diplomat's Wife in Mexico , Letters from the American Embassy at Mexico City. covering the dramatic period between October 8th 1913 and the breaking off  of diplomatic relations on April 23rd, 1914, together with an account of the occupation of Vera Cruz, by Edith O'Shaughnessy, (Mrs. Nelson O'Shaughnessy).   Much of this book is written in real time in the form of letters mailed or cabled to her mother and other relatives.   In quicker time than Eric Holder can now "untangle" the tangled webs of his iniquity concerning Fast and Furious, this woman published a complicated, all but perfectly assembled and written opus in the middle of a complicated war and have it all in the hands of the public before Hillary could stumble and fall while doing something really complicated, like  boarding an airplane (a stomach virus we are told, caught while corkscrewing into Chappaqua).   We would also commend the quality of this book as being substantially more substantial than (Sir Edmund)Hillary's "It takes a Village, Idiot".
There shall be a return to this topic to-morrow, when we shall tie together a loose end or two, and then delve into other pertinent affairs.   Thanks to  all for the following and perseverance with sentences that never seem to end.   Always draw a deep breath and pretend that you are speaking without a teleprompter.
El Gringo Viejo