A CALL FOR THE ABOLITION OF FEMA and ALL FORMS OF PUBLIC ASSISTANCE, and the RE-ESTABLISHMENT of STRICTLY PRIVATE RELIEF AGENCIES.Also...like Galvez Town in 1900....where there was no FEMA...no posturing politicians...just 7,000 - 12,000 dead people and total destruction. It is hard for people to realise that Galveston had the first or second largest Roman Catholic, Episcopal, Lutheran, and Methodist Churches in Texas at the time. Over 90 percent of the city was totally gone. There were 20 X 30 inch members, 30 to 60 feet long found 20 miles from Galveston. Locomotives were carried off and found a year later. But, by the third day Negroes, Mexicans, Anglos, foreign sailors, prostitutes, doctors, teachers, labourers, etc. were out burying the dead, caring for the injured, cleaning up and separating chaff from leavings that could be used in the reconstruction. Bartenders and preachers, garbagemen and city councilmen, all working side by side. Galveston was a rough town...still has a rough edge to it....but, by God, the Samaritan Rule was followed and we didn't ask then or in Brownsville, for some abominable Messianic Maniac to come and pronounce that things could start back to normal and that he would make sure every body got everything they needed. We have become a wanton race of people....waiting for Father O'bamaham to "give" us back our normalcy. I spit on the shoes of Christie and Cuomo. I lament the people lining up to become contestants in the "New Queen for a Day" program. I expected it from New Orleans...but the sociological cancer spreads even to those who used to know how to buckle down and do, instead of whine.
El Gringo Viejo